anti-Semitism antifeminism armageddon misogyny MRA oppressed men terrorism threats violence against men/women

Angry Harry: Violence is justified, but don’t blame us for it.

Anyone who has spent much time at all on MRA message boards knows that they tend to be littered with vague and ominous “predictions” of an inevitable violent backlash of men driven to fury by our supposed feminist overlords; some of these predictions are delivered with such obvious relish that they seem little more than justifications in advance for future murderous rampages on the part of people not too far distant in their ideology from  Anders Breivik.  

Of course, most of those making such predictions-cum-threats don’t want to actually face any culpability when their bullshit gets real. Fear not, MRA prognosticators, for one prominent British MRA has come up with what he sees as a brilliant way for MRAs to avoid getting implicated in future terrorists attacks. According to longtime MRA blogger Angry Harry we shouldn’t blame violence on the beliefs of right-wing terrorists – we should instead blame it on the people they’re mad at.

Angry Harry uses this bit of sophistry to explain away any culpability the right seems to have in the Norway massacre:

The recent massacre by Anders Behring Breivik in Norway is being portrayed by the left-wing media (such as the BBC) as being motivated by extreme right-wing groups – the idea, as ever, being to demonise and, hence, to intimidate, as much as possible, anybody who does not support their malicious self-serving agenda.

But if you look more closely at the evidence, it is quite clear that, if anything, it was the various machinations and rhetoric engaged in by the deceitful LEFT that infuriated this man. …

Quite simply, it is the Left, not the Right, who are the more to blame for this incident.

Ingenious. Of course, this logic only really works if you agree with the extremist ideology of the terrorist or murderer in question. Let’s apply Angry Harry’s approach to a historical example that also involved extremism and murder on a large scale:

Hitler hated Jews. Hitler killed Jews. Therefore, according to Angry Harry’s logic, we should blame the Jews for getting him so mad in the first place.

Is that unfair? Given that Breivik is a mass murderer with many ideas strikingly similar to those of Hitler, I think not. The logic is the same, whatever the body count.

Apparently Harry thinks his bit of rhetorical sleight-of-hand will absolve MRAs when, not if, the violence comes:

MRAs need to get to grips with this type of situation because it won’t be long before they are being blamed for something or other – perhaps a family court judge being murdered.

Why might this be a particularly sensitive issue for Harry? Perhaps because in another posting of his, he offered a justification for doing just that — murdering family court justices and those involved in enforcing their decisions.

In a post with the blunt title “Why Violence Is Often Justified,” Harry put it this way:

[A]nybody who takes away a man’s children and/or his home deserves little sympathy if they suffer significant retribution.

I suppose that for some men, arguing their case in court is a reasonable option, but for many men – particularly the less intelligent, the less wealthy, the less articulate and/or the less able they are to deal with officialdom – such an option is going to get them nowhere. And so, in my view, violence is not only understandable and predictable, but also morally quite justifiable.

To put it bluntly: If someone is taking away your home and your children then I think that you are quite justified in behaving violently towards them.

In his recent posting on Breivik, Harry offered an obligatory comment suggesting that, if course, he wasn’t actually justifying the Norwegian’s actions – oh, no! – even though the logic of his argument seems designed to do just that. Then he went on to make some predictions about what the future holds for his leftist and feminist enemies:

I think that it is fairly obvious to my most excellent readers that the war against the Left is hotting up. …

In fact, what I can never seem to understand is why it is taking so long for people – particularly for men – to rise up against the Left, given its appalling attitude and behaviour over the past two decades.

In combination with the feminists, the leftists have done their very best – with much success over here in Europe – to break up our countries, our cultures and our families, while at the same time heaping hatred upon hatred on to their very own people!

I just cannot understand how they have gotten away with this for so long.

You cannot go round continuing to display rigid intolerance and horrendous injustice against millions of men in your very own country and not expect some kind of violent backlash from them.

And matters are definitely going to get much worse.

He ends with a weasel-worded half-endorsement of this “violent backlash.”

