douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pussy cartel reactionary bullshit

Science Corner: Why some self-obsessed douchebags hate the ladies so much

I'd do me. Why won't those bitches?

Well, this explains a few things:

Narcissistic Heterosexual Men Target Their Hostility Primarily at Heterosexual Women, the Objects of Their Desires, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2010) — Heterosexual women bear the brunt of narcissistic heterosexual men’s hostility, while heterosexual men, gay men and lesbian women provoke a softer reaction, according to psychologist Dr. Scott Keiller from Kent State University at Tuscarawas. This is likely to be due to women’s unparalleled potential for gratifying, or frustrating, men’s narcissism, the author concludes. They are crucial players and even gatekeepers in men’s quests for sexual pleasure, patriarchal power and status.

More here. The actual study here (subscribers only).

Yes, like a lot of psych studies, it was based on a relatively small sample of college students (104 undergraduate men, to be exact). But after this post yesterday – and, you know, the entire content of this blog — it’s hard not to think that Keiller is on to something.

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13 years ago

What am I saying here? What I’m saying is that you ladies are, at heart, bullies. It is the dynamic of the bully that gets you off. That is to say, most often you realize your dominant role against your children, but you secretly enjoy your submission role with your dominant men. Nature has a way of realizing payback.

I think someone has mommy issues.

13 years ago

We’ve got him so well trained that he admits when he’s flouncing.

If only we could train him to not be a dick.

13 years ago

@Vermin, NWOSWTFBBQOMGLOL is from a binary universe. Measurements are 1 or 0. If it can be measured it’s 1 if not, then 0.


13 years ago

I think someone has mommy issues

To live is to enter the world from between a woman’s legs. To live is to come to a resolution regarding the assumptions first foisted on us by our primary nurturer. To live, whether as a man or a woman, is to have mommy issues.

13 years ago

ive seen chuckeedee around before but i dont remember him talking like carl sagan got whacked on the head a couple of times. is this a normal thing for him?

13 years ago

Of course, but some mommy issues are more fucked-up than others.

13 years ago

For example, some of us are careful to not project our mommy issues onto the entire female gender.

13 years ago

My best friend was born via a c section and has a jewish mother…so where does he fall?

13 years ago

So what I’m getting is, this Roissy guy pretends he’s had sex with girls, a claim that deeply impresses guys who have never had sex with girls, and then he tells them they can never have sex with girls themselves because they’re not awesome manly men like him. And these guys believe him and sit at home fuming about how mean women are, and also send him money for some reason.

I guess that’s one way to spend a Saturday night.

I’ve said this before, but wouldn’t it be easier to just talk to some women? We’re not that scary! I swear!

13 years ago

Well, Ann Coulter is pretty scary. Not sure why anyone would want to approach her though.

13 years ago

Gah! Spear, don’t do that!

13 years ago

“I’ve said this before, but wouldn’t it be easier to just talk to some women? We’re not that scary! I swear!”
You’re just trying to trick them before doing evil things to them. I think the current Agenda copy says castration or something I don’t keep up with these things.

13 years ago

I must say, that study explains a lot.

And I remember NWO being a creationist, anti-fluoride, sympathetic to “Jewish banker” conspiracy theories and linking to Holocaust denial sites, but I don’t remember him going on about vaccines. Did I miss that somewhere? NWO, do you think the MMR gave you brain damage and made you the way you are now?

Also, backing up Ami that “homophobe” means “afraid of queer people” and is not gender-specific. Michele Bachmann is a homophobe. Most of my American relatives, male and female, are homophobes. And while most homophobes focus on – and incessantly talk about – gay men and anal sex, I think this has less to do with some grand matriarchal conspiracy than with the “male as default” frame that is prevalent in our language and culture.

13 years ago

kristin, check the spearheader slut walk post. nwo said something about lining up kids to give them fluoride shots. its not clear what he meant by that, but anti-vax is totally an available interpretation.

13 years ago

The vaccine thing was in the other thread, I’m not sure it was a specific calling out, but he did refer to “flouride(sic) shots”, which could only be interpreted as somehow actually being about vaccines. Maybe. He also went on about mercury later but not in the same context, i think.

13 years ago

Ah. I’ve been avoiding that thread.

I don’t think I ever got a fluoride shot! I got fluoride AND I got shots, but never combined in one. *pout*

13 years ago

Patriarchy seems to be a catch-all term for anything which is not rabidly feminist, along with the usual slew of anti-male shaming language (“creepy, narcissist, other bullshit etc. etc.”). You know, “you might be a rapist if” bullshit. Did you know that “nagging” is rape? The bar is never too low when you’re a feminist.

13 years ago

FactFinder, I need you to find me at least three different, reputable (to be decided by me) sources for each of those links to confirm they’re from some random person I’ve never heard of. Until then they’re libel.

13 years ago

Nobby dearest, the libeler was Liz of The Liz Library. You’re welcome to look back through the comments and find it, I don’t respect your intelligence enough to help you. You can hallucinate that it’s because you’re a woman or honorary woman or whatever you need to feed your complex and not because of your actions. Have a nice day.

13 years ago

This is getting worrisome. NWO linked to a study I was going to mention to him! Anyway, the conversation has moved on but here is something about it anyway:

It is based on a survey of 4451 women aged 16 to 85, drawn from the Bureau of Statistics 2007 National Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey. The survey is representative of eight million women.

Previously unpublished figures show 27 per cent of women have experienced at least one form of gender-based violence: about 8 per cent have been raped, 15 per cent have experienced sexual assault that did not involve penetration, 10 per cent have been stalked, and almost 8 per cent have been badly beaten by a spouse or partner.

However, what shocked the authors was the strong association between the women’s experience and serious mental illness. It was especially noticeable among women with exposure to two or more forms of gender violence.

For example, among women with no exposure to gender violence, 28 per cent had a serious diagnosed mental illness in their lifetime. But among those exposed to two types of gender violence, 69 per cent had a serious mental illness. Among those with exposure to three or more types of violence, almost 90 per cent had illnesses such as anxiety disorders, substance abuse, or post traumatic stress disorder, and nearly 35 per cent had attempted suicide.

Read more:

The National Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey is here:[email protected]/Latestproducts/4326.0Main%20Features22007?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=4326.0&issue=2007&num=&view=

13 years ago

That’s one exhaustive list, 51 items spelling out that yes, you might be a rapist. Good list. Thanks for posting it, FactFinder.

13 years ago

FelixBC is baiting me like a little puppy dog, in case you haven’t noticed. Feminists are childish like that.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh the infamous biting beaver comment on Heart’s site xD I think most of us here think Heart and her crew are alrdy pretty f-ed up, and she’s a rabidly transphobic rad fem (also she thinks talking about high heels requires a trigger warning >_> ) and I remember that post being passed around by my feminist friends all going WTF IS THIS S- xD

In FACT I referenced the post earlier as some f-ed up stuff that a rad fem said xD