Some in the manosphere have been quick to label mass murderer Anders Breivik a “madman,” trying their best to pretend that his noxious misogynist ideology bears no resemblance to their own. Others, while endorsing at least some of his ideas, have distanced themselves from his actions.
As for MRA loose cannon Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c), well, I’ll just let him explain himself. In a comment on The Spearhead, which naturally earned him multiple upvotes from the assembled mob, the man with the strangely punctuated name offered this take [LINK FIXED] on the killer:
Anders Breivik sees himself as a soldier who is fighting for a worthy cause. That cause being his country. Women and leftists then make him out to be “insane” and are looking for “who is to blame”. Well they might start looking in the mirror. The most pervasive element of western civilization today is its hatred of men and all things male. There is a particularly strong hatred of fathers and husbands. I know. I used to be a father and a husband. I have never experienced hatred in my life as vehement as by women in divorce.
And then the justifications began:
It is only natural and normal that some men decide to take matters into their own hands at all the hatred spewed at them and their marginalization. Men often see that some things are worth fighting for. Men often then take action to fight for what they believe in.
Anders Breivik is not crazy. He’s as rational as the next man. He sees that his country is being destroyed. He sees that the people responsible for that destruction are the left of politics. And he would be correct. He took action to stop what he believes is the destruction of his country.
Followed by a smug told-you-so:
I have been telling women for three years now that hatred of men in general and fathers in particular is going to see men killing a lot of women and children. Well? We just saw 76.
Of course, when Nolan refers to “telling women” that angry men will erupt in violence, what he means is “offering guys on The Spearhead specific tips on how exactly to kill innocent people.”
I’m not going to repost the vile suggestions he set forth in a now notorious Spearhead comment some months back, but I will note that they included handy tips on how to efficiently kill police officers, as well as specific advice on the best ways to take out large numbers of people in “malls … girls schools, police stations, guvment buildings. Full of women and manginas.” He ended the comment with a not-terribly-convincing attempt at plausible deniability:
Do any of you here realise just how easy it is to ANY of these things? I am not recommending them or even condining them. But if a man got into the frame of mind of Sodini and was actually SMART about it. There are PLENTY of ways he could attack women and manginas and their cop protectors with NO CHANCE AT ALL OF BEING CAUGHT as long as he kept his mouth shut.
Naturally, this comment got dozens of upvotes from the Spearhead regulars.
In a followup comment on The Spearhead last night, Nolan mocked another commenter for offering words of sympathy to the “innocent victims.” That last phrase seemed to send him into a fury:
Those who were killed were not “innocent victims” in the main. Anders Breivik is as sane as the next man. …
This was an act of war and he considers himself a soldier. In different times, as in WW II, he would be called a hero.
The people he killed were the children of those who had betrayed him and his fellow norwegians. I would put forward the opinion that the political leaders are responsible for the war on men and the destruction of the families of men. What could be more “an eye for an eye” than to kill the children of those who were so willing to destroy mens families and destroy the homeland of men?
In killing children of those who are betraying men? He is sending a very clear message.
“You may think you are protected by your police and your security…..but we can find your children…and you can not protect them except by locking them into a secure area.”
He then went on to make what I think can only be called a veiled threat towards Predident Obama’s daughters; I won’t repeat it here.
Then back to the “innocent children” remark:
These “innocent victims” of whom you speak are the children of those who are criminals. And since Anders Breivik could not get to the REAL criminals he went after the children. Is that such a bad idea? Are they not legitimate targets if the primary targets can not be reached?
This also received multiple upvotes from The Spearhead crowd, and a much smaller number of downvotes. [UPDATE: The post has now started attracting downvotes, but the upvotes still outnumber them considerably.]
Yes, it is truly strange that anyone could possibly associate the MRM with violence in any way.
“If I don’t admit my privilege I’m a sexist and a racist. If I do admit my privilege I’m a sexist and a racist.”
Yeah.. Here’s the thing… I never called you a sexist or a racist. I never related the admittance or acceptance of privilege to you being sexist or racist. In fact, I said quite clearly:
“It’s when you refuse to acknowledge this, or assume that because you don’t experience hardship because of your attributes, no one else does, that privilege becomes a point against you.”
I then said this.
“Only racists and sexists want to make you feel guilty for your race or gender or sex.”
