![Narcissus Caravaggio](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/narcissus-caravaggio.jpg?resize=350%2C424&ssl=1)
Well, this explains a few things:
Narcissistic Heterosexual Men Target Their Hostility Primarily at Heterosexual Women, the Objects of Their Desires, Study Finds
ScienceDaily (July 29, 2010) — Heterosexual women bear the brunt of narcissistic heterosexual men’s hostility, while heterosexual men, gay men and lesbian women provoke a softer reaction, according to psychologist Dr. Scott Keiller from Kent State University at Tuscarawas. This is likely to be due to women’s unparalleled potential for gratifying, or frustrating, men’s narcissism, the author concludes. They are crucial players and even gatekeepers in men’s quests for sexual pleasure, patriarchal power and status.
More here. The actual study here (subscribers only).
Yes, like a lot of psych studies, it was based on a relatively small sample of college students (104 undergraduate men, to be exact). But after this post yesterday – and, you know, the entire content of this blog — it’s hard not to think that Keiller is on to something.
Hard to say… there are many people who claim that they were once feminists and then “saw the light” (of the holy penis, or something). But there are also many people who claim to be former baby-eating satanic cultists, so…
Nobinayamu, that’s very interesting about that strain of black nationalist thought. It’s not something I’m very familiar with. But RB is wrong in his assertion that I “missed” it. I read through Obsidian’s description and dismissed it as mere rationalization of the sort that MRA’s of every color indulge in when they want to claim that they hate women for a good reason. 😀
Oh, hi there RB! You’re full of shit! 😀 ;D
Today we have the situation of false rape claims being accepted with the result of punishing many innocent men. Don’t innocent men have rights? If we don’t care about their rights, then why should anyone care about your rights?
What do you believe is the procedure from rape complaint to police to a trial to jury decision and what do you believe is the burden of proof at each stage? :3
What rights do you believe the accused should have that they alrdy do not? o: What rights do you believe they currently have?
Shorter RB: woo hoo look at me I’m a big old rape apologist! BLARGH BLARGH SKEEVE BLARG
@Random Brother okay, ignoring the little strawmen since we know you dun actually believe that’s what feminists believe.. xD
What do you believe should be considered rape, and what do you believe is being considered as rape under the law that should not be? :3 And how do you believe accused rapists should be treated and how do you believe the complainants should be treated under the law, if you believe there is unfairness currently (if you believe there is) :3
I don’t know that I’d call the Black Women’s Empowerment “movement’ Black Nationalist, really. I don’t know that I’d even call them a movement. It’s mostly a fairly reactionary group of writers/bloggers/motivational speaker types who are responding directly to what they feel is an overt uptick in negativity in the way Black women are being portrayed throughout in the media. And isn’t an observation that is wholly without merit. For a couple of years now, certainly since Obama’s election, there has been an awful lot of random, and at times, contradictory memes about Black women that have gotten an awful lot of mainstream attention.
Either we’re a bunch of single welfare moms, raising criminals in the “ghetto” or we’re over educated, shrewish harpies who have about as much of a chance of sprouting wings as we do of finding a “good man”. We’re either overly religious, simplistic thinkers who are addicted to twitter and hair weaves, or mendacious, predatory video girls pumped full of silicon butt injections, desperate to get knocked up by some athlete or hip hop artist. And when we’re not shallow and vain video vixens, we’re all fat and ugly.
So many memes. It’s hard to keep up.
So the BWE (as they refer to themselves) feels that Black women need to be proactive about their lives, and the way they’re portrayed in the media and be much more aggressive about denouncing these stereotypes. Which, at a surface level, I have no inherent objection to. But the way it’s practiced -for lack of a better term- and some of the movements self proclaimed leaders can be really problematic about class issues within the Black community. There’s some real internalized racism and misogyny that’s troubling and deeply unflattering.
It’s… complicated.
Oh, and Ami, I think you’re right. I think I’m mixing up the Bitter guy with the Angry Asian Men blog which is awesome! The blog, I mean; not the mixing up.
Oh Random Brother.
There surely is nothing more hilariously hysterical and overwrought than pointing out that rape is a serious crime which often goes unpunished.
Next thing you know they’ll be claiming that murder exists in our universe, or that people commit assault and go to jail! HAW!
Don’t these feminists know we live in a just world where bad things only happen to bad people? (unless they’re men)
*commit assault and don’t go to jail. rrgh.
