douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pussy cartel reactionary bullshit

Science Corner: Why some self-obsessed douchebags hate the ladies so much

I'd do me. Why won't those bitches?

Well, this explains a few things:

Narcissistic Heterosexual Men Target Their Hostility Primarily at Heterosexual Women, the Objects of Their Desires, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2010) — Heterosexual women bear the brunt of narcissistic heterosexual men’s hostility, while heterosexual men, gay men and lesbian women provoke a softer reaction, according to psychologist Dr. Scott Keiller from Kent State University at Tuscarawas. This is likely to be due to women’s unparalleled potential for gratifying, or frustrating, men’s narcissism, the author concludes. They are crucial players and even gatekeepers in men’s quests for sexual pleasure, patriarchal power and status.

More here. The actual study here (subscribers only).

Yes, like a lot of psych studies, it was based on a relatively small sample of college students (104 undergraduate men, to be exact). But after this post yesterday – and, you know, the entire content of this blog — it’s hard not to think that Keiller is on to something.

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13 years ago

Oh. CB = Captain Bathrobe. Got it. 🙂

13 years ago


I imagine you use it in a manner that actually adds something to your argument as well.

13 years ago

And…NWO delivers his usual blather, followed by a cite from The Moonie Times. Some things never change.

13 years ago

Ha, Ami, I love your can-do attitude. When the trolls are sub-par, you don’t just don’t sit around waiting for a quality troll to show up – you do it yourself! XD

I don’t think DKM understands, probably because he hasn’t grokked yet that women are people with inner lives like himself, what he’s actually asking for when he wants to go back to the days of “real men” and “real women”. I will illustrate with an anecdote:

As you know I teach music lessons for a living. Very occasionally I will get a child who really, really, really doesn’t want to take lessons but is being forced for one reason or another by their parents. How does that child behave?

Sometimes zie discovers that zie actually likes music after all and becomes an enthusiastic student. On the other hand, sometimes zie wages all-out war against me, which is a little disconcerting coming from a 9-year-old, but because children have no power against a parent who’s made up their mind to make them do something, zie does it with passive aggression: through lying, manipulation, refusal to participate in good faith, in hopes of making me so miserable that I quit. (Which is what I do, once I’m sure I can’t do the kid any good.)

Kids don’t do this because they’re evil little bastards (though they often are), but because they’re powerless, and lying and manipulation are their only tools. And that’s what you’ll get, Mr. Peace and Freedom, if you ever get women to go back to being chattel. You’ll get a wife who lies to you and manipulates you, who keeps you in a state of childish self-centredness, constantly flattering your ego while twisting you around her finger, because that’s the only way she can get what she wants/needs.

You’d really rather have a partner who’d lie to you about her feelings than one who’d express them honestly? One who’d pretend to enjoy the things you enjoy and think the things you think rather than discuss things with you openly? One who’d steal small sums of money from your wallet and hide them in the kitchen in case she needs funds in an emergency than one who earns her own money and can look after herself? Really?

Peace and freedom my ass!

Kristin M. (of) Hounds

13 years ago

KristinMH: *applause* Fuck yeah.

Ami: Personally, I think “don’t murder people” should be a very uncontroversial political platform. :/ But people are just like, well, what would you expect? But you know what, people manage to politely reject other people when they discover they have traits they don’t like all the fucking time. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to get, in this specific case, that “I’m sorry, I don’t really like sleeping with trans people, best of luck” is acceptable and FUCKING MURDER is not. >:(

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago


I’ll try to deal with the posts one at a time, althogh this is somewhat difficult to do while being stung by a hive of bees!

Pecunium, slow down, take a deep breath, and relax! The war is over for you! You are no longer in a godforsaken desert with women warriors protecting you and trying to keep your head from being blown off. You are safe at home, back in the good ole USA! Holster them shootin’ Irons!

You can disagree with me without getting personal, without spitting, cussing, and otherwise making yourself look like an intolerant and ignorant fool who hates what he can’t understand. There is NOTHING in my posts, about feminism–if read and understood correctly–which justifies such abuse!

My posts sometimes go a little ‘over the top”, and when I overstate my case, or make a mistake, either in fact or in impression, I am the first to gladly acknowledge it.

