MGTOWers have such a way with words. Here’s MrLahey on MGTOWforums explaining his movement in a nutshell:
[W]e’re voting with our feet, and the best way to say no to the cunted circus is to stop feeding it with your participation.
They’ll only notice you when they’re short your money.
“Cunted circus.” Lovely. I will be working it into as many conversations as I dare. Assuming I can figure out how to use it in a sentence. Can you?
(I’m taking off the “cunt” filter for the occasion.)
Blackbloc said”This whole MGTOW thing is sort of like a flounce. You just wish they’d actually do it, because the only result would probably be that my women friends would suddenly have a bit of a reduction in their annoyance levels when they go out in bars due to a reduction in unwanted advances.”
The MGTOW is NOT something to just ignore. Have some damn compassion. These men have been hurt by women. I know one MGTOW guy about 35, who grew up with an alcoholic mother who Constantly burned him with a iron as a kid when he was young. Another MGTOW guy I know his mom was mentally ill (he did not know that at the time), His Mom performed oral sex on him he was liKe 4 yrs old she slept next to him as a kid naked.He was scared. I know another MGTOW whose wife left him for another guy and she stole money from him thoUsands of dollars and her lover stole the guys car. The women took the guys KIds and he has not seen them in 4 months. I know another MGTOW who was constantly rejected in high school.He was introverted and had awkward social skills.He felt women did noy lie him because he was not a “cool confident cool macho alpha cool guy”. This guy today while he has slight Aspergers is a multi millionaire who donates a lot of money yo humane animal society in Washington DC.
These guys are all MGTOW and are bitter at women and have bailed out on women(Its almost like these guys are celibate Monks). Yes these guys are bitter at women and believe in Gender SepAratism, But behind bitterness is lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of sadness and hurt.
Women Reach out To these GUYS! BE STRONG!YES YOU WILL GET MOCKED INITIALLY BUT NO ONE CAN THROW ROCKS AT YOU IN CYBERSPACE, THAT IS THE BEAUTY OF THE INTERNET.MEN AND WOMEN FEMINISTS AND MRA’S ARE DEBATING AND COMMENTING LIKE NEVER BEFORE. FEMINISTS WHO CARE ABOUT US MEN HUG THESE GUYS, GIVE A CYBERHUG TO THESE GUYS THEYRE HURTING.Maybe they will change their mind if they see that feminists care about them and don’t want them to separate and let these mgtow guys know that feminism can help them( Someone on this blog wrote in her words “Feminism is about fairness and compassion for all”. So come on Feminists here(your here women on a blog created by a man because you must care at least a bit about men.Reach out to these guys don’t be afraID. LADIES SOME OF THESE GUYS ARE SUCCESFUL,HANDSOME.EDUCATED,WELL CULTURED, MASCULINE STRONG GUY.They would make great husbands if you reached out to them and tried to change their minds. I WRITE THIS BECAUSE FEMINISM HAS BEEN POWERFUL FOR A LONG TIME NOW, IT HAS IMPACTED SOCIETY MUCH LEGALLY AND SOCIALLY. NOW MGTOW COULD USE FEMINIST HELP TO AID THE FAIRLY NEW MENS RIGHTS MOVEMENT AO THE MENS RIGHTS MOVEMENT WILL GROW LIKE FEMINISM.
btw holly pervocracy I am not a dragon but you can hug me anyway
Hey Samuel, um, why? Why should we do anything for people who spend their lives telling us we’re shit? We’re already way nicer to them than they are to us and I’m not cutting them one second of slack. We all live in the world, and they can learn to be nice to people they don’t like also. I’ve had to do it. Turnabout is fair play.
That bolded bit is just the icing on the what-the-fuckery cake.
I want to ask Samuel more about it, but I have so little idea of where he’s coming from that I don’t know what to ask.
Yeeeah…I think I’ll stick to my successful, handsome, educated, masculine husband who doesn’t refer to women as “herd animals.” But thanks for the offer.
You guys have already said everything hilarious that I could hope to come up with, but I’ll share an exchange I had with my husband:
Him: That takes the female equivalent of balls.
Me: Ovaries?
Him: Something like that.
Me: Am I an ovarachiever?
Oh wow Samuel. Just… wow. Cry me a river. Smallest violin playing the saddest song and all that. Please… please just go your own way already.
Samuel had me up until the hug part. Lolling forever.
I actually do feel sorry for MGTOW, in a “there but for the grace of my gender would have gone I” way. Being lonely sucks, and I feel sorry for people who are lonely and understand, although don’t condone, why they would get twisted into misogyny.
Also, “cunt” is my favorite word. It’s just so fun to say. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuunt. Cunt. Cunting Cunts of Cuntington. Queen Cunt of Cunt Mountain.
@Samuel Very few people reach adulthood without having been hurt by other people at some point. These men who have been hurt by individual women are making the mistake of assuming all women are like the ones they’ve been hurt by. Again, they are removing our agency and making judgements on all of us as if we are all the same.
We are not. And it isn’t up to us to prove that.
I’m sure some of them may very well be the wonderful people you describe them as – to other men. To women, they are obnoxious, demeaning, and think we are less than them (at best – at worst they want to kill us all).
Forgive me for going me ——-bargepole——-> hugging a MGTOWer despite his being hellbent on being as obnoxious as possible to me.
Cunted Circus would be a great name for a burlesque troop.
Ladies, your making the generalization.The last comment” Samuel Very few people reach adulthood without having been hurt by other people at some point. These men who have been hurt by individual women are making the mistake of assuming all women are like the ones they’ve been hurt by. Again, they are removing our agency and making judgments on all of us as if we are all the same.”
