Here’s a little screed, originally from happierabroad.com, that’s been making the rounds of the manosphere lately. The author, anonymous, describes himself as “an Arab, who has lived and travelled all over the world and is a keen observer of society and people.” The aim of his writing? To let those of us in the West know just how disappointed he is with all of us. Especially the wussies and bitches.
Meeting Westerners, one of the things I noticed was how insecure and de-masculinized they seemed to me; compared to myself and the male-dominated, testosterone-driven culture of my land.
Using my own keen sense of observation, I have noticed just an eensy weensy bit of misogyny in his writings. You may notice it as well.
On the internet, most Americans seemed to act like little bitches, little girls brought up in a Feminist perversion of nature.
Well, I don’t know about that whole “perversion of nature” thing, but I have to say the first half of that sentence is pretty spot-on.
It was only after coming to the U.S. and studying here that all the pieces came together – a fascinating look at a dysfunctional man-hating civilization that is the polar opposite of my own culture, and will eventually lead to the collapse of Western civilization.
Uh oh.
Where I come from, men walk proud and rule the streets and testosterone runs in the air; and strong patriarchal foundations of family and the father as ruler of the household. Men harass and aggressively follow women – it is unapologetically a man’s world.
That’s what makes a civilization great: the harassment of women.
Just remember this, men, when you lean out of your car window to yell “Nice ass………WHORE!!!!!!!!!” at passing joggers of the female persuasion, you’re doing your bit to uphold our most noble traditions and help to fend off the forces of darkness.
In the U.S., Feminism has so corrupted the society to it’s core, damaged the very concept of family and the family unit and the father’s role, that society as a whole is like some bizarre alien planet – where men are bland, lack personality, are anti-social, gossipy, soul-less. Men are weak and insecure deep inside … women have all the power and American men seem clueless as to how bizarre the male-female dynamic has become.
In the workplace, Americans are Automatons, like soul-less hamsters on a wheel. Fake conversations, no intellectualism, no interest in other countries, peoples, or history.
Do soul-less hamsters act differently than soulful ones? How can you tell the difference? Do the ones without souls poop more?
Also, terrible social and people skills – at least in California. Most people communicate via twitter and Facebook, even though most of the people on their Facebook live in the same city and a phone call away.
Really? You’re complaining about Facebook? Sorry, that’s just lazy and trite. You’re like the Dane Cook of reactionary misogynist cultural critics.
People are vacuous, shallow, superficial, suggestible. Men raised here are fake, insecure, lack personality, they seem to have “issues.” Women are confused and messed up ..
Wait, what’s that? Is that the dreaded MRA two-period punctuation mark? NOT AGAIN!
Oops. He’s still talking:
You let your women take control, and your society will unravel- it will make your men weak, and destroy your society to it’s core. The patriarchy is a male conceived and enforced institution that was imposed on females, because men, and only men understand well the long-term impacts of civilization and harnessing male energies into productive family units and a stable society …. civilization itself is a result of patriarchy.
You know, if you’re really into harnessing your male energies, you can buy the necessary equipment right here!
To sum if up, it seems to be that the whole country is phitzoprhenic [sic], like a Jekyll and Hyde monstrosity. There is no community, no camaredie, no soul, men and women are willing servants to their corporate masters and slaves to materialism and superficiality; and incredibly conformist, reserved, and politically correct to the point of totalitinarism.
“Conformist?” So now he’s turned into a high school goth?
Come on, dude, if you want to be a social critic, you’re going to need to work a little harder than that. Take a tip or two from this, er, duck:
Ion: I don’t want people to be interchangeable clones. If anything, it sounds like you want people to be two kinds of interchangeable clone: Man and Woman. I want caring and nurturing women and caring and nurturing men; I want brave and strong women and brave and strong men; I want women and men who are both; I want women and men who are neither. You want all the men to be brave and strong and all the women to be caring and nurturing, and that just doesn’t fly.
@Trollin’MRAs: “”I think Ion would prefer the cool Californese term, “heteroflexible.””
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that one.
I actually have to agree with The Arab in regard to the evils of social networking, but I can’t see what it has to do with feminism. Especially since Facebook was invented by a guy trying to get laid.*
*okay, okay, I know the real story is a lot more complicated than that. I’m being facetious.
You’re thinking in terms of one model or two; I’m thinking in terms of BILLIONS. Feminine men and masculine women and androgynous people don’t subtract diversity from the world; they add to it. And nobody’s saying you can’t be a masculine man unless your definition of masculinity requires harming or controlling others.
Then we agree. I never proposed to harm or control others. But if you grant that everyone is free to be/do whatever they want, then you must also grant that everyone else is free to think whatever they want about them. Despite your straw-men and baiting, I never suggested more than that.
Ion: Here’s how it works!
People: Free to do what they want.
Ion: Free to think it’s bad that people do what they want.
Holly and Ozy: Free to think that Ion’s an asshole.
Is there anyone who’s read this and DOESN’T think it was written by a guy in his mid-20s who’s never traveled more than 50 miles from his parents’ house in Calabasas?
Nah, probably Riverside. Most of the cretins I have met hail from Riverside.
I think he’s probably a bit older, unemployed, and living off his girlfriend.
“Then we agree. I never proposed to harm or control others. But if you grant that everyone is free to be/do whatever they want, then you must also grant that everyone else is free to think whatever they want about them. Despite your straw-men and baiting, I never suggested more than that.”
