douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pussy cartel reactionary bullshit

Science Corner: Why some self-obsessed douchebags hate the ladies so much

I'd do me. Why won't those bitches?

Well, this explains a few things:

Narcissistic Heterosexual Men Target Their Hostility Primarily at Heterosexual Women, the Objects of Their Desires, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2010) — Heterosexual women bear the brunt of narcissistic heterosexual men’s hostility, while heterosexual men, gay men and lesbian women provoke a softer reaction, according to psychologist Dr. Scott Keiller from Kent State University at Tuscarawas. This is likely to be due to women’s unparalleled potential for gratifying, or frustrating, men’s narcissism, the author concludes. They are crucial players and even gatekeepers in men’s quests for sexual pleasure, patriarchal power and status.

More here. The actual study here (subscribers only).

Yes, like a lot of psych studies, it was based on a relatively small sample of college students (104 undergraduate men, to be exact). But after this post yesterday – and, you know, the entire content of this blog — it’s hard not to think that Keiller is on to something.

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13 years ago

“who won’t ever have a real man in your lives, and will have to settle for type housepets.”
What makes you think that every woman wants a man? That every man wants a woman?

“Once again, why don’t YOU accursed feminists change (for a change)?? We men have done enough changing, largely at your behest, for the next ten thousand years, and it is time for the shoe to be on the other foot!”
Pft, you gave up utter social dominance and realized that non-middle-class-white men are theoretically people too. You’ve got a lot more work, buddy, as do white men in general.

“Sharculese, turn yourself into a woman that a man could love, and lead by example to help the other pathetic and dysfunctional females on the ‘net.”
Every person in the last 3 years who’s fallen for me has actually loved my troll takedowns and biting invective, actually. And none of them has been ‘henpecked’, because it’s only turned on morons like yourselves.

You should probably figure out that people are varied, at some point, and they have individual tastes as well as individual traits.

“Slaves are forced to obey their masters, women (at their best) cooperate and comply with their menfolk because it is in their interest to do so. Slaves are kept in chains by terror, real women WANT to express their womanhood as an expression of love for the man in their lives. I could go on, but I think that I have made my point!”
No, not really. What you want is women who can’t imagine a life where they don’t serve you. That’s ultimately what servitude and submissiveness is about. It’s not as bad as the slavery experienced by black people for several centuries, but it’s not actually much better either.

Love is not servitude. Period, end of discussion.

13 years ago

@Meller, your description does describe a servant ” I LOVE servants, their capacity for empathy, their softness and attentiveness, their domestic skills (especially when I am the beneficiary), their perceptiveness and patience, their compliance and docility”. That’s a servant, not a partner. Also, it is absurd to pretend like something is a mere preference (i.e. you prefer your lovers to be your servants), when you clearly hate those who don’t meet your criteria. That’s not a preference, that’s a general expectation.

“Slaves are forced to obey their masters, women (at their best) cooperate and comply with their menfolk because it is in their interest to do so. Slaves are kept in chains by terror, real women WANT to express their womanhood as an expression of love for the man in their lives. I could go on, but I think that I have made my point!”

All you are saying here is that your think “real women” (as opposed to the vast majority of women who are apparantly “fake women”) would want to be your slaves. Well, slaveholders tried that logic too, back in the day, often claiming that slaves were better off enslaved and pushing stereotypes of the “happy slave”. Of course, given your history of extensive racism, it’s not likely you actually care about that or read history about that either, so maybe this news is a surprise to your ass.

13 years ago

“What you want is women who can’t imagine a life where they don’t serve you.”


13 years ago

No more beautiful voluptuous women in corsets. No more fishnets. No more slutty Halloween costumes. No more lingerie as clothing. Hell, probably no more lingerie. No more bikinis. No more skinnydipping. No more streaking. No more skinny jeans. No more hanging around your apartment naked. No more burlesque. This world of Random Brother’s just gets worse and worse.

I mean, really. The track record of anti-feminists sucks, in terms of Ozy’s Vagina (and, really, isn’t that the measure everyone is using?):

1) Persuading hot curvy women that they’re ugly and need to diet.
2) Telling women to stop dressing like sluts.
3) Beating up and shaming men who wear eyeliner and glitter and black nail polish.
4) Making people feel shame about their sexualities so they communicate about sex less well.
5) Making me spend deal with my male sex partners’ body image and sexual performance issues.

It’s just suck all around.

13 years ago

Ooh! DKM has described his ideal woman!

I am a feminist. I am also:

–empathetic (I make a habit of trying to understand everyone’s points of view, and often I succeed)
–soft (I have been complimented on my velvety skin)
–attentive (to the point of clinginess towards people I like)
–domestic (I make a mean vegan shepherd’s pie)
–patient (I can wait four hours, dude)
–compliant (I have boundaries and limits and Things I Won’t Do, like anyone, but for a reasonable request in a relationship I’ll glady comply)
–docile (I tend to be more of a follower than a leader, yeah, although I’m a follower with critical thinking skills)

I’m not perceptive, like, at all, so that’s a fair cop. Also having this as your list of desired traits and not, you know, “witty” or “smart” or “shares similar interests with me” or even “kind” really does make it sound like you’re in the market for a maid who doubles as a sex doll.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I wonder if the other MRAs know that David K. Meller actually supports a feminist party xD I wonder if he does xD

“The Peace and Freedom Party, founded in 1967, is committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality. We represent the working class, those without capital in a capitalist society. We organize toward a world where cooperation replaces competition, a world where all people are well fed, clothed and housed; where all women and men have equal status; where all individuals may freely endeavor to fulfill their own talents and desires; a world of freedom and peace where every community retains its cultural integrity and lives with all others in harmony”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

David K. Meller, I’ve been trying to turn myself into a woman that a man could love (literally, too! at least if we’re talking PiV secks) but I can’t afford it. Can you spot me $20,000? xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

women (at their best) cooperate and comply with their menfolk because it is in their interest to do so.