YOU, Pecunium, are the ONLY person on this website whose posts resemble that of a child having a temper tantrum! My posts, disagree as you–and others will–are thoughtful, clear, and I daresay, even quite intelligent! Every other person, (with the possible exception of ‘Voip’ and I am coming to him (or her) presently)
male or female, expresses disagreement–usually very strong disagreement–with my positions quite reasonably and in a way that still shows mutual respect and at least grudging courtesy.

Voip–where the HELL did you ever get the idea that I was interested in killing women who did not agree with me? I believe that women are very FOOLISH in their embrace of gender equality, I believe that their precious femininity can only be badly compromised and harmed by feminism and gender equality. I beleive that, yes, a compliant and more-or-less submissive woman is likelier to have a good relationship that one who is constantly looking for slights, itching for quarrels, and constantly fighting with her mate on who will wear the pants today! I recognise that women (and renegade male “housepets”) who embrace feminism and its policy proposals have done our society grave damage (beginning with de facto orphaned children of the past two generations) and this damage makes me angry! I also am reasonable enough and intelligent enough to see that the way to effect change is to change people’s minds, and to offer them something better–NOT to kill them!

My suggestions are radical (or reactionary) enough as they are…they need no embellishment from you or people like you, and I seek no harm to anyone!

Ami Angelwings–I don’t understand most of your posts, but I can assure you that I never supported any “Peace and Freedom” Party, never embraced their platform–if you quoted it accurately–and certainly don’t think that a socialist/ egalitarian organization of society would be a useful way of “every community retaining their cultural identity and living with each other in harmony” See almost all of my other posts–stout fences make for the best neighbors! To the extent that I have any politics at all, I am probably an anarchist of the “private law” society variety as best articulated by libertarians like Murray Rothbard, Hans Hermann-Hoppe, and Walter Block. IF I support anybody for President of the USSA–or what is left of this hellhole–it would probably be Constitutional Conservative Ron Paul (R)of Texas, and that only because I think that he offers the rest of us the best chance to claw ourselves out of the rubble under which you DemoPublicans left us with after more than a century of “progressivism”! My cultural and sexual norms and ideals are probably more conservative than those anarcho-libertarians cited above, but they are probably more conservative than everybody elses too, so they would have no bearing on my politics.

Kristinmh–Is it your time of the month, is it that they cancelled “Oprah”, or that you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Go back to sleep, and reply when you are feeling better.

Ozymandias42–My list–for both feminists and real women–was partial and incomplete. I have enough respect for my readers so that I can trust them to “fill in the blanks” and shouldn’t have to mention “kind” or “will share common interests with me”. The only question that I have, since YOU brought it up, is why, if you are such a good woman, have you gone through four–your words, not mine–men in the past few years. Couldn’t you find ONE man good enough for you? Maybe your feminism is still getting in the way.

Darksidecat, I have no idea where this obsession with “slaves” and “servants” onyour part even comes from? My models, and ideals are based on LOVE–not “power”! Slavery, by its very nature, is a purely hegemonic (power-based) relationship, and you, perhaps more than most people here, should see the difference!

Women are NOT slaves! They can’t be bought and sold, they may never be physically abused or whipped, and they have the right to leave an unsatisfactory relationship (although the follies of ‘no-fault divorce’ have to be looked at VERY CLOSELY!)
Darksidenight, words have a proper meaning, and “slavery” just does not enter into my ideal relationship–unlike feminists, who see EVERYTHING as a power-struggle, with a winner (preferably the female) and a loser–guess who?

Women in my view are complementary, NOT competitive, they seek a relationship of quality, NOT equality, they–like the men in their lives–seek pleasure, growth and personal (and eventually family) enhancement, NOT enslavement, NOT servitude, and certainly NOT the abuse which you characterise the norm of slavery in the ante-bellum south! Wake up and smell the coffee! Gender is complementary and harmonious, not a power struggle that the evil feminists have been foisting on us.

