evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy reactionary bullshit reddit thug-lovers vaginas

AntiFeministMedia: “Do you really believe men have ‘oppressed’ women for no reason?”

Shouldn't they all be?

My favorite Redditor these days is an angry little fella named AntiFeministMedia. How much of a douche is he? So much of one that sometimes he actually manages to get downvoted in the Men’s Rights subreddit for his excessive douchebaggery.

You may recall him as the author of the “the female gravy train of victimhood” quote I highlighted the other day. But I’ve been going through his comment history and have unearthed a number of other wonders.

It’s going to take more than one post to truly convey his charms. We’ll start today with some of his comments on women, and their vaginas, and why both need to be kept in check.

Women, you see, just aren’t made for freedom:

what happnes when you give women economic and sexual freedom, is that you get major social problems.

It simply doesnt work, because women are incapable of behaving themselves, men see their society disintegrating, their children suffering, and then decide to ‘put women in their place’.

If women wernt so irresponsible when they got their freedom, men would not have to step in and take it away from them. Seriously, do you really believe men have ‘oppressed’ (read: restrained) women for no reason?

It’s almost as if these ladies aren’t even human:

people are scared of women. Thats the truth about it. Women can be such nasty pieces of work that no one wants to get on their bad side for fear of them becoming hysterical … The female world is an animal world which a lot of men, being human, simply dont understand).

True, they do have vaginas, but that isn’t enough to make up for that whole not-being-human thing:

You may or may not believe this, but I am quite happy alone.

The only thing I’d want you from is a vagina, the rest of the time I’d despise you. You see I dont like who you are. I am a human being, while women are from the animal world. They think like animals, and that is not something I would want to pair with. While women are thinking about survival, Im thinking about god.

And, at least some of the time, about vaginas.

Speaking of which: Since ladies are such herd animals, they clearly shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of anything, including the things that come out of their vaginas. You know, babies:

You seem to think in groups, not as individuals. Thats why I believe women shouldnt be given a choice. Children should automatically be the property of the male (again). If women cannot understand simple situations like those I’ve outlined, or even the fact that men should be consulted first before a child is created … then they are not the best people to be in control of reproduction.

After all, contrary to all that nonsense you might have heard in your high school sex ed classes,  it only takes one person to get pregnant:

It takes two to tango, and one to get pregnant. The one that gets pregnant bears the ultimate responsibilty, particularly since she has full control over reproduction in the modern west. …

It is up to women to screen out bad men, and to choose a man capable of being a good father. That is the responsibilty of women. If a woman opens her legs to any sob, without spending the time and energy to assess wether he would make a good father, and then he runs off, then thats the womans fault. But again, we go back to women not being able to take personal responsibilty.

Exactly. When a man deserts his children, it is obviously the woman, not him, who is being irresponsible.

Given how badly women are doing at this whole reproduction thing, wouldn’t it be great if we could just remove women from the equation entirely?

AntiFeministMedia has some thoughts on this as well, which we will examine in a future post. Stay tuned.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I’m guessing Casey cuz of his needing a way out and going after Rutee w/ the rickroll?

That or AWS cuz of the whole “TRUTH” thing xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago



13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
“Um… yeah. They have to change a lot of diapers, endure a lot of tantrums, break up a lot of sibling battles, clean up a lot of “mommy I had an accident”s, go to a lot of parent-teacher meetings, buy a lot of clothes to be quickly grown out of and school supplies to be quickly lost, be willing to respond at 4 AM to “mommy I had a bad dream,” then get cussed out for all of it when they become a teenager.”

Yup, no father has ever done a fucking thing towards financial, emotional or physical support of raising a child. Men have always just set back and surveyed their property. Make sure ya’ll call your dads up tonight to remind them what worthless fucks they’ve been.

I’d love ta stay a shoot the shit but it’s been a long day and I got another one tommorow. Besides, I can only stomach so much hatred of fathers.

13 years ago

>>Why do you think there are so many MRAs online, but none in the real world?

Probably for the same reason I’ve met lot of furries online, but none in the real world.