How you turned that into:
“It’s when you refuse to acknowledge this, or assume that because you don’t experience hardship because of your attributes, no one else does, that you become a sexist and a racist.”
I have no idea. Being a racist and a sexist makes you a racist and a sexist. Assuming that because something isn’t a problem for you means it isn’t a problem for anyone else… well… at worst it makes you an ass.
So my whiteness and manliness grants me privilege does it? If I don’t admit my privilege I’m a sexist and a racist. If I do admit my privilege I’m a sexist and a racist.
Actually if you don’t realize your privilege it just makes it more likely that you’ll do problematic things that could be sexist or racist xD If you DO admit your privilege, it doesn’t mean nething except you recognize you have privilege. xD
For example… a person w/ abled privilege is able to access most places in our society, cuz they’re built for abled ppl. They can walk up stairs, or open doors, or read signs, or hear audio announcements. Acknowledging this, does not make one an ablist xD I acknowledge this right now. I can access places my disabled friends cannot. :]
It’s only a Kafka trap b/c you kinda created your own straw idea of what it means and you refuse to listen to what ppl tell you it means xD In which case, yus you’re right, the way you have defined privilege is a kafka trap you have created for yourself xD
Having privilege doesn’t make you a bad person. :3 Being a racist or a sexist is what you do and what you say. For example, a ton of the feminists here have cis privilege… so far I’ve called none of them a transphobe xD
Like… being Ami I naturally will be regarded as more awesome than other ppl, like you xD That’s my Ami privilege. And I acknowledge it XD Now if I dropped an Ami-bomb on your house… well that’d be ok, b/c of the new laws the Ami-crats enacted… but BEFORE that, that would be bad… xD
@NWOslave there actually is a (radical) feminist camp… the Michigan’s Womyn’s Music Festival XD You should protest it! 😀 (We could always use more allies in protesting it :3 )
Your call Marc. Assume differences and risk being a bigot, or assume equality and risk giving individuals more credit than they might deserve. I know which one I’m going for.
Yes, you are right with that.
There are two problems, though:
1. If different racial groups living together have on average different status in society, we don’t know if that’s the result of ‘privilege’ or (at least partially) a result of biological factors. I think there is evidence for some discrimination (like the white-hand/black-hand iPod experiment), but it doesn’t explain things like why for example there are no black fields medalists, because, really, mathematicians have awarded their prizes to people like Grigori Perelman, a man who openly hates his fellow colleagues and the “mathematical establishment”. Their racism has to be very deep rooted if they are so open minded to award prizes and praise a man who constantly insults them (and turns down their prizes!) but still discriminate against non-whites.
2. I don’t think Breivik wants to oppress non-whites, he just doesn’t want to have them in Norway. If we could prove that there are just superficial differences between ethnic groups his theory would crumble down. But this is not proven. And it’s not Breivik job to prove that there are differences, because (a) the idea that differences exist is a priori the more plausible position and (b) he just want’s to defend the status-quo, so the people who want to change Norway, the people who support immigration have to prove their theory, not Breivik.
Well, I guess it’s reassuring to learn that the racist mass murderer doesn’t want to oppress anyone.
“@NWOslave there actually is a (radical) feminist camp… the Michigan’s Womyn’s Music Festival”
That fucking music festival really fucking chaps my hide. Fuck.
@zombie rotten mcdonald:
But here; how is that going to destroy Norwegians, who are not a race by any definition of the term? Only if you define “Norwegian” as “completely caucasoid with no diluting brown person blood”
There has always been mixing in the history of the world, it’s not like “there was an original Norwegian Adam & Eve couple, the parents of all Norwegians and their pure white blood gets diluted if you mix a brown person into this Norwegian family tree” — that’s ridiculous.
You are talking in absolutes, where there are just statistical differences. There are no pure ethnic Norwegians. An ethnicity is a term like color, it’s not sharply defined (you can find “English genes” in a Han Chinese whose family lived in Shanghai for centuries.). Though it might not be so clear where purple ends and red starts, it doesn’t mean that there is no difference between red and green.
After some generations there is nothing much left of the “brown person” if he’s mixed into Norwegians, that’s because other forces are at work, too, like genetic drift.
But demographic effects on a great scale can make an ethnic group disappear, like it happened with some Indian peoples.
So the only thing you’re arguing about is that Norwegians of one skin color are reproducing at a rate different than Norwegians of a different skin color. You have already conceded that this is, at best, a superficial difference. So I will concede that yes, some people may fear this.
