Happy day! Susan Walsh has drawn another diagram! Loyal readers of Man Boobz will recall the last time that Walsh, a would-be relationship expert who blogs at Hooking Up Smart, tried her hand at diagram making. It wasn’t pretty. In an attempt to sketch out the economic costs of sluthood, Walsh cobbled together an extravagantly convoluted mess of a flow-chart based on little more than a few bad assumptions and what she insisted was common sense.
This time, Walsh attempts to chart how the sexual revolution has transformed dating, borrowing her argument largely from some dude called Frost who blogs about sex and relationships and PUA bullshit at Freedom Twenty-Five.
Back in the old “leave it to Beaver” days, Frost argues, virtually all men and women paired off efficiently with partners who exactly matched their level of hotness, as charted on the infamous ten-point scale beloved of pickup artists and other such creatures. Fives married fives, nines married nines, and even lowly ones were able to find true love and hot ugly sex with others as unfortunate as they were. As Walsh puts it, attempting to make all this somehow sound vaguely scientific:
This system worked pretty well in achieving equilibrium with respect to SMV (sexual market value).
Naturally, neither Frost nor Walsh offer any evidence that any of this was true. Which only makes sense, since it, er, wasn’t.
Let’s set that aside for a moment and move on to our current fallen state, post-sexual revolution. Now, apparently, a small minority of hot dudes score all the chicks, from nines on down to threes. Everyone else spends their lonely nights alone with their hands and a choice of vibrator or fleshlight.
Here’s where the diagram comes in. It’s a doozy:

Now, Walsh doesn’t actually explain how she knows this (or, rather believes it, since it clearly is not true), or why exactly she thinks the sexual revolution is to blame. But Frost does, sort of. With the sexual revolution, he argues,
the social convention of monogamy starts to break down. Women are free to do what they want, and they quickly realize that the men they can persuade to have short-term sexual relationships with are much, much more attractive than the men willing to marry them. Attractive men are free to eschew marriage, and instead maintain a harem of rotating friends-with-benefits and one-night stands. Super-attractive men (professional athletes, rock stars, bloggers) can spend every night with a different coterie of young, attractive women, railing lines off their ass cheeks and banging them senseless.
Sounds great for men. And not too bad for women either, who get to shag NHL players and bloggers instead of their ho-hum husbands.
Wait a minute. “… and bloggers?” Bloggers are now the alpha males? I wish I’d known this sooner!
But every woman who elects to join a harem, must necessarily leave a lonely man behind in the great mating scramble. … The men at the bottom are left to their RPGs and porn.
So there you have the effects of the sexual revolution on men: Great for the few, awful for the teeming masses.
Well, there’s a certain logic to that argument. It’s just not, you know, true.
Walsh and all the manosphere dudes who’ve convinced themselves that 80% of men have been left sexless have it backwards: as a handy FAQ at the Kinsey Institute points out, only about 10 percent of men don’t have sex during any given year. The average frequency of sex ranges from more than 100 times a year for those in their teens and twenties to about 70 times a year for those in their 40s.
But what about the ladies? Frost explains that they suffer too, especially those unfortunate enough to be mega-hotties. Frost seems to base this conclusion almost entirely on the sexual history of one Betty Draper. This seems a very small sample size to me. Also, she’is fictional. But that doesn’t stand in Frost’s way:
What about the top woman? The ultimate hottie? Previously, she had the top man all to herself. She literally could not have asked for anything more, assuming as I do that women naturally gravitate toward sleeping with the one man who is their best option at a given time, while men are only as faithful as their options. Suddenly, her man is beset by hussies, plying him with offers of cheap sex. How does Betty Draper feel about the breakdown of monogamy in her world? …
Now [the top women] must choose between sharing, or settling for a man far below her previous catch. Meanwhile, uglier women can choose between monogamy with a man far above her previous level, or a shared slice of one of the top men. She is unequivocally better off, as the hotter women are unequivocally worse off.
