douchebaggery drama MRA reddit threats

Breaking News: Men’s Rights mod on Reddit is kind of a dick

So, funny story.

Earlier today, some guy on the Men’s Rights subreddit made a not-so-vaguely threatening remark about me. I sent the mod a message about it, and, well, this was his response:

Yeah. Pretty sure that’s not exactly the way Reddit wants its mods to behave.


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Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

It was a joke, morons.

You know what I’ve noticed?

If someone tries to tell a legitimate joke and it fails to be funny, they usually think the fault is all theirs – they mistimed the punch line or their delivery fell flat or it was a ‘you had to be there’ kind of thing or maybe it just wasn’t that funny. They usually blush, maybe apologize or turn the failed joke into a joke of its own (“well, I guess there goes my career in stand-up…”)

But if someone says something completely unfunny that is also racist or sexist, and someone else points out the racism/sexism, then the speaker usually gets defensive and angry about people not finding their ‘joke’ utterly hilarious. Or even mildly amusing. In fact, I’d say that a defensive, angry reaction is almost proof positive that the statement was never actually intended as a joke to begin with. The teller is just a coward, trying to hide behind the paper shield of ‘humor’ instead of standing by what they said.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

In fact, I’d say that a defensive, angry reaction is almost proof positive that the statement was never actually intended as a joke to begin with. The teller is just a coward, trying to hide behind the paper shield of ‘humor’ instead of standing by what they said.

We call this the Scott Adams Syndrome.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Watching the Scott Adams debacle(s) was instrumental in my arriving at this theory 🙂

13 years ago

“I haz shitty grammer/spelling but that has nothing to do with the subject EWW ME”

In that case you can point that out to Futrelle whenever he’s on such an obvious roll as this.

Not that you will.

13 years ago

“We call this the Scott Adams Syndrome.”

And we call it the Valerie Solanas Syndrome.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

eww-me, isn’t it about time for your standard “har-har-har feminists are ugly” comment?

13 years ago

@Eww me
I really don’t care, its not my job to argue with everything I see as wrong. I disagree that grammar affects your argument unless grammar is what the argument is about. You can’t win every battle; even I don’t fight against ever injustice I see.

I’m more of a lurker than a commenter so I’m less likely to comment. If you found it problematic than why don’t you call it out? You can’t put such an obvious double standard on me without me noticing.

13 years ago

The Valerie Solanas syndrome, isn’t that when some right-wing social conservative gets so desperate to prove that the political Left is more violent and nasty than the political Right that it necessitates dredging up individual and group actions from over 30 years ago because there’s no modern examples that come close to scumbags like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph?

I mean, come on guys, how many more times are you going to exhume the fucking Weathermen, the SDS and the Black Panthers as some kind of half-assed counter-example to right-wingers that are still actively killing or plotting to kill people right now? The only thing it’s proving is that you have no argument besides “BLARGH CHE GUEVARA BLART BLART” when someone points out right-wing killers that haven’t been in prison or in the grave for a quarter of a century.

13 years ago

“If you found it problematic than why don’t you call it out? You can’t put such an obvious double standard on me without me noticing.”

Well my joke (at your expense) was more aimed at the entire manboobz ‘community’.
A way to poke fun at the double standard.
The fact is most of you folks DO react to poor grammar in MRA anti-fem writing as if you’ve just refuted relativity. (And while this may be a good way to SUPPLEMENT an ad hominem attack on someone you guys really should only make it the crux of your argument if your intention is to win the esteem of 5th graders.)
It is also a fact that none of you would EVER do that to a person fighting on your side.
You simply presented me with an opportunity.

“The Valerie Solanas syndrome, isn’t that when some right-wing social conservative gets so desperate to prove that the political Left is more violent and nasty than the political Right that it necessitates dredging up individual and group actions from over 30 years ago because there’s no modern examples that come close to scumbags like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph?”

Get YOUR penis cut off and shredded in a garbage disposal (for the crime of initiating a divorce) then hear feminists laugh about it on television before you decide the political left is less nasty than the right.

Oh, that’s right. Sharon Osbourne and her cronies aren’t REAL feminists.

Nope. That’s not it. They ARE feminists but they were obviously just joking and not ‘standing by what they say’.

Oh, that’s right. You don’t have a dick!

And as for the subject of the thread get this you morons.

The more you accuse all MRA’s and anti-fems of being violent psychopaths (i.e. the more you try and get all people who disagree with you or have the AUDACITY to criticize your dominatrix wives and girlfriends thrown in jail) the more you cement in the notion that they might as well all radicalize since they will be accused of misogyny either way.

13 years ago

“The more you accuse all MRA’s and anti-fems of being violent psychopaths (i.e. the more you try and get all people who disagree with you or have the AUDACITY to criticize your dominatrix wives and girlfriends thrown in jail) the more you cement in the notion that they might as well all radicalize since they will be accused of misogyny either way.”