The war against the Left will just continue escalating and, at some stage, with any luck, the leftists and the feminists will be defeated without too much carnage.

Well, that’s reassuring. Harry doesn’t want there to be “too much carnage.”

Which naturally leads to the question: just what does Harry regard as the right amount of carnage?

I hope we never have to find out.

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13 years ago

I don’t think I wanted to google that. The pictures!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Ami-Activist Away! 😀

I just got back from facilitating a forum on “Trans bodies, Trans selves” which is a new book project that is being worked on as we speak :] When completed, it’s going to be a resource guide for trans ppl, counselors, and families and allies, So far the topics it’s going to cover are:

Our May Selves
Gender Theory
Gender Around The World
Coming Out
Living As Ourselves
Elderly And Aging
Action and Organizing

I want to promote the project b/c it’s a great idea and they need as much input as they get! Esp imo, for ppl who traditionally aren’t covered by the trans* umbrella, but who identify as trans, or who want to… cuz that’s the ppl the book also wants to include :3 And I think it’s V important to include! Also I’m putting it here (hopefully it’s ok w/ David) b/c I know there are many trans* ppl here and if ppl dunno about it, now you do and I think the more voices the better! 😀

There are many things you can do to be involved if you want to be involved!

If you want to help organize an event (like the forum above, where ppl can actually attend and give their own experiences) or find out where one is taking place in your area, email [email protected] (keep in mind there is abs no funding for this book or project)

Or visit

to submit a short piece to Trans Bodies, Trans selves, about yourself, or nething you want to add to the project, challenges you feel from society as a trans person, things you would like them to discuss, stuff about law, or family, or medical issues, intersectionality, etc etc 😀

Also take the survey! Thousands have filled it out… you should too! 😀

And spread it around if you want to. I think the more ppl who participate, the better the guide will ultimately be, b/c the more diversity of experiences and ideas they’ll have to work from 🙂

13 years ago

Ohh, super, Ami! That’s going to be a GREAT resource! I recently watched the documentary that was made about the trial of Gwen Araujo’s killers. One of the things that me and my boyfriend talked about afterwards was the point, which came up often, that there’s no social protocol for cis people who are dating trans people, for trans people who are entering a relationship and wondering how/whether to tell their romantic interest, etc. I’m so happy that someone is doing the work to meet that need.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Sounds like things went well, Ami. 🙂

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I don’t think there should be a social “protocol” for trans ppl to disclose… me and DSC talked about this in a previous thread xD But I do agree that there def needs to be more information and discussion for cis ppl about dating trans ppl, and etc… but disclosure is a personal issue for trans ppl, and one we think about all the time, but the problem is whenever a trans person talks about dating, it always becomes about our genitals, and when to disclose and etc… and usually we never asked for that advice, or even mentioned nething about whether the other party knows, or nething else -_- Also many times, the “trans panic” thing is an excuse… the person knew the person was trans and wanted to kill them, then claims “trans panic” after… it’s like the “it’s what she was wearing” thing.. it’s a social narrative ppl buy into and believe b/c it fits what we grew up “knowing” or it “makes sense” :

Even now, after it was proven in court that Allen Andrade KNEW that Angie Zapata was trans, SO MANY ppl still think that it was a case of trans panic… b/c that’s the defense he offered up, and everybody just bought it… (also remember most of the time, all we have is the word of the murderer… like w/ Andrade, right off the bat he said trans panic, and the entire debate was about his version of events, and again, when trans ppl should disclose to avoid provoking our murders, ignoring that, y’know, he could be lying..)

Also disclosure can often be the problem : There are ppl who seek out trans ppl knowing we’re trans, to hurt us, humiliate us, or kill us… or have sex and then kill us out of their own self-shame of wanting to be w/ a trans woman, or etc etc… so telling somebody before hand, won’t stop them from asking you out again, as if they’re ok w/ it when they’re not.. and etc etc :

I think it would be pretty irresponsible for a guide to tell trans ppl when we should disclose (not saying you said this, but you mentioned it…). It’s a convo we have within the comm sometimes, or w/ our friends, and it’s always personal, private and dependent on each situation. :]

13 years ago

speedlines, yeah, I posted about that in the forum. True bravery.

