Here’s a little screed, originally from happierabroad.com, that’s been making the rounds of the manosphere lately. The author, anonymous, describes himself as “an Arab, who has lived and travelled all over the world and is a keen observer of society and people.” The aim of his writing? To let those of us in the West know just how disappointed he is with all of us. Especially the wussies and bitches.
Meeting Westerners, one of the things I noticed was how insecure and de-masculinized they seemed to me; compared to myself and the male-dominated, testosterone-driven culture of my land.
Using my own keen sense of observation, I have noticed just an eensy weensy bit of misogyny in his writings. You may notice it as well.
On the internet, most Americans seemed to act like little bitches, little girls brought up in a Feminist perversion of nature.
Well, I don’t know about that whole “perversion of nature” thing, but I have to say the first half of that sentence is pretty spot-on.
It was only after coming to the U.S. and studying here that all the pieces came together – a fascinating look at a dysfunctional man-hating civilization that is the polar opposite of my own culture, and will eventually lead to the collapse of Western civilization.
Uh oh.
Where I come from, men walk proud and rule the streets and testosterone runs in the air; and strong patriarchal foundations of family and the father as ruler of the household. Men harass and aggressively follow women – it is unapologetically a man’s world.
That’s what makes a civilization great: the harassment of women.
Just remember this, men, when you lean out of your car window to yell “Nice ass………WHORE!!!!!!!!!” at passing joggers of the female persuasion, you’re doing your bit to uphold our most noble traditions and help to fend off the forces of darkness.
In the U.S., Feminism has so corrupted the society to it’s core, damaged the very concept of family and the family unit and the father’s role, that society as a whole is like some bizarre alien planet – where men are bland, lack personality, are anti-social, gossipy, soul-less. Men are weak and insecure deep inside … women have all the power and American men seem clueless as to how bizarre the male-female dynamic has become.
In the workplace, Americans are Automatons, like soul-less hamsters on a wheel. Fake conversations, no intellectualism, no interest in other countries, peoples, or history.
Do soul-less hamsters act differently than soulful ones? How can you tell the difference? Do the ones without souls poop more?
Also, terrible social and people skills – at least in California. Most people communicate via twitter and Facebook, even though most of the people on their Facebook live in the same city and a phone call away.
Really? You’re complaining about Facebook? Sorry, that’s just lazy and trite. You’re like the Dane Cook of reactionary misogynist cultural critics.
People are vacuous, shallow, superficial, suggestible. Men raised here are fake, insecure, lack personality, they seem to have “issues.” Women are confused and messed up ..
Wait, what’s that? Is that the dreaded MRA two-period punctuation mark? NOT AGAIN!
Oops. He’s still talking:
You let your women take control, and your society will unravel- it will make your men weak, and destroy your society to it’s core. The patriarchy is a male conceived and enforced institution that was imposed on females, because men, and only men understand well the long-term impacts of civilization and harnessing male energies into productive family units and a stable society …. civilization itself is a result of patriarchy.
You know, if you’re really into harnessing your male energies, you can buy the necessary equipment right here!
To sum if up, it seems to be that the whole country is phitzoprhenic [sic], like a Jekyll and Hyde monstrosity. There is no community, no camaredie, no soul, men and women are willing servants to their corporate masters and slaves to materialism and superficiality; and incredibly conformist, reserved, and politically correct to the point of totalitinarism.
“Conformist?” So now he’s turned into a high school goth?
Come on, dude, if you want to be a social critic, you’re going to need to work a little harder than that. Take a tip or two from this, er, duck:
Ami-Activist Away! 😀
I just got back from facilitating a forum on “Trans bodies, Trans selves” which is a new book project that is being worked on as we speak :] When completed, it’s going to be a resource guide for trans ppl, counselors, and families and allies, So far the topics it’s going to cover are:
Our May Selves
Gender Theory
Gender Around The World
Coming Out
Living As Ourselves
Elderly And Aging
Action and Organizing
I want to promote the project b/c it’s a great idea and they need as much input as they get! Esp imo, for ppl who traditionally aren’t covered by the trans* umbrella, but who identify as trans, or who want to… cuz that’s the ppl the book also wants to include :3 And I think it’s V important to include! Also I’m putting it here (hopefully it’s ok w/ David) b/c I know there are many trans* ppl here and if ppl dunno about it, now you do and I think the more voices the better! 😀
There are many things you can do to be involved if you want to be involved!
