On the ironically named Happy Bachelors forum, the regular poster who calls himself khankrumthebulgar – and whose real name is Randall Joseph Shake — has been complaining about those of us who’ve pointed out that much MRA and MGTOW rhetoric sounds all too similar to the rhetoric of Norwegian terrorist murderer Anders Breivik. In response to Hugo Schwyzer’s post on the topic at the Good Men Project, he wrote:
This smacks to me of extreme desperation. As they are trying to draw us into a response. They should hear Crickets chirping. … they are in need of traffic, controversy some off the wall unhinged response. When they receive none, it simply means we will not waste the oxygen to answer these absurd and insane accusations. No evidence exists that the MRA or MRM is in any way connected to the Norwegian gunman. IF we were there would be dozens of dead Feminists by now. There is none, hence this is a weak and pathetic attempt to incite violence and is irresponsible on their part. …
If such violence were to happen. After such outrageous accusations, it is Hugo Schwyzer and the Good Menz Project who is financially liable for stoking and promoting extremism in the hopes of generating a violent response. The blood will be on their hands not ours.
You will notice that this argument is identical to that of Angry Harry: if an extremist commits an act of terrorism or violence, don’t blame him or his extremist ideology; blame the people who pissed him off. Taken to its logical extreme, this specious argument would mean blaming the Jews for the Holocaust; after all, they’re the ones who got Hitler so worked up in the first place.
It seems to me that if you don’t want people to associate you with terrorists, you should probably stop talking like terrorists, referring casually to “dozens of dead feminists” and trying to blame the enemy in advance for any violence that comes from your side.
Also, you should probably stop making comments like the following, which were posted in response to Amanda Marcotte’s recent post on Misogyny and Terrorism. The first one, from spocksdisciple, a board moderator, fantasized about a violent backlash that would put women in general and feminists in particular in their supposed place:
[T]he backlash against feminism and it’s misandry will be both awe inspiring and terrifying at the same time.
Modern radical feminism is doomed, any woman sprouting these kinds of statements after the backlash won’t last very long, people and especially men are growing angrier everyday and all these whining losers in the feminist movement is doing to kicking a sleeping bear even harder.
Feminism is so done that women will be lucky if any man bothers to even look at them other then as a piece of meat, the days of the 19th century are going to come back where women either know their place or they’ll suffer the consequences of their actions and arrogance, big daddy gov’t isn’t going to be around to protect the rights of women to act like bitches.
And you probably shouldn’t talk about burning down buildings with people inside them, as khankrumthebulgar (that is, Randall Joseph Shake) does in this comment:
Feminists will be treated like the French Nobility was during the French Revolution. There will be a payback to these Evil Bitches. … As to the Good Mangina Project, they are our enemies. Burn the building to the ground with them in it.
Is he literally talking about burning down a building, or is he speaking metaphorically? In the wake of a tragedy that involved a man literally gunning down the children of his leftist and feminist enemies, khankrumthebulgar’s comments are indefensible either way.
Let me reiterate: these are posts from men who are angry that people have linked them in any way to the Norwegian terrorist. Are they really this lacking in self-awareness, or are they so used to talking in an environment where violent comments about feminists are so common and accepted that they don’t even realize the irony?
I don’t know, and I don’t care. I just wish that those in the MRA and MGTOW movements who are bothered by this kind of talk – and I know there are some who are – would actually step up and declare this sort of shit out of bounds. I’m not holding my breath.
Note: The Happy Bachelors forum is members-only, so the links to the forum won’t work if you’re not a member. Here are screen shots of all the forum comments mentioned in this post, in order. Click to see the full-sized image. I edited several of the comments, but indicated all removed material with ellipses. As you will see the edits did not change the meaning of what was said.
khankrumthebulgar gives his real name
khankrumthebulgar on Hugo Schwyzer (just the portion of the comment that is from him; the rest quotes Schwyzer’s post).
I’ll never understand why MRAs get so angry at you just for quoting them. It’s like they have some vestigial sense that the things you’re quoting aren’t things to be proud of… but not enough to actually renounce those things.
So it just turns into “How dare you call us violent and dangerous! Only we get to say that we’re violent and dangerous!”
FYI Randall, “crickets chirping” indicates a complete lack of interest. You dopes have gone on and on about this for weeks, which would be the opposite of crickets chirping. I think a whining baby would be an apt description, actually.
Babies have redeeming values though…I think howler monkeys maybe?
On his Facebook page that Randolph Shake fellow claims to be a Buddhist.
I’m rusty on Buddhism… At what stage on the Noble Eightfold Path are you supposed to Deliver Payback To The Evil Bitches?
“I’m rusty on Buddhism… At what stage on the Noble Eightfold Path are you supposed to Deliver Payback To The Evil Bitches?”
“all of them”. It doesn’t exactly have the best record on women.
There have never been peasant women, just super rich women that are like queen bees birthing masses of worker slaves, apparantly…
Why should Christians and Muslims be the only ones who want to belong to a club without following the rules?
There is never any accountability with these guys. They won’t admit their rhetoric is so extreme it can lead to violence. They won’t admit that abusers are responsible for their actions, and instead claim that victims are to blame for making abusers angry. Likewise, they blame society for making terrorists angry, rather than admitting that terrorists are the wrongdoers. Do these MRAs ever admit to making mistakes, or ever admit they are wrong?