No, I haven’t conceded this. It’s not proven that this is just a “superficial difference”, this is the central question. To this day we don’t know it.
Muslims, and every other immigrant person, become Norwegians WHEN THEY OFFICIALLY IMMiGRATE. So when they reproduce, the offspring is in fact, Norwegian.
So the only thing you’re arguing about is that Norwegians of one skin color are reproducing at a rate different than Norwegians of a different skin color.
What is the meaning of the word Norwegian, legally of course a person who has the Norwegian citizenship…
Still we have to ask ourselves if the term “Norway” is something different than a certain piece of land in Scandinavia. If it were just a geographical term like “Iceland”, or “Jamaica” (the islands itself have these names) we would assume that the territory we call “Norway” is unchangeable, certainly this is not the case.
The territory of Norway is changeable, the same applies to Germany” — “Germany” today designates a different territory than the Germany of 1940. So because of that we have to ask ourself what the commonalities between these different territories are, because if there’s no commonality the term “Norway” or “Germany” is just meaningless.
It could be political succession. But there are countries like Poland where this political succession doesn’t exist (there was a time in history when Poland belonged to other states).
So the term Norway can’t be just politically or geographically defined. Isn’t it that surprising then that people like Breivik think that ethnicity plays (together with other factors like language and a “shared national memory”) an important role about what Norway is? Like, “my neighbor Mustafa may be legally a Norwegian, but if there are only people like him in Norway, Norway ceases to exist”?
“Yeah.. Here’s the thing… I never called you a sexist or a racist. I never related the admittance or acceptance of privilege to you being sexist or racist. In fact, I said quite clearly:
“It’s when you refuse to acknowledge this, or assume that because you don’t experience hardship because of your attributes, no one else does, that privilege becomes a point against you.”
No one recieves any extra hardship due to skin color or gender. Gibberish that falls from the mouths of feminist ideology has no relevance in reality. When you say, “white male privilege.” You prove yourself to be a racist and a sexist. The comical part is, feminists like yourself feel insulted after having insulted someone. Only the truely backward ideology of feminism could portray themselves as victims of hurt feelings after slandering an entire gender and race.
@David Futrelle:
Well, I guess it’s reassuring to learn that the racist mass murderer doesn’t want to oppress anyone.
There were racist people against slavery. Not much because of compassion, but because they wanted “to let the blacks stay in Africa”, were afraid of uprisings and saw slavery as an unfair competition to free labor of their fellow whites.
NWO I didn’t say I was a communist. I said I was a liberal, with libertarian tendencies.
You said I was a community. I said that if living in society makes me a communist, then I was glad of it.
And… you haven’t answered my question. Apart from whining about how life isn’t all skittles and beer because of the nasty feminists, what have you done to make this a better nation.
Not that I really expect you to answer my question, you still won’t tell me if you’d like to live in Iceland, where the age of consent is 15, and the divorce rate is 1.7 per thousand.
Mea culpa, NWO said I was a communist. My name may be legion, but I do not contain multitudes.
I’ve signed petitions, I’ve voiced discontent, I’ve helped the poor. I’ve done far more than any of you progressive folks have ever done. But heres the thing, no matter what I do the feminists communists continue to enslave this country. So I’ve come to the conclusion since society hates me and continues to devolve into a cesspool of filth, theres nothing worth saving.
Tell me, why should I exert any effort into saving a society that hates me? Why should I care about a society that enacts so many laws every year to hinder and hobble me? There simply is nothing worth saving. I’m rooting for Obama to raise that debt cieling to unlimited to hasten the collapse. Communism is mighty expensive, just ask the Russians.
NWO: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. I’ve signed petitions, helped the poor, donated blood, taken in the homeless, tutored the struggling.
Which is well and good, and mostly unimportant. I’ve worked to get politicians I dislike voted out of office (and good riddance to Fred Rogan), travelled the country speaking (usually for free) about the evils of torture; and why it’s worse than useless. I’ve taught self-defense (to men and women).
Society doesn’t hate you. You hate society, and (as you keep saying) hatred in, hatred out.
This, “cesspool of filth” seems, all in all, not to bad to me. I have people who love me. I have work, I have a roof over my head. If things continue I’ll have children. I have liberty to do what I please (in the main, I think the state of our individual liberties is eroding: I work to prevent that, and to roll it back).
