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Guest post for Shakesville

Just a note: I’ve got a guest post up on Shakesville today. It’s basically a condensed and polished version of my recent Breivik posts. (If you decide to comment there, be aware that their comments are much more heavily moderated than the comments here.)

And while I’m doing the link thing, here’s an excellent piece about Breivik’s misogyny:  Michelle Goldberg’s Norway Killer’s Hatred of Women on TheDailyBeast. And here is a not-terribly-excellent discussion of the piece on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

NOTE: This post originally linked to a piece by Michael Kimmel on Sociological Images. That piece, it turns out, hasn’t been officially published there yet, so I removed the dead link and a link to a cached version in the comments here. I’ll post the official link when the piece goes up.

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no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

“A Tale of Two Terrorists Redux” lead to a “page not found”

13 years ago

So, I saw this a bit earlier today before I got up to clean the house- And I was all: ?! David’s on Shakesville?! Don’t get me wrong, I really like *reading* Shakesville, but commenting there is very, very intimidating to me. I’m sort of surprised about the whole deal, mostly because Melissa seems to purposely not-focus on MRAs (rightly so- they don’t need much attention and they moderate so heavily, and she’d get soooo many threatening emails- uck). Good job though, Dave. It was a great post!

13 years ago

I’d love to see NWOslave or any of the other dispshits try their bullshit on Shakesville.

13 years ago

I love Shakesville, I love Manboobz … it’s like two great tastes that taste great together. You got Shakesville on my Manboobz! Wha? You mean you got Manboobz on my Shakesville! *tastes* Delicious!

I was particularly pleased to see all the Shakers’ great comments. Nice, David!

13 years ago

So much of the “discussion” on reddit could be summarized as “Shut up, bitch!”. I’m really glad I never got into reddit.

13 years ago

Neat, more exposure! 😀

13 years ago

Is it crowded with Andrea Dworkin in bed? Or just smelly?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Why is he so curious about hypothetical necrophilia? o_O

@Bee and together they form: SHAKESBOOBZ!!!! (now that’s something MRAs would read! 😀 )

Or Manville (another thing MRAs would love) xD

13 years ago

@Factfinder: Wait, what?

13 years ago

are you a guy? has this partriachal ‘I must protect women’s rights because they need a man to protect them’ gotten you laid yet?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Why would anyone want to comment at Shakesville? They just delete any messages that don’t suck their femicock. Boooring.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@MRAL I know you’re trying to be cool and all, but you’ve been here for a while. I bet NWOslave would. 😛

13 years ago

Read over the comments on the Daily Beast and it looks like most people aren’t buying the feminist shit sandwich Goldberg is trying to pawn off as Angus beef. Apparently it leaves a really shitty taste your mouth. How Strange.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWOslave oddly sounded v similar to the angry vegetarians that threatened me xD just a little tamer xD

i just noted it cuz I found those emails recently so they were on my mind xD

I thought no man is getting sex from any woman neways? xD

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Feminists share a large part of the blame for the bombing and shootings, for creating a situation where Breivik could not grow up in a home with a proper father figure, due to anti-father feminist laws.

It would be more accurate to call the attacks the global echo of misandry. Feminists’ hatred for males is creating men like Breivik.

13 years ago

@things for bad
0_0………………. really?

Let me get this straight, feminist are collectively responsible for one dude not growing up with a father, which somehow lead to him shooting a bunch of kids….

logic fail

Plenty of kids who grow up without a father don’t go around and mass murdering people. Orphans don’t either. Feminism also isn’t responsible for a father leaving a wife, stuff like that happen before feminism was even a word.

I know you pissed people are putting the blame on mras for the occurrence but blaming feminism is just stupid, it makes no sense. I’m sure you know this already though.

13 years ago

@Things Are Bad: [Citation Needed] 😀

13 years ago

“Feminists share a large part of the blame for the bombing and shootings, for creating a situation where Breivik could not grow up in a home with a proper father figure, due to anti-father feminist laws.”

Please. Plenty of violent boneheads like Breivik grow up with both parents and they still turn out to be boils on the ass of society. Violent rightists are all about family and “proper gender roles” and all that other social conservative patriarchal bullshit, still doesn’t stop them from generating killers and most likely creates an environment where this kind of violence is approved of by their parents.

13 years ago

My parents were in town last week, and we ended up talking family history. My grandpa grew up without a father, and not for any good reason; his dad just up and abandoned the family one day. My grandpa had to drop out of school at sixteen and become the “man of the house” because only a man could get a job that paid enough to feed the younger kids; his mother (who, as a girl, had been abandoned by her father and had dropped out of school to support her younger siblings) didn’t earn enough in her lifelong career as a janitor.

My grandpa was a hard bastard in a lot of ways (though a good father), but he somehow managed not to murder a hundred people. And this pampered Nordic brat with two loving sets of families has the gall to blame his personal vileness on Mommy and Daddy divorcing when he was a toddler? Good lord, that’s beyond weak.

13 years ago

My parents were in town last week, and we ended up talking family history. My grandpa grew up without a father, and not for any good reason; his dad just up and abandoned the family one day. My grandpa had to drop out of school at sixteen and become the “man of the house” because only a man could get a job that paid enough to feed the younger kids; his mother (who, as a girl, had been abandoned by her father and had dropped out of school to support her younger siblings) didn’t earn enough in her lifelong career as a janitor.

Realities like this are why it galls me when I see the oft-repeated, copy/pasted, statistics on divorce “initiations” that are so prevalent in the Manosphere. If your great-grandmother and/or her mother had filed for divorce (had that been a viable option for them back then) after having been abandoned by their respective spouses, they would be the ones to be seen as the vile instigators of the breakup of the family because they “initiated” the divorce.

13 years ago

I grew up without a father; so did my brother, and my best friend, too. Yet for some fucking reason, neither of us has gone out shooting people!

Harriet J
13 years ago

Congrats on the guest post! I had no idea you were a shaker too. I am a big Shakesville fangirl, so big I even cried when I discovered that someone was making fun of them:

Stupid, I know. 🙂

Looking forward for most posts from you, David.