MGTOWers have such a way with words. Here’s MrLahey on MGTOWforums explaining his movement in a nutshell:
[W]e’re voting with our feet, and the best way to say no to the cunted circus is to stop feeding it with your participation.
They’ll only notice you when they’re short your money.
“Cunted circus.” Lovely. I will be working it into as many conversations as I dare. Assuming I can figure out how to use it in a sentence. Can you?
(I’m taking off the “cunt” filter for the occasion.)
Samuel, who are the feminists that mock celibate or gay men as wimps?
“Binary thinking? what does that mean? MGTOW guys have Binary thinking?”
Tell you what Samuel, you answer my question and I’ll answer yours, okay?
I have a question for you. When you look at/talk to/interact with a woman, do you ask sometimes think “I wonder what it’s like to be her”? Do you understand that women have inner lives and feelings that may have absolutely nothing to do with tempting or controlling you? Do you make any effort to think of things from her perspective, and if you do, do you feel you can successfully do this?
kristinmh, I understand women have inner lives and feelings.I just am trying to be a celibate responsible MGTOW masculine male instead of a perpetually horny, Stereotypical promiscuous “Don Juan” male…
…followed by a long, long paragraph all about women temping and controlling him, and also how hot we are, and ways he thinks we ought to act. Sigh.
I have a friend who thought this way when he was younger (although he didn’t complain about women; he just thought being totally sexless was the way to be a nice guy). It was such a relief when he grew out of it.
Dude, if you don’t want sex, but you do want a relationship, seek out asexual women who want the same thing you do. Don’t go after sexual women and expect them to give up sex for you. Not gonna work.
Samuel seems unable to answer me xD
Once a guy does be sensitive they fear he may not be able to protect them. What a double standard.
How was Thomas being sensitive? o_O What did Thomas say about Skepchick and the Elevator incident that was “sensitive”?
There are lots of “sensitive” guys here and yet somehow they seem to get along fine. xD There’s even non-“sensitive” guys here and yet somehow we get along fine w/ them too xD
That’s a weird question about the men here btw, what do you believe their ulterior motive is? :3
Your idea of building bridges seems to be w/ kerosene xD Good luck. xD
Samuel seems unable to answer anyone.
Some feminists organize a “slut walk” where one of the objectives is that a woman can dress any way she wants and be free and “Yes means yes, no means no”. I just think the “slut walk” can be degrading to women.
Being free to welcome or decline sex is not degrading. It is the opposite of degrading. You may think you’re not a misogynist, but you’re sure acting like one right now.
Anyway, where are the feminists who insult gay men or celibate men? Source that claim.
Some feminists organize a “slut walk” where one of the objectives is that a woman can dress any way she wants and be free and “Yes means yes, no means no”.
Is that a problem? o_O
Voip wrote
Being free to welcome or decline sex is not degrading. It is the opposite of degrading. You may think you’re not a misogynist, but you’re sure acting like one right now.
Anyway, where are the feminists who insult gay men or celibate men? Source that claim.
My response to Kristin
Interestingly I can answer your question as Kristin said look what Kristin wrote …
I have a friend who thought this way when he was younger (although he didn’t complain about women; he just thought being totally sexless was the way to be a nice guy). It was such a relief when he grew out of it.
Dude, if you don’t want sex, but you do want a relationship, seek out asexual women who want the same thing you do. Don’t go after sexual women and expect them to give up sex for you. Not gonna work.
Kristin I felt you mocked me . I do not understand women. They scream and complain that men are pigs and rapists and need sex all the time. This is why a lot of men today( celibacy is a growing movement amongst single men), These men always thought that women want men to grow up, not look at porn or go to escorts, not date rape not think with their dicks.
But many men have heard this for years and changed and thought to accommodate women and even respect the anti porn feminists they should become celibate. That as men we should never lust after a women. never ever! That it is degrading to women and objectifies them as sexual objects not persons. So some of us mra mgtow guys ironically were influenced by the anti porn anti women as sexual objects feminists. This is why so many men have become celibate these days. We think we have to in order to please women and feminists who protest porn. We’ve been told we have to respect women and treat them as human beings not sexual objects to be lusted after and objectified. But when men do become celibate and respectful to women the men get mocked.
