evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA reddit

All the Spinster Ladies

How spinster ladies try to distract themselves from their deep loneliness

Oh, you ladies. Getting jobs! Hiring other ladies! Demanding to be paid the same as men! You don’t realize just how short-sighted these strategies really are.

Luckily, you’ve got Sgt_Sweetness on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit to explain just where you went wrong.

[W]omen are slowly but surely becoming in charge of the work place. They dominate the HR Department of almost all companies. Especially large corporations. I’ve have never met a male HR person before and I am no young person anymore. This allows for women to decide who gets hired and fired. Do you know what pattern I see though? More and more women being chosen over men simply because women like to hire women over men. …

So this creates a shift in society towards women having more jobs than men. Better paying jobs too.

Ladies! With jobs! Oh noes! Damn those HR ladies, who totally and completely run the workplace, and never, say, just handle the paperwork when some dude higher up on the corporate ladder decides to hire someone!

But these ladies will get their comeuppance, for sure. For, you see:

Women while keeping their thin veneer of Feminist ideals, still want the ideal American family. They yearn to quit their jobs and marry a man who is handsome, funny, and makes more money than she does. …

So what we have hear is a situation: Women are taking more jobs than men and are starting to make more than men. But they want to have a partner who earns more than they do.

Uh oh.

What we have hear is a ticking time bomb. I’ve seen its effects first hand too. I know of 10 different women who are college graduates and have decent jobs. They are also desperately single. Like talks to their cats lonely.

Huh. I’m not sure where he’s going with this whole “talks to cats” thing. I mean, I talk to my cat. I think it’s only when the cat starts talking back to you you’ve got to worry, because then either you’ve just swallowed a handful of peyote buttons, or cats, who could speak all along, have just launched their secret plans to take over the world.

That aside, back to that ticking timebomb and those lonely, lonely women:

Nothing wrong with them: they are in shape, look good, nice personality, and make good money. But they won’t date down, as it were. I tried to set them up on some dates, but they would rather die inside from loneliness than date someone who they view is beneath them.

Just wait until this little problem becomes widespread. Because this is going to cause a lot of spinsters.

Bad news for the ladies, I guess. Good news for cats, though. Their supply of spinsters is going to go through the roof!

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Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Sgt. Sweetness has now been immortalized in print. Special guest appearance by Ozymandias.

13 years ago

Well, certainly my cat’s nickname is MowKitty for a reason. 🙂 He largely communicates in Mows. They’re very *nuanced* Mows though. xD

13 years ago

The quality of conversation with the cat is probably important.

13 years ago


I hope she sues the hell out of the police, prosecutors, everyone she can find.

Can’t wait to see how our resident mras squeal about this one.

13 years ago

Why is it a bold “marriage strike” when men do it, and pathetic spinsterhood when women do it?

Here’s an unintentionally amusing quote from a commenter on Traditional Christianity: “When I was seeking a wife, I’d already decided that if I didn’t find a decent woman, I’d just live a celibate life, and put it in God’s hand.”

13 years ago

Thanks. You should check out that blog; it’s quite remarkable.

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
13 years ago

Well I was gonna say that I would rather be single with an awesome cat then be with a douche bag like those MRAs but someone beat me to it!

Common Nonsense
Common Nonsense
13 years ago

Crap. I want to be a doctor and I realized that relationships aren’t quite what I want after my first boyfriend (who was perfectly nice, despite some problems). I’m going to be lonely foreverrrr

But I like cats so I’ll be okay. Like everyone else who owns a cat, I have very significant conversations with each, particularly the youngest about how he can’t have my whole bed and how fluffy he is and what a jerk he is.

(On a serious note, why WOULDN’T anyone talk to their pets? Most animals respond to their owners, after all, even if they don’t speak.)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

That picture is AMAZING xD I want to do that! 😀 (except I’d fall over and kill myself xD ) also I want that many cats *-*

So, did the women tell him this (they won’t date down?) or is this Psycho MRAnalyzing XD

And when did owning a cat suddenly become this terrible thing? xDDD Like MRA world is the only place where I start seeing “YOU OWN A CAT YOU LOSER” o_O

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Ithiliana holy crap O_O that’s terrible! D:

Also scary is that apparently watching enuf cop shows is all you need to figure out the flaws in the police investigating procedure to set somebody up D:

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Well, the woman in the picture can’t be all that lonely, because in that case who took the picture?

13 years ago

a very smart cat

13 years ago

@Ithiliana: Geez, that’s fucked up.

13 years ago

Some MRAs are just the next step of bitter Nice Guy-ism. They associate standards with “Women think I deserve to be rejected for not being awesome.”

Molly Ren
13 years ago

*trots over to Ami and wags tiny tail for scritches*

Who needs a cat when you have a hippo? :3

13 years ago

I don’t have cats – I have dogs (hello, Kristin MISTRESS of HOUNDS, everyone). I do talk to them and one (Madeline) thinks she can talk back. At least, she makes very involved “Hawrarraroorwarrrowareaeoirawraaorroo” sounds in what seems to be a conversational tone of voice. I think she really is imitating human speech.

Gus, on the other hand, has painstakingly learned to understand and respond to about 10 words and that’s a big achievement for him.

@Ami, maybe if you think all relationships are about status and control, then showing love and affection to an animal who can’t do anything for you* is a sign of weakness and stupidity.

*except love you back, keep you company, and very occasionally save your life

13 years ago

I don’t tend to have conversations with my cat on the topic of her being a kitty, but we can shoot the shit for upwards of twenty minutes on the topic of her being my kitty. And then she suddenly discovers that my purse is EVIL and needs to be stalked and subdued RIGHT NOW!

13 years ago

I agree, who doesn’t talk to animals? Sometimes my cats would understand perfectly what I was saying, which is kind of weird. And they definitely respond better to certain tones. I think a lot of it is the “cats are stupid and feminine” thing, but I wonder how he’d feel about talking to a dog.

Or a parrot. Or a hamster.

Heck, I apologize to birds when I disturb them on the sidewalk. Why not? If a human has the cognitive ability of a pigeon, I still apologize.

13 years ago

“Some MRAs are just the next step of bitter Nice Guy-ism. They associate standards with “Women think I deserve to be rejected for not being awesome.”

Don’t you know by now that only men are allowed to have standards? While, it’s natural that they have strict appearance, behavioral, and financial requirements, women are obligated to date or even marry any man who deigns to show an interest, regardless of compatibility, hygiene, educational levels, etc.

13 years ago

I’m pretty sure I made up my own language talking to my dogs. Now that I don’t have them anymore, I’ve taken to pointing at squirrels and telling them what they are. Then they run away. Oh well, lol, at least I still have my caterpillars.

13 years ago

Honestly I’m not sure that’s true for everyone who wishes women were less picky.

For some I think it’s more that they feel the culture itself reinforces “needless” pickiness, while castigating men who are picky as “shallow.”

Not saying I agree with that, of course.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

awww *hugs Molly and scritches*

13 years ago

most of my conversations with one of my two dogs revolve around how much of an asshole she is. fortunately, she’s the most adorable asshole in the world.