antifeminism false accusations funny man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men rape sexual harassment

Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party 2: Take the Stairs

Today, in episode two of Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party, we present a brief monologue which we’ve entitled “Take the Stairs,” which was originally posted on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit. It provides crucial information for men who don’t wish to face false accusations from some office floozy.

The full text of the original posting is below, for those who for some reason don’t appreciate little cartoon animals and/or text-to-speech.

Here’s the original posting:

I avoid interacting with the few female coworkers I have more than what is absolutely required. You never know when you’ll be accused of sexual harassment or even rape. It happens everywhere and I think if you don’t take your precautions it’s only a matter of a short amount of time before it happens to you. Whenever I get involved in a hiring situation I will most likely pick a man over a woman. While a woman may very well be the best candidate that doesn’t count for much when she’s disruptive as everyone has to tip-toe around her.

I used to take the elevator at work, but now I always take the stairs. That’s just a precaution I take against women who could potentially use the situation to make false accusations (you know like ripping her shirt open and running out of the elevator crying in front of a lot of witnesses and then start accusing me of attempting rape). That’s just one of the many things I’ve ended up doing in order to stay safe. All these safety measures add up and I’ve never been falsely accused of anything because they’ve just never had the opportunity to make an accusation that could stick. I’m sure a feminist will come along one day who will just completely pull something out of her ass despite of me having an alibi or witnesses, but that will be easily dismissed I’d hope.

Since a woman’s word trumps a man’s word whenever he doesn’t have an alibi a man just has to be very cautious. Don’t let a woman be around you on her own; better safe than sorry.

Even the Men’s Rights Redditors considered this a tad paranoid.

EDITED TO ADD: Props to this thread on Something Awful, which led me to the Reddit posting.

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13 years ago

Hyenas in the elevator?

13 years ago

Candid Camera!

What won’t that wacky Peter Funt do?

13 years ago

Damn. I’ve had tons of male coworkers, and I’ve never once falsely accused someone of anything. Apparently I’ve been missing all the fun.

But seriously, I do wonder…was there a sexual harassment scandal of some kind at this dude’s office (leaving him to believe all teh wimminz are out to get the men) or did he manage to get all of this off the internet?

13 years ago
13 years ago

@speedlines “Rescuers who are trained in mountain survival techniques are taught to expect this; however, some may assume incorrectly that urban victims of hypothermia have been subjected to a sexual assault.”

That’s…. kind of fascinating.

13 years ago

caseymordred: I don’t think you’ve done any such thing. You are making a false equivalence between a ridiclous paranoia, and a reasonable one.

You are being told you are wrong because you are wrong. What this guy is doing is reacting to a non-threat by completely changing his life. He’s even admitted to hurting others because of it (if I were his employer, and found out 1: He’d been hiring less qualified people, which is bad for business, and 2: engaging in actionable discrimination… a false rape allegation wouldn’t be the thing to worry about).

That’s a far cry from women being cautious around men they don’t know.

13 years ago

Wait… he thinks women will decide to rip their shirts off and scream rape?

He thinks this is going to work because… wait.. Women = good, men = bad.

I also think he’s making a tactical error. Sooner or later some woman will just lie in wait on the stairs (since he always takes them… I’m sure people have noticed) and then, when he gets to the top, all hot and breathing hard from the climb, rip her shirt off and scream rape as she runs down the corridor.

And he’ll look more guilty, because normal people take the elevator. It will look like he planned it.

Holly: Of course she will. Any accusation of rape immediately leads to the woman being held up as a paragon, and the man cast into perdition. Nothing more than her word is required for this. Just ask DSK.

13 years ago

The other thing about hypothermia: One of the problems with depressed core temp is the body being unable to reheat itself. One of the easiest ways to get that heat back into a body is skin/skin contact.

Training soldiers that when someone is hypothermic the first line of care is often to get three guys down to just shorts, and spoon the victim in the middle, under a blanket… is interesting.

I know guys who’ve had to do it, on field problems in Japan.

13 years ago

Damn…there goes my wicked plot to falsely accuse my male coworkers of something. Because I sit around and try to find ways to hurt men, just for kicks.

13 years ago

And I think you’re twisting my statements to look like I’m saying this guy is right or is not paranoid, when I’m just saying that when men realize they too show caution around strangers with no real proof, they have no leg to stand on wrt Schrodinger’s Rapist.

To make it abundantly clear: this guy is wrong. I was just using the issue as a springboard to remind any male lurkers here that Schrodinger’s Rapist is fair because there are plenty of issues besides harassment where they are wary of strangers.

As for my question about whether stuff happened at the office, Laplace phrased what I meant better.

13 years ago

You were making a comparison between two unlike behaviors. One is an irrational paranoia, the other is a reasonable caution.

To make an analogy. My neighborhood has a fair number of shootings. Mostly of people who have pissed off someone in a bad business deal, or who are involved in a turf war.

I am not in the majority population for neighborhood. It means I am not likely to be mistaken for a rival gang member. I also don’t engage in any of the business transactions which lead to people getting shot.

So for me to looking over my shoulder all the time for people looking to cap me… is silly. It doesn’t track to people who belong to those risk groups.

For me to say I needed to get a Class II vest because of it would be downright stupid.

