antifeminism evil women misogyny MRA reddit woman's suffrage

I refuse to see dead people

We gave them the vote and they STILL won't shut up about it!

Apparently, all that time I spent studying history in college and grad school was a complete waste of time. Because once people die, nothing about their lives or the events that happened during their lives matters. At least according to merlin34 in Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, who recently set forth this cogent argument as to  “Why feminists should SHUT THE $^%# UP about women’s suffrage in US/UK.

The 19th Amendment of the US Constitution was ratified in 1920, before that year’s election. At the time, the voting age was 21. Any woman who was denied the right to vote would have had to have been born before Election Day of 1898. Today, she would be 113+ years old. That means dead.

In the UK, it was in 1928 that women were granted equal voting rights to men, again at the age of 21 (although women over 30 were given the vote 10 years earlier). Any woman denied the right to vote based on sex in the UK would be over 105 years old now. There’s still probably some around, but not a lot, and not for much longer, and they weren’t denied the right to vote for long.

What does this have to do with anything? It means that feminists using the “women weren’t allowed to vote, wah” or “black men got the vote before women of any color” canards should SHUT UP, because the list of those actually denied the right to vote based on sex is rapidly diminishing. In another ten years, none will remain.

Naturally, the comments are also a delight. OThompson says:

You can also tell them that Suffragettes were often domestic terrorists.

AntiFeministMedia adds:

It isnt just feminists though is it, its any woman you get into an argument with.

If its not ‘women wernt allowed to vote’, its ‘rapists get off scott-free’. They ignore the context. When did universal sufferage for men go ahead in the UK? 1918?

Most women are ignorant of most of these issues, but they are happy to just parrot all this stuff because that makes them victims, and so they get privileges they arent really entitled to.

They dont care wether what they are saying is out of date, or that most men didnt recieve the vote untill very recently either, they only care that the female gravy train of victimhood keeps rolling on.

Is the Female Gravy Train of Victimhood anything like Soul Train? Because that would be awesome.

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13 years ago

Wow Ion, so you were afraid we might call you at transphobe because… wait for it… you are! Well color me surprised!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


Except I say in all my videos I hate how my voice sounds on recording xD (also apparently he watches them XD he went after the thing I said I hate just to “troll” xD )

so it’s not rly a newsflash (tho interestingly, all the guys I’ve dated IRL didn’t know I was trans until I told them, and my voice was never a turn off, just that we couldn’t have PIV sex xD )

Are we judging ppl’s voices now too? o_O “this is what a feminist sounds like!” XD

13 years ago

What if they spend the next 24 hours giving angry rambling speeches about how it’s not morally right to shit in the aisle?

ion the thing i love about you is that there has apparently never been an analogy made that you couldnt totally mangle

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

What if they spend the next 24 hours giving angry rambling speeches about how it’s not morally right to shit in the aisle?

Well, if you keep shitting for 24 hours, actually, that’s about what you’ll get.

13 years ago

I was thinking more of feminist academics/bloggers/activists/what have you, not an actress.

How about Playboy Bunnies? Do they count?

Need to know
13 years ago

Then I guess they feel really strongly about the fact you keep shitting in the aisles over and over and over and laughing at them for not wanting your shit all over the place. Huh. How weird is that?

Hey, you know what would solve that? Take your shit somewhere else. Or, you know, shut up and stop pretending you are shocked, shocked, I tell you, that people find your behavior disgusting.

13 years ago

If we’re judging voices now, and since Ion is too much of a coward to show us what he looks or sounds like, I’m just imagining he talks like the annoying orange. And looks like it.

13 years ago

@Spearhafoc I don’t know, i think the color and lighting choices were really interesting, I wouldn’t say they’d make you look less attractive. It’s not like you made it look like you have jaundice or something, just chose an interesting way to paint was is still an attractive face :).

@Ion Dude, we’re not scrambling. We’re just pointing out that you’re a sexist idiot. I mean, you have been here before. You know, this is the place with the misogyny mocking? Because that’s what we’re doing now. You’re a misogynist, and we’re showing how you’re an idiot.

And see, that’s not “I’m not attracted to you”, that’s “I’m a hateful bigot”. You could have gone with one, but you decided to go with the other. Color me unsurprised.


