antifeminism evil women misogyny MRA reddit woman's suffrage

I refuse to see dead people

We gave them the vote and they STILL won't shut up about it!

Apparently, all that time I spent studying history in college and grad school was a complete waste of time. Because once people die, nothing about their lives or the events that happened during their lives matters. At least according to merlin34 in Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, who recently set forth this cogent argument as to  “Why feminists should SHUT THE $^%# UP about women’s suffrage in US/UK.

The 19th Amendment of the US Constitution was ratified in 1920, before that year’s election. At the time, the voting age was 21. Any woman who was denied the right to vote would have had to have been born before Election Day of 1898. Today, she would be 113+ years old. That means dead.

In the UK, it was in 1928 that women were granted equal voting rights to men, again at the age of 21 (although women over 30 were given the vote 10 years earlier). Any woman denied the right to vote based on sex in the UK would be over 105 years old now. There’s still probably some around, but not a lot, and not for much longer, and they weren’t denied the right to vote for long.

What does this have to do with anything? It means that feminists using the “women weren’t allowed to vote, wah” or “black men got the vote before women of any color” canards should SHUT UP, because the list of those actually denied the right to vote based on sex is rapidly diminishing. In another ten years, none will remain.

Naturally, the comments are also a delight. OThompson says:

You can also tell them that Suffragettes were often domestic terrorists.

AntiFeministMedia adds:

It isnt just feminists though is it, its any woman you get into an argument with.

If its not ‘women wernt allowed to vote’, its ‘rapists get off scott-free’. They ignore the context. When did universal sufferage for men go ahead in the UK? 1918?

Most women are ignorant of most of these issues, but they are happy to just parrot all this stuff because that makes them victims, and so they get privileges they arent really entitled to.

They dont care wether what they are saying is out of date, or that most men didnt recieve the vote untill very recently either, they only care that the female gravy train of victimhood keeps rolling on.

Is the Female Gravy Train of Victimhood anything like Soul Train? Because that would be awesome.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

The problem is that ppl are more likely to call you a transphobic bigot now b/c of the “you only chose a trans person to trap me” thing than if you had said something before (were you planning to insult my anatomy before or something? o_O )

This is sounding a lot like the “Asian ppl eat dogs” trap when talking about racism that was talked about in Yellow >_> and the “trans ppl don’t pass” thing when it comes to trans activism that I talked about xD

Also Ion, you’re welcome to check out nebody’s blog and you’ve alrdy been on the forum and etc XD

but if you’re rly interested.. why ask us? XD I’ve mentioned this before alrdy… there’s a whole campaign out there!

just google “This is what a feminist looks like” xD

(also celebrities don’t count now xD )

13 years ago

Bostonian, my avatar is a self-portrait in oil. It’s not very flattering though.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Actually I’ve always thought it’s v awesome Spear 😀 Of course the real deal is way more handsome :3 (esp w/ the suits :3 )

13 years ago

Yikes! spearhafoc, I am sorry I overlooked you.

13 years ago

It’s pretty frickin’ sweet though, Spearhafoc. And it’s only not flattering because you’re making a funny face :P.

And your dismissal of Ami just goes to show how pointless this is. Many of us around here find Ami attractive. And not for fear of being called transphobic bigots, but because we genuinely find her attractive. If you don’t, whatever. I’m pretty sure Ami will be just fine if you never hit on her. But we find her attractive, therefore she is an attractive feminist. Why does the fact that you don’t somehow invalidate your challenge?

13 years ago

Bostonion: I see that I am forgettable. 🙂

13 years ago

Er, that second paragraph was for Ion, not spearhafoc >.<

13 years ago

And yeah, Portia de Rossi is definitely hot, but I was thinking more of feminist academics/bloggers/activists/what have you, not an actress.

No you were not, and nice dig at someone for being an actress-as if they cannot have serious interests.

I guess that means that Bono is just a musician and his decades of work on debt forgiveness and other causes is just as dismissible.

Oh I forgot, he is a man and men are allowed to be multidimensional. Women, on the other hand, are only worth what their looks are at any given moment.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO is a great feminist if you don’t read his posts in the whiny little “nurmy nurmy nurrr, look at me I’m a feminist I’m a poophead, nurrrr nurrrr,” tone he intends.