Frost concludes:
The Sexual Revolution harms attractive women, and unattractive men. It benefits unattractive women, and attractive men.

Naturally, none of this is the fault of men. It is, Frost and Walsh apparently agree, the fault of all those mid-level bitches slutting it up with the top men. It’s all their fault that the ladies at the top and bottom are getting left high and dry.
Indeed, it’s high time that the hottest hotties stood up for their rights, Frost argues in a second blog post:
It never seems to occur to the hot girls of the world that the sexual revolution is the cause of their troubles. Without it, the best that a top man could do is find a top woman, and devote his life to her. In our present dystopia, he can find that top woman, and rip her heart and soul to pieces by maintaining a harem of flings on the side.
If it wasn’t for the legions of female 7′s and 8′s throwing themselves at the male 9′s, the female 9′s could have their men all to themselves. But in the world as it is, they will always be competing with the omnipresent availability of cheap and easy sex.
Were the hot women to regain their hot pride, sluts and feminists alike would quake in their boots:
The greatest fear of the feminists is that desirable women like yourselves will wake up the lies they’ve been fed, embrace their feminine modesty, and cast the harsh light reality on of the fat, shrill, used-up slutwalkers and middle-aged divorcees.
What of the not-quite-hotties? Walsh has some harsher advice for all those “mediocre sluts” out there riding that alpha asshole cock carousel. She writes:
For less attractive women, an objective assessment of market value is essential. That can only be realized by evaluating which men are interested in dating you rather than banging you.
In other words: mid-level ladies, you’re still losers. Eventually, you asses will get fat, your skin will get wrinkly, and the alpha assholes will grow tired of banging you. So what are you poor gals to do? Walsh offers this grim assessment:
These are the hard truths of the Post Sexual Revolution era. There are a few winners, and many losers. It is difficult to see how equilibrium can ever be regained. For now at least, your only option is to think carefully and realistically about your personal life goals. Make sure the choices you’re making get you closer to them.
(Confidential to Susan Walsh: You do know that using terms like “equilibrium,” like you’re some sort of sexual economist, doesn’t actually make your bullshit true?)
Given that everything in Frost and Walsh’s posts here is such unmitigated bullshit, I think I have some better advice for women of all hotness levels (if they haven’t already figured this out for themselves): stop taking relationship advice from a woman who wants you to hate yourself.
And speaking of bad choices: those smileys? Oy. Strive for elegant simplicity, not tacky clutter.
NOTE: Chuck on Gucci Little Piggy has written a response of sorts to this post. I’ve replied on his blog here. But there is something distressing going on there: Someone has posted several rude comments there under the name “Man Boobz.” THAT PERSON IS NOT ME. If any of you are responsible, STOP IMMEDIATELY. I’ve asked Chuck to ban that person and delete the comments.
EDITED TO ADD: Chuck changed the name of the commenter to “not man boobz.” That makes sense to me.
What Walsh and MRAs seem to want is a form of sexual Marxism: from each according to her abilities, to each according to his needs.
A phrase which appears verbatim in The Handmaid’s Tale.
What Walsh and MRAs seem to want is a form of sexual Marxism: from each according to her abilities, to each according to his needs.
A phrase which appears verbatim in The Handmaid’s Tale.
Really? Dang! And here I was congratulating myself. Oh well, nothing new under the sun and all that.
you watch Sex and the City, and love Mad Men. I assume yer gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
If those are the only requirements, then most MRA’s are gay as well. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
maggie, Mad Men is awesome. Have you not seen it?
I watched Sex and the City like ten years ago, but got sick of it. I would not go to either of the movies if you paid me (a lot).
I do watch Project Runway, though. Heck, the first three seasons (still the best ones) I’ve watched multiple times.
I love that on her website, mixed in with sources from actual sexuality studies journals, she cites Cosmopolitan polls as if they were representative of the whole population.