13 years ago

ah, sorry. Haven’t checked out the forum yet.

13 years ago

No need to apologize, I think more people should read about them. 🙂

13 years ago

mmm, maybe “protocol” was a bad choice of words. What I meant is just that there’s an established social narrative of dating, but that established narrative doesn’t include any helpful information for people who are dating a trans person, or for trans folks who are dating. The more this sort of information gets out there, the less plausible the gay/trans panic defense will seem to juries (not that it’s creditable in the first place).

I wasn’t intending any meaning about trans people having an instruction manual about when to disclose or anything like that. But I can see how it came across that way.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh ok 🙂

Sry about that Sally, I misunderstood what you mean :3 I do agree w/ that and I think it will be useful to dispel myths and stuff and also to help educate and inform others and make things less scary and mysterious seeming :3

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

“Well, that’s reassuring. Harry doesn’t want there to be ‘too much carnage.’

Which naturally leads to the question: just what does Harry regard as the right amount of carnage?

I hope we never have to find out.”

Lol, boobz, you’re stupid, but you’re not THAT stupid. You’re being silly.

13 years ago

[A]nybody who takes away a man’s children and/or his home deserves little sympathy if they suffer significant retribution.

So then if a man is locked up for 20 years because of a bank robbery, then he has the right to kill the judge who put him there? How about drug dealers?

I mean, I know he’s specifically talking about custody, however, there’s many situations where a person will have freedom/home/children taken from them, and it usually involves crime and prison time.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Well, absinthe, it seems to me that right there is what the MRAs want; physically harming your wife and children should not be a crime; psychologically harming your wife and children is a fallacy.

13 years ago

Will you menfolk stop fighting amongst yourselves and go out and hunt us womenfolk some mammoths already!

Sam’ich! Sam’ich! Sam’ich! Sam’ich! Sam’ich! Sam’ich! Sam’ich!

13 years ago

“Well, that’s reassuring. Harry doesn’t want there to be ‘too much carnage.’Which naturally leads to the question: just what does Harry regard as the right amount of carnage? I hope we never have to find out.”
Lol, boobz, you’re stupid, but you’re not THAT stupid. You’re being silly.

Lol, Sodini, Lepine, Ball, that Norwegian dude who was on the news a while back, can’t seem to recall his name at all…I have no idea what Futrelle’s talking about either.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Lol, boobz, you’re stupid, but you’re not THAT stupid. You’re being silly.

Oh? o_O

Let’s pretend we ARE that stupid 😀 (or that I am xD we all know I am neways 😀 ) Care to elaborate and explain what Angry Harry means? :3

13 years ago

Ami: *eyeroll*

Angry Harry means that a judgment of any system, or a priori relationship or phenomenon exists in an irrational, or metaphysical, or at least epistemological contradiction to an abstract empirical concept such as being, or to be, or to occur in the thing itself, or of the thing itself. How could anyone with half a brain interpret his brilliant essay any differently?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I just realized that icon on the t-shirt looks like a pokemon o_o The… weird alphabet shaped things xD

13 years ago

No need to apologize, Ami dear. I was careless with my words, that’s all, and clarified when I needed to.

I really appreciate all your efforts.

13 years ago

@Ami you mean the Unknowns?

13 years ago


“@Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
“These MRAs live in the most vile mental environment ever!”

“All men are thrust into a vile world that hates them.”

Nice to see you take a stand on protecting the environment.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Harry means what he said.

Not what manboobz puts into his mouth (libel).

13 years ago

Things Are Bad: Well, what he said was violence is justifiable, even that it should have started long ago.

He also thinks that the MRAs will have no trouble actually using force to successfully change the present system.

On all counts, he’s wrong.