(The debating technique of champions.)

But we do give people employment, education, child custody and loads of other goodies based on gender. How do women manage with all the oppression they face?

It’s tough, man.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, there’s (at least in the United States, at least anywhere I’ve heard of) no such thing as quotas. No workplace has, anywhere in it, some list saying “you must hire 28 women this quarter.” It’s as fictional as our reptilian-alien oppressors.

13 years ago

Is…is Ion God?

Well, I think we all know at least he’s not a woman. Because we’re not all sandwiches. 😛

Okay, why IS it important for feminists to be attractive? xD

It’s not. It’s just been fun to watch you scramble for excuses. Sheesh, I’m telling you to your faces that I’m trolling for lulz and you don’t even care.

And since everyone keeps bringing it up, Ami, I think you’re attractive enough in a skinny, androgynous way, but you gotta work on the voice if you wanna pass as female. At least unless you meet a guy who’s got a fetish for Ray Romano.

13 years ago

i thought ami was pretty before i knew she was trans, and now that i know… i still think she’s pretty

13 years ago

It wasn’t a trap ion. I find ami very attractive, I don’t use my friends as tools.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

okay ion not bothering to talk to you anymore

not even bothering to punctuate

bye now

go to a pokemon forum and tell them that pokemon suck, or something else that will make your dick feel big

does it feel so big right now

13 years ago

And it’s only not flattering because you’re making a funny face

Well, there’s also the lighting, colour choices and my general dishevelment. I like to do weird self-portraits. They amuse me.

I use this one or pretty much everything, but I decided to change my Twitter pic to something else because someone in real life complained that I scared her a bit.

13 years ago

Because we’re not all sandwiches.

Y’know, outside of a sandwich shop setting, i would prefer a lady, or a dude for that matter, not make my sandwiches for me, because i am very particular about my sandwiches and pride myself on my sandwich making skills.

also, my (female) boss teases me about the elaborate sandwiches i bring for lunch. so… sandwich making: a thing everyone should know and be good at (unless they don’t like sandwiches.

13 years ago

My avatar is a photo of me! I messed with the background to make the colors more interesting, but I am indeed standing on a bridge outside of Vancouver in a schlubby sweatshirt right there. 🙂

13 years ago

No you were not, and nice dig at someone for being an actress-as if they cannot have serious interests.

1) she’s supposed to be attractive in her line of work, and 2) she’s an actress first and a feminist second. But don’t let that stop you from twisting my meaning to fit your agenda.

I guess that means that Bono is just a musician and his decades of work on debt forgiveness and other causes is just as dismissible.

So what exactly has Miss DeRossi contributed to feminism, aside from saying she is one? A blog, maybe? Articles? A book? Give me something aside from standard celebrity charity missions and tax writeoffs.

13 years ago

*for pretty much everything.

Frelling Blackberry.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Okay, it is a little funny that Ion still thinks it’s interesting or remarkable that when you act like an asshole in public, people will pay attention to you.

People will pay attention you if you take a shit in the aisle at the supermarket, too, but not because you’re smarter than them or you’re “winning” against them, trust me.

13 years ago

So Ion is moving goalposts again? Well at least he is getting exercise of a sort.

I apologise to all those I overlooked who have pics of themselves as their avatars. I shall go back to lurking in shame.

13 years ago

go to a pokemon forum and tell them that pokemon suck, or something else that will make your dick feel big

does it feel so big right now

ooh kay, me and my big dick are gonna back away now.

13 years ago

And since everyone keeps bringing it up, Ami, I think you’re attractive enough in a skinny, androgynous way, but you gotta work on the voice if you wanna pass as female. At least unless you meet a guy who’s got a fetish for Ray Romano.

go fuck a card board box you piece of shit, its the only thing that would want to get 5 feet near to you.

What the fuck do you know as a cissexual guy. Stop telling trans people how they should act its none of your fucking business.

13 years ago

People will pay attention you if you take a shit in the aisle at the supermarket, too, but not because you’re smarter than them or you’re “winning” against them, trust me.

What if they spend the next 24 hours giving angry rambling speeches about how it’s not morally right to shit in the aisle?

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