Here’s a little screed, originally from happierabroad.com, that’s been making the rounds of the manosphere lately. The author, anonymous, describes himself as “an Arab, who has lived and travelled all over the world and is a keen observer of society and people.” The aim of his writing? To let those of us in the West know just how disappointed he is with all of us. Especially the wussies and bitches.
Meeting Westerners, one of the things I noticed was how insecure and de-masculinized they seemed to me; compared to myself and the male-dominated, testosterone-driven culture of my land.
Using my own keen sense of observation, I have noticed just an eensy weensy bit of misogyny in his writings. You may notice it as well.
On the internet, most Americans seemed to act like little bitches, little girls brought up in a Feminist perversion of nature.
Well, I don’t know about that whole “perversion of nature” thing, but I have to say the first half of that sentence is pretty spot-on.
It was only after coming to the U.S. and studying here that all the pieces came together – a fascinating look at a dysfunctional man-hating civilization that is the polar opposite of my own culture, and will eventually lead to the collapse of Western civilization.
Uh oh.
Where I come from, men walk proud and rule the streets and testosterone runs in the air; and strong patriarchal foundations of family and the father as ruler of the household. Men harass and aggressively follow women – it is unapologetically a man’s world.
That’s what makes a civilization great: the harassment of women.
Just remember this, men, when you lean out of your car window to yell “Nice ass………WHORE!!!!!!!!!” at passing joggers of the female persuasion, you’re doing your bit to uphold our most noble traditions and help to fend off the forces of darkness.
In the U.S., Feminism has so corrupted the society to it’s core, damaged the very concept of family and the family unit and the father’s role, that society as a whole is like some bizarre alien planet – where men are bland, lack personality, are anti-social, gossipy, soul-less. Men are weak and insecure deep inside … women have all the power and American men seem clueless as to how bizarre the male-female dynamic has become.
In the workplace, Americans are Automatons, like soul-less hamsters on a wheel. Fake conversations, no intellectualism, no interest in other countries, peoples, or history.
Do soul-less hamsters act differently than soulful ones? How can you tell the difference? Do the ones without souls poop more?
Also, terrible social and people skills – at least in California. Most people communicate via twitter and Facebook, even though most of the people on their Facebook live in the same city and a phone call away.
Really? You’re complaining about Facebook? Sorry, that’s just lazy and trite. You’re like the Dane Cook of reactionary misogynist cultural critics.
People are vacuous, shallow, superficial, suggestible. Men raised here are fake, insecure, lack personality, they seem to have “issues.” Women are confused and messed up ..
Wait, what’s that? Is that the dreaded MRA two-period punctuation mark? NOT AGAIN!
Oops. He’s still talking:
You let your women take control, and your society will unravel- it will make your men weak, and destroy your society to it’s core. The patriarchy is a male conceived and enforced institution that was imposed on females, because men, and only men understand well the long-term impacts of civilization and harnessing male energies into productive family units and a stable society …. civilization itself is a result of patriarchy.
You know, if you’re really into harnessing your male energies, you can buy the necessary equipment right here!
To sum if up, it seems to be that the whole country is phitzoprhenic [sic], like a Jekyll and Hyde monstrosity. There is no community, no camaredie, no soul, men and women are willing servants to their corporate masters and slaves to materialism and superficiality; and incredibly conformist, reserved, and politically correct to the point of totalitinarism.
“Conformist?” So now he’s turned into a high school goth?
Come on, dude, if you want to be a social critic, you’re going to need to work a little harder than that. Take a tip or two from this, er, duck:
Well, if they aren’t then I’m not buying one. Of course judging by how mediocre I did at paintball, perhaps it’s best I dont buy one of those evil tools…
Well, now we can add “WWII” and “Global warming” to that list of “Things NWO is wrong about”.
Seriously, dude, do yourself a favour and do something other than be nasty to people online for an afternoon. It can’t be good for your health.
@Ami, I think the fact that apologists for traditional gender roles, like Ion, are so pissed off about non-traditional/non-binary genders/gender roles exposes the fact that they know how manufactured those traditional roles are. Just like you said – it’s the same thing as saying “If kids know that gay people exist, they’ll all be gay!” If it were so natural for men to be masculine and women to be feminine, then we wouldn’t have to work so hard or be shamed so much for not complying.
