douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pussy cartel reactionary bullshit

Science Corner: Why some self-obsessed douchebags hate the ladies so much

I'd do me. Why won't those bitches?

Well, this explains a few things:

Narcissistic Heterosexual Men Target Their Hostility Primarily at Heterosexual Women, the Objects of Their Desires, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2010) — Heterosexual women bear the brunt of narcissistic heterosexual men’s hostility, while heterosexual men, gay men and lesbian women provoke a softer reaction, according to psychologist Dr. Scott Keiller from Kent State University at Tuscarawas. This is likely to be due to women’s unparalleled potential for gratifying, or frustrating, men’s narcissism, the author concludes. They are crucial players and even gatekeepers in men’s quests for sexual pleasure, patriarchal power and status.

More here. The actual study here (subscribers only).

Yes, like a lot of psych studies, it was based on a relatively small sample of college students (104 undergraduate men, to be exact). But after this post yesterday – and, you know, the entire content of this blog — it’s hard not to think that Keiller is on to something.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yay! 😀 Success!

13 years ago

Appeal to Nature Fallacy…

Also, I would not exist but for medical interventions in childbirth. My sister was induced a month early when my mom went into the beginning stages of kidney failure. But for induction of labor, my mom would have died and my sister and the rest of us would never have been born.

The same applies to c-section. It saves lives. The problem isn’t that c-sections are used, it is that they are overused in the US.

13 years ago

Random question Factfinder, but did you use to post here under a long username that began with e43 or something? I remember seeing someone making arguments similar to yours back when manboobz was on blogspot. I may be mistaken, of course, pardon me if I am. And pardon me for popping back in, too, I’ll be on my way after this~

13 years ago

I think the theory applies heavily to certain MRAs (especially anti-feminists, MGTOWers and those who are generally anti-female), and I have a good reason to believe so.

I remember reading a topic on some MRA board (I think it was on or something) about people on that forum who had high IQs and if they had higher than average intelligence compared to the rest of society (and possibly those who didn’t consider themselves MRAs). Either all or almost all of the people who posted said they had above-average IQs (some of which claimed they were as high as 140+). Some tried to use psuedo-modesty, but you could see the narcissism poking through. Additionally, many predictably said that their high IQs were what made them realize how evil the matriarchal feminazi liberal society was and that they were too smart to get duped into getting married, etc.

I refuse to believe that nearly all of those who replied are “above average,” especially in such a high range as 140+. Why would all the smarties gather on MRA boards and not do something productive with their so-called greater than average intelligence? Maybe it’s because they have no social intelligence (which requires empathy and being able to put themselves in others’ shoes). Or they could be outright lying and believing they’re smarter than they really are since they’re narcissistic assholes. Yeah, I’m going with the latter on that one.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

Most MRAs believe they have a superior IQ because for them, guys that have a superior IQ cannot get laid. What’s funny is that when they claim they have an (imaginary) girlfriend, she too has a superior IQ. That’s one of the reason MRAs hang out in Human Bio-Diversity (HBD) blogs and forums.

13 years ago

Yeah, who’s to say what’s real and what’s not? That’s, like, totally deep, man.
(Total fucking mommy issues. Seriously, someone page Dr. Freud.)

Seeing as you seem to be disinclined to subtlety, perhaps I should be more specific. More specifically, what mommy issues might you be projecting in your angst wrt projecting mommy issues? Why should you even be concerned about whether or not others read mommy issues into your projections?

Andrea Vaughn
13 years ago

So one of our resident jackasses in a previous thread asked for proof that women are discriminated against for being women. Not that he’s going to believe this chart, but research out of Georgetown yet again confirms that women are paid less than men at every level of education. A woman needs to have a PhD to make as much money as a man with a Bachelor’s Degree. (But women are paid less because they waste time having babies, blah blah, blah. Yeah, I know your bullshit response already)

13 years ago

Chuckeedee – in your response to my original post, you generally stated that what all women want is a man to dominate them. Even if we don’t want this on a conscious level, on a subconscious level, this is what we are all seeking out. Personally, I think that your hypothesis is BS. While some women (and some men) enjoy being dominated in various aspects of life, this is certainly not a universal desire. For instance, if ALL men desired to be dominant, while ALL women desired to be submissive, then why in the world would a man visit a dominatrix? According to your theory, this man and woman would both be violating their nature! And yet, many men and women do this every day!