13 years ago

It totally sounded like the kind of shit he used to spout when he first came on the boards. Plus, you know, “fat bitches.”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Ami shows up, NWO vanishes… xD

13 years ago

*looks around*

Uh, who’s hating on fathers? I didn’t hear any father-hate. Is there someone in the corner mumbling under their breath, too softly for me to hear, about how much fathers suck?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So, now that MRAL is sockpuppeting (albeit laughably poorly xD)… how much of our collective good will is left? xD

13 years ago

…MRAL has fallen.

And that’s saying something. I thought there was some hope…well, there can be, but at this point, I’m not sure.

13 years ago

NWO, do me a favor, when you get up in the morning say this to yourself:

“Feminism is not responsible for the fact that I am lonely. I chose to hate women and avoid having relationships, and that is nobody’s fault but my own. There are men, right now, who have loving relationships with their children. I am not one of them and that makes me sad. But women having the right to vote is not to blame.”

And I love my father. He is a wonderful father. And according to my mother, he’s a pretty good husband as well.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

MRAL always was the troubled child who seems to finally be taking an interest in schoolwork, and then he breaks your windows, but you forgive him because you think the kid really has a chance and maybe he will make something of himself after all, and then he shoots your cat.

(NWO is just the asshole who hears what he wants to hear, and he didn’t want to hear the guy in the OP calling kids “property” so it must not have happened.)

13 years ago

“Probably for the same reason I’ve met lot of furries online, but none in the real world.”

To be fair, Furries at least have conventions (Anthrocon, BigFurrest etc etc.), with lots of people attending.

Can an MRA can say, without flinching, that there’s a big MRM convention that gets lots of people going in?

13 years ago

I’ve met lots of furries in real life. Maybe if MRAs held conventions and encouraged vaguely unsettling group hugs they’d leave their houses more often.

13 years ago

Aw, now I’m sad. 🙁

(unless MRAL was just having a funny, which is entirely possible, but it’s very hard to tell with him).

13 years ago

looking back the first five or so posts were funny. after that it just got lame.

13 years ago

MRAL does have an odd sense of humor at times, it seems. Who knows o_O

13 years ago

I was guessing MRAL as I was scrolling down, just because he kept flouncing but not leaving. If MRAL is good at anything, it’s self-pity and non-flounces.

Maybe he needs another hobby he can get good at. Like knitting or something. Can’t get terribly angry while knitting. Unless some jackass won’t stop talking to you and you end up missing a stitch and have to tear out 3 or 4 rows. But apparently he doesn’t ever have interaction with other humans, so that would be fine.

13 years ago

“Unless some jackass won’t stop talking to you and you end up missing a stitch and have to tear out 3 or 4 rows.”

I hate when that happens while I’m crocheting! If I’m lucky and it isn’t really noticeable with the pattern I’m using, I can just keep going without having to go back and fix it. If not…it can be a pain, especially with intricate projects.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

Why do you think there are so many MRAs online, but none in the real world?

They live in the basement and spend all their days playing World of Warcraft.

13 years ago

There are more furries then mra’s and they are more orginized. Says something doesn’t it?

13 years ago

Furries at least are doing something constructive.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

There are more furries then mra’s and they are more orginized. Says something doesn’t it?

That furries, although weird to most people, actually aren’t hurting anyone and have fun together?

I’m not comfortable with “furries are the ultimate yuck” attitudes. They’re no hate group.

13 years ago

“Also, I’d never heard of McRolling. I shall hold onto the knowledge of this practice and use it on someone who is absolutely, completely, utterly bugging the crap out of me =D”
Because it uses Touhou, and I am a massive Touhou nerd, I will go ahead and explain. Some bored Japanese people remixed sounds from Ronald McDonald commercials onto

this song. I’m not actually sure why, aside from Lulz. But those use Japanese McDonalds commercials for their base, and they are, if anything, even weirder than the Meriken ones.

13 years ago

Agreed on the No Furry Hate thing. I don’t actually care, but it gets old that a bunch of people who don’t even all have a sexual thing going on in the group take so much shit from other nerds. Nobody around here is Captain Normal to begin judging the ones who don’t say “I am really serially a dragon, for reals”, and that’s almost all of them.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

BlackBloc, Furries are real! One of my FWBs is one and he’s slowly introducing me to the other ones in DC!