But if it’s the woman saying yes to sex, and she is in your own words “free” to do this or not…how is that degrading?
In the SlutWalk “yes means yes” model, the woman is lusting after you. That’s what “yes means yes” means. She wants sex with her partner. is anyone being degraded here?
First, you are quoting shaenon, not Kristin
Secondly, how is that mocking, Samuel? If you don’t want sex in a relationship, how is saying you should seek out people who want the same thing mockery? You are the one repeatedly saying that women are trying to manipulate and control men via sex. Such as “Some woman can control and tempt man by a males need for sex, but if a male becomes celibate and refuses to lust after a women as an object, she may not be able to control him. ”
Yet, the advice from shaenon that if you don’t want sex you should seek out like minded people is mockery?
They scream and complain that men are pigs and rapists and need sex all the time.
Um, most feminists (and none of the ones here) say this. In fact they say the opposite. That men are not pigs, or “dogs” or any other animal xD They can control themselves, and they do not need sex all of the time, and rape is not caused b/c men “need sex all the time” :3
But many men have heard this for years and changed and thought to accommodate women and even respect the anti porn feminists they should become celibate. That as men we should never lust after a women. never ever! That it is degrading to women and objectifies them as sexual objects not persons. So some of us mra mgtow guys ironically were influenced by the anti porn anti women as sexual objects feminists. This is why so many men have become celibate these days. We think we have to in order to please women and feminists who protest porn. We’ve been told we have to respect women and treat them as human beings not sexual objects to be lusted after and objectified. But when men do become celibate and respectful to women the men get mocked.
Who here has mocked you? o_O
If you don’t want sex, don’t have sex. And if you want to be in a relationship where you don’t want sex, date women who don’t want sex xD Occam’s Razor and alll. xD
Your true colours seem to be showing through… also you suddenly are saying that MGTOW aren’t going their own way at all! You want to be w/ women, but you just think we don’t want you to have sex (?!?) and so therefore you are celibate? o_O
Well good news everybody! 😀 Many (most?) feminists do not think you shouldn’t have sex! (and why are you trying to please the anti-porn feminists? o_O besides that they are just anti-porn, not anti-any-sex-evar, do you want to be w/ anti-porn feminists or something? xD if you want to be everything to everybody, you’ll never be happy… you’d have to be both anti-trans and pro-trans at the same time for one… you’d have to believe that sexism is at the base of racism, and it is not, at the same time… xD )
Congratulations! 😀
(of course this doesn’t mean any person must sleep w/ you, just that you dun have to be celibate b/c of this misguided notion that women want you to be xD )
voip stated” In the SlutWalk stated “yes means yes” model, the woman is lusting after you. That’s what “yes means yes” means. She wants sex with her partner. is anyone being degraded ,
I do not believe you . Slutwalk was enacted in Canada because a Male Canadian Police made an offensive comment to females how they dress. “Yes means Yes It does not mean women gaining consent from men, Exolain?
Ami wrote “Your true colours seem to be showing through… also you suddenly are saying that MGTOW aren’t going their own way at all! You want to be w/ women, but you just think we don’t want you to have sex (?!?) and so therefore you are celibate? o_O
No Ami, I am just trying to convey that for years many men have gotten a message from feminists to not objectify women as sexual objects and that men have been sexual pigs. I think a woman by the name of Andrea Dworkin was part of this
And therefore you decided to become celibate? -_o
I do not believe you .
What do you not believe? o_O
What do you believe “yes means yes” means? o_O
Oh, yeah, I remember that one Slutwalk where they were chanting “All men are pigs and rapists out to score, we don’t want no men no more!”
Except that never happened. I’ve never seen anything like that happen, which you’d think I would, if it were really happening all the time.
The only people who question my masculinity, Samuel, are MRAs. Feminists, not so much. Do you know any actual feminists personally?