Someone makes the following arguement over at Susan’s blog that women were better off under Patriarchy because…
“Women who are a 10 were in the patriarchy better than now because we were securing a men who is a 10 for all her life. They cannot do this now.
They attract a 10. They divorce and they attract a 8. They divorce and they attract a 6 and so on and so forth.
Because the woman SMV drops when she gets older and, even more, if she has kids from a previous marriage.
In my last job, I know a male co-worker of mine who is a 4 (at best: he is ugly, short and with a bad-paid job) and his wife is a solid 8 (but with two kids). Yes, he helps her economically. But she would be better provided with her first husband (a solid 8, a handsome wealthy man). Of course, the wealthy man has traded her for a younger model.
I had an affair with a divorced woman several years ago. When she married her husband, she was a solid 9 (or more). She was stunning. His husband was a very wealthy man, who cheated on her and beat her (domestic violence). She had two kids with him and then divorced him. She was a solid 7 then, but with two kids. But, in her mind, she thought she was still a 9. She was super picky. She was infatuated with me but she wanted me to commit and economically support her and her kids. I dumped her. She remains single until now.”
And here I always thought relationships were about, “This other person makes me happy in different ways! Yay!” Maybe I’m just naive. I don’t date, but it seems to me that dating is (or should be**) about enjoying the company of another person, not making strange charts and equations and transactions.
Also, as a solid 8 (or so I’m told), I’m apparently doing something wrong. I should have a pen of roosters outside my room or something like that, right? Maybe I’m misreading things.
I’m still not sure how I would have benefited under patriarchy. I don’t want to date. I don’t want to have sex. I don’t want to get married. I also don’t want to become a nun. I’ve literally had people suggest to me that I become a nun, as if that’s my only option as a non-sex-having person in the modern age. And of course, men get mad that I won’t let them try their magic wand on my sacred vault. (The “Magic Penis” Theory: Their special penis will turn you heterosexual if you’d Just Give Them A Chance) I just see a whole lot of men winning and me losing in this situation.
**Okay, having lived in a culture where this kind of wasn’t the case in many relationships, I know that there are still people who view relationships and marriages as some weird business transaction. Even if it’s not, “You can have my daughter if you give me two cows,” it still comes down to your family register or what university you went to or something. And that’s also why in *this particular culture* you have a lot of very distant marriages–sometimes literally–where husband and wife are basically roommates who have children together and hate each other. I once had an older woman tell me that a husband and wife were *supposed to* hate each other. I do not get this at all. It is fucking weird. /rant
David, I don’t think you’ve even given a straight answer as to why “Warren Farrell,” a former NOW chairman, is on your shit list. When did he piss in your cereal?
Fuck MRAs
Well, at least I know the maturity of my audience when I come here. I could make a joke about how I don’t feel safe fucking someone who may chop my dick off while I sleep, but that would just be tasteless.
So bascially, the majority of men doesnt get any if women get to choose? Isnt that sorta misandric?
Also, its the same hypocrisy again: If men just go for hotties and alot of sex, thats a-OK, but as soon as women do it, its an abomination? This whole “hypothesis” says just as much about what men are supposed to be as it does about what women are supposed to be.
…i like RPGs and porn, btw.
Women count as people under Marxism. Their needs have to be considered. Theoretically, if women had a desire/need to avoid unwanted sex and men had a desire/need for sex that women didn’t want, there is no reason to think the former trumps the latter. Also, a servant class is, well, a servant class, which is as anti-marxist as can be.
FactFinder, I never implied I would chop anyone’s dick off and I WILL NOT tolerate lies about me. I WILL contact the owner of the blog to have your BS removed if you persist in putting words in my mouth.
FactFinder, I just love how MRAs always exaggerate Warren Farrell’s influence in NOW. He wasn’t the chairman of NOW. He was, for a couple of years, on the board of directors of the NYC chapter of NOW.
