douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pussy cartel reactionary bullshit

Science Corner: Why some self-obsessed douchebags hate the ladies so much

I'd do me. Why won't those bitches?

Well, this explains a few things:

Narcissistic Heterosexual Men Target Their Hostility Primarily at Heterosexual Women, the Objects of Their Desires, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2010) — Heterosexual women bear the brunt of narcissistic heterosexual men’s hostility, while heterosexual men, gay men and lesbian women provoke a softer reaction, according to psychologist Dr. Scott Keiller from Kent State University at Tuscarawas. This is likely to be due to women’s unparalleled potential for gratifying, or frustrating, men’s narcissism, the author concludes. They are crucial players and even gatekeepers in men’s quests for sexual pleasure, patriarchal power and status.

More here. The actual study here (subscribers only).

Yes, like a lot of psych studies, it was based on a relatively small sample of college students (104 undergraduate men, to be exact). But after this post yesterday – and, you know, the entire content of this blog — it’s hard not to think that Keiller is on to something.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

But again, if homophobe to you is a slur and not a descriptive word, what word would you prefer ppl to use as the descriptive word? Since you want to get all “PC” about this :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What am I lying about? :3

What do you mean by “support homosexuality”? xD

You mean ppl are trying to make you do homosexual acts? o:

I dun remember calling Kirby, Nobby or Pecunium homophobes. They’re all straight men. xD

13 years ago

Dude, a homophobe is someone who doesn’t like gay people. Like an arachnophobe is someone who doesn’t like spiders. It’s not that complicated. And “straight male” has nothing to do with it.

13 years ago

@Ami Angelwings

What particular gender does homophobe denote?

I wanna hear you squirm your way outta this.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

By your logic, you should stop calling ppl liars when you feel they’re telling untruths… it’s a slur to ppl who lie! xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What particular gender does homophobe denote?

It denotes no gender o_O It’s about ppl who are afraid or hate homosexual ppl XD

13 years ago


Nice try. It’s a word meant to shame.

@Ami Angelwings

Hey, ya want me to address you as tranny from now on? It’s just a word meant as a description like arachnophobe as Katz would say.

Now you can admit you’re a liar and we can move on from there.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Do you believe homosexuals are only male or something? o_O Or homophobes are only male? xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Go ahead… do you think tranny is an accurate description of how you think of me? :3

If you keep thinking tranny when you talk to me, and you’re holding back, don’t… 😀 I mean why are YOU of all ppl censoring expressing what you believe? xD

tell me EVERYTHING you think of me 😀

13 years ago

@Ami Angelwings.

Admit you’re a liar. That homophobe is a word meant to shame.

13 years ago

No, no, no, the rule applies to words that end in “phobe.”

Ami, is it just me, or is NWO denying that words have specific meanings?

13 years ago

NWO: No, you admit you’re a liar.

Or at least admit the futility of this track of argumentation.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

This is like Ali/Liston II xD I better get my anchor punch rdy xD

13 years ago

@Ami Angelwings
I freely admit that fag, dyke, tranny and all the rest are derogatory words meant to shame. I want you to admit homophobe is as well.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


That homophobe is a word meant to shame.

Is that in a manual or something? xD Do you believe I say it to shame you or that I believe you hate/fear gay ppl? :3

What am I lying about? 😀 that I believe homophobe is a word that doesn’t combine homo + phobe, and is just a meaningless slur meant to make you feel bad? xD

13 years ago

My question is, why is it such a shock to these men that I get to choose who has access to my ladyparts? Seriously, at what point in life do you decide that you are entitled to have sex with whoever you want whenever you want? Ugh.

Oh come now ladies. The thing that gets you off is the spice, the risk, the danger and the excitement. No matter how much you say you want a sensitive, kind nurturing dude, the reality is that it’s the fear of the unknown and the thrill of the forbidden that gets you off. That’s why, for all your rhetoric wrt kind, nurturing, sensitive dudes, such as David :), you’re always vigilant for the formidable, shadowy figure beyond your immediate range of vision. At a deep, viceral level, you want someone who has viceral, authentic dominance over you that you can feel, try as you might to deny it. Consciously, you want sweetness and kindness and predictability, but subsconsciously, try as you might to resist it, you admire, at a gut level, someone who is dominant… that is, dominant over you. It is the formidable bad-boy in the shadows that catches your attention and has you fixating on him, even as you look away, trying to sum him up, trying to work out what it is about him that excites you.

What am I saying here? What I’m saying is that you ladies are, at heart, bullies. It is the dynamic of the bully that gets you off. That is to say, most often you realize your dominant role against your children, but you secretly enjoy your submission role with your dominant men. Nature has a way of realizing payback.

Go on, try to deny it. And prove me right! You see, no matter what you say, it is the subconscious stuff that also impacts on your choices, and it is the subconscious stuff that you are unable to express in words, try as you might to deny it. The conscious stuff has you choosing reliable providers, but it’s the subconscious stuff that makes your ginas tingle. That’s why Roissy’s writings are cutting-edge… he taps into women’s subconscious motivations.

You are revealling your hand all the time… “All men are bastards!” Of course they are. You are projecting, revealling the types of men that matter to you, the types of men that you notice.

Seriously, at what point in life do you decide that you are entitled to have sex with whoever you want whenever you want? Ugh.

It works. ‘Nuff said. The taker gets to take, while for he who hesitates, opportunities will always pass him by. Nice guys always finish last. Now let’s see our scientific analysts substantiate that with their empirical studies.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

That’s nice that you think that NWO, actually I dun feel “shamed” by them. They’re more words to hurt, but they’re not descriptive.

I don’t believe homophobe is a slur xD You can keep questioning me. I’m telling you what I believe :3

I’ve never called you a cissie/cissy or a cracker xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO, you’re also anti-vaccination, and a young earth believer. xD

Slurs as well? :3

13 years ago

So, is calling someone a racist the equivalent of calling someone the n-word?

13 years ago

I freely admit that fag, dyke, tranny and all the rest are derogatory words meant to shame. I want you to admit homophobe is as well.

Only if you admit zebra, defenestrate, and kumquat.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You know, I’m not sure how he’s trying to convince me o_O

I freely admit that fag, dyke, tranny and all the rest are derogatory words meant to shame

You could say that w/ nething.

I freely admit that fag, dyke, tranny and all the rest are derogatory words meant to shame. I want you to admit feminazi is as well.

I freely admit that fag, dyke, tranny and all the rest are derogatory words meant to shame. I want you to admit VCR is as well.

I freely admit that fag, dyke, tranny and all the rest are derogatory words meant to shame. I want you to admit walnuts is as well.

I freely admit that fag, dyke, tranny and all the rest are derogatory words meant to shame. I want you to admit NWOslave is as well.

etc etc etc XD

13 years ago

Hey Dave, you’ve got quite the crew here. They’re so blessedly perfect they can’t even admit slurs they use to hurt and shame others aren’t meant to do just that.

Good night all, I must flounce.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Here’s the thing NWO, just b/c YOU say words (or think words) that you KNOW are meant to shame/hurt ppl and you want to say them TO shame/hurt, doesn’t mean that’s why EVERYBODY says things xD

You may want to say tranny to me to hurt me, but I’m not saying homophobe to hurt YOU xD It describes you.

If you don’t think it describes you, please lay out everything you believe about gay ppl and the gay agenda and the positive and negative effects you believe homosexuality has on adults and children, etc… and we’ll see :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


This is EXACTLY like Ali/Liston 2 xD Over in the first round xD

13 years ago

Ding ding! *Holds up Ami’s hand*