Unfettered capitalism is expensive too, just ask the people who worked in Packingtown, or the mines, and oilfields today. What you want.. doesn’t work. Business without limits is destructive (look at Wall Street today; and that’s with some limits).
That debt ceiling… is to pay for things the Republicans voted for. It’s called paying for what was bought. It’s not some magical mystery. The Republicans spent eight years cutting income, and spending like sailor on their fist port call. Now they want everyone else to pay the bills, while they pretend to be fiscally responsible.
The debt ratio of the federal gov’t is a fraction of the debt limit of anyone who has a mortgage. The idea that one has to have a perfect balance of income/outflow all the time is nonsense.
But you don’t care. You think that returning to the Days of Daniel Boone when anyone could just up-stakes and march to where there was none but themself to depend on can come back, and everything will be hunky dory.
It won’t. The folks who have money will buy up your “rights” in a hearbeat and Blakwater will be the new Pinkertons.
Damned straight I’m opposed to it, and to anyone who thinks that sort of folly is the ticket to paradise. Your problem is your ideas can’t work, and you are bitter because you don’t understand why. You are backing the a swaybacked, spavined, nag, and the poor beast keeps coming in last.
So, go ahead, wallow in your dreams of society hating you. Society doesn’t hate you. Society doesn’t know you, and couldn’t care less about you.
Huh. I said essentially the same thing in a Liveleak comment thread, comparing Anders’ political murders to Alexander the Great’s murder of his cousins and rivals. However, I was using it to illustrate the point that the standards for what passes as a hero these days have improved over the past thousand years, since they now tend to exclude murdering psychopaths.
So, go ahead, wallow in your dreams of society hating you. Society doesn’t hate you. Society doesn’t know you, and couldn’t care less about you.
nwoslaves belongs to a group that is hated by society. As I wrote in another post: at Womens’ Day the girls in Swedish kindergartens get better snacks (buns) than the boys (they just get crisp bread). Mens’ Day of course is completely ignored.
This is done so the boys learn that they belong to the “criminal sex”. Breivik just took that personally.
PS: Because I always try to be objective and neutral and I must admit that I said to many good things about white people in my last posts, I just want to call your attention to this very comprehensive critical analysis of the Caucasian race:
nwoslaves belongs to a group that is hated by society.
ya. angry, paranoid shut-ins.
So I’ve come to the conclusion since society hates me and continues to devolve into a cesspool of filth, theres nothing worth saving.
Tell me, why should I exert any effort into saving a society that hates me? Why should I care about a society that enacts so many laws every year to hinder and hobble me? There simply is nothing worth saving.
Aw, don’t be so sad darling! I know that high school can be super rough — I, too, felt very bitter and melodramatic as a teenager. I did all that crap: whined about how the world sucks, listened to Linkin Park super loud in my room, acted all sullen during dinner…
Someday you’ll grow up a bit and feel better. You’ll get a nice girlfriend (or boyfriend!), the acne will clear up, and all those racing hormones will cut you some slack and let you stop sulking in the basement long enough to go outside and become a productive member of society.
So chin up! Once you stop getting your precious childish head in a tizzy, and actually interact with other human beings you’ll see the world isn’t so bad. Hugs! 🙂
Oh, and about your “cesspool of filth” … don’t be so hard on yourself! I don’t want to embarrass you (and goodness knows boys your age hate talking about intimate hygiene) but I’ve found that, while soap irritates my more delicate skin, fragrance-free body wash can clean some of those areas right up. ^^
@Sharculese–28 July 9;55pm
yo, I’m from New York shitty, so I have a pretty good idea of what a communist, man-hating red FEMINIST looks like! The New York People’s Republic is swarming with ’em!
kind of looks like you, ‘sister’!
Doesn’t sound very nice when it runs the other way, does it? Think about this the next time that you are tempted to call someone with whom you disagree a “racist”!
David K. Meller
lol, mellow out brah
OMG, the anti-Peter Nolan Facebook group sent a friend invite to the man himself, and he accepted! This promises to be entertainment gold.
I just found this. What a freak
yo, I’m from New York shitty, so I have a pretty good idea of what a communist, man-hating red FEMINIST looks like!
What do they look like? 😀
Like big old QUEERS, apparently!
Like the Statue of Liberty, only not as tall, and not as copper.