But I digress, the real point is even if you’re right, you’re still wrong. Even if ALL women want to be dominated by a man, that doesn’t translate into a desire to be dominated by ALL men. Even if a woman wants to be submissive, that does not mean she wants to drop trou for any guy who suggests he might want to dominate her. A desire to be dominated does not tranlate into a blanket pass to that woman’s vag.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

Reason #52 why NWOslave is a troll who doesn’t seriously believe what he’s saying: “‘Homophobe’ is a slur!” He then compared it to other words that are slurs. The obvious difference? Those slurs are based on who the recipients are. This “slur” is based on who the recipient hates and fears. (One could argue that hating and fearing gays and lesbians is who the homophobe is, but seeing as NWOslave is a troll who doesn’t seriously believe what he’s saying, he’s not arguing in good faith and so there’s no point.)

I’ve been in arguments about the word in the past with people who weren’t trolls but were homophobes. They would argue that the word isn’t correct because they don’t fear gays and lesbians. Except that most arguments against it that aren’t based on religious texts are fear-based. “They want to recruit our children!” “Society will collapse if we give them equal rights!” “You’ll die early if you do each other up the bum!” (Oh yeah, one just needs to look at how much focus is on gay men to see that homophobia has its roots in misogyny (basically that gay men are seen as feminine, and feminine is bad), with a dash of misandry (men get so consumed with lust that they’ll start screwing each other).)
So no, “homophobe” is neither a slur nor a misnomer.

13 years ago

I dunno…e-string couldn’t write two words without bragging about being in a doctoral program in engineering, or talking about how much he works out.

13 years ago

It’s not about me, Chuckles. You were the one who wrote that women are bullies who get off on dominating their kids and being dominated by men. Frankly, that says more about you than about women.

Your subsequent posts were just empty, pseudo-intellectual twaddle. Substance is apparently not your strong suit. Oh well, if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

13 years ago

NWO: As usual you ignore the part where we say men are great. We like men. A lot of happen to be men. we have feminist lovers, who love us because we are men.

What we don’t accept is that men are better

But yes, Men Are Great.

Yeaaaaaa, I remember that term being tossed about in my history books. As a descriptive adjective when describing Ghengis Khan on homosexuals.

[citation needed]

Is homophobe a descriptor with negative value? Yes. Like any form of bigotry there is a perjorative element to the word. But it’s not, at it’s root, meant to be insulting.

I realise this is hard for you, since you use otherwise neutral terms (e.g. feminist, liberal) as if they were insults, but that’s your problem.

Homophobe is gender independent. You are old enough to remember Anita Bryant. She was a homophobe. She got over it.

13 years ago

Summer Snow, since Fact Finder hasn’t come back, I’ll take a stab at your questions!

How can I get a boyfriend, Factfinder?

Dress up as your favourite anime character (extra points if it’s a dragon of some kind), go to your town’s biggest tourist attraction and tackle every male who passes you. Great “how we met” story for the grandkids!

How can I make a boyfriend happy?

All these feminists who keep going on about “love” and “mutual respect” and “communication” have got it all wrong. What you need to do is assert your alpha status, like Cesar Milan does with dogs.* Whenever he sasses you, pin him to the ground and growl into his throat as if you’re about to rip it out. Works for me!

What makes women attractive?

I assume you’ve already had the boob job/Brazilian wax/Botox combo? Ok, so men go NUTS for a woman in uniform. Not a sexy maid uniform, or a sexy Nazi uniform**, but something more along the lines of a sexy McDonald’s employee. You know, the little hat, the McDonald’s shirt only skin-tight with strategic cutouts, the bright yellow thong. Just go to your local sex shop, they’ll have one.

What do men like?

Oh, Summer Snow, haven’t you been paying attention to the extremely generous men who’ve been here to educate us all this time? Don’t you know that men like women who are submissive but not needy, take care of all the housework, childcare, and cooking, but don’t expect financial support, who are under the age of 25 with the bodies of supermodels, who gain no weight ever even when they’re pregnant, and who are classy but have no standards whatsoever in their partners? How many times do you have to be told?

What personality traits should I have?

See above, but add a love of unreciprocated oral sex and a complete lack of any emotional or social needs.

Should I dress skimpy?

Sure, as long as it’s not slutty, because then you’ll get raped and it’ll be your own fault.

Should I act demure?

Of course, as long as you’re not being a stuck-up bitch or a prude, because that’s exactly the same as spitting in some poor beta’s face!

Is it better to ask guys a lot of questions, or just sit there looking approachable?


Do you like pickles?

What do you think I am, Snooki?

*FYI, Cesar Milan’s theory of dog training is totally outdated and based on flawed models of canine behaviour, but that is neither here nor there.
**I assume these exist, but I’m not googling it!