I’m fascinated at how passive these hypothetical “thugs” are in your thought-experiment. It’s almost as if this experiment in no way resembles reality.
Similar to the female hive-mind that “collectively chooses” something that is obviously damaging to half of their potential offspring. It’s like women have somehow “decided” that sickle-cell anemia is a desirable trait for their partners and thus children to have.
Or as we like to call it in the scientific community “total bullshit”
this is the other site (it’s gone now) :
you can find out why everything is white and Asian women’s fault >_>
So we’ve established that white girls just don’t want Asian guys. Big deal, some of you are saying. So what if there are white guys who want Asian girls? They’re fetishists, and you can’t be bitter just because of a mere fetish.
That would be true except for the following fact, which is really the low blow that enrages most Asian men and sends them into alternating cycles of self-pity and bitter resentment: Asian girls don’t want Asian guys either. Yes, you heard right. If the Asian man expected some sympathy from his own race for his plight, instead he got a punch in the gut.
We went over how white guys can be all over Asian girls, and the really sickening part is that the Asian girls are usually more than happy to respond in being all over the white guys. Think of any Asian/white interracial couples you might have seen. Chances are, it’s an Asian girl with a white guy, not the other way around. This isn’t just subjective bias talking – one recent population survey held in California (where there are huge populations of Asian guys, I must remind you) found that in an Asian/white interracial marriage, it was 10 times more likely to be an Asian girl and a white guy than the other way around.
Why do Asian girls prefer white guys? It’s not totally their fault, especially if they’re American-born. Like ABA guys, they might have grown up with white standards of beauty, swooning over Leonardo DiCaprio instead of Jet Li while growing up. So they might be more willing to date a white guy than their mother was. Of course, the difference between the Asian girl and the Asian guy is that the girl is likely to get some sort of positive response.
This is where my sympathy ends. It’s the other trend – Asian women who’ve grown up in their own country, swooning over white men half a world away – that’s the real kick in the crotch. The attention white guys get in places like Hong Kong, Taipei, and Tokyo is just sick. Never mind the recent news about the dating agency that recently opened in Great Britain and the US specifically for the purpose of helping Japanese women find good white men to marry.
What does the white guy have that the Asian guy doesn’t? There’s two categories of this, actually – stuff that people THINK the Asian guy doesn’t have (but he does), and stuff that the Asian guy legitimately doesn’t have. I’ll get into these later in the sections entitles “Western society hates us” and “Nature hates us”. Suffice to say that a lot of these things are things that girls SAY they don’t care about… but they must be lying, because they do. What do girls usually say they care about? They say they care about respect, and a guy who has a future. Nobody has more respect than the Asian man! We treat our teachers well, we treat our elders well, and of course we treat our women well. As for future? When was the last time you saw a homeless Asian guy, or an Asian guy with a deadend job at a McDonald’s?
The only conclusion I can draw from all of this is that most girls are lying to you when they tell you what they’re looking for, and that’s why the white guy wins. Sad? Yeah. But true.
Sounds like MRA stuff w/ white guys instead of alpha male/thug/bad boy -_-;;
Cynickal, you seem to be including yourself within the reference to “we” in the “scientific community.” It therefore follows that you will have heard of sexual selection as a neo-Darwinian interpretation of Charles Darwin’s original natural selection and thus, you are able to understand how thugs might fit in with the grander scheme of things, at least from the perspective of the mainstream interpretation of science. Or don’t you?
Ami Angelwings, thank you for your very interesting links. I’ve often wondered how Asian men relate to their women throwing themselves at whitie for no reason other than being white. Even complete troglodytes, provided they are white, can find a wife in Asia and Eastern Europe. Much to digest here and reflect upon within the context of sexual selection theory.
Oh god, now I’m reading back thru everything xD
I keep just wanting to chant “EM AR AY” “EM AR AY” at them xD
As bad as the Western prejudice against Asian males is, there is one factor even deeper than societal prejudice working against the average Asian man. Yes, even if all the people in the world were suddenly brainwashed into not being racist anymore and all of the aforementioned examples ceased to exist, the Asian man would continue to be screwed. Why? Because Nature hates us.