Turning a human being into a traditional man or a traditional woman takes a tremendous amount of effort from earliest childhood. I myself am comfortable with my gender assignment and presentation (pretty femme woman) and enjoy a lot of traditionally feminine activities, so of course I’m not going to call someone evil if they’re happy with their gender/gender role. But I do think it’s kind of a shame that we as a culture spend so much effort creating the gender box, since so many people suffer so greatly when they can’t fit into it. And I sort of wonder what kind of person I’d be if I hadn’t undergone intensive femininity training from day one.
Also props to Amused for saying that feminism isn’t about making women happy. It’s about making women free. Related, but not exactly the same thing.
“Well, if they aren’t then I’m not buying one. Of course judging by how mediocre I did at paintball, perhaps it’s best I dont buy one of those evil tools…”
Some people have a natural aptitude for shooting that is truly astounding. They can make shots that seem impossible, show consistent accuracy with guns they’ve never even held before and generally just have a knack for it.
The other 99% of us on the planet have to invest a bunch of time and money learning how to shoot half as well as those other folks. 🙂 Other than that, basic safety and common sense are the most important things you need. Always treat the firearm as if it’s loaded even if you just unloaded it five seconds ago, never point it at anything you’re not willing to destroy, remember it’s not magic and life isn’t a movie. Me, I think I like working on them more than taking them out to shoot holes in paper, but both are enjoyable.
I know this wasn’t addressed at me, but wasn’t feminism a big part of communism, with all the leftist Marxist ideology?
*gives in*
And traditional gender roles were a big part of Nazi Germany!
And traditional gender roles were a big part of Nazi Germany!
True, true. So why don’t we look at the economic situation and standard of living in Germany compared to Russia/ex-Soviet countries? Interesting.
I don’t think you’re understanding my point, sir. People should be free to do whatever they want, from MMA to knitting, without social opprobrium, as long as it does not harm themselves or others.
That… sounds fine, actually. So long as you also accept that people can frown on certain lifestyles which are sinful in the eyes of our Lord. (kidding, kidding :P)
So what happens when I stop acknowledging your existence entirely? I’m betting you still claim you’ve won, but I think I’m going to try it anyway. It’ll be fun watching you try and bait me into responding to anything. Cheers. 🙂
Nah, I think I’ll just ignore you. Your impotent passive-aggressive anger has gotten boring and you haven’t said anything of value lately. Cheers. 🙂
True, true. So why don’t we look at the economic situation and standard of living in Germany compared to Russia/ex-Soviet countries? Interesting.
I see someone has been taking Goebbels at face value. The standard of living in Nazi Germany was pretty bad for most of the population — and to be honest here, you have to concede that this “population” included the multitude of ethnic groups and religious minorities that were oppressed, enslaved, and/or isolated in concentration camps by the Nazi regime. To the extent that “real” Germans in Nazi Germany had nice things at all, those things were almost exclusively (1) plundered from occupied territories; or (2) produced using slave labor. If history is any guide, any economy that relies on military conquest and slave labor to keep itself afloat is a disaster in progress, and the standard of living of even its privileged citizens is volatile at best.
Besides, you still keep forgetting that even those genocidal policies aside, women comprise half the population. So why is it, when you characterize a standard of living as high or low, you take men’s standard of living as the only one that matters? Women’s standard of living is pretty low in any society that denies them basic civil rights. At this point, it’s really just a matter of values: if you have no problem with plunder, genocide, and slave labor ensuring your material comforts, then I guess you would also be perfectly okay with enforcing traditional gender roles in which the interests and comforts of only one half of humanity — yours — are deemed to have any significance.
Germany – Socialist/Democratic government with strong labor representation and feminist ideals as well as hundreds of years of industrialization.
Russia – Kleptocratic / Oligarchy government with some feminist ideals in urban areas but mostly patriarchal in the remainder of the country and barely half a century of industrialization.
We can add foreign policy, foreign governments and foreign business markets to “Things Ion Knows Nothing About.”
@Amused, he moved the goal posts on you.
He said to look at Germany/Russia-Ex Soviet countries.
He’s fast forward 75 years.
Regardless the idea that The Stalinist Soviet Union with barely 30 years between Tzarist agrarian society to Germany with a good 150 of industrial development is laughable in its ignorance. To conflate that with feminism is bemusing.
Just stand in awe of the vast gulf of ignorance Ion shows.
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” ~Albert Einstein
Not to mention that half of Germany belonged to/was run by the Soviet Union for decades and is hence technically a former part of the Soviet Union…
Thanks, cynical, I realize I gave him too much of a benefit of the doubt. So, what’s he saying, the high standard of living in Germany now is a consequence of Nazi policies?