If you want to help organize an event (like the forum above, where ppl can actually attend and give their own experiences) or find out where one is taking place in your area, email [email protected] (keep in mind there is abs no funding for this book or project)
Or visit
to submit a short piece to Trans Bodies, Trans selves, about yourself, or nething you want to add to the project, challenges you feel from society as a trans person, things you would like them to discuss, stuff about law, or family, or medical issues, intersectionality, etc etc 😀
Also take the survey! Thousands have filled it out… you should too! 😀
And spread it around if you want to. I think the more ppl who participate, the better the guide will ultimately be, b/c the more diversity of experiences and ideas they’ll have to work from 🙂
kristinmh Congrats! Welcome to the club. (I’m 17ish weeks)
My husband has a set of swords, does that make him a manly man? Or does the fact the only hunting he does involves a mouse and data negate that?
Skyal, it is a proven fact that none of us leftyish feminist type people own any kind of weapons at all. We’re all happy little hippie pacifists who hate guns and knives and swords and all that shit.
*nonchalantly pushes ammo boxes out of frame with his foot*
Remember, punching a bear in the face is not feminine. The correct behavior when encountering a bear is to cower and scream until a man rescues you and/or you get mauled.
Someone’s… trying to insult a nerd by calling them a nerd? You’ll have to do a lot better than that, buddy, because Nerd is in front of feminist in my view of myself.
What next, ya gonna make fun of my playing video games? I have 40 hours over the last week according to just Steam. Ooo, how about my geeky hobbies, like reading and making submissions for Fuck Yeah History Major Heraldic Beast? Seriously, I’m a proud nerd. You can’t insult me, or almost any other nerd, just by calling me a nerd. It’s a wonderful world out there for us, a different but still fascinating one compared to non-nerds. Being different from the generic you isn’t an insult. And being different from you, Ion, in particular? Fuckin’ fantastic, it is.
I know feminist man-haters are not very bright, but really.
This was the “challenge”:
“One of these days, these “feminism is destroying civilization!” ranters should get around to explaining why the most feminist-influenced countries are, generally speaking, the most powerful and prosperous ones.”
I provided an explanation for why feminist-influenced countries are powerful and prosperous – because they were powerful and prosperous before feminism.
That’s all I was tasked to do.
It’s really not that hard to understand, folks. Please do try.
Or perhaps you’d like to replace “feminism” in my statement with other amusing words, without actually taking any time to investigate why feminism is self-defeating and will lead to the collapse of civilization, something that has been discussed numerous times throughout the manosphere. And if you ever did, you’d feign the inability to understand, and you’d probably make a little joke of it with your man-hating brethren here, too.
Did your stupidity come before or after your hatred?
And, oh yes, I realize your next comment is one of projection- claiming that I should be asking myself this very question. That’s because I understand you. I know you are creatures blinded by hatred. You’re not special or unique; you’re characteristic of a dying civilization, and you will be recognized as such in the future. It shall be your legacy.
I know trolls are twice as dumb as shit, but let’s try this anyway.
Nobody thus far has been able to show us any kind of significant decline in the power and prosperity of nations due to feminism. Sure, there’s a lot of weak-ass panicky crap about THE RISING THREAT OF ISLAM that supposedly feminized Europe can’t handle (ZOMG, 2% of the population! Sharia law is just around the corner! EUROPEAN CALIPHATE!!1!) but when you look down at the bottom of the ladder as far as prosperity and power, that’s where you find the countries where women are treated like the anti-feminist dolts keep telling us they deserve to be treated.
To be honest, I think the real challenge was to see how many hoops you nitwits would jump through trying to prove something so ridiculous. And it looks like you couldn’t even manage one without making a complete balls-up of it.
Oh gods, seriously? The “ONE DAY HISTORY WILL SEE I AND THOSE LIKE ME ARE RIGHT!” gag? And then you fuck it up further and predict the next comment will be one about you projecting, which you also get wrong. You are truly gifted.
Things are bad, could you just give me a quick refresher course on how and why feminism will lead to the collapse of civilization.
The only explanations I can remember seeing floating around the manosphere are that women can’t run things or that angry beta men will get mad and shoot all the feminists and manginas. Maybe something about Big Daddy/Big Husband government? Women sitting on their asses eating bonbons? Something about thugboys?
Just point me vaguely in the right direction here. Presumably you can give me the general gist in a sentence or two.
