alpha males misogyny MRA penises reddit

Batmen’s Rights

I didn't know they carried books like that in the library.

There are many things that are annoying, obviously, about Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit. One thing that isn’t: a relatively new commenter there by the name of BatmensBegins, a fellow who knows how to get right to the heart of any argument. Provided that heart is him, Batman.

A few of his recent comments will give you an idea of his perspicacity.

In a discussion of a New Zealand business lobbyist sacked for saying that women get paid less because they menstruate:

This is why the best form of labor is me, Batman. Batman don’t menstruate. Batman is driven by a psychopathic desire for vengeance and unresolved Oedipal feelings. Batman’s the perfect man. Batman men-struates.


In a discussion of an article about prominent men recently accused of rape:

[T]here’s one blind spot in the article: what of the billionaire playboys who have lost their fathers and now fight crime dressed as a bat? Not that I’m one myself, mind you. But if you think about it, they’re the real victims here.

In a discussion of women being, you know, evil goldigging whores:

As Batman, I have many hysterical biddies seeking to con me out of my hard-earned money. Women such as Grass Girl, Girl Joker and Latex Ass. Thankfully, I’ve built up a resistance to their feminine wiles and devious behavior. I can’t even get an erection anymore.

I would just like to salute BatmensBegins for his single-minded devotion to bringing up the important topic of Batman whenever and wherever he posts.

Also, if you’re a Redditor, I highly recommend that you check out a fledgling subreddit called r/againstmensrights. It’s not actually against men’s rights, per se, just the army of douchebags who make up the Men’s Rights Movement as we know it today. It hasn’t quite hit critical mass yet in terms of comments or subscribers, but it’s a handy place to find out about the latest bits of egregious misogyny being upvoted elsewhere on Reddit.


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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I note that every one of those articles is actually about women’s rights.

Women deserve less pay! Women deserve to be treated like liars-until-proven-otherwise! Women deserve to be treated like overpriced whores!

The RIGHTS of MEN are utterly irrelevant to the first and third, and the only right the second asks for is the ludicrous one of nobody telling anyone they were accused of a felony. (On the grounds that the victim gets to be anonymous, which creates a strange false equivalence suggesting perhaps the victim should also be held on bail.)

Ah well. Good on ya, Batman.

duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh BATMAN

13 years ago

OK, that’s fucking awesome.

13 years ago

I wish that had been written by somebody who knew a little more about Batman. Batman has plenty of female villains that could have fit better than those made-up ones.

Hell, Talia al Ghul even tricked Batman into getting her pregnant.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Spearhafoc – Wasn’t basically every female Batman villain’s plan:

1) Seduce Batman with my slinky sexy wiles
2) ??????
3) Profit

13 years ago

I believe Harley Quinn spent her time trying to get into the Joker’s pants, but for the most part, I do believe they were all trying to get that fetish suit off of him.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Spearhafoc wrote, “Hell, Talia al Ghul even tricked Batman into getting her pregnant.”

Really? There’s a Son of Batman out there somewhere? 😀

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Holly: It was Catwoman’s plan, at least.

13 years ago

” I can’t even get an erection anymore.”


13 years ago

Well, Poison Ivy, maybe. She frequently uses her seduction pheromones in her plans.

Talia too is, of course, often focused on making Batman her’s. Her father wanted Batman to be his successor, she had his son, etc.

Catwoman wants to steal stuff and seduce Batman. They’re just two things she wants to do – not really part of a single master plan.

Harley Quinn is too hung-up on the Joker to care about what’s in Batman’s pants, most of the time.

13 years ago

Maybe these guys base all women on these Batman characters. Maybe they should stop reading comic books and, you know, take part in real life once in a while.

13 years ago

Really? There’s a Son of Batman out there somewhere?

Damien Wayne, the current Robin.

He was raised in secret by Ra’s al Ghul’s League of Assassins, but he’s now trying to turn over a new leaf working with his father. He’s arrogant, petulant and prone to extreme violence when not kept in check.

I found him annoying as hell when he was first introduced, but he’s grown on me over the last few years.

13 years ago

That. Is. Awesome.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Spearhafoc: This is one of those times when I realize I’m not nearly geeky *enough*. I seem to miss out on all the cool comic book stuff!

13 years ago

Maybe these guys base all women on these Batman characters.

Even then, there are plenty of good-aligned Batman characters who don’t fit MRA stereotypes.