I was considering titling this section “God hates us”, but like many Asians, we weren’t indoctrinated with religion growing up as kids and thus I have a more stoic view on the world. Regardless of whether there is a God or not, though, one thing is clear – whoever or whatever is responsible for the design of the modern world, whether the hand of God or the forces of mathetmatical randomness, they hate Asians. Let’s look at a few examples:
Asians are not hairy: When was the last time you saw an Asian with a hairy body? Asians just aren’t too hairy. It’s pretty hard for the average Asian to grow a full beard. It’s almost impossible for an Asian to have a hairy chest. And in a society where hairiness is usually equated with manliness (recall the phrase ‘This’ll put some hair on your chest!’), the end result is that Asians usually get viewed as effeminate fairies, not real manly men. I’m not sure what odd figment of evolution decided that having hair was manly, unless being manly is somehow related to being descended from apes. Thankfully this trend is dying out, with help from an unlikely source, that is, the rising popularity of metrosexuals. The appropriation of the gay male sensibility means that more and more women are finding the sleek and hairless look more attractive than the ridiculous fur-covered look, so I guess we Asians have to thank the metrosexuals for something. Sadly, this is where the good news ends for Asian men.
Asians are short: Fast fact: The average white man is 5’9″ tall. The average Asian man is 5’5″ tall. Asians are just shorter than whites, though not by much. Still, this is enough to fuel endless jokes about how short Asians are, mostly in the movies (again, the media scourge!) Asians are also much more tightly clustered aroud the average, so there are a LOT of them around 5 and half feet, whereas the white male is more spread out, so there are plenty 6-foot-and-then-some monsters out there. Why does this make a difference? Because girls can be ridiculously shallow. Now I’m a very forgiving person. You could have a million different pairs of shoes and a different outfit for every day of the year and sitll I’d hesitate to call you shallow. But I will not hesitate to call you shallow if, like so many girls, you’re the type who insists that your boyfriend be a certain height. Many girls I’ve talked to say a prospective male has to be at least 5’10” to even warrant consideration, and many say that they would never date somebody their own height or shorter. I don’t know what the big deal is. I’m 5’9″ myself (taller than both of my parents, and have been for years) and I wouldn’t rule out dating a girl TALLER than myself. I wouldn’t rule out dating a girl SHORTER than myself either. Maybe I’m just weird, but I happen to think that height ranks slightly lower than eye color on the list of Things To Look For In A Significant Other.
Asians have smaller dicks: Yeah, I said it. Asians are getting taller all the time, as generations go by – no consolation to short Asians of THIS generation, but maybe their grandsons won’t have as many problems as they did… provided they even have grandsons. One thing that Nature really hates Asians on, though, is the following. The average white man’s dick is 6.13 inches long. The average Asian man’s is 5.08 inches. (You have no idea how many gay porn and penis enlargement websites I had to comb through to get these statistics. I hope you all thank me for the dedication I put forward for this site.) Never mind the “Size doesn’t matter” lie – the fact is that in the back of every woman’s mind, whether they consciously acknowledge it or not, the Asian man just doesn’t measure up to the white man. Yeah, that was a pun. And it was on purpose. In any case, averages are a mean thing. An Asian guy with an 8-inch monster still has to labor with the stereotype. Nametags that say “Hi, my name is Harry Lee, and I have an 8-inch dick.” just aren’t in style yet.
Rare is the girl who is willing to look past all of these things. Rarer still is the girl who prefers shorter, hairless men with small dicks. The only man more cursed by his genetics and less likely to have a happy life than the American-born Asian is a gay French man who lives in Texas. Sorry guys – Nature just hates us.
Also they sound like MRAL xD
woo hoo! 😀 I’m infesting the MRAs :3
Rape is a problem. NO MEANS NO!!!!!!!
He said that sarcastically.
The mind boggles.
I love how he phrases everything with pseudointellectual word cruft, but he’s actually just saying “Why do those hot Asian sluts all want to bang white dudes?”
@ Ami
Ami said: What do you believe should be considered rape, and what do you believe is being considered as rape under the law that should not be? :3 And how do you believe accused rapists should be treated and how do you believe the complainants should be treated under the law, if you believe there is unfairness currently (if you believe there is) :3
RB: Ami, I have no problem with the traditional definition of rape. However, feminsts seem to want to expand rape’s definition and make men accused of rape have to prove their innocence instead of the wise standard of innocent until proven guilty. The term gray rape comes to mind. Now I have no problem with the idea that a man comes upon a drunk passed out woman and violates her that he has committed rape. The problem arises when two people are drinking the have sex, and this becomes rape. This type of “rape” faults only the man and quite frankly to me is ridiculous.