Um, Ion?
“On the other hand, in Western Europe and North America, I’ve seen large numbers of neurotic, effeminate, metrosexual men who just seem fake and weak, like there’s no masculinity to them…”
This looks like a pretty clear connection between “men not acting ideally manly” = “men that are weak and undesireable”.
That still sounds like you basically want all gender identity dissolved, and for there only to be a generic “human” type, which can have any number and combination of traits. I don’t believe this, but it’s both false and simplistic to accuse me of wanting all men and all women to conform only to a very narrow set of characteristics and reject everything else. There can still be a great amount of leeway in their physical, mental and behavioral makeup without overriding their basic masculinity, respectively femininity. I see this fundamental difference as a strength, not a weakness, so agree to disagree, I guess.
Why do ppl bring up “emotionally invested” as a bad thing in social issues? o_O I think we all are in some way, since we live in society, and stuff like gender roles, etc all affect us… xD Personally, people can like w/e type of men and women they want, and men and women (and other genders) can be however they like, and ppl date and hang around the types of ppl they want to xD Let the chips fall where they may :3 (and if everybody ends up as butch men and femme women, that’s fine xD )
It always seems a little like the whole threat “this will lead to the downfall of civilization” is b/c there needs to be a reason why letting that happen and ppl being who they want to be and not fit definitions of male or female they don’t want to, is bad… so the vague “it’ll lead to the downfall of society!” is given as a reason why xD (it’s generally also used as reasons why queer and trans ppl are bad too… and for other things in the past…) I’m sure NWO will be around soon to explain to us in detail why XD
Just remember this, men, when you lean out of your car window to yell “Nice ass………WHORE!!!!!!!!!” at passing joggers of the female persuasion, you’re doing your bit to uphold our most noble traditions and help to fend off the forces of darkness.
Actually if that’s the standard, I think NA society is in good shape xD Except for the whore part xD I dun hear that v often… the other stuff… plus the honking, etc xD yeah…
What’s w/ all the hamsters? xD Men are hamsters, women have hamsters running in our heads… xD So we have men running around in our heads? xD
Baby, I have men running around in my head ALL the time…
“On the other hand, in Western Europe and North America, I’ve seen large numbers of neurotic, effeminate, metrosexual men who just seem fake and weak, like there’s no masculinity to them…”
This looks like a pretty clear connection between “men not acting ideally manly” = “men that are weak and undesireable”.
And where did you see me proposing that “something should be done about them” or along those lines? Because otherwise it’s just my personal opinion, which is what I’ve been saying all along. By the way, do you agree with absolutely all behaviors and lifestyles that exist? And if not, do you consider yourself a bigot?
Ion: Here’s how it works!
People: Free to do what they want.
Ion: Free to think it’s bad that people do what they want.
Holly and Ozy: Free to think that Ion’s an asshole.
Well, yeah. What do you see as wrong with that?
Anyway, I’ve said my piece here and I’m not interested in reaching the stage where I get 20 snarky replies to every sentence I write, so I’m done for the night. Don’t forget to say “FLOUNCE” or they’ll revoke your feminist card.
That still sounds like you basically want all gender identity dissolved, and for there only to be a generic “human” type, which can have any number and combination of traits.
Even if that were true, there would still be many men and women who still fit the “types” you like right? :] (esp if they have “basic masculinity” and “basic femininity”, that wouldn’t change :D) I dun think ppl are saying to force ppl who are like that not to be like that, but for ppl who don’t want to be, not to feel pressured or shamed for being that. :3
I personally am a pretty femme and in many ways v stereotypical girl, and I dun think they’re saying I shouldn’t be (tho I had a therapist who just last week told me I shouldn’t be xD and I’m just “playing at” being a woman xD ) and I don’t want to not be :3
And they have you running around in their head all the time too xD
Ion: You were the one objecting to me calling you a douchebag, dude, by being all “YEAH WELL I WAS JUST EXPRESSING MY OPINION.”
I approve of every behavior and lifestyle that makes the people involved happy and doesn’t actively cause harm to others. I celebrate every behavior and lifestyle that actively increases the amount of net happiness in the world.
vampire guinea pigs and were-rabbits are cuter.
“I personally am a pretty femme and in many ways v stereotypical girl, and I dun think they’re saying I shouldn’t be (tho I had a therapist who just last week told me I shouldn’t be xD and I’m just “playing at” being a woman xD ) and I don’t want to not be :3”
Ami, be as femme as you wanna be. *rocks out to “Born this Way”*
(I know, there are a lot of problems with “Born This Way”. I just don’t know any other “be yourself” anthems.)
The Ami Anthem!
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!
meow meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!
(cue hippo chorus)
“…tho I had a therapist who just last week told me I shouldn’t be xD and I’m just “playing at” being a woman xD…”
Fire your therapist.
*feels put on the spot*
*blows bubbles, since she’s pretty sure hippos can’t sing*
@Molly Ren:
Perhaps you would like the parody alternate, “Perform this Way”?
I think you’re being too intellectual. Try John Norman’s GOR series.
Well, there’s always “Express Yourself,” you know, the Madonna song that Lady GaGa shamelessly ripped off.
People complaining about Born This Way kind of annoy me. There’s a hit song that explicitly mentions racism, homophobia, classism and ableism, and we’re complaining because she uses the word “chola”?