Actually, I’m pretty sure he’s been Going His Own Way pretty much since the strip started.
This is borrowed from the fabulous Garfield Minus Garfield. Thanks to speedlines on the Man Boobz Forum for finding this.
Actually, I’m pretty sure he’s been Going His Own Way pretty much since the strip started.
This is borrowed from the fabulous Garfield Minus Garfield. Thanks to speedlines on the Man Boobz Forum for finding this.
Oh gawd. I lol so much at Garfield minus Garfield. Jon is so deep, profound, and douchey.
The best Garfield is the early ones where Jon is more likely than not in a homosexual relationship with that one disco-like guy who brought in odie. Also, garfield didn’t walk upright yet and it was still pretty funny.
You know it is amazing, As a male who has some familiarity.with Easter Mysticism.The basic philosophy is all is one. We are all part of the original source, some people call it “God”., the “om” point. No matter if your Black White Asian Fat Skinny European American Jewish Catholic,etc., we are all human. The only exception I can say is between gender,. I belive while both men and women are of course both human beings but their wired differently.There was a book called Men are from Mars women are from Venus.I really never read the book fully but the title was interesting. No matter how much as a man I can say that I am spiritual, and we as Human beings are all one race, I will NEVER NEVER understand what it is like to be a woman. The Creator(or evolution if you are agnostic/atheist) made men and women wired differently for a reason. Think about it- every type of segregation for the most part is Illegal. Thank Goodness since the Civil Rights Act of !964 , there has been legal segregation.outlawed.No more separate bathroom between black and whites or separate water fountains.However, even to this day in 2011, legal segregation is legal between men and women. Separate bathrooms between men and woman are legal, separate changing rooms are legal. It is legal because men and women are wired differently I guess. I actually feel Scandinavians (such as the Finnish) are more progressive with regard to this. I have read that Finnish Saunas are coed and even some of the Locker rooms are unisex where men and women undress. Apparently, the Mixed Sauna is a Finnish Tradition and they have not had many incidences of violence or harassment in their Mixed coed Saunas. However, The USA culture is more Puritanical. Sorry to get off the topic a bit but the point from the cartoon I see id a man will never understand what it is lie to be a woman. To me as someone who would like to believe in the oneness of humanity, this really can get me a little sad because no matter how we are all one, men and women can never understand each other fully,I guess we can try to as The cartoon intimated. This can be a very lonely sad feeling for both genders.
Samuel, knock it off with the pseudo-mystical, kumbaya bullshit. You’re a maladjusted loser who wants to scratch his chin and rationalize… well, fuck that. Life is gonna run you over like a bulldozer while you’re farting around with this.
I took a lot of soc and psych courses in college (round 1), including courses about sex/gender and those that emphasized the topic. Nearly every time a text detailed a “male” trait, it described me better than the “female” one. We took tests to find if we had more male or female traits and I came out in between (always the same with the right/left brain stuff too). I don’t know if this means I know what it’s sort of like to be a man or if it means I sort of don’t know what it’s like to be a woman. All I can conclude is that no one really knows what it’s like to be me. Except me.
Maybe it means that the texts were written by biased people, chocominties! (I know, that’s crazy talk. 😀 )
Hey, Jon has been dating Liz the huge-lipped veterinarian for the last couple of years of the strip. He’s no longer Going His Own Way!
I agree that he and Lyman were a cuter couple, though.
I like how the author of G minus G describes it.
It’s sad and frightening how Jon’s loneliness slips into depression and madness.
MediumDave Kumbaya stuff? You kidding me, I am as familiar with MGTOW, Happy Bachelors, Marriage strike,Boycott Western women, all the “radical” mra sights. Dude, Ive decided I cannot be a victim anymore.Maladjusted, I hold a descent job, I try to be a responsibel productive member of society, I was blessed to have a college education which many men are lacking these days(with declining enrollments). I may not be the best typer but I try express myself clearly. Sure I have my issues (who doesn’t). Ram Dass a spiritual teacher said all people have some type of neuroses. I still have my anger issues at woman and strong feelings about equality for men. I consider myself an MGTOW but one saying I’m going MY own way which for me would be more open and inclusive. Kudos to Dave Futrelle for establishing this website. This website is just one of a few that allows dialogue with some “civility” between MGTOW/MRA and Feminists. This website made an impact on me.Blogging does affect people.You call it Kumbaya I would freaking rather have Kumbaya than being a miserable victim sitting in a dark basement lamenting with self pity. If you respond to me I will not respond back.TY
It’s up to you if you want to stop being a creepy asshole, Samuel.
It’s been said before, but, Samuel, buddy, paragraph breaks are your friends.
Then just do it, and quit flapping your virtual gums. I don’t give a shit about your personal journey, and I see no reason to.
Oh, and fuck “civility”.
You went to college, Samuel? And they didn’t teach you how to write a paper? Wait, this college wasn’t online was it?
Grah, so much wrong, so few paragraph breaks.
Evolution does not create for a reason or a purpose. Evolution isn’t an entity. Evolution is a process by which things change over time.
Even between races, there may always be a distinct lack of understanding. If you are white, you will never understand what it is like to be black or asian or latino or whatever. This is rooted in the fact that everyone has a distinct bubble of experience they inhabit, with different cultural backgrounds and different history. If, and I’m guessing, you are a white male, then even though I am also a white male I will never understand completely what your life as been like, nor you mine. But, as you say, we are all human. Welcome to humanism, which doesn’t (or is not suppose to) forget its aims by dividing along gender lines.
I honestly don’t think we should have separated bathrooms. Coed bathrooms work fine in college, and apparently in other countries, and I think they would do wonders both for violence committed in bathrooms and feelings of separation between the genders. You say the US is more puritanical. I fail to see how that could be something desirable.
Waxing philosophic about this:
“Think about it- every type of segregation for the most part is Illegal. Thank Goodness since the Civil Rights Act of !964 , there has been legal segregation.outlawed.No more separate bathroom between black and whites or separate water fountains.However, even to this day in 2011, legal segregation is legal between men and women. Separate bathrooms between men and woman are legal, separate changing rooms are legal. It is legal because men and women are wired differently I guess.”
will not make you friends here. It’s committing the same exact fallacy that people used to justify racial separation; we’ve been doing it up to this point, there must be good reasoning behind it. No, there isn’t. Separation is a matter of tradition and history, and just because people have been doing it for a long time doesn’t justify it in the slightest.
Future post illustration, Dave?
Ooh, Kirby, add this one: Finland is not a Scandinavian country.
Sorry. Small point, but it was bugging me.
As I learned to my sorrow while working in medical translations. 😉
Actually… http://satwcomic.com/how-the-north-works
So, while not Scandinavian, there is apparently a Fenno-Scandinavia that does indeed include Finland. Also Finland is a anti-social misanthrope with a knife, a hat, and an attitude.
The more you know! *ding*
Ooh. I’ll have to tell my boyfriend’s family. They’ll be fucking pissed.
…about being lumped in with the Swedes and the Norwegians, I mean, not about being labeled as misanthropes.
I, for one, am willing to give Samuel points for trying, if not for brevity.
You did it again!
(BTW, I have a copy of that hat. It rocks hardcore. u jelly?)
[citation needed.]
Also, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” is not taken seriously as an academic work.
Also, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” is not taken seriously as an academic work.
Now, now. Mail order Ph. D.s from unaccredited universities are still Ph. D.s, right?