idiocy MRA

MRA headline of the day: The More Affective We Are …

It’s a good thing that the guy behind the blog What Men are Saying About Women doesn’t actually speak for all men. Because this headline, well, it doesn’t exactly make me proud for my gender.

Let’s set aside the spelling for a moment, and turn instead to those mysterious two dots at the end. WHAT ARE THEY?!! A period is one dot. Ellipses, three. NO LANGUAGE ON EARTH USES TWO PERIODS FOR ANYTHING.

UPDATE: He “fixed” the headline by correcting the spelling of “louder.” But he kept “affective.” And the two dots are STILL THERE. Is he just fucking with me? Bastard.

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13 years ago

Some years ago there was this especially dopey-looking and severely cross-eyed cat who used to hang around our house to get fed. His girlfriend kept coming by and dumping kittens on us, and he would hang around because we fed her and her kids (fixed and took care of the kids but never got her). At first he was just “her freeloading boyfriend,” and then eventually his name became Loader.

So when I read this headline … well … I’m still not sure what it means. I suppose “they” could be a gender neutral pronoun. (I hate using he/she.)

Maybe like, the more the MRAs have SAD, the less they want to leave their homes because they’re so depressed, so they stop putting out cat food and Loader starts screaming, “NOOOOO I NEED FOOOOOOOD!” Something like that. And the extra period is backup in case the cat eats one of them (because he’s soooo hungry).

I’d like to lock in this answer.

13 years ago


This says more about you than him. Spending time to write a 300-500 word post about some guy misspelling “louder” as “loader” is just banal and inane. It makes you look petty, immature and that you can’t “see the forest for the trees”.

I never got why feminists are always pointing out spelling errors. I recently saw one guy draft up a very reasonable solution for updating alimony and child support laws. Not one word of him hating on women or being a misogynist. At the very beginning he used “is” when “are” was more appropriate…and there was a slew of comments calling him a dumbass (or what’s the new feminist insult….jackwaggon?). They completely disregarded his ideas even though his proposal was pretty damn fair for everyone…not just men. I guess to a lot of feminists, using “is” instead or “are” is the equivalent of saying “OMG R U a Sk8er!!!!”

13 years ago

spellchecking your headlines takes all of 30 fucking seconds, and if youre not will to put that much effort into your posts, why should anyone assume you’re putting effort into your ideas

also, i recognize that banal and inane are the insults du jour of the unimaginative, but maybe you should refrain from deploying them until youre certain theyre the best words for the situation

13 years ago

@Sharculese: Yes checking spelling is an easy fix, but dismissing someone’s ideas because of bad spelling is even easier. I could see if someone was using “R” for “are” and “U” for “you”, however, I will not dismiss someones idea solely because they used “there” instead of “their”. Those are very minor errors that most people make (even professional writers).

So I notice an observation about a lot of feminists dismissing someone’s POV based on a few spelling errors, and somehow I became this unimaginative person. Starting the insults early I see. Inane = Silly, stupid or insignificant…which is exactly what this post is. If you don’t like banal, you can substitute it for insipid, vapid, lackluster, pointless, superfluous.


Does it really matter? I am not going to count the words one by one. Hell, I am not even going to copy the text into Word and use the word count feature. The point is you missed the point.

I was mentioning the practice of feminists picking out the most weakest point of someone’s writing and using it to mock or otherwise marginalize the person. You know. the whole idea of dismissing an argument based solely on a few grammar mistakes.

And lo and behold, you fell right into it. You didn’t give your opinion. rebuke my observation or otherwise address my comment…you just attacked me because I put 300-500 instead of 50-150…oh you got me….good debate! (you will also see that I added 4 dots to that last break…I gave you more ammo to fight the good fight) Missing the point…I mock it.

13 years ago

Brandon: So you make a post about how lame it is to make a long post about someone being lame.

You exaggerate the length, and then spend even more energy defending your self for being wrong.

That’s lame.

13 years ago

lmfao. you broadsided david as ‘banal’ and ‘inane’ and now you’re whining about me ‘Starting the insults early’. do you think about the things you say before you say them?

neways, ya dismissing someone based on their total inability to check what they wrote is an easy way to dismiss someone. there’s only so much time you can spend reading things, and if someone isn’t going to put effort into their arguments, those are the arguments you can dismiss easily. what is the problem there?

13 years ago

@Pencunium: It’s not really the length of the article that is the point…it’s the fact that pointing out someone’s spelling mistakes in a blog post is petty.

I would have used a lot less energy if I didn’t have to keep clarifying my original point…that this blog post is really stupid and it makes David look petty.

@Sharculese: Can you separate criticism about a blog post from the author who wrote it? This blog post is banal and inane…I don’t know David personally, so I can’t say if those words apply to him as well.

You implied that I was an unimaginative person because I used the words “banal” and “inane”. That seems like an insult to me. Also, I never insulted David, I just think this one blog post is stupid. There is a difference between “David you are stupid” and “David, this blog post is stupid”. I did the latter and you are accusing me of the former.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I was about to give Brandon the “You must be new” speech, but I see Zombie beat me to it upthread.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

You’re one to talk, Futrelle, with your inappropriate use of the word “gender” when you should have used “sex”.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago


Futrelle IS petty. The whole point of this blog is petty insults and mischaracterization of a movement for justice.

13 years ago

@Things Are Bad: I have noticed this to a certain extent. On one hand, it is nice that he points out some of the crazy crap MRA’s say. But the other hand, he is constantly posting the dumbest shit he can find MRA’s say on his blog. ManBoobz is basically the Jerry Springer of gender relations.

It would be nice if he actually had a post about some of the reasonable point of views men’s rights supporters have: Alimony and child support payments, divorce laws, shared parenting, etc…

When MRA’s start thinking that all women are manipulating bitches, I stop paying attention to them. Some of them attack women when the real threat is a government policy or law that is anti-male. They blame women for the state of marriage when they should blame the courts for not enforcing marriage contracts and society as a whole has made marriage trivial and pointless. So they bitch and bitch about it…when all they have to do is not get married. If they don’t get married they wont be subjected to divorce courts or alimony payments. These men need to take action and stop talking about it. Marriage is a bad deal for men = don’t get married…not let’s whine about it for eternity. If enough men refuse to get married, then 1) the system will dissolve or 2) the system will change to accommodate men.

If you want a non-gender example. I wouldn’t bitch and complain that my money was getting devalued because the dollar is losing value…I would just take all my disposable income and buy something that wasn’t losing value (gold, silver, etc…). If the game is rigged or not in your favor, you don’t have to play it. Just sidestep it so when it all goes bad, you don’t get hurt.

Ok, now I just proved David right…sometimes I write way to much.

13 years ago

I blame Liberals for the general illiteracy and stupidity of the modern (faux) Conservative crowd.

There. I said it. It’s Liberals fault that MRAs are a bunch of illiterate asshats.