My favorite Redditor these days is an angry little fella named AntiFeministMedia. How much of a douche is he? So much of one that sometimes he actually manages to get downvoted in the Men’s Rights subreddit for his excessive douchebaggery.
You may recall him as the author of the “the female gravy train of victimhood” quote I highlighted the other day. But I’ve been going through his comment history and have unearthed a number of other wonders.
It’s going to take more than one post to truly convey his charms. We’ll start today with some of his comments on women, and their vaginas, and why both need to be kept in check.
Women, you see, just aren’t made for freedom:
what happnes when you give women economic and sexual freedom, is that you get major social problems.
It simply doesnt work, because women are incapable of behaving themselves, men see their society disintegrating, their children suffering, and then decide to ‘put women in their place’.
If women wernt so irresponsible when they got their freedom, men would not have to step in and take it away from them. Seriously, do you really believe men have ‘oppressed’ (read: restrained) women for no reason?
It’s almost as if these ladies aren’t even human:
people are scared of women. Thats the truth about it. Women can be such nasty pieces of work that no one wants to get on their bad side for fear of them becoming hysterical … The female world is an animal world which a lot of men, being human, simply dont understand).
True, they do have vaginas, but that isn’t enough to make up for that whole not-being-human thing:
You may or may not believe this, but I am quite happy alone.
The only thing I’d want you from is a vagina, the rest of the time I’d despise you. You see I dont like who you are. I am a human being, while women are from the animal world. They think like animals, and that is not something I would want to pair with. While women are thinking about survival, Im thinking about god.
And, at least some of the time, about vaginas.
Speaking of which: Since ladies are such herd animals, they clearly shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of anything, including the things that come out of their vaginas. You know, babies:
You seem to think in groups, not as individuals. Thats why I believe women shouldnt be given a choice. Children should automatically be the property of the male (again). If women cannot understand simple situations like those I’ve outlined, or even the fact that men should be consulted first before a child is created … then they are not the best people to be in control of reproduction.
After all, contrary to all that nonsense you might have heard in your high school sex ed classes, it only takes one person to get pregnant:
It takes two to tango, and one to get pregnant. The one that gets pregnant bears the ultimate responsibilty, particularly since she has full control over reproduction in the modern west. …
It is up to women to screen out bad men, and to choose a man capable of being a good father. That is the responsibilty of women. If a woman opens her legs to any sob, without spending the time and energy to assess wether he would make a good father, and then he runs off, then thats the womans fault. But again, we go back to women not being able to take personal responsibilty.
Exactly. When a man deserts his children, it is obviously the woman, not him, who is being irresponsible.
Given how badly women are doing at this whole reproduction thing, wouldn’t it be great if we could just remove women from the equation entirely?
AntiFeministMedia has some thoughts on this as well, which we will examine in a future post. Stay tuned.
What’s a sob? How do I identify one?! Quick, someone, else how will I recognize one!
“or even the fact that men should be consulted first before a child is created”
Wait, aren’t we the ones saying that people should talk about sex before having it? And aren’t the MRAs the ones saying “It’ll destroy the mood!!”?
Wow, he’s deluded, even for an MRA.
In b4 someone points out that this guy doesn’t represent MRAs and isn’t popular among MRAs (which is true), then fails to actually disagree with anything he said!
Also, this:
Children should automatically be the property of the male
Does he sound like the kind of guy who’d be up for playing peek-a-boo, changing diapers, going to playdates, helping with homework, cooking macaroni and cheese and then hearing “I don’t like macaroni and cheese!,” wiping up the snotty noses and picking up the scattered Legos of his “property”?
I have a lot of respect for single fathers. I don’t for guys who see the kids as the rope in a game of tug-of-war, and wouldn’t know what to do with it if they won.
Nobby – I thought even MRAs knew that heterosexual sex leads to babies? Maybe they should remain celibate so as not to take the risk. (And by ‘maybe’ I mean ‘holy hell yes’.)
So children are the property of the male… but completely the responsibility of the woman, who’s supposed to be making an informed decision on who to sleep with… even though women are subhuman animals?
Well, at least he’s not insanely inconsistent or anything.
“people are scared of women.”
Because there are people, and there are women.
Silly me I thought sperm had something to do with getting pregnant. My bad. But I guess if it only “takes one to get pregnant” then I can tell the father to bugger off if I so choose? Crap. I forgot my ladybrain and my vagina aren’t actually mine.
Why is this sooo haaard?! Mooo!
Not as such. I also don’t believe whites enslaved blacks “for no reason.” Of course they had reasons.
That doesn’t make either set of reasons just or good or based in reality.
In general, humans oppress other humans (and yes, douchebags, women are human–what other species would we be?) because it’s convenient for the oppressor.
Yeah, Holly, I do get the feeling that the MRA’s who claim that it’s so easy to be a parent, well, they think that because they’ve actually done little or no parenting. Including the ones who’ve fathered children. 🙁
I’m always curious about what life is like for guys like this. I’m genderqueer-leaning-female, but I don’t have the androgynous looks I would prefer; anyone who doesn’t know me would just assume I’m a guy. If there was anything to this vitriolic anti-maleness that all women are supposed to have, you’d think I’d have experienced it. So are they just walking around with crazy helmets that garble all input, or what?
