antifeminism crackpottery evil women man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men precious bodily fluids reactionary bullshit

Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party 4: If They Are Not Restrained

In this episode of Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party, Tiny Bunny and Small Dog make an excursion to NiceGuy’s MGTOW Forum, and consider the view of one fellow there who feels women should be restrained so that they don’t all become sadists and sluts. Also, there is a discussion of ice cream.

Here’s the original comment from the forum. (I edited it a bit for length and clarity in the video.)

All women are instinctively sadists and sluts if they are not restrained by the society.

Present feminism has given complete freedom for women and has completely restrained and shunned all men.This present feminism invokes and encourages the very basic instinct of a woman – It encourages her how to be a slut & how to be a sadist.

One better e.g. that I can give is – If a woman beats her lover/husband with a machete and fills his body with oozing blood whole mob(which includes all men) cheers her with claps & encourages her to give the more brunt of it(click here).Or even if a woman kills a man in public she is seen as if she has done a heroic act in media,courtrooms & in public.Even if she is guilty of that serious offence she is acquitted.Like this there are many e.g. which I don’t even need to give.

Present feminism is a failed ideology,just look what it has given – there are single mothers,prostitutes,drug addicts(teenage girls & boys brought up by single mothers),recession for men,disjoint families ,higher divorce rates,depression,increasing violence among teenagers due to lack of care during their crucial childhood years,immoral porn culture which also encourages homosexuality,oppression of men,etc…

If soceity puts some restrain on women then definitely women can be beneficial to the soceity with their feminine touch.Restraining women is necessary to teach them discipline & such disciplined women are really good to soceity.In fact this should be the principle of feminism & we men would had undoubtedly embraced such kind of feminism.But what I said above is seen as offence in present feminism which preaches every woman to oppress men & treat them as slaves.

There was actually one more paragraph of this. Just more of the same.

Time for some ice cream, I think.

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13 years ago

Time for some ice cream, I think.
When obesity is merely a matter of self-image, It’s always Ice Cream Time™.

13 years ago

Another fact boldly found.

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
13 years ago

I take all responsiblity for every man’s Erectile Dysfunction 😛

13 years ago

I’m not obese. Actually, I’m a size zero. Permission to continue eating like shit and not exercising?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I dunno about Factfinder, Finder of Facts xD But everybody has my permission to continue eating and not exercising regardless of their size! 😀

13 years ago

Is the emoticon by 4 supposed to be picking its nose or shushing you or what?

Arielle Shander
13 years ago

“Restraining women is necessary to teach them discipline & such disciplined women are really good to soceity.In fact this should be the principle of feminism & we men would had undoubtedly embraced such kind of feminism”

If THAT were the principle of feminism, then IT WOULDN’T BE FEMINISM; it would be misogynistic patriarchy, where men exercise control over girls and women.

The principle of feminism is EQUALITY OF WOMEN; as in, women not being “restrained” and being able to make their own choices. We’re not just here to “provide our feminine touch.” We’re not here to bake you cookies and look pretty in a sundress. We, too, are people who have desires, hobbies and careers that may or may not fall into the archetypical “masculine” or “feminine” categories.

So basically, what Mr. Ignorance McAsshole is saying is that everything in our society that has gone wrong is because of “unrestrained women” and feminism. He tries to act like he’s some sort of sociologist or something, and then he also claims he knows what causes depression (hint: it’s mainly GENETIC). Then he goes into a rant about women dodging punishment from any wrongdoings, such as being able to, uh…kill men in public and get applauded for it, apparently (I have yet to see this happen at all in any of my nearly 21 years of life). Oh, and he throws in a good ol’ gay-bashing, too. Classic anti-feminist dumb-ass.

Fuck anti-feminists. If they really cared about society, they would make the effort to do some real research and stop using feminism and modern women as a scapegoat (along with porn, prostitution, gay people, the “liberal” media, video games, etc.).

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

I cannot be held responsible for any soreness, abrasion, or other injuries sustained by riding me. Don’t you all remember the release forms you signed?

Oh yeah, and the ice cream kiosk is just down the fairway, right past the Entitled Bitches’ Bumper Cars. Because wimmenz can’t drive, you know?

13 years ago

Does the song “Like a Boss” go through anyone else’s head when they read NWO’s posts?

13 years ago

I hear The Kink’s “A Well Respected Man.”

13 years ago

^Sorry for the apostrophe abuse. Jesus. Need more coffee.

13 years ago

We’re not just here to “provide our feminine touch.” We’re not here to bake you cookies and look pretty in a sundress.

Feminisim is responsible for the destruction of the cookie market!

Vanessa Emma Goldman
Vanessa Emma Goldman
13 years ago

although, i totes do not mind and in fact love making cookies and looking pretty in a dress…for hot butchy lesbian women!!!!!!!!! which means oh noez, i am still doing it wrong according to the dumbass MRAs…and i don’t care what they think!!!!

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

I draw the line at Jar Jar Binks. I admit that as a feminist, I am responsible for most of the evil in the world, but even I won’t go that far. George Lucas can take the blame on that one.

Bruce McGlory
13 years ago

I heard feminism controls the weather and wrote the screenplay for Ishtar!

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Unrestrained female sexuality leads to a welfare state where children grow up without fathers, then most men have no reason to produce, and then that civilization collapses.

So yes, it is true that unrestrained female sexuality is a bad thing for society.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Just look at the ghetto. A product of single motherhood. And that’s where western civilization is headed. See you there.

13 years ago

Single women in the ghetto reproduce asexually?


Learn something new every day.

13 years ago

What, even those he doesn’t pay for?

Especially the ones he pays for.

Just look at the ghetto.