evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy reactionary bullshit reddit thug-lovers vaginas

AntiFeministMedia: “Do you really believe men have ‘oppressed’ women for no reason?”

Shouldn't they all be?

My favorite Redditor these days is an angry little fella named AntiFeministMedia. How much of a douche is he? So much of one that sometimes he actually manages to get downvoted in the Men’s Rights subreddit for his excessive douchebaggery.

You may recall him as the author of the “the female gravy train of victimhood” quote I highlighted the other day. But I’ve been going through his comment history and have unearthed a number of other wonders.

It’s going to take more than one post to truly convey his charms. We’ll start today with some of his comments on women, and their vaginas, and why both need to be kept in check.

Women, you see, just aren’t made for freedom:

what happnes when you give women economic and sexual freedom, is that you get major social problems.

It simply doesnt work, because women are incapable of behaving themselves, men see their society disintegrating, their children suffering, and then decide to ‘put women in their place’.

If women wernt so irresponsible when they got their freedom, men would not have to step in and take it away from them. Seriously, do you really believe men have ‘oppressed’ (read: restrained) women for no reason?

It’s almost as if these ladies aren’t even human:

people are scared of women. Thats the truth about it. Women can be such nasty pieces of work that no one wants to get on their bad side for fear of them becoming hysterical … The female world is an animal world which a lot of men, being human, simply dont understand).

True, they do have vaginas, but that isn’t enough to make up for that whole not-being-human thing:

You may or may not believe this, but I am quite happy alone.

The only thing I’d want you from is a vagina, the rest of the time I’d despise you. You see I dont like who you are. I am a human being, while women are from the animal world. They think like animals, and that is not something I would want to pair with. While women are thinking about survival, Im thinking about god.

And, at least some of the time, about vaginas.

Speaking of which: Since ladies are such herd animals, they clearly shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of anything, including the things that come out of their vaginas. You know, babies:

You seem to think in groups, not as individuals. Thats why I believe women shouldnt be given a choice. Children should automatically be the property of the male (again). If women cannot understand simple situations like those I’ve outlined, or even the fact that men should be consulted first before a child is created … then they are not the best people to be in control of reproduction.

After all, contrary to all that nonsense you might have heard in your high school sex ed classes,  it only takes one person to get pregnant:

It takes two to tango, and one to get pregnant. The one that gets pregnant bears the ultimate responsibilty, particularly since she has full control over reproduction in the modern west. …

It is up to women to screen out bad men, and to choose a man capable of being a good father. That is the responsibilty of women. If a woman opens her legs to any sob, without spending the time and energy to assess wether he would make a good father, and then he runs off, then thats the womans fault. But again, we go back to women not being able to take personal responsibilty.

Exactly. When a man deserts his children, it is obviously the woman, not him, who is being irresponsible.

Given how badly women are doing at this whole reproduction thing, wouldn’t it be great if we could just remove women from the equation entirely?

AntiFeministMedia has some thoughts on this as well, which we will examine in a future post. Stay tuned.

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13 years ago

Nazi collaborators are different from Nazis dumbass.

Phajina out.

13 years ago

that’s true they have different terms for them and everything

i wish i had thought of the fact that words mean things

13 years ago

Oh please, you couldn’t stick a flounce to save your penis.

Gonna substantiate any of your fact claims about men being the oppressed class now? Because you’re going to find that one difficult to back up outside of a few narrow fields (Most of which are the fault of patriarchy to begin with).

13 years ago

Yep, WW I and II – totally in the name of the bitches.And please, don’t end you rpost with declarations of leaving, if you don’t actually leave?

Anyway, it is LATE in Europe right now, so I am going to SLEEP, becuase, frankly, I’m kinda TIRED and this are FACTS and TRUTH you feminists will never understand!

Vermin out.

13 years ago

All right. You bitches want PROOF? Rutee, you want PROOF? I’ll give you the TRUTH, and in such a way that it simply CANNOT be denied.

Phajina out.

13 years ago

Oh my god, not only can you not use a meme from the last year, but you can’t even use a meme well. You are a failure as a troll. If you’re not going to disguise your rick roll, it should at least be to a variant, such as the Metal Version;

But more ideally, you link to a video that isn’t actually openly declared as a rickroll. Either use tinyurl to disguise the link, or you use a link that is itself disguised.

This? This is beyond amateur hour. You do yourself a disservice as a troll to not do it well.

13 years ago

Aww, you did it wrong Phajina.

Everyone knows that a successful Rick Roll involves using a video with a random, unrelated title and a phony image/clip at the start of it so that the Rick Roll-ee is not aware that they are about to be Rick Roll’d.

There needs to be an element of surprise =D

See what I did thar?

13 years ago

Are we sure Phagina isn’t a parody troll? Seems awfully parody trollish to me.

13 years ago

These kids today. In my day, trolling meant something.

13 years ago

I honestly hope so, then they just fail at failing humorously.

13 years ago

I don’t really care what you feminist bitches think about my Rickroll. I just need an excuse to get out of here. Instead, how’s this: FUCK OFF.

Phajina out.

13 years ago

I’m not entirely convinced that Phajina is a parody troll. Do parody trolls pretend to get mad, announce their intent to flounce, and then stick around because they keep getting too pretend-mad to do what they said they would?

In my opinion, a good parody troll would have meant what they said and said what they meant, because a parody troll’s faithful one hundred percent.

13 years ago

Poe’s Law, people, Poe’s Law.

Bathrobe out.

13 years ago

Wait a minute… Is this Ami?

13 years ago

Are we sure Phagina isn’t a parody troll? Seems awfully parody trollish to me.

I actually think hes trolling by intentionally being a really terrible troll.

which is not to say that i still dont want to hear more about the coming femicaust.

13 years ago

Ami’s much, much better at trolling.

13 years ago

But Phajina, if you’re going to Rick Roll, you must commit to it. Otherwise, you simply fail. Although according to Rule Number Sixteen of the Rules of the internet, “If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure.”

You also might want to take note of Rule Number Nineteen, “The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.”

Your rage-filled hatred of women could be working against you! =O

Oh, the humanity (that women apparently lack)!

13 years ago

Phajina, again, is it possible that your subjective biases have influenced your determination of what the truth is?

How do you determine if a given perception of the world is the truth?

You have agreed that female humans have the capacity to think as a group. I am a male human and I know that I do not possess this ability. How have you determined that this is the truth? What mechanism have you discovered that allows this form of thought to occur? If no such mechanism or capacity exists, then why have you labeled the statement as truth?

13 years ago

As far as needing an excuse to get out of here, can you not simply close the browser tab in which you had Manboobz open?

13 years ago

Ami is really good.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I missed all the hilarity xD

And know Phajina’s not me… unless he is… O:

I think he should say “Phajina IN” when he comes back btw xD

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

He didn’t even say “Phagina clear” when he flounced. 🙁

13 years ago

Hey Phagina,

What are these facts I’m supposed to be afraid of? I need to know what to be afraid of, see? Also, facts normally come with some kind of legitimate backup, so “All women are bitches cos I say so” doesn’t actually count as one.

Let’s see some facts. All caps optional.

13 years ago

Phagina, no one’s stopping you from leaving. TRUTH.

13 years ago

Hay Phajay-jay, I found a video of a fat feminazi falling down the stairs! Since it’s an accident you don’t have to violate your oath of pacifism by laughing at it.