Look at the effects of FEMINISM on the decendents of the formerly enslaved…Marital breakdown, matriarchy and female-headed households: swarms of females crowding schools and colleges while men are crowding prisons and jails, millions of men drowning their wounded and corrupted masculinity with drugs or booze.A world where police can’t police, schools can’t teach, and where the local dope runner, “gangsta” or street corner thug provides the main, if not the only role model for what should be the up-and-coming generation! Those effects are in no way confined to African-Americans, but it seems that along with much other pathology and dysfunciton of the USSA that our REAL masters of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderburg group, and similar mafias have planned for us, Africans are somewhat more vulnerable…

“Racists” may have done a lot of bad things, but the nightmare I have described came about as exclusively as a result of “progressive” and “egalitarian” laws and policies getting women out of the home and asserting “equality” with men. The New World Order in action! Even the KKK never dreamed up feminism!

It is not a pretty picture, and it is one that advocates of gender “equality” bear full responsibility for. If you are aiming your artillery, aim at the correct targets!

Rutee, if you are still capable of reading–apprahending from a page of printed matter some accurate and complete idea of its verbal contents–everything that I said to darksidenight will, I hope, answer your objections. I never mentioned “slavery” or “servitude, you did! When women and their men work–and play–in mutual love and attachment, the feminsit notions of ‘oppression”, power struggles, and gender (as opposed to class or race) conflict have no meaning!

David K. Meller

13 years ago

DKM, don’t evaluate our community members. Or rather, you’re welcome to, but it won’t mean anything to us unless you’ve shown yourself to be someone we can respect, which you eminently haven’t. Someone we consider to be a bass-ackwards thinker saying that some of us are being unreasonable won’t convince anyone.

13 years ago

You know what’s really scary? The narcissists on this thread sound *just* like the rapists who force themselves on little boys and then say the little boy “asked for it”, because he was just so *damned seductive* prancing around in those little footie PJs or whatever.

Seriously. This is what rapists do. They project their own desires onto the victim, so they don’t have to believe what they’re doing is rape. Narcissism is strongly, positively correlated with the perpetration of rape and incest. It also sounds like some of this is internalized victim-blaming- i.e., someone victimized them, and told them it was their fault. Therefore, they believe victims “provoke” attacks.

These guys think *exactly like* rapists demonstrably think, and they wonder why the hell no woman wants to date them?! Uggghhh. And people wonder why many women don’t want to bring children into the world…

13 years ago

Women in my view are complementary, NOT competitive, they seek a relationship of quality, NOT equality, they–like the men in their lives–seek pleasure, growth and personal (and eventually family) enhancement, NOT enslavement, NOT servitude, and certainly NOT the abuse which you characterise the norm of slavery in the ante-bellum south! Wake up and smell the coffee! Gender is complementary and harmonious, not a power struggle that the evil feminists have been foisting on us.

Have you asked them?

Rutee, if you are still capable of reading–apprahending from a page of printed matter some accurate and complete idea of its verbal contents–everything that I said to darksidenight will, I hope, answer your objections.

Apprehending, Darksidecat.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I love how bent out of shape he got about that xD

So DKM actually doesn’t understand my posts? xD Which posts do you not understand DKM? 😀 Perhaps you can point them out to see where the problem is? :3

Do you understand this post right now?

Which sentences so far do you not understand? 😀

My list–for both feminists and real women–was partial and incomplete. I have enough respect for my readers so that I can trust them to “fill in the blanks” and shouldn’t have to mention “kind” or “will share common interests with me”.

Who here do you think is not “kind”? What would make a woman kind in your opinion? :3

What are your interests? 😀

13 years ago

So NWO posts an editorial as proof that there is discrimination against women.
No studies. No peer reviewed articles in scientific papers of note. Just one editorial with no links to the alleged RFP that the ACoE is soliciting under DIRECT COMMAND of President Obama in a known right wing paper.
From some guy at the Project for Civil Rights in Public Contracting. Which doesn’t exist according to the googles. And it took him 2 days to find just that.


13 years ago

Ami: Maybe the xDs are getting him >:D

13 years ago

DKM: I go through partners rather quickly (I’ve had between six and eight sex partners over the past two years, depending on your exact definition) because I am spectacularly bad at relationships (I’m probably codependent and certainly have a habit of getting in relationships with people I don’t want because they’re attracted to me), and because casual sex has a high attrition rate. Feminism has nothing to do with it. “Believing in the equality of men and women” doesn’t necessarily equate to “is able to be in relationships like a mature adult.”