The whole rape culture meme is fucking ridiculous. Hell you had some stupid cow on that site evebitfirst that claimed that if you even went into a stip club you were a rape supporter (if you were a man of course).
Now, this will of course set off the radfems and other nutjobs on this board, followed closely by the pussy beggars, but the idea that if a woman has alcohol in her system that she cannot consent to sex is stupid. Also, no such law would ever be passes with regards to a man. But feminists would love to have this pass though it is totally asinine. Anything that harms men I guess.
I also have a problem with the idea that we live in some a rape culture. As if women creep around terrified that hordes of rapists are going to pounce on them at any time. This is utter bullshit. If there is a rape culture the woman here sure as hell aren’t acting like they are scared. People who are scared actually take precautions. They don’t respond by holding parades dressed half naked.
Lastly rapists, real rapists should be hung.
Random Brother
Wonders which pussy beggar will get a pat on his head for calling me a rape apologist.
People who are scared actually take precautions.
What precautions do you think women should take? :]
By the “traditional definition” of rape and sexual assault, you mean the laws we currently have that describe it?
If real rapists should be hung, but you’re also rly afraid of false rape accusations, how do we make sure that we’re actually killing real rapists, since there’s no going back? o: Is the standard of proof we have now enough? Or what do you think it should be? o:
@ Holly
Holly said: Oh Random Brother.
There surely is nothing more hilariously hysterical and overwrought than pointing out that rape is a serious crime which often goes unpunished.
Next thing you know they’ll be claiming that murder exists in our universe, or that people commit assault and go to jail! HAW!
Don’t these feminists know we live in a just world where bad things only happen to bad people? (unless they’re men)
RB: 1. The problem isn’t you pointing out that rape is a serious crime, The problem is your claim that it is an epidemic and you feminist’s solutions for this problem. 2. When your feminist solution is to make men guilty until proven innocent. Or to make the level of proof so low that it is impossible to be found innocent, as feminists seem to want to do well THAT’S the problem.
Random Brother
I have yet to prove that I am faster than mustachio.
When your feminist solution is to make men guilty until proven innocent. Or to make the level of proof so low that it is impossible to be found innocent, as feminists seem to want to do well THAT’S the problem.
Is that the feminist solution? o_O (I’ve never heard any feminist here say that men should be guilty until proven innocent o:) What’s the minimum level of proof you believe feminists (like Holly) are advocating for? o:
@ Ami
Ami said: What precautions do you think women should take? :]
By the “traditional definition” of rape and sexual assault, you mean the laws we currently have that describe it?
If real rapists should be hung, but you’re also rly afraid of false rape accusations, how do we make sure that we’re actually killing real rapists, since there’s no going back? o: Is the standard of proof we have now enough? Or what do you think it should be? o:
RB: Well, as to precautions, not getting plastered out of your mind while at bars and clubs would be one precuation. Further, to take a line from the infamous Toronto police officer not dressing like a slut also would help. And, though I loathe giving any feminist this advice, honestly if you are (or someone else was) truly afraid and live in an appropriate state a carry and conceal permit might be the way to go.
2. The laws about rape and assault were fine until the added crap like verbal abuse and the kind. We should go back to that standard.
3. Two things could help ensure that men are not falsely accused of rape. One, passing a law that gives the same punishment to false rape accusers as to rapists. Two, adding polygraphs and whatever high tech machinery to help ensure that the right person gets convicted. Once you have a high level of probability that you have the right guy, hang him.
4. The standard of proof we have is probably enough for prison, but not execution.
Random Brother
Dave Futrelle sounds like a made up name.
What country are you in, RB? What is the traditional / standard definition of rape where you are?
@ Ami
RB: Referring to the removal of innocent until proven guilty, start here:
Random Brother
Caveman or astronaut?
Two things could help ensure that men are not falsely accused of rape. One, passing a law that gives the same punishment to false rape accusers as to rapists.
So… also hanging false rape accusers? o_O
What if he or she did not actually falsely accuse (I’m presuming you mean that they lied rather than just not enough evidence to convict or etc) and they were falsely accused of that? Doesn’t that mean that whoever accused them of falsely accusing should be hanged? :
If what we have isn’t enough to hang somebody, what should the standard of proof be since you want to have capital punishment for rapists? 😐
Why do you believe “not dressing like a slut” prevents rape? :] In what ways does it prevent rape?
(sry for all the questions, but I’ve never talked to you before so I’m just getting it clear what you believe rather than assuming it 🙂 )