Also, there’s a significant difference between being attracted to women and “objectifiying” them. Can you guess what it is?
Amnesia stated”Oh, yeah, I remember that one Slutwalk where they were chanting “All men are pigs and rapists out to score, we don’t want no men no more!”
Except that never happened. I’ve never seen anything like that happen, which you’d think I would, if it were really happening all the time.
Amnesia I just keep hearing from women that men think with their penises all the time and and men can be potential date rapists. For that reason many women won’t walk alone at night. Most rapes are allegedly committed by men as some feminists state. Amnesia, because of this message many men are now choosing to become celibate or monks orrabstinent and are turning their eyes away when they see sexy woman, because that is what men think they need to do to please the feminists that we are all not sexual pigs.
Captainbathrobe wrote “Also, there’s a significant difference between being attracted to women and “objectifiying” them. Can you guess what it is?
What is it-you tell me CaptainBathrobe?
Do you also have a difficult time understanding men, because they, too, will scream and complain that men are pigs and rapists and need sex all the time.
Watson used a stereotype of romantically unsuccessful men to make a cheap point against people who disagree with her. This is analogous to the tired old claim that feminists are ugly spinsters or frustrated lesbians. It becomes a double standard if one thing is ok and the other one not.
It doesn’t matter with which side of the debate you agree. Even if Watson is right there is no need to make such a cheap point.
Most feminists (and slutwalks in particular) aren’t about condemning men, we’re about condemning rapists. Some men could be date rapists. Some women could also be date rapists. The only problem is if you think man=rapist, which, personally, I don’t believe at all. I don’t think having sexual thoughts about someone=rapist either. Only rapist=rapist.
Also, do you assume all women are feminists or something? Because while there are some women that say those kinds of hateful things about the male gender, most of the ones that do probably wouldn’t identify as feminist. Just saying.
Samuel, binary thinking is similar to what psychologists call “splitting”. Google it, I don’t have time to educate you right now.
White/black. Yes/no. 1/0. Good/bad. Male/female.
Samuel, two points:
1) “All men are potential date rapists” is true to the exact degree that “all women are potential date rapists” and, for that matter, “all blondes are potential date rapists” is. All people are potential date rapists, an extra X chromosome doesn’t protect you.
2) The solution to being a potential date rapist is to not rape people, not to not have sex with women. Not raping people is generally a fairly simple task:
Unless you have previously established a safeword (which is Consent: Advanced Class), your partner should be actively participating in the sex, such as by initiating sex acts and taking clothes off, and expressing their enjoyment, such as by moaning or dirty-talking. If not, it’s okay to check in and ask if your partner is having a good time. If your partner ever says “no” or “stop” or similar, or makes nonverbal signs of displeasure such as freezing up or moving your hands away, stop IMMEDIATELY and ask what’s wrong. Especially the first time you have sex, it’s a good idea to negotiate what sex acts each of you enjoy and don’t enjoy in advance. Don’t have sex with someone who is stupiddrunk, sleeping or unconscious, unless they have previously given you full, free and sober permission; generally it’s a good idea to avoid being more than mildly tipsy until you are familiar with your partner’s reactions, because that can make it hard to read more subtle signals. Do not coerce, threaten or pressure someone into sex, have sex with someone underage or use a position of power to get sex.
Crap. this was posted in the wrong thread.
Samuel: While there is some aspect of self-interpretation to mockery… what is it that Kristn saying that one has to work to get sex and that there are asexual women who want a romantic relationship is mocking?
And dude… you don’t think telling the women here that you don’t understand women because, They scream and complain that men are pigs and rapists and need sex all the time. and then you blame this for “a lot of men” choosing abstinence.
I don’t think this shows that you are doing it out of respect for women. You are throwing in the towel because you can’t figure out how to play the game.
Honestly, I don’t think you are trying to, “reach out to feminists” to build bridges, but rather to learn how to get laid.
Because I don’t know these feminists you say you keep encountering. I read about them (a lot) at MRA/PUA/anti-feminists websites, and in “traditiona-minded social reactionaries (e.g the Family Research Council).