A couple excellent pieces on Anders Breivik and misogyny.
First: The other day I posted a link to a piece by Michael Kimmel on Breivik and the sexual politics of far-right thought. It turned out that the article was a draft that got published prematurely.
Now the final version of the post is officially up at Sociological Images: A tale of two terrorists redux. Kimmel argues that what we know about Breivik thus far
indicate[s] that … it will be impossible to fully understand this horrific act without understanding how gender operates as a rhetorical and political device for domestic terrorists.
These members of the far right consider themselves Christian Crusaders for Aryan Manhood, vowing its rescue from a feminizing welfare state. Theirs is the militarized manhood of the heroic John Rambo – a manhood that celebrates their God-sanctioned right to band together in armed militias if anyone, or any governmental agency, tries to take it away from them. If the state and capital emasculate them, and if the masculinity of the “others” is problematic, then only “real” white men can rescue the American Eden or the bucolic Norwegian countryside from a feminized, multicultural, androgynous immigrant-inspired melting pot.
Meanwhile, Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon offers some thoughts on Misogyny and Terrorism:
[T]here’s definitely a strong link between misogyny and violence that can’t be denied. Misogynists are far likelier to be violent people than non-misogynists, which is why rape and wife-beating are such common crimes. (Domestic violence is the number one cause of injury for women 15-44.) All bigotry provokes violence at its ends, of course. This isn’t the Oppression Olympics. But misogyny and violence go hand in hand so often because misogynists really buy deeply into the idea that women are weak and men are “strong”, by which they mean aggressive. A steady drumbeat of misogynist thought couldn’t be better designed to reach the unhinged and cause them to lash out violently, all while imagining themselves to be big, tough men who claim they were forced—with “why did you make me do this?” being the battle cry of wife beaters—into violence.
It’s almost as if man and woman were not meant to procreate.
I’m guessing Amanda Marcotte gets a bonus, orgasm or both everytime she uses the word misogynist. We get it Amanda, you hate men. It seems to be the same screed she for every article she writes; unbiased journilism certainly isn’t her forte.
Her rambling of how misogyny fuels the Christian right as well as white nationalism borders on severe pyschosis of the mentally deranged. One has to wonder if she owns a toy colosseum and feeds toys Christians to toy lions. How anyone spewing such vile hatred of Christians has the audacity to utter the words racist or sexist boggles the imagination.
She continues her incesant ramblings of how the British, American and Canadian MSM along with the english language being far Christian right. The proof that Christians are open season for any and all mockery endorsed by the MSM in English is in her hateful vile drippings.
As with all leftist feminists she can’t keep her mind out of her pants. Her article is supposed to be about an act of terrorism yet she must delve deep into her skirt and prattle on about whats down there.
Incredible that such unabashed hatred will be hailed as progressive by the manboobz crew. My advice to Amanda would be to check yourself into any clinic that’ll accept you. If none will accept you get a honey badger and stuff it in your ear and hopefully it will eat the hatred part of your brain away. The honey badger can ward off poison by sleeping it off, so it might survive the hateful toxic bile that infects your brain.
Am glad to have the mystery of the on again off again column explained!
Nah, many if not most do a fine job of it. Some assholes just have to fuck it up for the rest of the human race.
India gets its own Slut Walk! Besharmi Morcha July 31, 2011
Jai Ho!
(besharmi means “shamless” and morcha means protest or march)
What I find disturbing, and typical of feminists, is that so far every feminist who has commented on this horrific act has ignored Breivik’s actual motivation and side-stepped that he killed 76 people in favoring of trying to spin this into some attack on feminism and women. It is akin to how feminists ignore the rape of boys that occurs in the Catholic Church in favor of complaining about how women cannot be priests or Popes. You would think that mass murder and child rape would be the more important issue, but no. The only horrific thing Breivik did was tear feminists a new one. The whole mass murder thing just is not bad or important enough for feminists to give more than a casual “oh yeah, he killed some people cuz he’s anti-Muslim” buried in the middle of their juvenile “but Breivik’s real evil is that he’s a ‘misogynist'” rants.
I would hope they would be embarrassed, but that would take an amount of basic decency that even dogs have, but apparently feminists like Marcotte, Kimmel, and Schwyzer cannot muster even for 76 viciously murdered people.
jesus fuck, get off your high horse. did you read any of the many threads where everyone is saying ‘he killed a bunch of people, that is fucked’ while our resident mra trolls have been trying to spin it as ‘we can’t tell whether this is necessary.’
seriously, before you crafted this indignant whinefest, did you check for a second to see if it was the least bit true, or did you just trust in your assumed self-righteousness.
do your research next time, babby, or don’t bother to post.
Toysoldier, I hope you’re trolling.
like do you everyone should have just been churning out a bunch of generic posts about how awful this situation is without any discussion of what exactly causes shit like that to happen?
is introspection that foreign of a concept to you? don’t answer that.
Lol. Calm yourself Sharculese.
calm is not within my range of functions.
