Oh, you ladies. Getting jobs! Hiring other ladies! Demanding to be paid the same as men! You don’t realize just how short-sighted these strategies really are.
Luckily, you’ve got Sgt_Sweetness on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit to explain just where you went wrong.
[W]omen are slowly but surely becoming in charge of the work place. They dominate the HR Department of almost all companies. Especially large corporations. I’ve have never met a male HR person before and I am no young person anymore. This allows for women to decide who gets hired and fired. Do you know what pattern I see though? More and more women being chosen over men simply because women like to hire women over men. …
So this creates a shift in society towards women having more jobs than men. Better paying jobs too.
Ladies! With jobs! Oh noes! Damn those HR ladies, who totally and completely run the workplace, and never, say, just handle the paperwork when some dude higher up on the corporate ladder decides to hire someone!
But these ladies will get their comeuppance, for sure. For, you see:
Women while keeping their thin veneer of Feminist ideals, still want the ideal American family. They yearn to quit their jobs and marry a man who is handsome, funny, and makes more money than she does. …
So what we have hear is a situation: Women are taking more jobs than men and are starting to make more than men. But they want to have a partner who earns more than they do.
Uh oh.
What we have hear is a ticking time bomb. I’ve seen its effects first hand too. I know of 10 different women who are college graduates and have decent jobs. They are also desperately single. Like talks to their cats lonely.
Huh. I’m not sure where he’s going with this whole “talks to cats” thing. I mean, I talk to my cat. I think it’s only when the cat starts talking back to you you’ve got to worry, because then either you’ve just swallowed a handful of peyote buttons, or cats, who could speak all along, have just launched their secret plans to take over the world.
That aside, back to that ticking timebomb and those lonely, lonely women:
Nothing wrong with them: they are in shape, look good, nice personality, and make good money. But they won’t date down, as it were. I tried to set them up on some dates, but they would rather die inside from loneliness than date someone who they view is beneath them.
Just wait until this little problem becomes widespread. Because this is going to cause a lot of spinsters.
Bad news for the ladies, I guess. Good news for cats, though. Their supply of spinsters is going to go through the roof!
Yeah, Slavey, because it’s totally unreasonable for a woman to want to live with a man who doesn’t think he has a right to denigrate her.
Thanks for posting the link, Hindu! That’s pretty interesting, I had no idea that there was an Indian equivalent to the American MRM.
Sooo… My boyfriend and I both live with cats. Does that make him a spinster, too?
My boyfriend also looks like Weird Al.
My cat and I have very long conversations in which she describes her plan to take over the world (and by world I mean my puppy’s stuffed animal collection), and then she asks for a treat and smacks the puppy in the face when he steals it. She’s my hero. ^_^
Why don’t you ask that question at Traditional Catholicism?
Well, I after reading his post I tore my shirt off and ran out the the apartment crying and screaming rape. The alley cats were unimpressed and the crows just mocked me.
Because that would be trolling.
Well, considering that I’ve seen the results of a study that found something like 95% of pet owners admitted to talking to their pets, I think it’s pretty safe to say if someone has cats, they talk to them. Sixty something percent said they understood their pet’s communication. I talk to my two cats every day, and it’s not hard to figure out what they want or interpret their expressions.
I don’t know why MRAs think it’s such a horrible fate to spend the rest of your life in the company of pets. If I was faced with the choice of having a cat or a bitter, misogynistic asshole in my life, I know which one I’d pick.
“It seems to me that the main thrust of MRA complaints is that women have standards in who they date.”
They complain when we have standards, then they complain that none of us have standards anymore. Usually when a political group engages in that level of doublespeak, you can bank on the fact that their motivations are either pre- or ir-rational. The cognitive dissonance would make them dizzy, otherwise.
To an MRA, the only decent, moral way for a woman to have sex is to stay a virgin until she marries an MRA and starts birthin’ babies for the good of the nation. After running into enough of these guys IRL, I’ve started to pick up on this weird virgin-fetish subtext in their rhetoric. What all their anger boils down to for them is their lack of access to cheap, low-maintenance, pliant virgin pussy (read: free domestic labor, including regular male-ego fluffing). They imagine that in the Golden Past, before feminism came along, they would have easily procured this for themselves. They use a lot of subterfuge and rhetoric, but what many of them are upset about is that it’s difficult for them to find a literal *virgin* to marry.
I have my own theories about why this is- they’re either insecure about their penis size or performance, or they’re virgins and thus feel emasculated by the thought of a more experienced woman. The virginity fixation reaches the level of full-on obsession for some of them. I’ve heard more than a few rants about how alphas always “steal” the virginity of the angelic Madonnas they’re in love with, which makes the angelic woman unable to love them back. It couldn’t be that the object of their affection is just not attracted to them for a variety of reasons- nope, she’s been spoiled by dick and will never be able to offer “pure” love. They’re men stuck in adolescent male brains, stunted by some traumatic unrequited first love experience. Seriously. I really think it’s that simple for a lot of them.
I’m married to a guy who’s handsome, funny, and makes more money than me. In fact, I’m a housewife. And I still talk to our housemate’s cat!