I believe you are generalizing. I mean lets say as a child you were bit by a German shepherd and it was painful. As a result of trauma, as an adult someone may be phobic toward German Shepherds. Many of these guys are actually afraid of women and behind anger is Fear. I have counseled some of these guys. They love woman but hate them. It is almost the same emotion.
The MGTOW guy whose mom burned him with an iron as a kid repeatedly is afraid of women. It is masked under anger. I mean ladies you do not have to like me. I’m just saying if you had some feminist compassion on some of these guys, maybe it could change things and give hope to people. I;m just saying ladies, consider reaching out to these mgtow guys. Even if only 1 or 2 feminists did it, perhaps one guy’s life could be changed for the better. If some of you feminists don’t care and want these guys all dead or just to go away and get the heck out, then that is okay with me as well.
“I mean ladies you do not have to like me.”
Wow. Thank you so much for your generous permission.
Hating almost half of humanity because one person was awful to you is unreasonable. Period. I was molested by a man as a kid, I don’t consider that an excuse to hate all men. I was physically abused by a woman, I don’t consider that as an excuse to hate all women. Having a sad past doesn’t excuse bigotry.
Samuel, it’s not our job to fix these guys who underwent abuse. They need therapy, not a random board of snarky people on the Internet. Hugs aren’t enough, and I’m not willing to risk wading into their hatred to help ’em.
I think “Cunted Circus” may be the best choice of Jezebel’s new word for feminism. http://jezebel.com/5828798/the-catchy-new-word-for-feminism
Example: “I had a lot of disagreements with Gloria Steinem before I read ManBoobz. Now I believe thoroughly in the Cunted Circus.”
okay swallows here is a link http://ozymandias3.blogspot.com/2011/06/who-cares-about-mens-rights.html
Ladies, tell me your feedback.. This was written by a woman reaching out to mra/mgtow men. She is a feminist and has compassion for mgtow/mra guys. Give me your feedback?
Whether or not ozy is free to give compassion is not the question, whether feminist are obligated to do so is the question. And, to that, my response is hells no.
Right. I can be the hippie little compassionbunny all I like, and other people can be the RARRRGH RAGE AT THE STUPID types all they like, and it works out well for everyone. “I feel bad for MGTOW” =/= “everyone should feel bad for MGTOW.”
I think that they need therapy more than anyone’s compassion, personally, but that’s neither here nor there.
Women Reach out To these GUYS! BE STRONG!YES YOU WILL GET MOCKED INITIALLY BUT NO ONE CAN THROW ROCKS AT YOU IN CYBERSPACE, THAT IS THE BEAUTY OF THE INTERNET.MEN AND WOMEN FEMINISTS AND MRA’S ARE DEBATING AND COMMENTING LIKE NEVER BEFORE. FEMINISTS WHO CARE ABOUT US MEN HUG THESE GUYS, GIVE A CYBERHUG TO THESE GUYS THEYRE HURTING.Maybe they will change their mind if they see that feminists care about them and don’t want them to separate and let these mgtow guys know that feminism can help them( Someone on this blog wrote in her words “Feminism is about fairness and compassion for all”. So come on Feminists here(your here women on a blog created by a man because you must care at least a bit about men.Reach out to these guys don’t be afraID. LADIES SOME OF THESE GUYS ARE SUCCESFUL,HANDSOME.EDUCATED,WELL CULTURED, MASCULINE STRONG GUY.They would make great husbands if you reached out to them and tried to change their minds./i>
Wait… so you want us to e-hug them.. or marry them? o_O
What would you like us to do? o_O
I feel like they’re holding themselves hostage. “If you’re not nice to me, I’ll turn to the MRA/MGTOW! I swear! I will! If you marry me, I may be okay though! You wouldn’t want to be responsible for another MGTOW would you?” o_O
Italics break… you know what I mean xD
This is sort of reverse concern trolling… xD
I like the little bit of judo he did to suddenly go “no no you’ve changed my minds, and if you women try even HARDER and listen to us, and do what we want, and marry us, you could change ALL the MGTOWs minds! Don’t you have compassion?” o_O
It’s one thing to ask for ppl to work towards helping issues that affect men (like I’m trying to do w/ my Safe Space project, and Ozy is doing w/ NSWATM, and others are doing w/ volunteering and other activism) :3 It’s another to ask ppl to become personal therapists, sounding boards, squeeze pillows and wives xD
Queen Cunt of Cunt Mountain.
All right, if that’s not a Magyc: the Gendering card, I don’t know what is. Maybe it could be in the NC-17 deck…
Cunt Mountain… I like it xD
OZY no no no. It is not about being a personal therapist. No No. Many of these guys are not asking for therapy. No No NO. These men are not asking for therapy from feminists or self pity. Other men help men with advice like that. These men just want to be understood by feminists.
These are not creepy guys these mgtow guys. These are artists. Bisinessman, Alpha males, Beta males, good educated men.These are handsome men that eat well.These men are conscientious about prostrate cancer in men and eat fruits, grains, and vegetables. These mgtow guys just want feminists to understand them. I believe feminism is the answer to the mgtow/mra guys relating to women. Ozy as an MRA I’m ready to join feminism if you wish to bridge the gap
P.S. these MGTOW guys are not looking for sex or to exploit/objectify women. Many of these mgtow guys are celibate and are just looking for feminists to understand them
What do you think we don’t understand and what would you like us to understand? :3
What do you think “joining feminism” means? :]