Never mind that the guy actually had misogynistic twaddle in his encyclopedia of rants.. We can’t talk about feminist issues as they relate to this tradgedy in a feminist space because that would be ignoring the deaths of 76 people!! We need to talk about… their deaths, I guess.. And evil muslims… or persecuted muslims.. or something. Anything but the point of the movement we belong to.
Jesus… It’s like complaining that gay people are trying to twist the churches rape of boys into a persecution against gay people… Because they talk about how some people think that a man raping a boy is automatically gay, and therefore all gay people are evil monsters…
Breivik’s noxious ideology is a mixture of things. True, he seems to be mostly driven by a hatred of Muslims, but misogyny is part of that mixture as well. These different hatreds are intertwined; they work together, as Kimmel’s piece argues.
There has been a great deal of discussion in the media about his hatred of Muslims. There has not been much on misogyny. That’s one of the reasons I’ve been highlighting it.
One of the other reasons is how strikingly similar his anti-woman rhetoric is to much I see all the time in the manosphere. Toysoldier, does that not give you pause? Does it bother you that Bardamu praises Breivik’s manifesto as “sensible?” That Spearheaders have actually been upvoting Nolan’s vile comments?
etc etc…
As for the Catholic Church not having women as priests, I mean it’s a deal for some (those that care about the Catholic Church) but it’s not an either or xD Ppl can care about both and also obv think one is way more important than the other (that being the child rape obv >: )
I know just what you mean, toysoldier, as you’d think that the Catholic Church (and all other edifices of Churchianity) would be concerned with the devastating effects of world hunger, poverty, homelessness, etc., but no, they’re more pressingly concerned with such things as women wearing that which pertaineth to a man (i.e., pants instead of skirts and dresses).
You feminists are still bitching about how anyone who questions radical leftism is as bad as Breivik?
Also, apologize for the European debt crisis.
I’m surprised, I leave for a few days and when I come back David is still bitching about how anyone who questions radical leftism is a serial murderer.
That Spearheaders have actually been upvoting Nolan’s vile comments?
Which were plagiarized from MRA websites. Also, your strain of leftism has taken its share of lives. Feminism played a key role in both the French Revolution and the Russian October Revolution. But hey, feminism is perfect, it never results in false imprisonment or misandry, nope, oppressed men are a myth. You know, despite the fact that most prisoners, political or otherwise, are men or most of the homeless are. The Men’s Rights Movement is all bad and unnecessary, feminism should have free unquestioned reign over social institutions and the media and is the ideological embodiment of all that is pure and good.
@David Futrelle
“One of the other reasons is how strikingly similar his anti-woman rhetoric is to much I see all the time in the manosphere. Toysoldier, does that not give you pause? Does it bother you that Bardamu praises Breivik’s manifesto as “sensible?” That Spearheaders have actually been upvoting Nolan’s vile comments?”
Hey Dave maybe you could take a day off from mocking misogyny and mock the misandry that infects society, Whadya say? Ya know, woman chops off mans johnson and tosses it into the garbage disposal.
Because ya see what I wanna know is how something like this aired on the MSM not some backwater blog. I wanna hear the excuses of how the five feminists host roared with laughter. The one who actually made a comparison apologized first for being a, “buzzkill.” Then they all went back to funfest. I wanna hear the excuses of why the entire audience laughed. This audience most definitely was an excellent representation of every race and political representation of modern day women.
Pretty nice to stand up on a soapbox pointing fingers at all the bad misogynists. Go to all the youtube videos and see the comments. Or do all those women commenting fall into the, not all feminists are like that category? Or perhaps all these fine ladies here will simply stick their collective fingers in their ears screaming la-la-la-la-la, it never happened. What? Ozzy prints a little post after having a good chuckle and it’s all better now? Well guess what? It ain’t.
You wanna print something up for tommorows show. Print up this little screed right here. Because I wanna hear all those fine excuses.
Nasty feminists with their Liberté, égalité, fraternité!
Also note, no men were helping in either one of those revolutions, no sir!
factfinder whine about bloggers making the like between anders breivik and his misogynistic views in the same post where he whines about all leftists being evil based on a series of lame connections.
factfinder does not understand irony. i am shocked.
So you think the French Revolution was all good? You don’t think it lead to one of the bloodiest conflicts of the 19th century?
Also note, no men were helping in either one of those revolutions, no sir!
The snarky and baiting nature of your little ditty aside, how does the presence of men in a revolution cancel out the effect of feminism? Please leave your hormones and snark at the door, we can speak rationally. Hell, if the peer pressure to conform on this estrogen pit is too much, we can discuss it on my blog.
If you are frightened by even the slightest whisper which does not originate from your feminist echo chamber, you may make your excuses and run along.
Oh, you didn’t catch I was making a counterpoint using the same logic David uses? I guess your hormones and emotions are out of wack with all of this feminist garbage, so you have to resort to snark and cynicism when faced with rational debate.