evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy reactionary bullshit reddit thug-lovers vaginas

AntiFeministMedia: “Do you really believe men have ‘oppressed’ women for no reason?”

Shouldn't they all be?

My favorite Redditor these days is an angry little fella named AntiFeministMedia. How much of a douche is he? So much of one that sometimes he actually manages to get downvoted in the Men’s Rights subreddit for his excessive douchebaggery.

You may recall him as the author of the β€œthe female gravy train of victimhood” quote I highlighted the other day. But I’ve been going through his comment history and have unearthed a number of other wonders.

It’s going to take more than one post to truly convey his charms. We’ll start today with some of his comments on women, and their vaginas, and why both need to be kept in check.

Women, you see, just aren’t made for freedom:

what happnes when you give women economic and sexual freedom, is that you get major social problems.

It simply doesnt work, because women are incapable of behaving themselves, men see their society disintegrating, their children suffering, and then decide to ‘put women in their place’.

If women wernt so irresponsible when they got their freedom, men would not have to step in and take it away from them. Seriously, do you really believe men have ‘oppressed’ (read: restrained) women for no reason?

It’s almost as if these ladies aren’t even human:

people are scared of women. Thats the truth about it. Women can be such nasty pieces of work that no one wants to get on their bad side for fear of them becoming hysterical … The female world is an animal world which a lot of men, being human, simply dont understand).

True, they do have vaginas, but that isn’t enough to make up for that whole not-being-human thing:

You may or may not believe this, but I am quite happy alone.

The only thing I’d want you from is a vagina, the rest of the time I’d despise you. You see I dont like who you are. I am a human being, while women are from the animal world. They think like animals, and that is not something I would want to pair with. While women are thinking about survival, Im thinking about god.

And, at least some of the time, about vaginas.

Speaking of which: Since ladies are such herd animals, they clearly shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of anything, including the things that come out of their vaginas. You know, babies:

You seem to think in groups, not as individuals. Thats why I believe women shouldnt be given a choice. Children should automatically be the property of the male (again). If women cannot understand simple situations like those I’ve outlined, or even the fact that men should be consulted first before a child is created … then they are not the best people to be in control of reproduction.

After all, contrary to all that nonsense you might have heard in your high school sex ed classes,Β  it only takes one person to get pregnant:

It takes two to tango, and one to get pregnant. The one that gets pregnant bears the ultimate responsibilty, particularly since she has full control over reproduction in the modern west. …

It is up to women to screen out bad men, and to choose a man capable of being a good father. That is the responsibilty of women. If a woman opens her legs to any sob, without spending the time and energy to assess wether he would make a good father, and then he runs off, then thats the womans fault. But again, we go back to women not being able to take personal responsibilty.

Exactly. When a man deserts his children, it is obviously the woman, not him, who is being irresponsible.

Given how badly women are doing at this whole reproduction thing, wouldn’t it be great if we could just remove women from the equation entirely?

AntiFeministMedia has some thoughts on this as well, which we will examine in a future post. Stay tuned.

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Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Nobody around here is Captain Normal to begin judging the ones who don’t say β€œI am really serially a dragon, for reals”, and that’s almost all of them.

I told that to a bunch of my friends when I was in Junior High. It wasn’t my proudest moment, but my parents were going through a divorce and I was really into D&D at the time. Sigh! Bad times.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Isn’t the “furries are f-ed up” narrative mostly b/c of a CSI episode or something? :

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Ami: And because of a couple really badly researched articles written on the creepiest Furries they could find. : / But that was a while ago– people are starting to write better things about Furries! πŸ˜€

13 years ago

Okay, his is not what I wanted my first comment here to be, but NWO threw down the gauntlet. Here’s the deal: DO NOT tell me that I hate fathers. My dad was the awesomest human being I have ever met. he taught me to use a microscope and handle chemicals and about animals and the joys of a good slapshot. He spent a weekend in jail after helping black voters register in the south. And even though I have a black thumb, he taught me to care for plants and trees. I adored my father, and so did almost everyone he knew. And I got to watch him die by inches as cancer ate his brain.

So, do me a favor and stop assuming that all feminists hate fathers and fatherhood. Because it’s not fucking true.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

ugh -_-

what do the articles claim? :

13 years ago

25% of the time it leads to dead babies, not much fatherhood in that. 51% of the time divorce happens with only a 17% chance of equal custody, pretty sucky odds on being a dad. Also isn’t like a 15 or 20% chance a man thought he was the father but really isn’t? Add to that if a man isn’t marrried he has no rights at all, he can even lose a child to adoption. Plus a couple percent chance of men not even being told they have a child. Heterosexual sex might lead to babies, but all in all, the chances of a man having full access to his own child is pitifully low.

20% of the time it leads to kittens
25% of the time it leads to ponies
15% of the time it leads to puppies
30% of the time it leads to rainbows
99.999% of the time it leads to sparkles

Side affects may include: sweating, shortness of breath, feeling of contentment, attraction to partner, desire for a cigarette, early morning breath or the need to take a taxi home

13 years ago

I am sorry. Furries are weird. It creeps me out.

