alpha males antifeminism beta males creepy evil women false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rapey reactionary bullshit sex sexual harassment sluts terrorism the spearhead woman's suffrage

Spearheaders on the SlutWalks. Again. It’s bad.

From the Dallas SlutWalk

Oh dear. The Spearheaders are talking about the Slutwalks again. The discussion may be the worst on the subject that I have run across so far. Some of the lowlights:

Keyster seems downright pissed that women actually have the right to say no:

They’re high functioning children with sexual power and they don’t want you to forget it. They’re outraged that just because a young woman dresses and acts in a sexually provocative manner, that she might receive unwanted attention from young men that don’t appeal to her.

She should be able to dress like a street whore and abuse alcohol to the point of delerium and they feel compelled to lecture us on how that doesn’t mean this is an advertisment to be sexually harrassed, sexually assaulted or heaven forbid raped. …

They want the “RIGHT” to dress as sexually provocative as they want to without being constantly annoyed by lowly beta males. They’d prefer you not “sexually victimize” them, unless you’re hot and they’re into you, then it’s totally OK. …

Remember this: She didn’t bother to get dressed up for the likes of YOU. Her hope was a worthy athelete or Hollywood star might notice her and talk to her; not some weak, pathetic loser …

 “We’ve got the sexual power, the power of consent, the gate keeper of the holy vaginal crevice. See our bouncing propped up cleavage, our long legs and glorious ass protruding from those heels? You want it don’t you?

    ….ha, ha, ha…you can’t have it because I SAY SO! Because I have THIS power over you, lowly little man. Bow down to me and beg me a little, I might even let the others see me talking to you, without calling the cops.” …

    This isn’t feminism, it’s flaunting female sexual power in the faces of men.

You’re seriously complaining that woman have the “power of consent!?” EVERYONE has the power of consent. No one male or female is obliged to have sex with anyone they don’t want to. That’s, you know, rape. It bothers you that women are the “the gate keeper[s] of the holy vaginal crevice?” Who the fuck else should be the gatekeeper of a person’s vagina other than the person whose vagina it is? The mind reels. But apparently the 50+ upvoters of this piece of abhorrent nonsense aren’t bothered by any of this.

Demirogue, meanwhile, suggests we need to better discipline our women:

While perusing FB last week I came across the newest deviation of this mentality which is going topless. …  And they want to cry about rape? They need to cry but only because people said enough is enough and started to belt them on their asses.

Women need to be controlled and on a very, very short leash. They’ve been given every right, every option, every opportunity to be something and what do they do with it? Abuse and manipulate it with reckless abandonment and incessant demands.

Geography Bee Finalist himself thinks the slutwalkers must be retarded:

I wouldn’t worry too much about these Slutwalk sows.

They have no redeeming features. None.

They cannot figure out that if you dress like a whore, you deserve to be treated in a disrespectful manner. Even conservatively dressed mentally retarded women can figure this out and conduct themselves with more propriety and intelligence than these Slutwalkers … .

Knuckledragger blames it on those damned suffragettes:

…we let ‘em drive, we let ‘em vote, and this is what we get.

Ridiculous to even offer attention to another excuse to dress like a whore, goof off in public, and not bring me a beer.

Any man worth his salt should fire any skank who was “sick” from work to attend this nonsense.

SingleDad seems to think that all accusations of rape are made up:

Rape is now the extra tax women charge men if some how their unsatisfied with whatever arrangement was made before or after any encounter in or outside of marriage.

Other lowlights:

Poiuyt agreeing with Anders Breivik’s  “observations surrounding this femaleist pandemic,” while adding  that he  “is to be rebuked for taking the wrong cureative actions to solve it.”

Demirogue (in a second comment) complaining that “overvalued pussy is all [women today] have to offer and only to certain men.”

Anonymous age 69 explaining that “rape laws were intended to protect women of good character, from being sexually violated,” not “to protect promiscuous sluts .”

And more, much, much more. Many of the worst (including most of those quoted here) have many dozens of upvotes.  Go read the thread yourself, if you think you can stomach it.

There are no arguments to rebut here; I can only repeat the basic message that the slutwalks are trying to convey: no one deserves to be raped, no matter what they are wearing or how much consensual sex they engage in. Even if they show some cleavage or prefer athletes and/or rocks stars to so-called beta males.

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13 years ago

I hate this gatekeeper bullshit.

It’s like they’ve never even considered the idea that a woman might want to sleep with them, and they wouldn’t want to sleep with her.