To say that my doing that was comparable to women worrying about the intentions of men they don’t know would be wrong.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Casey – The problem with Schroedinger’s False Rape Accuser is that it presumes false rape accusations are equivalent to rape in any way, which is offensive on a lot of levels.

13 years ago

I’m very sorry if it came across badly of me to imply so, then.

So I understand, though, how is it offensive?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Casey: 1) False rape accusations are bad, but in a different way than rape is bad–no one dies on the spot during a false rape accusation.

2) False rape accusations are not nearly as common as actual rape.

3) A false accusation can be (and usually is) at least partly undone when the accused’s name is cleared in court. There’s no undoing rape.

4) Rape can be truly random, or based on nothing more than “I think I can get away with it.” False rape accusations, as I said above, are not likely to strike out of nowhere for shits and giggles.

5) False rape accusations don’t require proximity anyway. Someone who really wants to false-accuse you can just claim you were in the elevator together and you ran away before she could report it.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I think what Caseymordred is trying to say is that men don’t have the right to bitch about Schrodinger’s Rapist if they act like they don’t know if they might rape or not.

13 years ago

Yes, Victoria, thank you.

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago

Aren’t there usually cameras in elevators?

13 years ago

I had two sisters working for me three years ago. They ended up being off the record batshit insane (not mentally ill but major personality disorders) human beings to the point where I could not place them because no one wanted to work with them. They were at best at the level of a 12 year old catty child. But you can’t fire someone for being annoying.

One went off on stress leave, the other stayed until last year. They had told many people that they were untouchable, “try to mess with my job and I’m screaming sexual harassment”.

If you’ve ever tried to fire anyone you know it’s not easy. In the end the second sister was fired for a physical assault on another co-worker. She fired back with two claims of sexual harassment against management, a claim that a female co-worker was sexual religiously harassing her (she had overheard a conversation about how priests had illegitimate children and these children often were titled 500 or so years ago) , and another was pushing her to take prescription drugs (she asked a co-worker if they had t-3’s, because of a headache, the co-worker gave her a generic prescribed version of Alleve).

I could never say all women are like that: one because two of the accused were women, and two because I have dealt with equally strange issues with men usually involving workers comp.

Batshit crazy woman did not get away with it, in fact she was counter charged and melted away ungracefully. We literally had to deal with PTSD after it all blew up.

So in this guys mind that’s what women are like? That’s like saying all men are serial killers.

13 years ago

Does he know that as a man he is much more likely to experience violence from the hands of a man? Isn’t he worried about being jumped in the stairs?

13 years ago

“But you can’t fire someone for being annoying.”
“If you’ve ever tried to fire anyone you know it’s not easy.”

Where do you live? I’ve fired plenty of people for being annoying, and I’ve been fired myself for “not being a good fit”. Seems easy to me.

13 years ago

Canadian, and firing especially when there are allegations countered costs 375 an hour for the corporate lawyer. Off the top of my head if you are a small business and have less then 40 employees (might be completely wrong with that number) then it is much easier.

I can say that my family has been in business in Canada for close to a hundred years and what I’ve described above was the only time we’ve ever had a instance of false allegations brought on by a woman. (or any allegations of that kind).

I’ve also had a male employee on workers comp for 6 weeks in the summer because he claimed dust flew into his eyes. Workers comp investigated, found him enjoying his summer and he’s still working for us. I could list about 30 of those throughout the years.

13 years ago

Buy me a car or I’ll tell everyone you raped me….hmm…

13 years ago

Man I should get a job in Canada. You honestly can’t fire someone for being annoying?? That’s absurd.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I used to take the elevator at work, but now I always take the stairs. That’s just a precaution I take against women who could potentially use the situation to make false accusations (you know like ripping her shirt open and running out of the elevator crying in front of a lot of witnesses and then start accusing me of attempting rape)

o_O He thinks we do this stuff for fun does he? xD

Well, it’s his life and if he feels this keeps him safe… >_> But I still wonder where he got the scenario from… and why he thinks women would suddenly do this for fun…

(I suspect somebody here is trying to say that this is shroedinger’s false rape accuser also xD )

Also, usually isn’t the scenario that ppl fear that they have consensual sex w/ a woman and are accused of rape? o: Being afraid of this is like being afraid of rapists under cars rather than rapists who invite you to their room, or are acquaintances… :


We even tackle elevators there! xD

Now I need to make up a list of car safety tips for avoiding rape accusations xD

“Watch out, there will be women hiding under your car who will come out, rip open their shirts and cry that you raped them!”

“If you have a breakdown in a dark highway, don’t get out of your car or a woman will come out w/ pre-ripped clothing and scream that you raped her!”

“Never open your door to receive a package, the UPS person could be a false rape accuser!”

“Don’t rely on a dog to keep you safe. False accusers are often prepared to deal with dogs.”

“Trim hedges and bushes, you never know when a woman might be hiding behind one ready to accuse you of rape!”

“Fill the backseat of your car with dogs so that a woman doesn’t hide there and accuse you of kidnapping and raping her!”

“Never give out your full name, or you will be accused of rape.”

“Don’t spend unnecessary time in a laundry room or a woman may come in and accuse you of rape!”

13 years ago

Joanna, no need for accusations. As a woman you can get someone to give you a car just by sitting in the street crying. Or … that’s what the slaveman said. I assume it must be true.