He’s in my boob roll because, well, he’s a boob. He’s wrong about pretty much everything he writes about, uses misleading statistics and examples, argues speciously if not dishonestly. I always mean to write about him but that would mean going back and reading him again.
Also, he had some pretty creepy views about incest back in the 70s. As in, he thought it (including parent-child incest) was often a good thing. He spent a while researching a book on the subject, but it was never published. Here you can see what he said in an interview about it at the time:
Bring it, hon.
“I could make a joke about how I don’t feel safe fucking someone who may chop my dick off while I sleep, but that would just be tasteless.”
Indeed, why settle for just “tasteless” when you can tack “passive-aggressive” on there too.
Off Topic: Warren Farrel said what about incest?! Ugh.
Could you link directly to the source? You seem to have linked to a piece designed to discredit Farrell by any means necessary using obscure and questionable sources. I mean, seriously, you bitch about us using the Daily Mail and then you pull a 1970s Penthouse Magazine article on us?
Here’s Farrell’s response to those allegations if you aren’t too busy. I read your piece and am exposed to feminist propaganda in my daily life, so I don’t think it’s too much to ask that you read a little of mine.
FactFinder, Farrell’s response in that interview you linked to is completely dishonest.
He says this:
That is blatant bullshit. Obviously you did not give the link I gave you more than a curosry glance or you would know that.
Farrell was writing a book on incest — real incest, between parents and children and siblings — in the1970s. That is a fact. He does not deny that.
He gave an inteview to Penthouse magazine in which he said a number of disturbing things about incest. That is also a fact. On the page I linked to, there are scans of the original penthouse article. That IS the source.
Farrell claims to have been misquoted in Penthouse — but only in one quote, the one about “genitally caressing.” (I believe he says that he really said “gently caressing.) He has not denied any of the other quotes, as far as I know, though as in that interview you link to he has tried to obscure the truth about it..
If Penthouse had misrepresented him, wouldn’t he have sued them back then? I’m sure there would have dozens of lawyers eager to jump at the chance to sue them, if he had a case. Why didn’t he? Well, my guess would be that the Penthouse writer had it all on tape.
That interview you linked to makes me respect him even less; it’s such baldfaced bullshit. He must have assumed that no one would aver be able to dig up the Penthouse article.
“Bring it”
Don’t lie about me. Simple as that.
Here you go, FactFinder. Direct links to source:
You’re welcome.
Why is it that our trolls pick such ironic names?
FactFinder is finding it rather difficult to find facts…
“You seem to have linked to a piece designed to discredit Farrell by any means necessary using obscure and questionable sources.”
Yeah, because linking to photo scans of the original published interview (with 140/1294 words of notes added in between the text), is obscuring and a questionable source. You must be incensed whenever you go to the library; the nerve of them housing micro-fiche scans of news-paper articles… They’re obscuring history with questionable sources!
I think Walsh’s chart was hilarious.
It also only applies to certain sexual environments such as coastal cities and most college campuses where alcohol, anonymity, and a hook up culture have evolved. Things are more even elsewhere in the country; some colleges have different cultures (religious for instance) and as women age, they stop riding the carousal anyway as they smarten up and realize that the most attractive men could care less about them.
Anyway she’s read and dissected lots of studies and things on the sexual market, I’d dare say she knows more than anyone on this blog. Her problem is she doesn’t have that research collected, I think I’ll write her and offer to help her do that.
The Farrell thing is old, is a distraction, is an adhom (whatever he thinks of incest has nothing at all to do with whatever he said in say his book about the wage gap), and really isn’t all that bad anyway.
And David? You make some funny posts but you hardly bother to actually research things, so you really can’t talk on that score. I’ve spent entirely too much time on myths like the “wage gap”, I suspect you spend no time at all, merely pull the first study you can find from some ideological syncophants up and post that. Anyway, back to a much better blog: NSWATM. Every now and then you give an actual misogynist a good talking to, but I mostly only come here for the laughs. When you get hateful, you are no longer amusing.