13 years ago

Meller: I realise this is hard for you to understand… It’s not personal, and you aren’t a special flower; possessed of The Truth.

There is NOTHING in my posts, about feminism–if read and understood correctly–which justifies such abuse!

Au contraire, mob petits choux You, when taken as read (as opposed to the charming self-delusion that you are merely speaking the simple truth) are entitled to far more abuse than you receive. The idea that you are sharing with us the reasonable truth and only our blinders keeps us from seeing the paradise you want to bring about (which paradise involves the subjegation of women; even if you don’t get lucky enough to live to see the rise of sexbots and artificial wombs so you can kill off most of the women on the planet) is folly.

And it’s hateful, and it’s evil.

You are not thoughtful. The things you’ve said about killing women are but one exemplar. Either you really believe that (which I think more than slightly possible, given the rank hostility in your apparent nature), or you lack the insight to comprehend that so over the top a reductio ad absurdem has to be couched in ways that make it plain it’s nothing more than a thought experiment.

You lack the skill with words to manage that.

I don’t think there is any, mutual respect with anyone here who disagrees with you. Anyone who refers to those who disagree with him as, “housepets,” is not showing respect for them, or their arguments.

As to courtesy, you have shown little, if any, and gotten (at least from me) far more than you deserve (just look at the dismissal of Kirtsenmh as being emotional because she’s on the rag [which I know to be very much not true, but that’s irrelevant, as it shows a lack of respect for her words, rather that you are attempting to say she is rendered incapable of thought by virtue of being female: that or the attempt to what, shame me? Discredit me, by making reference to my being a vet. Is this supposed to be a snark that I am living in some PTSD world of Apocalypse Now, or The Hurt Locker? It’s of a piece with the insult you tossed at Kirsten, or the jibe [with errors in spelling and grammar] at Rutee. Lacking in both respect and courtesy),

None of the courtesy I am showing has been grudging. If you should like me to drop civility, you have but to ask. I will not, however, blow smoke up your ass and pretend the illogical spewings of your mind (which you take the time to compose, and have the option to consider before posting) are other than the dreck they are. I will continue to consider them deliberate, as you have had the time to deliberate on them before sending them to the world, that we may judge you on them.

You are not brilliant. You are not set upon by evil forces. You are small-minded, petty, and delusional on the nature of the world. If being told these things is painful, well the truth hurts.

You believe that a woman who is subservient to men is the only acceptable female. She should be happy in her deferrment to him, she should be, compliant. You have said that if this does not come about then the expectable (and desireable) course of action is to kill them.

Ergo I’d Say VoiP summed you up pretty well.

13 years ago

The difference between my ideal relationships with real women and slavery should be self-evident, but for your benefit, and the benfit of those feminist housepets like you, who want to parrot the bitch lobby on, I shall elucidate where you have totally missed the boat!
Slaves are forced to obey their masters, women (at their best) cooperate and comply with their menfolk because it is in their interest to do so. Slaves are kept in chains by terror, real women WANT to express their womanhood as an expression of love for the man in their lives.

“All men, except the most brutish, desire to have, in the woman most nearly connected with them, not a forced slave but a willing one; not a slave merely, but a favourite.”

I beleive that, yes, a compliant and more-or-less submissive woman is likelier to have a good relationship that one who is constantly looking for slights, itching for quarrels, and constantly fighting with her mate on who will wear the pants today!

“I believe that equality of rights would abate the exaggerated self-abnegation which is the present artificial ideal of feminine character, and that a good woman would not be more self-sacrificing than the best man: but on the other hand, men would be much more unselfish and self-sacrificing than at present, because they would no longer be taught to worship their own will as such a grand thing that it is actually the law for another rational being. There is nothing which men so easily learn as this self-worship: all privileged persons, and all privileged classes, have had it.”

My suggestions are radical (or reactionary) enough as they are…

Let’s try another “r” word. How about “regressive”?

13 years ago

Pam wins thread.

