antifeminism evil women misogyny MRA reddit woman's suffrage

I refuse to see dead people

We gave them the vote and they STILL won't shut up about it!

Apparently, all that time I spent studying history in college and grad school was a complete waste of time. Because once people die, nothing about their lives or the events that happened during their lives matters. At least according to merlin34 in Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, who recently set forth this cogent argument as to  “Why feminists should SHUT THE $^%# UP about women’s suffrage in US/UK.

The 19th Amendment of the US Constitution was ratified in 1920, before that year’s election. At the time, the voting age was 21. Any woman who was denied the right to vote would have had to have been born before Election Day of 1898. Today, she would be 113+ years old. That means dead.

In the UK, it was in 1928 that women were granted equal voting rights to men, again at the age of 21 (although women over 30 were given the vote 10 years earlier). Any woman denied the right to vote based on sex in the UK would be over 105 years old now. There’s still probably some around, but not a lot, and not for much longer, and they weren’t denied the right to vote for long.

What does this have to do with anything? It means that feminists using the “women weren’t allowed to vote, wah” or “black men got the vote before women of any color” canards should SHUT UP, because the list of those actually denied the right to vote based on sex is rapidly diminishing. In another ten years, none will remain.

Naturally, the comments are also a delight. OThompson says:

You can also tell them that Suffragettes were often domestic terrorists.

AntiFeministMedia adds:

It isnt just feminists though is it, its any woman you get into an argument with.

If its not ‘women wernt allowed to vote’, its ‘rapists get off scott-free’. They ignore the context. When did universal sufferage for men go ahead in the UK? 1918?

Most women are ignorant of most of these issues, but they are happy to just parrot all this stuff because that makes them victims, and so they get privileges they arent really entitled to.

They dont care wether what they are saying is out of date, or that most men didnt recieve the vote untill very recently either, they only care that the female gravy train of victimhood keeps rolling on.

Is the Female Gravy Train of Victimhood anything like Soul Train? Because that would be awesome.

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Cynickal – I can already see it coming.

“Well, that individual guy was a jerk, but that’s not oppression”–never mind that HR just quietly fixed things without even telling him there was a problem, and that a woman treating a male trainer like this wouldn’t get very far at all).

Or perhaps “You went to HR?!?! You were trying to destroy him for being a man!”–never mind that the only alternatives were:

1) Getting treated like crap forever (or until he killed someone)
2) Trying to talk to him (tried that, got “la la la I can’t hear it when girls talk”)
3) A fistfight in the parking lot

Admittedly I didn’t give fistfights a fair try.

13 years ago

Kirbywarp: bullshit bullshit evading the issue bullshit bullshit

“3) Nobody needs to convince you of anything. You are unimportant and irrelevant. The fact that people continue to converse with you is incredible.”

I think so too, yet here we are.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Ion – Wow, did that guy come from Iran or something?
Nope! Lily-white American dude.

Still, you say he was reassigned when you complained.
Exactly. Not reprimanded (or even told why) in any way. He wanted to work with a man, and he got it. It was better for me than staying stuck with him, but he wasn’t held accountable in any way for his sexism.

That’s just an example of one man with a sexist attitude, though, and your subordinate/trainee at that.
I’ve got more examples, but I said that was just one. How about in my middle school when all the girls took Home Ec while all the boys took Shop? That was in the 1990s!

And he was only my trainee because he was brand new; I didn’t outrank him.

13 years ago

Holly – did you explain to the HR people that he was insubordinate and refused to listen to you because you were a woman? And they just reassigned him without saying anything to him? That’s indeed pretty bad, but somehow I feel like I’m not getting the whole story.

13 years ago

I’ve got more examples, but I said that was just one. How about in my middle school when all the girls took Home Ec while all the boys took Shop? That was in the 1990s!

I was in highschool in the mid 1990s and all of us took shop, there was no Home Ec as far as I remember. I made a pencil holder that I still use today. Were the girls required to take home ec and barred from shop, and vice versa? I’d consider that discrimination.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Ion, I don’t care about what somebody looks like when I am reading their comments online. If Scott Bakula makes an incorrect statement, his good looks don’t make him correct. Feminism isn’t a beauty contest, and nobody owes you personal photos to prove they are pretty enough to have an opinion. I could care less if you assume I look like Danny DeVito in a dress, because “Oh yeah, well you’re ugly!” is an argument I would expect to hear from a kindergartner.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

did you explain to the HR people that he was insubordinate and refused to listen to you because you were a woman?
Yes. I put it in writing even.

And they just reassigned him without saying anything to him?
Yes. He definitely didn’t know. I think they may have thought of this as protecting me from retribution, but it came off as “okay, if you don’t want to listen to a woman you don’t have to.”

That’s indeed pretty bad, but somehow I feel like I’m not getting the whole story.
No, really, you are. If I were going to make a story, I’d make one up from whole cloth. This one’s real and whole.