There’s some study on male/female differences in accepting offers of casual sex (I don’t have it to hand) where they found men, who were more accepting of offers, consistently imagined them coming from an attractive, appealing woman. Women, on the other hand, consistently assumed they were coming from some random person they found neither attractive nor appealing.

It’s like most guys have this thing where they forget that someone they aren’t into might be into them, and so have never considered that they are, technically, gatekeepers of their own genitalia too.

13 years ago

That was less coherent than I expected. Where’s my coffee?

Obviously my female lab mates have been remiss in not making it.

13 years ago

So basically, once again the Spearhead=Stormfront. Not really surprised over here.

13 years ago

My comment from the spearhead

Slut walkers, too funny…Apparently women are completely unable to control their sexual urges to entice a man sexually by any and all means. Seriously ladies, keep it in your pants. Learn a little self control.

13 years ago

That was less coherent than I expected.

But it was still understandable.
It’s a zero-sum game view of the adage, “men do the picking but women do the choosing”, in that her choosing whether to consent or not negates his having chosen who he picks.

13 years ago

Remember this: She didn’t bother to get dressed up for the likes of YOU.

Hey, now you’re getting it!

Her hope was a worthy athelete or Hollywood star might notice her and talk to her; not some weak, pathetic loser

Wait, no… no you’re not. Oh well.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

‘Holy vaginal crevice’? Now I’m imagining my crotch emitting golden light like the suitcase in Pulp Fiction…lololol.

13 years ago

*waits for NWO’s off topic response and denial that there is anything wrong with those statements*

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Wow, those comments are are about the worst I’ve read. I wonder how exactly Demirogue thinks men can control women and keep them on short leashes. He sounds like he is describing some sort of cruel obedience training for women.

The other comments piss me off, too. How does anonymous age 69 differentiate between the women of character and sluts, to decide who deserves to be protected from rape? Does he apply that same logic to other crimes? Is armed robbery, murder, and assault okay if the victims have ever had premarital or extramarital sex?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Keyster seems to have NWO Disease: the condition of saying entirely reasonable things in a bitingly sarcastic tone and hoping that proves them wrong.

She should be able to dress like a street whore and abuse alcohol to the point of delerium
Yes, actually!

that doesn’t mean this is an advertisment to be sexually harrassed, sexually assaulted or heaven forbid raped

Remember this: She didn’t bother to get dressed up for the likes of YOU.
Yep! Odds are I didn’t!

you can’t have it because I SAY SO!
That’s how it works!

As with NWO, he’s too timid to spell it out, but it’s hard to come up with an underlying opinion that isn’t just flat-out pro-rape.

13 years ago

Kendra: If she wasn’t at home, being a good little girl, she was out “asking for it.”


I wonder how they’d feel if the shoe were on the other foot, and they were on their way to meet a date and passing through a predominately homosexual part of town. Would they feel they were asking for ass-pinching, and catcalls. Would they figure they weren’t allowed to choose who they let have sex with them; because they were flaunting those legs, and that ass?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, not that this is news, but I continue to be amazed at these guys’ outrage that women would be more attracted to some men than others.

While it’s hardly simple or objective, yeah, as a matter of fact, a person with impressive accomplishments and a broad social circle is more fun to be around than some schlub whose biggest selling point is “I’m a man.”

And this “how dare she have preferences!” outrage seems to come from the same guys who don’t even consider someone a real woman if she isn’t under 25 with visible ribs and a perfect cheerily-submissive personality.

Kimi Loveless
13 years ago

Are they serious?!? “…we let ‘em drive, we let ‘em vote, and this is what we get.Ridiculous to even offer attention to another excuse to dress like a whore, goof off in public, and not bring me a beer.Any man worth his salt should fire any skank who was “sick” from work to attend this nonsense.” Do they really think they have the right to say that we can’t have the rights we fought to have because we wanted to prove a point? Its just sexist and down right revolting to even read this nonsense. I’ve been honked at walking down the street in jeans and a hoodie… REALLY. Men are just hormonal animals that think they have the right to anything they want and I think they should be the ones to take things into perspective. Maybe they’re just angry because we have more power then them and they’re relizing this now.

13 years ago

Not this “I bet she wouldn’t mind being raped by a movie star” bullshit again. It doesn’t matter if you’re a god! No means no dammit!

13 years ago

“They want the “RIGHT” to dress as sexually provocative as they want to without being constantly annoyed by lowly beta males. They’d prefer you not “sexually victimize” them, unless you’re hot and they’re into you, then it’s totally OK.”

