douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pussy cartel reactionary bullshit

Science Corner: Why some self-obsessed douchebags hate the ladies so much

I'd do me. Why won't those bitches?

Well, this explains a few things:

Narcissistic Heterosexual Men Target Their Hostility Primarily at Heterosexual Women, the Objects of Their Desires, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2010) — Heterosexual women bear the brunt of narcissistic heterosexual men’s hostility, while heterosexual men, gay men and lesbian women provoke a softer reaction, according to psychologist Dr. Scott Keiller from Kent State University at Tuscarawas. This is likely to be due to women’s unparalleled potential for gratifying, or frustrating, men’s narcissism, the author concludes. They are crucial players and even gatekeepers in men’s quests for sexual pleasure, patriarchal power and status.

More here. The actual study here (subscribers only).

Yes, like a lot of psych studies, it was based on a relatively small sample of college students (104 undergraduate men, to be exact). But after this post yesterday – and, you know, the entire content of this blog — it’s hard not to think that Keiller is on to something.

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Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Still with the girly-man references, RB? Oh, man, you don’t even know what you’re in for…

Excuse me while I go pop some popcorn.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Random Brother’s hatred is so lacking in substance that it’s not really an argument or even an attack. It’s just sort of letting us know. Gosh, you hate us? Too bad. But we know now. …thanks?

Also, there’s a strange obsession with misgendering people. Apparently being a feminist makes you the opposite gender, haw haw.

It’s a little depressing to think that someone with that mindset is old enough to have been alive in 1985.

13 years ago

I got an SB a couple of times (various functions of schooling, and military training).

They said I was smart. But even with a good tester the SB starts to fall apart for accuracy much past about 120 (i.e. one standard deviation) and the most one can say of a score in excess of 130 is, “Damn, yer smart dude”.

RB, Male feminists call themselves men. People who feel threatened by feminists attempt to insult them (mangina/girly men, etc.). But insults are tricky to analyze, because absent context the purpose behind them (defensive, posturing, personal animus, reactive response) is so hard to recognise.

Though there are styles of insult (see above, re mangina, etc.), which are indicative, if not actually dispositive.

random brother
random brother
13 years ago

@ Trollin MRA’s’

Trollin said: . . . Also, Randumb Brother seems really butthurt that David might be getting more action than him.
I hope Megan Fox responds to your fanmail, RB!

RB: I might be butt hurt if they were, you know, attractive women, meaning not feminsts. I really don’t care if David gets him a couple of feminist “dime pieces” aka one two and a half biller and one three biller, if he strolls around town with them on each arm, looking like a pencil glued between two bowling balls, and if he takes them on a shopping spree to Lane Bryant, and after that he takes them to the local buffet where they shovel their faces while discussing why knives are tools of the patriarchy to devalue the goddesshood of womyn, and if after that he takes them to the motel 6, pays for a reinforced bed and nails the blubbering feminst whales from sundown to sun up, because the “action” he’s getting is from feminsts, which for me, the idea of intercourse with these, false rape accusing, sexually confused, hairy legged, always complaining, promiscuous nut jobs, ranks right up there with having a root canal performed with a chainsaw.

Oh, and BTW all my fan mail goes to Dena Cali and Trish Stratus.

Random Brother

Left for Dead 1 & 2 are some of the greatest video games I have ever played. The “boomers” remind me of feminists.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Sure, feminists are fat and ugly, sure, we’re promiscuous even though no one will sleep with us, sure, we’re all the opposite gender than we say we are.

But are we wrong?

13 years ago

12 lines and not one tiny iota of substance. This blog deserves a better class of troll.

13 years ago

Wow, hating us since 1985!!! I’m… not impressed.

random brother
random brother
13 years ago

@ Kave

Kave said: Random Brother

I’ve seen you on other sites and trust me you are not normal.

Also I have seen by being black you’ve run across more then a few racist mra’s that have dismissed you, or have decided that by being a black male means you get any white pussy you wish. In other-words you are a thug in mra minds.

I would have thought you’d have gained a touch of empathy by now. Maybe you’re just pissed off that you’re not getting the thug action they say you are entitled to. Maybe you’re just like the study describes.

RB: You know Kave you actually started off your post with some logic and then descended into crap. You are right in this regard, and I have not failed to notice there are a significant amount of bigots who are MRA’s. Also most of the MRA sites are tied to HBD sites which is, IMHO, scientific bigotry and bullshit. So I no longer view myself as an MRA because I don’t support bigots, however, that doesn’t make me a feminist or pro feminsts.

From my point of view you have one movement that has a pro male stance, but also a strong strain of racism.

You have another movement that has an anti male stance, and less, overt, racism.

Just because I have problems with the direction of the MRA movement doesn’t mean I’m ready to join Dave and be a kitchen bitch for some femasupremicist who are actively passing laws to disenfranchise me.