Were the girls required to take home ec and barred from shop, and vice versa?
Honestly, I don’t know. We were just auto-assigned by the registrar and everyone went along with it. The home ec class wasn’t bad actually–the teacher was really nice and I did get some useful skills–but it was wrong for both genders that we didn’t get the chance to learn things outside our respective stereotypes.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

“wasn’t there a post on this blog a few weeks ago where all of you were tittering and snickering over an MRA who posted a picture of himself and his girlfriend, the both of them fairly normal and good-looking I might add?”

I remember a conventionally attractive woman and a guy with his face censored o_O I dunno how you think anyone assessed his looks at all! Don’t remember anyone criticising his lady friend, definitely not me!

Besides, I don’t want the face of any MRA, I want YOUR face. You say all feminists are ugly, I say all MRAs probably look different to each other in various ways, some less and more conventionally attractive. I’m conventionally attractive (not a supermodel, but enough to get more attention than I want), but you’re sure not gonna agree if I show you my photo without a contingency plan.

So cough it up? I’m sure you must be devestatingly handsome, what with all those 15-year-old girls hitting on you at the beach 😉

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

(Just wanna enforce that this is all bullshit, as attractiveness has no bearing on politics or opinions or truth or anything like that. I kinda feel bad for engaging now I’ve read everyone else’s comments… =/ Just rose my hackles, and I wanna see the face of the guy saying this ludicrous shit. If anyone wants me to shut up I will…)

13 years ago

So cough it up? I’m sure you must be devestatingly handsome, what with all those 15-year-old girls hitting on you at the beach

Er, you must be confusing me with someone else. I never said anything about any 15-year olds.

And I never said “all feminists are ugly”, I said “show me one who’s attractive”. And so far all I got was a bunch of talk and excuses. End of story.

13 years ago

Ion, do you see why people don’t want to have this discussion with you? Hint: it’s because when they give you examples of sexism, you then dismiss them as non-sexism. Since we already know that is what you will do regardless of the example, why bother?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Why would it matter if a feminist was attractive?

Show me a libertarian who’s attractive!
Show me a stamp collecter who’s attractive!
Show me an advocate of neuter-and-release programs for urban feral cats who’s attractive!

(Also, we smell a setup for you saying “nope, total woofer” to any examples.)

13 years ago

Show me a proctologist who’s attractive! I demand you stop with the excuses! All I hear is talk talk talk!

13 years ago

Why would it matter if a feminist was attractive?


(Also, we smell a setup for you saying “nope, total woofer” to any examples.)

Not true. If I said that about someone who was obviously attractive, then I’d look like the fool. But like I said before, if you did have examples, you’d have posted them long ago in a rush to prove me wrong and “show me what I’ll never have”. 😉

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Oh I know you Ion…

Haha, so you do think some feminists are attractive? Or is there something in the sentence ‘show me an attractive feminist’ that implies there probably arent any…?

Evade evade evade, which is what you accuse everyone else of. Where’s the photo? Or are you not rly interested in seeing a hot feminist? 😉

13 years ago

Obviously he’s not Laura. Probably because he’s self conscious about his constant eye twitch. 😉 😉 😉

13 years ago

Haha, so you do think some feminists are attractive? Or is there something in the sentence ‘show me an attractive feminist’ that implies there probably arent any…?

It means I don’t know. I don’t believe so, but I’m waiting to be proven wrong.

Evade evade evade, which is what you accuse everyone else of. Where’s the photo? Or are you not rly interested in seeing a hot feminist?

I asked first. 😉

13 years ago

Ion: Why does it matter? Why? Why do you care? I am genuinely curious.

13 years ago

Also, I’ve even answered you before. You chose not to listen.

13 years ago

I wish I’d faded some of the line on Ion…. every example… not sexism/discrimination.

Elaborations, so as to show more evidence, “I think I’m not getting the whole story”.

“If this thing I don’t think happened, then I’d say it was discrimination”.

And I never said “all feminists are ugly”, I said “show me one who’s attractive”.

Distinction without a difference. It’s constructed in such a way that the existence of even one is excluded.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Not gonna happen? Oh well, I guess I can live without Ion telling me I’m fuckable after all. Lemme know if you change your mind!

So why would ‘ugly bitches’ be more worried about sexism than hooters girls? I’ve never understood that poster…aside from it making me shudder at the 4channess o_o

13 years ago



13 years ago

Also, how do they know the hooters girls aren’t feminists? Did anyone ask them?

13 years ago

@Magical Laura:

Because all hot girls are total sluts! And they want the attention they get from men, why else would they be all jubbly and attractive-like?

It’s only those hairy old fymynysts that want to prevent hot women from doing sexy things, cause that’s what fymynysm is all about! Boob envy!

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Snowy, that’s a really good point!

Kirby, Susan Walsh + slutwalk commenters told me sluts are ugly 🙁 I can’t keep up with who is slutty. Let’s just say EVERYONE.

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