antifeminism crackpottery evil women man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men precious bodily fluids reactionary bullshit

Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party 4: If They Are Not Restrained

In this episode of Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party, Tiny Bunny and Small Dog make an excursion to NiceGuy’s MGTOW Forum, and consider the view of one fellow there who feels women should be restrained so that they don’t all become sadists and sluts. Also, there is a discussion of ice cream.

Here’s the original comment from the forum. (I edited it a bit for length and clarity in the video.)

All women are instinctively sadists and sluts if they are not restrained by the society.

Present feminism has given complete freedom for women and has completely restrained and shunned all men.This present feminism invokes and encourages the very basic instinct of a woman – It encourages her how to be a slut & how to be a sadist.

One better e.g. that I can give is – If a woman beats her lover/husband with a machete and fills his body with oozing blood whole mob(which includes all men) cheers her with claps & encourages her to give the more brunt of it(click here).Or even if a woman kills a man in public she is seen as if she has done a heroic act in media,courtrooms & in public.Even if she is guilty of that serious offence she is acquitted.Like this there are many e.g. which I don’t even need to give.

Present feminism is a failed ideology,just look what it has given – there are single mothers,prostitutes,drug addicts(teenage girls & boys brought up by single mothers),recession for men,disjoint families ,higher divorce rates,depression,increasing violence among teenagers due to lack of care during their crucial childhood years,immoral porn culture which also encourages homosexuality,oppression of men,etc…

If soceity puts some restrain on women then definitely women can be beneficial to the soceity with their feminine touch.Restraining women is necessary to teach them discipline & such disciplined women are really good to soceity.In fact this should be the principle of feminism & we men would had undoubtedly embraced such kind of feminism.But what I said above is seen as offence in present feminism which preaches every woman to oppress men & treat them as slaves.

There was actually one more paragraph of this. Just more of the same.

Time for some ice cream, I think.

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zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Editing is theft, David.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Restraining women is necessary to teach them discipline

well, you know, in certain contexts this can be hard to dispute….

…but David, how are you managing to get vacuumslayer to appear in these?

13 years ago

“Fills Them with oozing blood”

……aren’t men (like all humans) already filled with oozing blood? Isn’t filling people with oozing blood what we do with transfusions, which save people’s lives? Which is like… yanno… a good thing?

Those words, I don’t think they mean what you think they mean.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

This is the best example yet shown on the site of a man who needs to Go His Own Way, and go very far, and as soon as possible.

13 years ago

Heres a little taste of what men can expect in the courts of feminist jurisprudence.
Here are a few pertinant exerpts;

“In one of the most outrageous injustices of our time, Peter Spitz (pictured right) was separated from his son and almost lost custody of him after his ex-wife shot him in the face and murdered his mother.”

“Peter, unable to understand what had happened to him, called out to his wife for help. She responded by returning to their bedroom and shooting him two more times.”

“Peter survived the attack, but was left permanently blind. Teresa was arrested and charged with murder and attempted murder, but in a remarkable turn of events, Peter testified on her behalf.”

“In what must be the strangest development of all, Teresa got supervised visitation with the boy while Peter was denied all contact.”

Please read the entire story so you can fully understand the influence and results of feminist jurisprudence. Feminists like yourselves will try to shift the blame to the courts, claiming innocense of the very laws lobbied for and enacted by feminists.

Heres a quote from this article on manboobz mocking men;

“Or even if a woman kills a man in public she is seen as if she has done a heroic act in media,courtrooms & in public.Even if she is guilty of that serious offence she is acquitted.”

So here we have a man whose mother was murdered and he was shot three times by his wife leaving him blind. He testifies on her behalf to save her from a lifetime in prison. And yet he has to fight for contact with his child while his ex-wife doesn’t? Can there be any clearer example that feminism is nothing but a hate movement.

13 years ago

I didn’t know that prostitution was invented by the feminists, and not a practice that’s been around for thousands of years. History, how do you work? I guess drug addiction and single parenthood didn’t exist before feminism, either. Isn’t it nice to have one socio-cultural movement to blame all of society’s ills upon in a vague sort of way without having to use facts or empirical data to back up your claims?

13 years ago

Funny how feminism caused the recession, and only to men. The wymmyn are eating gold dusted bon bons on their piles of $MONEY$ and I didn’t even notice.

Marion in Savannah
Marion in Savannah
13 years ago

Wow. That is some VERY special word salad there. I spend all day long trying to wrench what physicians say back into proper grammar and that selection has left me scratching my head. So, does this dude have a bondage site, or is that just all in his febrile imagination? (Also, if you edited that for clarity just thinking about what the original must have been like makes my brain bleed.)

13 years ago

Wait, wait, wait.

Homosexuality, porn, sluttiness and drugs are the fault of feminism… and this is an anti-feminist argument?

I’ll just be over here having a drug-fuelled lesbian orgy and filming it, kay?

13 years ago

I mean, seriously, what’s next?

Feminism leads to ICE CREAM!



zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago


Wow, am I ever a feminist!

2-D Man
2-D Man
13 years ago

drug addicts(teenage girls & boys brought up by single mothers)

Man! I had no idea I was a drug addict! Or wait… did I stop being a drug addict when I stopped being a teenager. This MGTOW stuff is really confusing.

By the way, I think C>ICE CREAMC> should be the Manboobz version of $MONEY$.

13 years ago


I agree with this.

…but David, how are you managing to get vacuumslayer to appear in these?

Mayhaps I am one of those restrained women. Makes me sound a little BDSMy (as the kids are calling it these days) but ok…

13 years ago

drug addicts(teenage girls & boys brought up by single mothers)


13 years ago

God damn it David you better have treated your two little pals to a fucking mountain of ice cream after subjecting them to that soul shrivelling bile.

That’s just err… god those poor things

13 years ago

All people are instinctively sadists and sluts if they are not restrained by the society.


Seriously, that’s why we have to raise our young not to hump the couch pillows when guests are over and not to poke the dog’s eye out. It doesn’t come naturally.

13 years ago

Word to the Browncoats: as a fan who followed BTVS and AtS from beginning to end, be grateful that Joss didn’t have Firefly in his angst-addicted mitts long enough to inflict a Season Sux on it.

I actively avoid Joss products these days. A brilliant sadist is still a sadist.

13 years ago

So wait, prostitution is actually not the oldest job in history? O_o Learn something new everyday.

13 years ago

Seraph: Joss got sadistic enough already. Poor Wash. 🙁 Was there any reason for that beyond sheer evil?

13 years ago

Well, it doesn’t have as much impact if you kill the Obi-Wan. If you kill the light-hearted comic relief character who’s more or less the sole source for several other characters’ happiness, that really drives the point home that Anyone Can Die.

…in other words, no. He killed Wash because he thought his space cowboy action flick wouldn’t have enough of an artistic impact if it didn’t have enough angst.

13 years ago

…but at least Wash died clean after a heroic triumph, rather than suffering the failure, degradation and heroic decay of the later seasons of BTVS and AtS.

13 years ago

I played the video, and now my daughter is demanding ice cream.

13 years ago

I like your bunny and dog videos very much.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Mayhaps I am one of those restrained women.

I’ve never seen you act restrained. Well, being Imaginary Digital Frenz, I’ve never actually SEEN you, but you know what I mean.

13 years ago

Wait a minute. Aren’t these MRA types generally demanding *full access* to porn/prostitutes/women? But now they’re the downfall of society? No wonder this movement can’t get off the ground. The only thing they agree on is “Nothing’s our fault it’s all womens!”

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