So what exactly has Miss DeRossi contributed to feminism, aside from saying she is one? A blog, maybe? Articles? A book? Give me something aside from standard celebrity charity missions and tax writeoffs.

And exactly what would constitute proof to you? Not going to respond until I know the goal posts you are going to be moving.

Plus, shut up about Ami-you hate her just as NWO does, we get it. So stop talking to and about her unless you have something actually constructive to say.

13 years ago

Also @Ion, and I remind you once again, Re: scrambling, that i answered your question quite quickly the first time you asked it. But you still act as if no one has, despite that and all the others offered so far.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Ion is a sad fucking act, and that’s all there is to it.


ooooh, did you just compare Ion to John “The Orange Crying Man” Boehner Snowy? Because I am sorry but that made me laugh.

13 years ago

Just because it bears repeating: Ami’s so darn pretty!

And jumbofish, you have really lovely hair but I gotta be honest… you’re a bit of a butternny-face. ;D

13 years ago

go fuck a card board box you piece of shit, its the only thing that would want to get 5 feet near to you.

First Holly, now jumbofish… what is this, meltdown night?

Then I guess they feel really strongly about the fact you keep shitting in the aisles over and over and over and laughing at them for not wanting your shit all over the place. Huh. How weird is that?

Yeah, except when I hear them say “hey, I wish somebody would shit in the aisle soon, I really need to sharpen my claws!” and the whole community thrives by piling onto people who shit in the aisles. When nobody does, they talk about past aisle-shitting incidents, or those that have occurred elsewhere. It’s their main occupation.

Hey, you know what would solve that? Take your shit somewhere else. Or, you know, shut up and stop pretending you are shocked, shocked, I tell you, that people find your behavior disgusting.

Shocked? Amused, maybe. But go on constructing a little narrative in your head about how I’m supposed to be feeling if it works for you.

13 years ago

Oh, are we back to Ion saying this is all we do? Please, oh great Ion, go on another troll strike to prove it. Your last one worked so well!

13 years ago

Why don’t you admit you think trans people are disgusting, don’t hold back we are losers after all.

Come on you little shit, don’t chicken out on me. Why don’t you say how you truly feel?

13 years ago

Please Ion? Please go on a troll strike again? Pretty please!!?!!!??? At least until you can overcome your twitching eye and mouth? 😉 😉 😉 😀 😀 😉

Who else sees Ion doing those and thinks of Inspector Dreyfus from the Pink Panther movies?

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Seriously, you’d be doing us all a favour. I promise not to talk about you while you’re gone, wouldn’t waste my fucking breath.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yeah, except when I hear them say “hey, I wish somebody would shit in the aisle soon, I really need to sharpen my claws!” and the whole community thrives by piling onto people who shit in the aisles. When nobody does, they talk about past aisle-shitting incidents, or those that have occurred elsewhere. It’s their main occupation.

This is true, Ion.

…but you’re still the one with his pants around his ankles in the Canned Vegetables And Beans aisle.

13 years ago

And exactly what would constitute proof to you? Not going to respond until I know the goal posts you are going to be moving.

I just told you what the proof would be, in the very post that you quoted. Actually, at this point, forget it. I have my answer.

And I don’t “hate” anybody here. I don’t even know you. Just because you and your buddies here are full of anger and hate doesn’t mean everyone else is. That’s projection, that is.

13 years ago

Yeah, Ion, you’re not one of the entertaining trolls. You couldn’t hold a candle to NWOslave or MRAL.

I couldn’t care less if you left, but your presence doesn’t really bother me either. You’re just sort of…there.

13 years ago

Oh, are we back to Ion saying this is all we do? Please, oh great Ion, go on another troll strike to prove it. Your last one worked so well!

You mean the one where I was away for 2 days and came back to find you still talking about me, and a couple of new forum threads about “the trolls” and “MRA memes?” That one? Yeah, I might be taking another break soon, actually.

13 years ago

“And I don’t “hate” anybody here. I don’t even know you. Just because you and your buddies here are full of anger and hate doesn’t mean everyone else is. That’s projection, that is.”

Says the serial supermarket defecater

Need to know
13 years ago

I may never buy canned vegetables again.

13 years ago

Oh wow, spearhafoc doesn’t find me entertaining, I guess I’d better leave now. Since my whole reason for being here was to amuse him, and I have failed in that task. 🙁