And it’s not like I’m an alpha or something, either. I’m pretty sure the MRAs would consider me a beta at most. But then I tend to be most attracted to nerdy, average-to-chubby women who are close to my own age; I believe the scientific Greek classification for them is “double-omega minus one super-grossos”.
Just the idea that children are property–not, you know, people–suggests that this guy should never, ever be a parent. I think his unstated corollary is that women, too, should be property–that way, he can have a fuck-toy and a nanny all in one.
Hey AntiFeministMedia, Sailor Moon wants to poke your eyes out.
This man is a hero.
Ahhh, no html images allowed, huh?
Oh AFM, I understand. I really do.
I just disagree now shut up and make me a sammich.
Steph, oddly enough I knew a post-op MtF trans person from Buffy fandom* (online, not in the flesh) who was convinced that the world was one big misandrist hellhole, and he “had” to transition to being female so that people would like him. And he expressed the same paranoid nonsense about workplace sexual harassment that MRA’s do. Needless to say, he was delusional while male, and she is now delusional while female.
For that matter, we have a regular commenter here who is a MtF crossdressing MRA (!), and somehow has avoided developing any empathy or insight into the things that women experience in our society. There’s naught queer as folk, as they say across the pond. 😀
*I met an awful lot of awfully odd people in that community, all right.
mediumdave – Does your friend now feel like she’s basking in female privilege and eating bon-bons all day?
Honest question.
ROTFL, Holly! I think you’ve won the Internet for the week, if not the year!
But seriously, no, her attitude was more like, “I still have trouble in relationships! I’m still dating assholes! People still hate me! What went wrong?!?” No insight, IOW.
So eventually I gave up talking to her, because it was just so wearying. Actually I have no idea whether she still thinks this way, but, y’know, playing the odds…
BTW, Steph and Ami, et al: I should point out that this was years ago when I didn’t know many trans people, so I mistakenly thought this kind of thinking was typical. Now I know better. 🙂
Antifeminist trans women are almost as hilariously stupid as heteronormative trans women. It never ceases to amaze me how much wrong people can be.
Lately I’ve been collecting family history from my parents, and I’ve gotten some background on my Grandpa Red, who was a real son of a bitch in a lot of ways. As it turns out, he had good reason to be.
When Grandpa Red’s mother–my great-grandmother–was in her early teens, her mother died. Her father didn’t have any interest in raising the kids, so they were all thrown into an orphanage except for my great-grandmother, who was old enough to drop out of school and go to work instead. I don’t know what kind of work she did at that time; this was in Pittsburgh, where everyone was employed by the steel industry, and steel-company jobs were almost entirely men’s jobs. At any rate, she eventually saved enough money to get each of her younger siblings out of the orphanage system, one by one, and raise them as her own. Their father was long out of the picture by this time and never raised a finger to help them.
Eventually my great-grandmother got married and had kids of her own, but when my Grandpa Red, the oldest, was about five years old, her husband walked out on the family. At this point my great-grandmother was working as a janitor, the job she would have for the rest of her life. So she was raising a bunch of kids, including some of her younger siblings, on the miserably low pay of a female janitor. Grandpa Red dropped out of school at sixteen so he could get a good factory job, the kind not open to women, and be the man of the house.
For a long time, my grandpa thought he’d never be able to marry because he couldn’t afford to support a wife on top of all the family members he was already supporting. My Grandma Blanche joined the WACs to prove she could take care of herself. (My grandma had her own problems with sexism; she was very smart, but her family forbade her from attending college because it was a waste of money for a girl.)
Looking back at this story, it just seems like such a waste. If my great-great grandfather and great-grandfather had been expected to take care of their kids… if my great-grandmother had been able to get a job that paid enough to support a family… if my grandfather hadn’t been forced to drop out of school because, as a boy, he could get a better job than an adult woman could… My family spent generations in poverty because of ridiculous laws and business practices and social assumptions. And my Grandpa Red grew up to be kind of a mean bastard.
But a devoted father. Because the last thing he ever wanted to do was end up like his dad.
Sorry for the long post. That’s just the story that comes to mind whenever some MRA guy goes on about how unfair it is that fathers aren’t allowed to abandon their kids. The thing is, we tried it that way, and it sucked.
It’s also the story I think of when people try to explain the phrase “patriarchy hurts men too.” My grandpa grew up in hellish poverty because his father was able to abandon the kids without repercussion and his mother was barred from all the decent jobs. He also grew up knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt that his father didn’t give a rat’s ass about him. It was stupid. It didn’t need to happen.
Doesn’t the fact that we have mammary glands make us the primary parent….? Or even at least that we are connected with a child biologically for 9 months? All the guy had to do was shoot his load. Is that how he claims property? Like a dog pisses on everything to mark it as his. Not to mention that a human being can’t exactly be defined as property anyway. Yeesh!
“While women are thinking about survival, Im thinking about god.”
This! This made me lol so hard.
“no one wants to get on their bad side for fear of them becoming hysterical”
Because being hysterical is the scariest thing he can think of? Bloody hell.
Also, how come these people always assume anger to by hysteria? It’s almost as if women aren’t capable of feeling emotions like men do. Oh wait – animals!
Because animals get hysterical all the time. Charging elephant? Hysteria. Man-eating tigers? Hysteria. Dogs that bite? Obviously hysterical.
While women are thinking about survival, Im thinking about god.
Sounds like another MRA putting himself in God’s hand.
@ EmilyBites
sob = S.O.B. is my take.