Re. ex-Soviet countries, the trend does not support Ion’s contention that traditional gender roles are good for society. The more urbane and westernized those ex-Soviet countries are, and the more influenced by feminism — think the Baltics, Ukraine and Russia itself — the better their economy and standard of living is. By contrast, those ex-Soviet countries that adhere strictly to traditional gender roles — that is, countries located in Central Asia — are mired in poverty and civil war, and have a standard of living that’s borderline medieval.
Raoul, that made me LOL.
I was looking back through this and wanted to, belatedly, also offer my congratulations to Kristinmh and Skyal. Congratulations! I need to be a good faux-auntie and snatch up one of those “mammoth” onsies when they become available.
@Kristin, thank you very kindly. Plus congrats on forming babby. 🙂
<Nah, I think I’ll just ignore you. Your impotent passive-aggressive anger has gotten boring and you haven’t said anything of value lately. Cheers.
Shorter Ion: you can’t fire me! I quit!
” but wasn’t feminism a big part of communism, with all the leftist Marxist ideology? ”
No. Thank you for playing “Dumbass Questions with Obvious Answers.”
NWO: First off, Germany had literally won WW I before american involvement
If they had won… why is that the War was still going on, and hence able for America to get involved?
The Lusitania was sunk in 1915. The US entered the war in 1917.
The Treaty of Versailles was not what Wilson wanted. Moreover the great rate of inlation was because the US wouldn’t forgive it’s debts from England. Hardly a leftist sort of problem.
The US entry into WW2 was caused by leftists? That woult be Tojo, and Hitler, those notorious communists (After Japan attacked us, Hitler declared war on us).
Ion… wasn’t equality part of that whole American experiment with a new form of gov’t…”we hold these truths to be self-evident that all Men are created equal…?”
But, as you say, it is illustrative the things which come out of this sort of exchange.
Not only do you not actually look at the citations provided on the wiki page for original sourceing, but the wiki summary also proves you wrong.
Er, what? I genuinely have no idea what you mean or what you’re trying to prove.
What it seems to mean is you looked at the words, “wikipedia” and decided the tone of the summary in he online article meant the actual evidence (available from looking at the cited source material) was also weak.
In other words the same tendency to poor research you show in your work here, seems to apply when looking at other people’s work too.
Wikipedia is a poor thing to use as a primary source, because the collaborative nature of it makes the arguments in things which are edited by lots of people somewhat weak.* It does, however, make a very good starting point for looking at the shape of the subject; and with the time spent to follow the citations is a handy tool for starting primary research, much like any other encyclopedia.
*on topics of special/expert interest the articles in wikipedia can be quite good, the problem is one has to tolerably expert to know which those are.
mertvaya ruka: I’m in the 5 percent who are pretty good with about anything in the long gun category. Some of it seems to be native talent, a lot of it was hours on the line (when I was doing competition I was probably firing 100-150 rounds a day).
I can’t do the ridiculous things (like hit a half-dollar sized disk on the fly), but I can pretty much pick up any rifle and keep it to an MOA. I’ve done more than my share of tricky shots on the paintball field, or in force on force engagement while on field problems in the Army.
One of the things a pop-up range gives you is a much better ability to do reactive shooting. Make a mistake, and give me a couple of seconds to acquire, and I can reach out to about 300 yards, and hold that MOA. Snap shots at ranges out to about 75 are going to be a bit larger groupings… but 3 MOA at 50 meters is still going to get the job done.
I lived the Arab world for a quite a while and I don’t think this was written by an Arab man – sounds to me like an American’s fantasy of being Arab.
Yeah, I agree with the Sadi, or Arab or whatever he is. It’s true, America’s got no balls anymore. The men are not like men anymore. Now you see men walk around with headphones on all the time, women opening doors for him. You see more lesbians and more gays, people turning to their own sexes for comfort or pleasure because they indentify with the other sex in any way. Like how a man used to be tough, competitive, and damanding, and a woman would submit and support and add on to him, and now the woman is lost. This is what I’ve seen from the media, from my school, from everywhere in this country. There seems to be a real disconnect with the way men and women get along. Like they can’t figure out what kind of roles to be, when they should just be themselves. I blame it totally on TV, internet, other people’s ideas molded to get you to buy into something. and maybe that’s why when it comes down to real life, those molded ideas don’t work, and we have what we have: an asexual nation.