David K Meller
David K Meller
13 years ago

David Futrelle,

Thank you for citing passages (single paragraphs or less out of how many dozens of pages in toto?) that you–and your fellow contributors–find objectionable.

I believe that I stated in other posts that this was NOT ADVOCACY, it was extrapolation. It involved the possible, even likely, actions of men–three to six generations from now–who are very much like ourselves in many ways, being unrelentingly confronted by the hideous spectacle of so-called “women” constantly making them out to be enemies! Man the ‘oppressor’, man the ‘slavemaster’, man the ‘rapist’, man, the ‘abuser’, man, the ‘adversary…Cyberwives, Virtual reality, and abandonment of such horrid she-shrikes for something better is certainly understandable under the conditions, which feminists are creating today in a small(?) way, and tomorrow in a much larger way!

Firstly there is such a thing as a self-fulfulling prophecy. All of my posts indicate a preference of the exact OPPOSITE of the feminist “future”, a future of love, harmony, co-operation, and empathy between the sexes, as opposed to the feminist “ready-to-fight” power struggles, which I consider loathsome. Men will, however, whether I like it or not, take the feminist position of woman-as-enemy seriously, until, yes, horrible as it, when they can be replaced, they will be! I wasn’t–and would NEVER–advocate this development, but I appreciate its inevitability given the attitude of feminists even on!

How often have MY posts been attacked, NOT so much by paranoids(?) like Pecunium, but by people who mistakenly saw my prediction and understanding as advocacy? The male response–which we are already seeing beginnings of today, like video games– for a tragic development that needn’t come about! I regard life as precious, peace as a core value to any society, and I regard “liberty as the mother, not the daughter, of order” to quote Proudhon; one of the very few socialists in history who ever had anything worthwhile to read! Could such a person actually WELCOME the murder of women–even feminists–like you, and some of your readers, impute to me? Today’s feminists should stop insisting upon male “change” and should start changing themselves! Changing themselves BACK to what they were before the 1970’s would be a good first step, and the sooner the better!

Men have appallingly enslaved, forced into exile, or killed enemies (mostly other men) by the uncountable millions in the past for far less reason than man-hating, bitter, castrating, and vicious feminists are giving us today (and tomorrow).

I still hope for something better, but if my crystal ball is as cracked as everyone else’s, then men, by the millions, perhaps even billions, will see themselves–and each other–cornered by a vicious ENEMY, and the final outcome of feminism and gender equality will play itself out–but it will NOT be the fantasies of Betty Friedan, Robin Morgan, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, Andrea Dworken, Valerie Solanas (thought I forgot her, didn’t you?), Kathleen Mackinnon or Susan Brownmiller…

Life or Death, it is THEIR choice, not men’s generally, and certainly not mine!!

Wishing you…

David K. Meller

13 years ago

Rutee, if you are still capable of reading–apprahending from a page of printed matter some accurate and complete idea of its verbal contents–everything that I said to darksidenight will, I hope, answer your objections. I never mentioned “slavery” or “servitude, you did!”
Yes, I used the words because you already described them in what you want. You want women who do what you tell them to do. All this ‘complementary’ bullshit is a smokescreen to cover for that.

And it erases the gay, and the bi. How do you respond to gay people? To bi people with someone of their own sex?

“Women in my view are complementary, NOT competitive, they seek a relationship of quality, NOT equality”
You don’t actually talk to many women, do you? Because even the ones that never identified as feminist still want a relationship of equality, IME. It’s not all women, but it’s hardly enough to say that women are the outlier.

“When women and their men work–and play–in mutual love and attachment, the feminsit notions of ‘oppression”, power struggles, and gender (as opposed to class or race) conflict have no meaning! ”
Now that’s just absurd, are you seriously trying to say that all ‘romantic’ endeavors are free of oppression and related pressures? ARe you familiar with Thomas Jefferson?

13 years ago

single paragraphs or less out of how many dozens of pages in toto?