Why is it “in their interest to do so”? xD What happens if they do not? o:

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

By that list, technically I’m a Meller approved woman xD

13 years ago

His fault he forgot to mention “in possession of a vagina.”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Ozy Roissy had the same issue on his quiz xD (tho maybe both of them are more open-minded than we think :3 )

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Well then, he should have put it on his quiz xD

I love that he’s so paranoid he starts examining the way she holds her purse and everything xD

I’m always amused when cis guys freak out about this stuff online and start posting tips. >_> (also annoyed cuz.. y’know, transphobia, stereotypes, etc xD ) I’ve seen ppl posting about arm to torso ratio… length of fingers… how we walk, spacing of eyes, etc etc e_e

(also they seem to think our goal is to trick them or something)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Mind you, I’m also not amused by it, cuz all of the transphobia “omg is she a tranny” etc etc stuff leads to the whole narrative of trans ppl as “traps” and the mindset that puts trans ppl in danger : I mean it’s haha at him, but at the same time, we’re actual real ppl, and this stuff and these attitudes affects our lives :

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

dkm its not that i was offended by your confusion (im kind a girly dude, its who i am) its just that i found it… stupid, i guess, and indicative of someone who doesnt think about what they say…

im not quite as sensitive to words as you are 😉

They really think that it’s the worst thing in the world for a man to be compared to a woman. No matter how many times we say: “you know, we don’t consider women to be inferior to men, so it’s really not an insult to be compared to one” they keep on thinking it’s the biggest burn evar to call us girly men. It’s like some ancient Mr. Burns type calling us “rapscallions” or “ragamuffins.” It’s quaint and pathetic at the same time.

13 years ago

one long laundry list of my faults, my shortcomings, how I “ought to” or “should” see feminists like you…

If by “fault” you mean that you’re DOWN WITH KILLING WOMEN WHO WON’T COMPLY WITH YOUR SLAVE-STATE come The Millennium, then I think we should take careful note of your faults, while, of course, backing away slowly. .

13 years ago


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago



13 years ago

Ami: My dad once opined that trans people should expect to be murdered if they don’t open every flirtatious interaction with “hello, I’m so-and-so, and I’m trans”, because what did you expect if a man suddenly discovered he’d been flirting with someone with a penis?



Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

ugh -_-;;

The funny thing is that doesn’t actually prevent being murdered… since just saying that can mean that you’re going to be the victim of violence (either then, or later) : Or telling ppl in online dating doesn’t meant that you’re safe either. : The entire theory is predicated on the myth of the “trans panic” murder (and idea that it should be some sort of excuse), and that transphobes will just leave a trans person alone if they know, which is absolutely not true. (like in the murder of Angie Zapata, where Andrade claimed “trans panic” but it turned out he knew she was trans before the day he murdered her, but even tho he was convicted, there are STILL so many ppl who believe his trans panic claim and his version of events) : Also there are ppl who DO want to be with trans women but also hate themselves for it and take it out on us after… and also that ppl think they can get away with violence against us b/c they can just claim “trans panic” after and play into the narrative that the onus is on trans ppl to reveal (also they always act like we never think about this, or think about when to reveal or etc etc, it’s all about trans ppl are traps, not as human beings) and not on transphobes not to murder us. >_<;;

This ties in a lot to what we're talking about here too. "Trans panic" as a social narrative that ppl just "know" and "common sense" tells you must be true. That straight men can't control their homophobia and transphobia and will just kill, and that no matter what the facts, it was b/c a trans person didn't reveal, and that "provoked" the murder. -_-;;

13 years ago

What a piece of shit Roissy is. But then, we knew that, I’d just managed to keep it from my mind for a bit.

13 years ago

NWO: Stories of men being beaten and killed after a woman falsely cries rape and urges other men to avenge her appear with disturbing regularity

Logic fail, conflation. The law isn’t doing that. Women aren’t doing it. Men are doing it.

As to disturbing regularity… [citation needed]

13 years ago

CB: I use ipso facto non-ironically.

13 years ago

Meller: Pot/Kettle. You are whining about how women are telling men how to behave so women will like them, in the middle of your shrill little screeds about how women need to change themselves to make you happy.

What makes you so special?

In particular I recall that your preferred woman is either dead, or a sexbot. So really, I don’t see any actual benefit to women from trying to please you.

Try being anything other than a whiny little boy and maybe one of those, “soft, feminine, womanly women” you drool after will take pity on you.

As for the rest of humanity, the best bet is to ignore you; until you come out from your hovel and stamp your feet and complain that no one has decided to change themselves to cater to your hate-filled dreams.

Then we need to remind everyone of what a petty, woman-hating, racist, little shit you are.

13 years ago

Well, someone needs to say the word that’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue…

(CB? Closet Buffyholic is here now? :o)