See, here’s a snag. If they are into you, they are probably consenting to sex. No victimization here. (If they think you’re hot, that might add to their considerations of consenting) It’s not the “you’re hot” bit or even the “they’re into you” bit, its the consent! No consent, no sex, it’s that simple! Do these guys ever wonder how they would feel if somebody they weren’t into and didn’t think was attractive wondered up to them and demanded sex, claiming they were being provocative on purpose and wanted to flaunt their sexy, sexy body without suffering any consequences?

No. No they don’t. Cause they’re assholes.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

They’d prefer you not “sexually victimize” them, unless you’re hot and they’re into you, then it’s totally OK. …

No, I think women would rather not be sexually victimized, period. Of course, if the sex is (enthusiastically) consensual, then it’s not victimization by definition. Or, in nice short words: sex with enthusiastic consent = good. Sex without enthusiastic consent = bad. It’s not hard to understand, really.

So, yes, women actually do get to choose with whom they have sex. Shocking but true. It’s almost as if they’re…people, or something.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Wow, Kirby. Simultaneous posts expressing essentially the same thought! It’s like we’re attuned on some cosmic level or something. Just don’t tell Ami. 🙂

13 years ago

Kirbywarp is attuned to everybody. Ooooohhhhmmmmmmmm.

13 years ago

I repudiate Geography Bee Finalist, and would like to make clear that he does not speak for beekind. Thank you.

13 years ago

You know i have an interesting observation. If these so called “Slut walks” empower women in a message to society-It is like some “slut walkers” are collectively saying “Just because we as women may be dressed in a certain way, whether it is perceived as sexy or not, does not mean that a woman is loose sexually, has no morals, and is looking to be raped. A woman can dress or undress any way she wants without having to explain themselves to anyone.” What I find fascinating is that in Nudist/Naturist environments(nude beaches and nude resorts) Many women are full nude or topless( as are men) and there are no rapes and sexist remarks. In Europe, where nude beaches are common, nudists both male and female,claim that Nudity is not sexual and promote body freedom. Many Nudist women and men will state that actually a bikini thong or speedo is more lascivious than full nudity because the bikini leaves to the imagination. Nudists will say “nude is not lewd”. A few years ago I was on a nude beach in the Caribbean and there was an equal amount of men and women nude. There was no rapes or rampant sexuality. I mean these men and women nudists were just having fun and socializing but they believe in body freedom and nudity as non sexual. No nudist males got out of hand or made snide remarks. People did not stare at each other and respected their boundaries. Now I am sure there are always a few creeps gawkers at various nude beaches. But women and men nudists and the overall nudist naturist movement exemplifies that men and women can be nude together and it does not have to be about sex and there does not have to be rape and insults thrown at women. I think Europeans generally are more open about body freedom and nudist beaches than Americans are. In Europe there are a lot of beaches that allow women to topless or nude. I think in Scandinavian countries like Finland and Sweden, their Public Sauna’s/changing rooms for the Saunas are mixed gender and clothing optional. Just an observation from a male perspective.

13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe
“Wow, Kirby. Simultaneous posts expressing essentially the same thought! It’s like we’re attuned on some cosmic level or something.”

That’d be the feminist echo chamber. Enthusiastically of course!

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

I read the entire rant of the Geography Bee Finalist, and he even said that women want to refer to nature as “Father Nature” so they can blame men for hurricanes, avalanches, and tornadoes. That has to be the most bizarre thing he has said, although he tries to outdo himself with every comment he makes. I guess that bit struck a chord with me, since my home was actually hit by an EF5 tornado May 22. Never once have I considered the event to be the result of either men or women. I actually understand it to be the result of wind shear and instability in the air. The conditions were ripe for such a tornado to form because a massive supercell thunderstorm combined with a violent isolated thunderstorm about southwest of my home. It’s amazing I could understand such things with my lizard brains, but somehow I make do.

The Bee Finalist ended his rant with a sick fantasy about slut walkers protesting in cold weather and getting hypothermia. Now I’ll wait for some MRA apologists to come say it’s okay because he was just “venting”, and women have hurt him so he’s lashing out. What a load of crap.

13 years ago

Incidentally, Spearhead’s little street-sign logo (the one that means “right turn ahead”) looks a LOT like the fasces. Just sayin’.

Andrea Vaughn
13 years ago

So, Roy Baumeister of Florida State University has conducted a study using “sexual economics in which supply and demand are key elements.” This of course is the MRA peeps favorite way to look at things. What did he find? Gender equality leads to more sex.

13 years ago

I hate this gatekeeper bullshit.

Aw! Come on! That was one of the best scenes of the movie!

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