Yeah, they’ve said dozens of things that aren’t unreasonable! Now let me just find that list of Dworkin quotes…

13 years ago

I believe that I stated in other posts that this was NOT ADVOCACY, it was extrapolation. It involved the possible, even likely, actions of men–three to six generations from now–who are very much like ourselves in many ways, being unrelentingly confronted by the hideous spectacle of so-called “women” constantly making them out to be enemies! Man the ‘oppressor’, man the ‘slavemaster’, man the ‘rapist’, man, the ‘abuser’, man, the ‘adversary…Cyberwives, Virtual reality, and abandonment of such horrid she-shrikes for something better is certainly understandable under the conditions, which feminists are creating today in a small(?) way, and tomorrow in a much larger way!

Firstly there is such a thing as a self-fulfulling prophecy.

You can see things others can’t. You can see things others don’t want to.

It is because of THEM, feminists and those who work with them, that he stark choice of enslavement, extermination, or wholesale exile of such loathsome anti-woman shrikes becomes a legitimate subject of discussion.

Your extrapolation is half-gleeful, half-reluctant, but you didn’t do this all by yourself. Your enemies forced the decision upon you.

I still hope for something better, but if my crystal ball is as cracked as everyone else’s, then men, by the millions, perhaps even billions, will see themselves–and each other–cornered by a vicious ENEMY, and the final outcome of feminism and gender equality will play itself out–but it will NOT be the fantasies of Betty Friedan, Robin Morgan, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, Andrea Dworken, Valerie Solanas (thought I forgot her, didn’t you?), Kathleen Mackinnon or Susan Brownmiller…

Life or Death, it is THEIR choice, not men’s generally, and certainly not mine!!

In the end, it’s really up to them, right?

One thing I should like to say on this day, which may be memorable for others as well as for us Germans: In the course of my life I have very often been a prophet and have usually been ridiculed for it. During the time of my struggle for power, it was in the first instance the Jewish race that only received my prophecies with laughter when I said that I would one day take over the leadership of the State and with it that of the whole nation and that I would then, among many other things, settle the Jewish problem.

Their laughter was uproarious, but I think that for some time now they have been laughing on the other side of their face. Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth, and this the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe! For the time when the non-Jewish nations had no propaganda is at an end.

13 years ago

I believe that I stated in other posts that this was NOT ADVOCACY, it was extrapolation. It involved the possible, even likely, actions of men–three to six generations from now–who are very much like ourselves in many ways, being unrelentingly confronted by the hideous spectacle of so-called “women” constantly making them out to be enemies! Man the ‘oppressor’, man the ‘slavemaster’, man the ‘rapist’, man, the ‘abuser’, man, the ‘adversary…Cyberwives, Virtual reality, and abandonment of such horrid she-shrikes for something better is certainly understandable under the conditions, which feminists are creating today in a small(?) way, and tomorrow in a much larger way!

Firstly there is such a thing as a self-fulfulling prophecy.

You can see things others can’t. You can see things others don’t want to.

It is because of THEM, feminists and those who work with them, that he stark choice of enslavement, extermination, or wholesale exile of such loathsome anti-woman shrikes becomes a legitimate subject of discussion.

Your extrapolation is half-gleeful, half-reluctant, but you didn’t do this all by yourself. Your enemies forced the decision upon you.

I still hope for something better, but if my crystal ball is as cracked as everyone else’s, then men, by the millions, perhaps even billions, will see themselves–and each other–cornered by a vicious ENEMY, and the final outcome of feminism and gender equality will play itself out–but it will NOT be the fantasies of Betty Friedan, Robin Morgan, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, Andrea Dworken, Valerie Solanas (thought I forgot her, didn’t you?), Kathleen Mackinnon or Susan Brownmiller…

Life or Death, it is THEIR choice, not men’s generally, and certainly not mine!!

In the end, it’s really up to them, right?

One thing I should like to say on this day, which may be memorable for others as well as for us Germans: In the course of my life I have very often been a prophet and have usually been ridiculed for it. During the time of my struggle for power, it was in the first instance the Jewish race that only received my prophecies with laughter when I said that I would one day take over the leadership of the State and with it that of the whole nation and that I would then, among many other things, settle the Jewish problem. Their laughter was uproarious, but I think that for some time now they have been laughing on the other side of their face. Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth, and this the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe! For the time when the non-Jewish nations had no propaganda is at an end.

13 years ago