evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA reddit

All the Spinster Ladies

How spinster ladies try to distract themselves from their deep loneliness

Oh, you ladies. Getting jobs! Hiring other ladies! Demanding to be paid the same as men! You don’t realize just how short-sighted these strategies really are.

Luckily, you’ve got Sgt_Sweetness on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit to explain just where you went wrong.

[W]omen are slowly but surely becoming in charge of the work place. They dominate the HR Department of almost all companies. Especially large corporations. I’ve have never met a male HR person before and I am no young person anymore. This allows for women to decide who gets hired and fired. Do you know what pattern I see though? More and more women being chosen over men simply because women like to hire women over men. …

So this creates a shift in society towards women having more jobs than men. Better paying jobs too.

Ladies! With jobs! Oh noes! Damn those HR ladies, who totally and completely run the workplace, and never, say, just handle the paperwork when some dude higher up on the corporate ladder decides to hire someone!

But these ladies will get their comeuppance, for sure. For, you see:

Women while keeping their thin veneer of Feminist ideals, still want the ideal American family. They yearn to quit their jobs and marry a man who is handsome, funny, and makes more money than she does. …

So what we have hear is a situation: Women are taking more jobs than men and are starting to make more than men. But they want to have a partner who earns more than they do.

Uh oh.

What we have hear is a ticking time bomb. I’ve seen its effects first hand too. I know of 10 different women who are college graduates and have decent jobs. They are also desperately single. Like talks to their cats lonely.

Huh. I’m not sure where he’s going with this whole “talks to cats” thing. I mean, I talk to my cat. I think it’s only when the cat starts talking back to you you’ve got to worry, because then either you’ve just swallowed a handful of peyote buttons, or cats, who could speak all along, have just launched their secret plans to take over the world.

That aside, back to that ticking timebomb and those lonely, lonely women:

Nothing wrong with them: they are in shape, look good, nice personality, and make good money. But they won’t date down, as it were. I tried to set them up on some dates, but they would rather die inside from loneliness than date someone who they view is beneath them.

Just wait until this little problem becomes widespread. Because this is going to cause a lot of spinsters.

Bad news for the ladies, I guess. Good news for cats, though. Their supply of spinsters is going to go through the roof!

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13 years ago

His concern is duly noted.

13 years ago

I know a guy I would do more then just date who is handsome, funny, smart and probably makes more then me…but I would never quit my career for him.

13 years ago

Eye roll. Dating down isn’t dating someone who makes less money than you. Dating down is dating someone who can’t handle that they make less money than you and/or who has a problem with cats.

13 years ago

I smell a remake!

13 years ago

The problem I’ve had has been that dudes get all huffy when you make more money & have more education than they do. Never had one have trouble with my cat, though.

13 years ago

ORLY? Our HR department does little more than shuffle papers for the 99% male c-suite. And they aren’t just hiring women, they hire mostly men and some damned incompetent one at that.

What’s with all the MRA cat hate?

13 years ago

Personally, I make more money than my boyfriend (which isn’t hard right now since he is currently a student…but I will still probably make more money than him when he gets his first job) and it was him who had the initial problem getting used to the idea. It was the fact that he always thought that he had to be the “bread winner” for his family, which meant making more than his wife, that he had an issue with. I, however, didn’t really give a crap what he made or plans to make, I love him so it doesn’t really matter. Also, he got over the initial shock rather quickly and now we are both rather content with the fact that it doesn’t matter who makes what because we both contribute to our relationship and home. But…I guess I secretely resent him???

13 years ago

I mean, I talk to my cat. I think it’s only when the cat starts talking back to you you’ve got to worry, because then either you’ve just swallowed a handful of peyote buttons, or cats, who could speak all along, have just launched their secret plans to take over the world.

I talk to all our cats (we are two SPINSTER ladies who currently have only six indoor cats–we used to have 13–we also talk to our dogs).

And the problem isn’t if the cat talks back: it’s if the cat starts ordering you to kill people!

Looking at the current global and national scene, I’m thinking cats taking over would be an improvement.

13 years ago

I am slowly getting used to the idea that I have just failed to realized, lo these many years, that I am actually not a woman.

Either that or *gasp!* MRAs don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about when it comes to the sexes.

13 years ago

It seems to me that the main thrust of MRA complaints is that women have standards in who they date. What I cannot understand is what they think women should do instead. It often seems that MRAs think that women should date men that they are not interested in dating, but that does not sound pleasant for anyone involved. Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with a partner that does not want to be in that relationship? It actually sounds like an awful way to spend your life

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

I interpreted his rant to mean “It’s not fair that women can be choosy about men. Only men should be picky and women should settle for any man that shows interest in them”. A lot of women would rather be single than be hooked up with the wrong man. A sweet cat is better than a mean husband.

13 years ago

Really, who *doesn’t* talk to their cats? Be honest. I can’t pass the cats in the hall without picking them up and telling them how cute they are. And then, after they scratch me because they hate being picked up, I tell them what hideous jerks they are.

13 years ago

I didn’t real of that because I don’t like that sort of speculation.

There is research that shows that women don’t like to promote other women – that contracts him

There is research that shows women as they are over taking the men in their peer group are chosing “older, more powerful men” – which backs him up.

13 years ago

Is this Photo-shopped or does my sistah have mad yoga skills?

Another old lady with a cat

13 years ago

Also, my cat is a scintillating conversationalist. Much better than many MRAs I’ve read.

Him: Mow?

Me: Mow?

Him: MOW!

Me: Mow?

Him: (rubs against my legs) Mow-ow-ow!

Me: Oh, is it food time buddy? Okay, well then mow!

Him: Mow.

Much better than talking to an MRA any day.

13 years ago


And dead-on.

May I blogroll you?

I need your levity in these querulous times.


13 years ago

amandajane: Same here. Only more “Hmm? Mrrrrr” back and forth. My cat doesn’t meow so much as make alien sounds. And with my dog- all he does is whine and make pig sounds. And I’d still rather talk to/spend my life with them than settle for an MRA. Good thing FoSB isn’t an MRA ^.^

13 years ago

I often used to think how easy it would be to just marry some guy I didn’t really like, stop working, and mooch offa him forever. Particularly back in Nippon, where I would have been a nice “exotic” trophy wife (lookit me! I tamed the savage white woman!) And where you’re SUPPOSED to be a homemaker and damn well happy with it!

Then I would think how suicidal I would become.

They want us to return to the 50s, and either don’t know or don’t care that there’s a reason many housewives were popping pills. For some people that kind of life is akin to being a prisoner.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

So… what are the odds this guy would be cool with dating a woman who makes significantly more than him?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Sgt. Sweetness just earned himself a starring role in a story. BRB.

13 years ago

What a great name. It’s like he was TRYING to make it into your story, Johnny Pez!

Although, it also brings to mind … can we please have a moment of silence for Walter Payton? *blub*

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

To be fair, I wouldn’t date anyone less than a Lesser Delta. Maybe a Greater Gamma if he at least owns his own bicycle…

13 years ago

Why do these guys act like it’s so weird to talk to a cat? How else do they propose we communicate them (or any other pet) in order to get them to do things like get the hell off the goddamn coffee table? Telepathy?

Although I think my cat is frustrated by my utter refusal to use my ears, tail, and whiskers for communications purposes.

13 years ago

i’ve never owned a cat, coming from that always had several large dogs, among my friends i’m infamous for waylaying them over and over again, ‘you’re a cat. yeah, you’re a cat.’

13 years ago

A man creates a complete frame scenario that results in the woman who refused to drop her real rape charges against him spending 7 months in jail.

False. Charges.

Seven months in jail.

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