13 years ago

Kristin: Not McD’s, Hot Dog on a Stick

13 years ago

Frankly, that says more about you than about women

Why should I care about your interpretations? Why do you define things as specifically as you do? You’re digging a deeper hole to bury yourself in cap’n bathtub. You’re deliberately taking my points out of context to cast your own narrow interpretations and thus revealling the things that matter to you.

13 years ago

Pecunium: We’ll allow for regional variation. Hot Dog on a Stick for your Southern Californians, sure.

13 years ago

Westish…. they are based out of Utah.

13 years ago

Again, Chuck, I didn’t write the ridiculous screed about women being bullies. You did. Pseudo-intellectual efforts at deflection don’t change that. Still, it’s understandable. If I wrote something like that, I wouldn’t try to defend it, either.

And I’m not really arguing with you; I’m taunting you. People who write ridiculous things deserve ridicule, nothing more. When you write something of substance, then maybe I’ll engage with you seriously.

Pro tip: you’re best bet here is simply not to respond to me. But can you resist the temptation? I await your response…or not.

13 years ago

Now this is interesting… it seems to be a very consistent feature of people with NP’s; they have great difficulty distinguishing unflattering descriptive language (“you’re a misogynist”) from pejorative language (“you’re a hopeless loser”). Of course it is quite possible to be both, and I think that NWOslave fits the bill nicely. As do most of the MRA’s that comment here.

BTW, there was one thing that I found odd: What was it about this post that got under their skin so much? David’s post doesn’t mention MRA’s or the MRM, except obliquely. And Dr. Keillor’s article on the narcissism study doesn’t mention the MRM at all… he may well be unaware of its existence. So on what basis did our MRA friends decide that this post was aimed at them? Curious.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

So on what basis did our MRA friends decide that this post was aimed at them? Curious.

Gosh, it seems a little…narcissistic, or something.

13 years ago

~Either all or almost all of the people who posted said they had above-average IQs (some of which claimed they were as high as 140+).~

One day when we were bored at work, some of my coworkers and I took internet-based IQ tests. I got a 145, one of my co-workers got a 180. And then we got deluged with emails asking us to join a club for supah-jenniuses. So maybe that’s how they got to be so smart.

Why is it that so many Americans seem to know what their IQs are, anyway? Do you get tested for that regularly? The only time I’ve ever had a (legitimate) test involving my IQ, it was part of a psychological profile, and they don’t tell you the specific number, on account of it’s mostly irrelevant and can mess with your mental health.

13 years ago

kristinmh, you give the best advice!

*puts on sexy dragon mcdonalds uniform and starts pouncing on men in a submissive fashion while cleaning the house!*

13 years ago

We got an IQ test in high school and I scored 124 or so, which is apparently already quite impressive. Online IQ tests I did for a lark routinely evaluate me at 140+… and then you get spam where they want to sell you certificates attesting your high IQ and stuff.

Now I may just be a lowly 124, but to me that sounds like a scam. And it sounds like all these geniuses MRAs haven’t noticed that they’re scammed.

random brother
random brother
13 years ago

@ Captain Bathrobe

Captain bathrobe said: Actually, RB, you’ve been gone so long that the whole “dogs in a bag” meme is now ancient history.

RB: Yeah, no one values the classics anymore.

Captain Bathrobe: Nevertheless, we eagerly await new fruits of your fertilized, er, fertile mind. And, what I’m supposed to be a Castrato now? I’ve never even taken voice lessons.
Talk about a wasted opportunity.

RB: I was referring to a way old post where you mentioned getting rid of your toxic sort of mansculinity (if I remember correctly), anywho water under the bridge and all.

Captain Bathrobe: Besides, RB, this is Big League Manboobz. I’m only a small fish here. You’ll want to be trying your stuff out on Ami, Spearhafoc, Pecunium, Kirby, Holly Pervocracy, Johnny Pez and the rest. Captain Bathrobe is so six months ago.

RB: You mean David’s managed to attract an even lower class of feminst than A MAN da “How about some pics of spear chuking Africans attacking white people” Marcotte? Wow, David must be ecstatic.

Captain Bathrobe: There’s also plenty of troll competition, so you’ll have to bring your “A” game. No more half-assing it. Think you’re up to the challenge?

RB: I will try sir, er, maam, er whatever a male feminst considers “himself.” Now educating the retarded and hysterical, aka feminists, is difficult, but hey, I like to give back to the community and anytime someone becomes an ex feminist it’s a win for all decent people anywhere.

Until we snipe at each other again,

Random Brother

Hating feminsts since 1985.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

124 is actually quite high. It puts you in the 95th percentile.

Internet IQ tests are worthless. Unless you’ve had the Weschler or the Stanford-Binet (or something similar) administered by a professional, you’ve not had an IQ test.

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