Okay, so obv it’s b/c this feminism thing takes time to destroy civs xD so how long is it going to take before feminism destroys all the civilizations? 😀 We’ll check in w/ you after that time period xD
@Katz unless you’re Nancy Drew in which case, uppercutting a bear is feminine AND awesome xD
Ion seems much angrier today than yesterday xD And back to his “I’m cooler than you nerds, NEEERRRRDDS” way xD (while not heeding Obi-wan’s advice xD )”
When you boil it all down, that’s pretty much all he’s got: name-calling and the desperate hope that we’re as miserable as he wants us to be. Just like a real-world bully, but a lot more pathetic.
I know trolls are twice as dumb as shit, but let’s try this anyway.
Well, it’s good to see you’re taking it well in any case. I will give you one thing, it’s amazing how much people reveal about themselves when you give them a little push and let them ramble on.
Skyal, it is a proven fact that none of us leftyish feminist type people own any kind of weapons at all. We’re all happy little hippie pacifists who hate guns and knives and swords and all that shit.
*nonchalantly pushes ammo boxes out of frame with his foot*
Weren’t you the one who kept calling me “internet tough guy” a while back? Oh, irony. Congrats on all the guns you own… I’m sure they’re just a hobby and in no way an expression of repressed anger and/or compensating for something…
I will, however, admit one thing. Watching you blundering around, ineffectually trying to score hits on me and everyone else here is most entertaining, please continue.
Watching you (and Ami, now that I think about it) write post after post about how I’m not affecting you at all is most entertaining, please continue.
ThingsAreBad, I’d also like to read your summary of exactly how feminism is going to destroy civilisation.
I know this wasn’t addressed at me, but wasn’t feminism a big part of communism, with all the leftist Marxist ideology? Equality and all that? Those countries didn’t do too well…
Aside from that, hm… dissolution of the nuclear family and family values, women shamed for wanting to be homemakers/raise a family and told they MUST have a career (which apparently leads to increased stress and decreased happiness, go figure), dissolution of traditional gender roles leading to confused, angry people, political correctness telling us that any lifestyle is permissible and we’re wrong to criticize anybody… those are the things coming to mind for now.
Even if “somebody’s gotta be the homemaker” was a thing beyond question (and it’s really not), why’s it gotta be the woman?
Anyway, this whole idea of a nuclear family where Pa works and Ma tends children and house is largely a myth, or at least restricted to a small proportion of the population. My grandma worked and my great-grandma worked; they just had to raise kids also. (Often by getting babysitting from their grandmothers/aunts/friends; so much for the “nuclear family.”) Grandpa and great-grandpa weren’t rich enough to support the whole family themselves. If you have a problem with women working outside the home, blame the Industrial Revolution.
Feminism didn’t invent the idea of women working; it invented the idea of women being equally valued for their work.
“Feminism didn’t invent the idea of women working; it invented the idea of women being equally valued for their work.”
That is brilliant, Holly.
They kicked Nazi Germany’s ass.
Only because they had sheer numbers on their sides… and if feminists had had their way, with the contraception and the abortions and “non-traditional lifestyles” there would have probably been fewer people to fight for Mother Russia. 🙂
HTML fail…
They kicked Nazi Germany’s ass.
Skyal, congrats to you too!
My husband also has a pair of (non-sharpened) swords. I think his grandfather bought them in…Turkey? Syria? I can’t remember. They’re beautiful objects.
Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong?
Ion, abortion was legal in the Soviet Union from the Revolution until Stalin banned it in 1936: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_in_the_Soviet_Union
So unless the Nazis were beaten by a bunch of preschoolers with pitchforks, your argument doesn’t hold water.
Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong?
So… a Wikipedia page on Russia’s demographics (which I’m not even sure what is supposed to prove) and an article written by an unknown person which sounds like a highschooler’s book report are your rebuttal and reason to call me wrong? Wow, I guess you showed me.
Holly: I won’t dismiss your account about your grandmother working, etc. I do think it’s funny, though, that when one of the Happy Gang here gives a personal account of something, everyone immediately agrees and points to it as proof incontrovertible of The Way Things Really Are(tm) or at the very least doesn’t comment on it. Whereas when someone who opposes you does the same thing, he or she can immediately count on roughly a dozen replies in the vein of “ooh, I guess because it happened to you, it must be universal, huh? Wow, look, X gave a personal anecdote, I guess we have to believe him now, right guys? *knowing smirks all around*”…
Ion, abortion was legal in the Soviet Union from the Revolution until Stalin banned it in 1936: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_in_the_Soviet_Union
So unless the Nazis were beaten by a bunch of preschoolers with pitchforks, your argument doesn’t hold water.
Well, what do you know. Alright, Wikipedia warrior, I’ll give you that one.