@Kendra If they wet their bed they will blame the feminists for it
When people start holding Amanda Marcotte responsible for some of her crap like her postings on the Duke Lacrosse case , and some of her hate speech about Catholics, religious people, and heck men in general, then I might consider spending my full time policing every minor board in the MRM. After all, Amanda Marcotte is considered a *gag* spokeswoman for Feminism. Last I heard Khankrum isn’t, at least not nearly to the same extent (he doesn’t run anything except a blog) and I’ve encountered “Spocks Disciple” all of maybe once or twice in the past few years.
Actually, we do hold Amanda Marcotte responsible for what she says. I know of at least one poster here who is rather critical of her.
But anyway, this isn’t about holding other people responsible, it’s about holding yourself responsible, ya know? And not advocating murder. Amanda has never advocated killing men, as far as I know.
Oh hey, remember when Amanda Marcotte said that the victims were responsible for mass murder and darkly warned that women would rise up against men someday and heads would roll, maybe literally? Remember when Amanda Marcotte talked about burning down buildings and about how men should “know their place” or face payback?
Yeah, me either.
Amanda is more disgusting. She slandered REAL PEOPLE.
Not hypothetical maybe in the future blah blahblah.
Don’t even try to compare the things. Ugly thoughts are ugly thoughts but Breivik and Marcotte were the people who performed ugly ACTIONS so to me Khankrum and Spocks Disciple are actually better people.
I’m pretty sure that women are REAL PEOPLE.
Yeah, Holly.
What’s this about not making “generalizations”? You go find me the “average woman” and then maybe we can talk. Once again -words and thoughts are cheap. It’s ACTIONS that count. So, Holly, what are YOU going to do about someone in your movement who actively slandered people?
@kankrumthebooger “If such violence were to happen. After such outrageous accusations, it is Hugo Schwyzer and the Good Menz Project who is financially liable…”
If you end a subordinate clause with a period. You are a shit-for-brains whose first language is Duhhh.
Seriously, I’ve been reading bad writing since I was yea high to a pup and only recently have I seen people doing this. Not even the undereducated used to do it.
They’re always pissed-off males, and 95% lean to the right politically. Is this some sort of unconscious group marker for militant dickheads?
I’m going to ask you how you feel about these MRAs that are the topic of the post.
Do they, like, bother you?
Do they provoke any intellectual or emotional reaction in you other than “OH YEAH WELL WHAT ABOUT AMANDA MARCOTTE”?
Holly, I’ve come on here and dissed MRA’s before. Though I sort of like Warren Farrell and I’m all happy dappy about Glenn Sacks, I hardly pimp the MRM.
That’s all this site is about after all. I hardly defended Angry Harry.
You wondered why people don’t take “feminism” seriously? Because it gets all freakin bent out of shape about a few nobodies on a private blog, and yet doesn’t give a sheeyat about what one of its public spokespeople says or does.
Remember when Amanda Marcotte said that it’s only a matter of time before all the rape victims of the Catholic priests that keep getting moved to new congregations will rise up and murder all priests, nuns, and clerical hierarchy?
Remember when she told all her readers to burn down the Duke University’s dorms with the lacrosse players in them?
Yeah, false equivalency is false.
Completely consistent with…
Do you know the definition of “slander”? Because those are “just words”
Clarence – You didn’t say shit about Angry Harry.
I think Amanda Marcotte was wrong. In fact, she’s said she was wrong. But she wasn’t wrong on the “whooo mass murder, bitches getting payback” level of wrong.
I have to admit it gets my hackles up because I’ve had “FALSE RAPE ACCUSATION” shoved in my face umpty billion gazillion times by rapists, rapists’ buddies, and people who just wish they could be rapists’ buddies. It’s become such a catchphrase for “women are liars and rape should be legal” that it really rubs the ol’ hackles, I gotta tell you. And I’ll admit, it’s hard getting those hackles out of something like this, because after the millionth chant of “Duke Lacrosse,” it stops meaning “this specific false rape accusation” and starts meaning “women are liars and rape should be legal.”
I don’t feel there are similar issues for men who support mass murder.
Back to the “I used to be a democrat, feminist, etc.” defense.
Tedious troll is tedious.
I dunno Clarence, the manosphere seems to take feminism extremely seriously; from what I read feminism is the cause of everything that’s wrong on the planet. Pretty big achievement.
Could you come up with an actual quote of Amanda Marcotte apologizing for her year long campaign of slander against the Duke guys, please? The reason I ask is I recently researched this by going to the WayBack machine and getting her posts from that time for a response that I made at the False Rape Society. Along with Nancy Grace and Wendy Murphy (who is considered a feminist and claims to be one) Amanda Marcotte was one of the most egregious of the haters of the team and the men on it. I’m sure you know how she deleted one of her later posts and tried to pretend it didn’t exist, alas, the internet isn’t usually very nice about letting things of that nature happen.
So, since I’ve actually spent more than an hour or two on Mandy and her various missteps, kindly do me a favor and point me to an apology from her for that so that it can be dropped.
I agree with that her response to the Duke LAcrosse case was just plain wrong but she is NOT anti Catholic….She is just very critical of well all religions and she has the right to be critical ofchurches! She absolutly not hateful toward men either and seems to have more men then women post on her blog.
She may be a little bit of a know at all at times but at least she doesn’t use violent rhetoric and stick up or abusers instead of their victims
Clarence, you have not given an example of an MRA admitting he is wrong yet. Amanda Marcotte has nothing to do with this article, and changing the subject is not a good rebuttal to my argument. Both Randall and Dirty Harry have both blamed the actions of violent terrorists on feminists for making terrorists so angry. It shows an extreme lack of accountability from the MRM when multiple people are making those comments and not being called out on it. If their rhetoric goes unchallenged in the MRM, then I will assume it is representative of the entire MRM.