antifeminism evil women misogyny MRA reddit woman's suffrage

I refuse to see dead people

We gave them the vote and they STILL won't shut up about it!

Apparently, all that time I spent studying history in college and grad school was a complete waste of time. Because once people die, nothing about their lives or the events that happened during their lives matters. At least according to merlin34 in Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, who recently set forth this cogent argument as to  “Why feminists should SHUT THE $^%# UP about women’s suffrage in US/UK.

The 19th Amendment of the US Constitution was ratified in 1920, before that year’s election. At the time, the voting age was 21. Any woman who was denied the right to vote would have had to have been born before Election Day of 1898. Today, she would be 113+ years old. That means dead.

In the UK, it was in 1928 that women were granted equal voting rights to men, again at the age of 21 (although women over 30 were given the vote 10 years earlier). Any woman denied the right to vote based on sex in the UK would be over 105 years old now. There’s still probably some around, but not a lot, and not for much longer, and they weren’t denied the right to vote for long.

What does this have to do with anything? It means that feminists using the “women weren’t allowed to vote, wah” or “black men got the vote before women of any color” canards should SHUT UP, because the list of those actually denied the right to vote based on sex is rapidly diminishing. In another ten years, none will remain.

Naturally, the comments are also a delight. OThompson says:

You can also tell them that Suffragettes were often domestic terrorists.

AntiFeministMedia adds:

It isnt just feminists though is it, its any woman you get into an argument with.

If its not ‘women wernt allowed to vote’, its ‘rapists get off scott-free’. They ignore the context. When did universal sufferage for men go ahead in the UK? 1918?

Most women are ignorant of most of these issues, but they are happy to just parrot all this stuff because that makes them victims, and so they get privileges they arent really entitled to.

They dont care wether what they are saying is out of date, or that most men didnt recieve the vote untill very recently either, they only care that the female gravy train of victimhood keeps rolling on.

Is the Female Gravy Train of Victimhood anything like Soul Train? Because that would be awesome.

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13 years ago


13 years ago

I pretty much agree with every comment posted in red above. You didn’t respond to any of them David. Posting Soul Train in its hay day, with Don Cornelius (who by the way, was a terrible dancer), doesn’t actually address the point.

13 years ago

Oh, one other thing. Did you ever notice that there were black, white and asian women on sould train, and only black dudes? Maybe there is some relevance.

13 years ago

If dead people don’t matter, maybe MRA’s can take their own advice and SHUT THE FUCK UP about Andrea Dworkin and Valerie Solanis.

Theresa (@BooBooMatrix)

People are fools if they do not click on that Soul Train offering there. That made my whole DAY. I shared it with plenty. Thanks David. Oh, about this dude…lolz. Great title!

Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte)

I want to read this mysterious suffrage blog.

13 years ago

hey only care that the female gravy train of victimhood keeps rolling on.

Rob Ford, is that you?

/Toronto joke

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’ve never said “women weren’t allowed to vote” just as a freestanding way to go “wah.”

I’ve said it in response to people who claim that there was never any discrimination against women.

13 years ago

By that token, African Americans should just shut up about slavery. All the slaves and slaveholders are dead, so it never happened! Whee! Also, there was never any systematic abuse of Native Americans! And absolutely no homosexuals were ever killed in the Holocaust! Also, all the first Christians are dead, so they should knock it off with the whining about how Jesus wept.

Whoo, this is fun. What other things don’t matter anymore?

13 years ago

by that token, African Americans should just shut up about slavery. All the slaves and slaveholders are dead, so it never happened!

You laugh, but I’ve heard this argument.

13 years ago

Shit! Frelling Blackberry!

13 years ago

Indeed, Holly. How many freaking times on this blog have MRAs asserted, against all evidence, that women have never, ever been oppressed? It’s an article of faith with them. We wouldn’t have to keep reminding them of basic history if they had a grasp of basic history to begin with.

13 years ago

“By that token, African Americans should just shut up about slavery. All the slaves and slaveholders are dead, so it never happened! Whee! Also, there was never any systematic abuse of Native Americans! And absolutely no homosexuals were ever killed in the Holocaust! Also, all the first Christians are dead, so they should knock it off with the whining about how Jesus wept.”

I’ve also heard the argument “My ancestors/relatives got here after slavery was abolished/voting rights established for women! I can’t be racist/sexist! Why are you complaining to me?!”

Also- I think the point of non-response with the Soul Train video (which was awesome) was that there’s nothing worth responding to in the red blockquotes. When someone is that willfully ignorant and fact denying? All you can do is make them look even sillier than they already are.

13 years ago

Women were granted universal suffrage a hairs breath after men in the UK, literally a decade or two and the establishment dragged their feet because they didn’t want to be seen to be giving into terror tactics.

Anti feminist media is viewed as being a troll over on r/mr

13 years ago

Captain Bathrobe.

Nobody says women were never oppressed, many point out correctly that it was men at the top and at the bottom and that women were spared worst of the oppression.

Its silly feminists that depict it as all men were not oppressed and all women were.

Theresa (@BooBooMatrix)

Um, speedlines…Andrea Dworkin is not dead, unless I’m uninformed, or did not get the gist of your comment.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Andrea Dworkin died in 2005.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Lou – The key point here is, were men oppressed for being men?

Universal suffrage may have been late coming to the UK, but the people who were previously excluded were being excluded for other reasons, not because they were men.

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago

OT: Would love to see commentary on Kay Hymnowitz’s latest City Journal piece about the myth of the gender pay gap.

The Labor Department’s occupational categories can be so large that a woman could drive a truck through them. Among “physicians and surgeons,” for example, women make only 64.2 percent of what men make. Outrageous, right? Not if you consider that there are dozens of specialties in medicine: some, like cardiac surgery, require years of extra training, grueling hours, and life-and-death procedures; others, like pediatrics, are less demanding and consequently less highly rewarded. Only 16 percent of surgeons, but a full 50 percent of pediatricians, are women.

13 years ago

Lou, one of our resident MRAs, NWOslave, does state that women have never been oppressed.

13 years ago


Men were oppressed as men too, the most horrific examples of oppression were reserved for men.

And the key point is that the days when you hats can go around waving fabricated history and and stats. on gendered abuse as if they were truth are over.

13 years ago

Well, Lou, we’ve had a whole lotta nobody around here making that very argument.

13 years ago

Lou, men were oppressed for being in a different class (probably lower class, non landowning, or being certain nationality). Not because they had penises. Whereas, doctors used to think having a uterus caused one to have hysteria/not be smart enough to deal with daily life. Including not being able to fully grasp the concept and consequences of voting.

13 years ago

I’ve been called many things, but never a “hat.”

Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to step outside.

13 years ago

Also, the phrase “not the Oppression Olympics” comes to mind.

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