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Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party 3: In God’s Hand

It’s time once again for another episode of Man Boobz Super Fun Party Time Video. Today, the tiny bunny and small dog present a little something taken from the blog Traditionalist Christianity. It’s taken from a discussion of how hard it is to find a good woman in this world, since all women are whores. (I’m paraphrasing.) You will find the full quote below.

The whole thing is just an excuse for a masturbation joke. (Or is it a joke?)

Also, I’m aware of the typo in the video. It would cost a couple of bucks to re-edit and fix this. I would rather have that money for myself.

The quote (from here):

There aren’t enough quality women to go around, even outside of this country.

When I was seeking a wife, I’d already decided that if I didn’t find a decent woman, I’d just live a celibate life, and put it in God’s hand.

Sometimes this shit just writes itself.

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13 years ago

It’s been pretty obvious from the start that NWO’s a frustrated subbie with a thing for pedicures.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

OK, how come I am the only one commenting on the similarity between one of the characters in the video and VS’ avatar?

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

PS–Do people still say “S&M” anymore?

not if you gag ’em right.

Molly Ren
13 years ago
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

There’s some legit ropework in that video! They got a pro (or a very well-informed amateur) to do that pink-rope tie.

However, no, Rihanna is not cool. :p

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Ah, well. Maybe I’m just a square. 😛

13 years ago

NWO, speaking as a Christian, you are a scathing mockery of Christianity.

13 years ago

NWO actually has a point in that American atheists tend to be a bit more strongly anti-Christian and a bit less willing to go after other religions

I don’t have any numbers around me but I’m fairly sure that in North America most atheists come from and live in christian dominated communities. NWO just wants to feel smug in his delusion that everyone hates brown, or semi-brown people as much as he does.

Sadly, he’s just a bigot.

13 years ago


That made me giggle.

And in other news, terminally uncool me continues to be uncool. It’s called dedication, people. Look into it.

13 years ago

“NWO, speaking as a Christian, you are a scathing mockery of Christianity.”

Feminism is communism. Feminism is hatred of man. Feminism is abortion, anti-life. Feminism is anti-family. Feminism and Christianity are polar opposites.
“I don’t have any numbers around me but I’m fairly sure that in North America most atheists come from and live in christian dominated communities. NWO just wants to feel smug in his delusion that everyone hates brown, or semi-brown people as much as he does.”

“Sadly, he’s just a bigot.”

I challenge anyone here to make sense of this statement from the quote cynickal has given. It’s not an Ad Homenim. It’s not a strawman arguement. What the hell is this?

Can anyone please explain to me what the fuck I’m looking at? Dave, help me out here. What does that statement have to do with anything at all?

13 years ago

“BTW, am I the only person here who totally gets an S&M vibe from NWOslave’s avatar?”

No vacuumeslayer, I regret to say that you’re not the only one. *vomit*

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

“BTW, am I the only person here who totally gets an S&M vibe from NWOslave’s avatar?”

FAKE S&M, maybe.

It’s all about the posturing. If it comes down to it, I suspect Slaver wants subservient women, and his biggest beef is that is becoming a part of history, so he adopts this crappy passive-aggressive pose. But sometimes it slips.

“Sadly, he’s just a bigot.”

I challenge anyone here to make sense of this statement from the quote cynickal has given. It’s not an Ad Homenim. It’s not a strawman arguement. What the hell is this?

Heh. Unfortunately for YOU, sir, nobody here is obligated to only use your last two or three posts in responding; you entire sordid history has been woven into the fabric of this website, and that comment is perfectly on point because your true nature shows through no matter how mightily you try to pretend otherwise.

Most people have had plenty of opportunity to meet many different levels and flavors of bigot, and many of them try to conceal it. But after seeing the mask slip over and over again, people find themselves able to see the bigotry with less effort.

To answer your question; you are kind of right, it has little to do with your “argument” but everything to do with YOU; it is a conclusion based on reading your comments, and using them to discern your underlying attitudes, and come to a conclusion; and because it is well-considered, is perfectly valid in dismissing whatever kind of crap you happen to be bringing into the thread.

13 years ago

Feminism is abortion, anti-life.

Anti-Life justifies my hate! Anti-Life justifies my hate!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


You beat me to it Spear xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Psst… NWO… I think he thinks you’re a bigot…


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Feminism is also Ami-Life 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

How are these videos made btw? o_O David mentioned money ($MONEY$!) does it cost money to make them or just to fix them up? o_O Is it just typing in text and it does the talking for you? xD

13 years ago

NWO the christian, what do think of the stories of Rahab (Joshua 2:1) and Tamar (Genesis 38)?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Personally, I prefer the book of Ori. xD

ALL HALLOWED ARE THE ORI! *bangs staff* *white light engulfs Manboobz*


13 years ago

I just like the one about Tamar. It’s like a funny pub story – she beats him at his own game. And Rahab was such a boss that she told the city council to piss off.

13 years ago

Most on-line atheists I’ve come across are ex-Christians. They rag on xtianity because they feel betrayed by it. In general, they’re not sufficiently familiar with other faiths to successfully make fun of them.

Atheists who simply don’t see any substantial difference between believing Christ rose from the dead and believing Zeus directly causes all lightning storms don’t really rag on any religions, they just ignore them.

Saying that feminism (a movement toward treating all people as if they are people) and xtianity (faith that sincerely repenting all your bad deeds prior to dying means you are happy after you die) are polar opposites is nonsensical. Literally, it makes no sense. It’s like comparing buckwheat to wombats.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Ami, it’s been a year since I used xtranormal (I dramatized a scene from Foundation and Empire, but back then there was a basic free version and a fancy-shmancy pay version with more realistic characters and backgrounds. I’m not sure what David paid for.

13 years ago

“To wit, I recall a particularly surreal exchange on the 700 Club, overheard while visiting my mom:

Caller: *sobbing* I think God is touching me!
Host: Feels gooood, doesn’t it?”


Reminds me of that South Park episode where Cartman makes gospel songs that just replace certain words in sexual songs with Jesus, and the priests are like, “Hey, we love Jesus, but we don’t, like, LOVE Jesus. You get what we mean?”

13 years ago

I want to feel his salvation all over my face!

HA! That was the most hilarious south park episode ever.