The Batgirls, of course:

Barbara Gordon (currently Oracle, the world’s greatest hacker, but she’ll be Batgirl again post-upcoming reboot)

Cassandra Cain (an originally mute Asian girl who can read body language like a book, and was, Like Damien, raised by the League of Assassins. She currently goes by Blackbat, and is Batman Inc.’s representative in Hong Kong.)

Stephanie Brown (originally Spoiler, then Robin, then dead, then not dead, then Spoiler again, then Batgirl. I’m not too familiar with her as a character, but I hear the current series is really good).

Batwoman (Kate Kane, a former-military femme lesbian and music fan. Batwoman: Elegy was one of the best comic series of the last decade, and there’s a long-awaited ongoing Batwoman series coming up soon).

Renee Montoya (formerly a Gotham city cop, currently the superhero The Question. She’s Latina and a tough, butch-ish lesbian. Has a history with Kate Kane.)

Huntress (Helena Bertinelli, the daughter of a mob-boss. She’s extremely violent and is willing to kill her enemies in certain situations, which frequently puts her at odds with Batman. She’s currently a member of Oracle’s Birds of Prey, and she’s getting a series [not sure if it’s a mini or an ongoing] post-reboot).

Er, I could go on. Batman’s supporting cast has a diverse selection of female characters. It would take a pretty shallow reading of them to think they all represented stereotypical images of femininity.

13 years ago

Spearhafoc = Batman wiki =D

13 years ago

Oops. I’m been spelling it “Damien Wayne”. It’s “Damian.

Good old Damian.

13 years ago

“and the only right the second asks for is the ludicrous one of nobody telling anyone they were accused of a felony. (On the grounds that the victim gets to be anonymous, which creates a strange false equivalence suggesting perhaps the victim should also be held on bail.)”

I don’t think the point is to paint a false equivalence. I think the point is that they genuinely fear that even an accusation will bring everyone running with torches and pitchforks, as the article seems to indicate.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Are you sure you’re not this Batman character, Futrelle? It’s either you or one of the other really dedicated trolls at Reddit like InfinitelyThirsting or BolshevikMuppet.

13 years ago

Damien Wayne, the current Robin….He’s arrogant, petulant and prone to extreme violence when not kept in check.

So, Batman’s son is an MRA?

13 years ago

@spearhafoc- i don’t really follow cape comics, and haven’t checked in on the batman world since dick grayson assumed the mantle, so i went to wikipedia to check on how bruce wayne came back, and i am a shocked, absolutely shocked to discover a grant morrison story is involves a convoluted mess of time travel and human experimentation

(all of that is said with total fondness. invisibles is my favorite series ever, i re-read it like once every two years)

13 years ago

This is the one of the most boring blog entries here… so, there’s a very mediocre troll on … and that’s all? He even posted that frequent…

Can’t we please talk about something more interesting…? And since it seems that we absolutely need to talk about trolls, why not about Morrissey?

He recently said: “We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried shit every day.”


Question: who is worse: Peter Nolan or Morrissey?

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
“(On the grounds that the victim gets to be anonymous, which creates a strange false equivalence suggesting perhaps the victim should also be held on bail.)”

Don’t you mean accuser and not “victim” Holly? Since the only evidence would be the “accusation” itself, by calling someone a victim guilt has already been established. Why bother with any trial at all if the accusation determines guilt. Lets just save time, money and heartache to the victim and lock up the guilty perpetrator.
“I think the point is that they genuinely fear that even an accusation will bring everyone running with torches and pitchforks, as the article seems to indicate.”

Truely backwards thinking isn’t it? I mean it’s not like we hear stories about women falsely claiming rape and then instigating other men to beat/kill the man she accused to defend her honor or exact vengence. I mean men don’t instantly lose their jobs or suffer any inconvenience what so ever. Life goes on as normal for them afterwards. It’s just another example of male privilege and misogyny.

13 years ago

and i am a shocked, absolutely shocked to discover a grant morrison story is involves a convoluted mess of time travel and human experimentation

Not only that; it had Caveman Batman, Pilgrim Batman, Pirate Batman, Cowboy Batman and Film Noir Detective Batman. It was awesome.

13 years ago

Oops. I’m been spelling it “Damien Wayne”. It’s “Damian.

I’ve been making a lot of typos in this thread.

13 years ago

“Not only that; it had Caveman Batman, Pilgrim Batman, Pirate Batman, Cowboy Batman and Film Noir Detective Batman. It was awesome.”

Wait, what?

Is that the inspiration for Batman: The Brave and the Bold? 😉

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