13 years ago

I am sorry. Furries are weird. It creeps me out.

They’re like ravers, but without the nice drugs.
At least they have a good time, don’t hurt people and don’t take themselves too seriously.

13 years ago

I wonder what the psychology of being a furry is? I

13 years ago

MRAL? That actually wouldn’t have been my guess. The oddball capitalization hasn’t historically been his thing, and there wasn’t all that much brooding self-pity in his posts.

13 years ago

Hmm I finally got “called out” by NWOslave. Does this mean I’m more “threatening” feminist now? Neat.

Also, I love how MRAL threatens us with violence. Any micro amount of sympathy/hope for him I had left is gone.

13 years ago

Isn’t the β€œfurries are f-ed up” narrative mostly b/c of a CSI episode or something? :

It’s also an old meme on Something Awful.

13 years ago

” Okay, his is not what I wanted my first comment here to be, but NWO threw down the gauntlet. Here’s the deal: DO NOT tell me that I hate fathers. My dad was the awesomest human being I have ever met. he taught me to use a microscope and handle chemicals and about animals and the joys of a good slapshot. He spent a weekend in jail after helping black voters register in the south. And even though I have a black thumb, he taught me to care for plants and trees. I adored my father, and so did almost everyone he knew.”

Well first time poster, I’m not the one saying fatherhood consists of shoot a wad, pissing on things like a dog to mark territory and laying back to survey property ownership. I’m the one sticking up for fathers. Perhaps you should lay your rage at the feet where it belongs and reassess your allegiance to the feminism.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Well first time poster, I’m not the one saying fatherhood consists of shoot a wad, pissing on things like a dog to mark territory and laying back to survey property ownership.

Who IS saying that? :3 Perhaps you should quote the posters of said that, so she can rage against them? πŸ˜€

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Well first time poster, I’m not the one saying fatherhood consists of shoot a wad, pissing on things like a dog to mark territory and laying back to survey property ownership.

Who IS saying that? :3 Perhaps you should quote the posters who said that, so she can rage against them? πŸ˜€

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hmm weird double post xD I was trying to correct a spelling error πŸ˜€

Neways, so yus, who has specifically said that fatherhood consists of “shoot a wad, pissing on things like a dog to mark territory and laying back to survey property ownership.”? o:

13 years ago

Well, Ami, the guy in the OP said that men should have “property” of children. But anyone else here, no.

13 years ago

NWO: in all seriousness, if there’s some sort of remedial reading comprehension program at your local community college, take it. You get really worked up here about things that people never said.

The only reason this “fatherhood consists of shooting a wad” thing is being discussed is because people are speculating that that is how AntiFeministMedia views fatherhood. End of story.

13 years ago

David: Hi Marc…. how’s that nonviolent desire to see men wiped off the face of the earth going?

13 years ago

Shaennon: [sarcasm] We know that story can’t be true, because in the old days (before feminism ruined everything), men took care of women, and slaved away in miserable dangerous jobs because they had to, and wouldn’t dream of abandoning them. [/sarcasm].

Seriously, that sucks. I’m sorry for your grandfather.

13 years ago

I wonder what the psychology of being a misogynist drag queen is…

13 years ago

That was MRAL? Huh.

13 years ago

OK, you know what? I know some furries, and they’re nice people. Yeah, they’re “weird” and I don’t care to ask what they do with each other in private. But that’s the point: They do it with each other in private, and they are consenting adults. They don’t harm anyone, and are not trying to. The entire global “furry community” is less harmful than any random MRA. (Sorry to get ranty, folks, but I had to say it. πŸ˜€ )

BTW, hellkell, I retract most of what I said about the childfree folks. I was being glib and insensitive, and it was wrong (way, way wrong) of me to compare them to the MRM. Very sorry. πŸ™

13 years ago

Nobinayamu: What, he can’t cough up for a RealDoll? No animal nature to deal with, just the best artificial vagina money can buy, decorated any way he likes

13 years ago

I never heard of the so called ” Furry movement” just until recently I met a bisexual guy and he said he was a furry. He was telling me that they dress up like Mascots at a sports event(like the basketball team the Phoenix Suns have a gorilla mascot), and this guy said they have furry conventions and that most furries are gay men but some women are furries as well.Theis guy told me they play techno music at these conventions and there is “furry sex”. To me I do not understand it, it sounds a little “odd” but to each his own. The other thing as far as some people criticized the MGTOW guy. While I could understand many people(especially women) being fearful these guys could be violent. As mentioned before, I consider myself moderate but as someone who recently became a bit disenchanted with some of the vitriol on some MGTOW sites, many of these guys do not want violence against women, a lot of these guys are actually passive “omega Males” -they just want Gender Separatism and avoiding women. I recently cam to a revelation that separatism is way way way too extreme and too hate filled to be a solution, this is what many of these guys want. I am not sure of the solution to this?