Lastly, as for thug loving and all the white women, I want, well, it seems you, oh feminsts, have shown a few hang ups of your own.

Random Brother

The handing out of free razors to the slut walkers did not go as well as I had planned.

13 years ago

Captain Bathrobe: Can you be Random Brother’s translator? I get the sense that he’s constantly referencing things from the days of yore.

I’m old enough to remember when trolls went by random strings, but not old enough to remember him.

13 years ago

RB: How about you try this (without the spaces)?

Quoted text

or this?

Quoted text

It’ll go a long ways towards making your posts seem less like bizarrely incoherent one-act plays.

random brother
random brother
13 years ago

Ami said: Hey it’s Random Brother!

I dunno who you are, but I know you’re a former troll from one of the early MBZ seasons… ppl dun rly talk about the old trolls (except Eoghan since he still shows up xD and occasionally I’ve heard David mention Cold) If you stick around I’m pretty sure we’ll get to know each other quite well tho xD A lot has changed while you were gone!

*holds out hand* Hi! I’m Ami, I’m the Rodeocat :3

RB: Wow, your politeness is. . . unsettling. Though I’m not a troll, just against feminism.
Hello Ami, Random Brother, they loyal opposition.

Random Brother

The xbox 360 open tray error is driving me nuts.

random brother
random brother
13 years ago

@ Katz

How about I post how I want and you STFU, mkay?

And if people really can’t understand what I post when I preface it with my and their names, well that says a lot about the *ahem* intelligence here now doesn’t it?


Random Brother
Breaking the sacred board posting “rules” of Manbooz.

13 years ago

You are indeed welcome to sound like an imbecile and, consequently, be treated like one if you prefer.

random brother
random brother
13 years ago

@ katz

But I’m an anti feminist, which on this board means I’d be treated poorly regardless of how my text is formatted. So what you’re saying makes no sense.

It’s just your lame way of sniping, “Oh noes! He didn’t do the text properly, and I did, Imma feminist genius” – So good for you missy. You’re the queen of proper format.

Random Brother
Format Terrorist

13 years ago

So, are there any MRAs who are writing about the movement and its philosophies without all the subtle and/or overt bigotry or directly from the perspective of minority men?

Because I’d be really interested in reading that.

random brother
random brother
13 years ago

@ Holly

Yep you are wrong.

Wrong about patriarchy.
Wrong about rape culture.
Wrong about “verbal violence.”
Wrong about well, hell there’s too much to even put here.

Random Brother
Hopefully this horribly formatted post can be understood by the more confused katz around here.

random brother
random brother
13 years ago

@ NWOslave

Keep fighting the good fight.

Random Brother

Razors girls, razors.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Sorry guys, this is as good as it gets from RB. He’s NWOslave without the conspiracy theories.

Enjoy…or not.

13 years ago

But without the conspiracy theories NWOSlave is just a pile of unsubstantiated wrong and fail. What a boring troll. Come back when you can substantiate your claims, crank.

“So, are there any MRAs who are writing about the movement and its philosophies without all the subtle and/or overt bigotry or directly from the perspective of minority men? ”

Well, it’s a bit much to expect any movement to produce folks who are free of subtle bigotry. You can find folks who work against it, but I don’t think you can find anyone who is just absolutely not at all racist, sexist, or heterosexist, or cissexist, or ableist, or classist…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yep you are wrong.

Wrong about patriarchy.
Wrong about rape culture.
Wrong about “verbal violence.”
Wrong about well, hell there’s too much to even put here.

Oh. Well, thanks for letting me know.

I’m convinced now.

13 years ago

I’m bored already. Can’t he link to a fluoride conspiracy web page or start complaining about his hideous facial deformities or something?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I know you don’t like “why” questions because they overtax your powerful manly man-mind, RB, but…

Never mind feminism–why should women shave their legs?

I know it’s funnylarious that feminists have HAIRY LEGS HAW HAW, but nearly every woman’s legs grow hair. It’s natural, clean, and sexually appealing (or neutral) to plenty of men. Why should we remove it?

13 years ago

Shorter RB: feminists are fat and ugly, hur hur blarg!

It’s almost like we have a new Ion!

13 years ago

So he is Slavey without the crank theories? How completely uninspired and boring. I see that he is already throwing insults, and he didn’t even mention that he has starved for 200 days because of FEMINISM.

13 years ago

Random Brother – you claim that you are not a troll, which is great. But if you aren’t a troll…and you aren’t here posting anything of substance or value, what exactly is it that you are trying to do? Obviously you hate feminism (and I’m thinking you may also hate all women, although that is just a feeling I get from reading your various comments)…but rather than post some thought provoking comment on why feminism = bad, you just keep with the personal insults and boring commentary. You are really starting to sound like the adults on Charlie Brown. It seems like your purpose of posting here is to get people upset or something, but so far you are the most boring MRA to write in these comments since I began reading this blog. Step up man!

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