So…you think it’s better to act radicalized and angry than challenge the psychopaths that lie in your movement? So, instead of reacting to a person’s claim that you are misogynistic, it is better to claim, “But they made me that way!” as opposed to actually challenging the claim with actual evidence to the contrary?

If so, that explains a lot.

13 years ago

Well my joke (at your expense) was more aimed at the entire manboobz ‘community’.
A way to poke fun at the double standard.
The fact is most of you folks DO react to poor grammar in MRA anti-fem writing as if you’ve just refuted relativity. (And while this may be a good way to SUPPLEMENT an ad hominem attack on someone you guys really should only make it the crux of your argument if your intention is to win the esteem of 5th graders.)
It is also a fact that none of you would EVER do that to a person fighting on your side.
You simply presented me with an opportunity.

The only time I hear it be brought up consistently is against NWO, its not like they discredit his argument like you did based on grammar, they tease him because he constantly brings it up himself and uses it to self flagellate. I have seen feminist nitpick at grammar like spearhafoc but I’ve never heard them say your grammar sucks therefore you’re wrong. Plus spearhafoc calls attention to the misspelling and misuse of grammar with feminists too. : P

13 years ago

“So…you think it’s better to act radicalized and angry than challenge the psychopaths that lie in your movement?”

So you think that playing the “We’re better just ’cause we aren’t violent (or as violent)” card is going to help you if you run into a guy like LAMFF?
You think you can throw the R-word around whenever you feel like it and expect it to carry any weight with folks?
You think you can keep kicking friendly dogs and running to the cops whenever one of them bites you and expect the cops to NEVER get tired of coming to your rescue? (Or that the local P.D. will never run out of money to keep sending out cars.)
You think female posterity will actually revere you for all you’ve done for yourse- um I mean them? (As they don the burka before leaving the house.)

“-instead of reacting to a person’s claim that you are misogynistic, it is better to claim, “But they made me that way!” as opposed to actually challenging the claim with actual evidence to the contrary?”

Be sure and back up statements like ‘there are a humpteen gazzilion trafficked sex slaves magically concealed from muggle eyes’ before you start using grown up words like evidence.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago



EWME is actually saying more than one line fat jokes? xD

Get YOUR penis cut off and shredded in a garbage disposal (for the crime of initiating a divorce) then hear feminists laugh about it on television before you decide the political left is less nasty than the right.

Oh, that’s right. Sharon Osbourne and her cronies aren’t REAL feminists.

Nope. That’s not it. They ARE feminists but they were obviously just joking and not ‘standing by what they say’.

Oh, that’s right. You don’t have a dick!

Are they feminists? o_O Actually the feminists I’ve seen have been pretty outraged about it and were part of the write in campaign to stop it. (incl me :3 ) NSWATM got in the Washington Post blog for being part of the effort, :]

also don’t assume who doesn’t have a penis and who does xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hrm it all got italicized.. I think it’s kinda obv who wrote what tho :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You think you can keep kicking friendly dogs and running to the cops whenever one of them bites you and expect the cops to NEVER get tired of coming to your rescue? (Or that the local P.D. will never run out of money to keep sending out cars.)

What is this supposed to be a metaphor for? o_O

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

What is this supposed to be a metaphor for? o_O

I think I’m supposed to be the friendly dog. (Although basenjis actually have a reputation for being kind of aloof.) Perhaps eww-me is imagining some sort of fetish-play among the boobzerz involving guys in dog collars and chicks in police uniforms.

Scuse me, be back in a little while.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

You think you can keep kicking friendly dogs and running to the cops whenever one of them bites you and expect the cops to NEVER get tired of coming to your rescue?
So is your “bite” killing people, or just kicking their bitch asses, or what?

Please, clarify.

Oh, that’s right. Sharon Osbourne and her cronies aren’t REAL feminists.
Um… no. They’re not. They’re just women.

I know that by making NAWALT an acronym and everything you’ve insulated yourself against us, but 3.25 billion people do not speak with one voice.

…Much less Sharon Osborne’s voice?

13 years ago

Has Sharon Osbourne & Co. ever declared themselves feminists on the show? If not, simply saying they are carries no weight. Unless you’re a mind-reader.

But for the sake of argument, let’s say Sharon Osbourne is a feminist and did joke about what that psycho woman who butchered that guy. We here (I hope you all don’t mind my speaking for you all) would probably say something like “That’s kind of a shitty, tasteless joke and we don’t condone using violence against men.”

I’d LOVE to read you all similarly distancing yourselves from all the DISGUSTING things said about women on your sites. I won’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

13 years ago

Get YOUR penis cut off and shredded in a garbage disposal (for the crime of initiating a divorce) then hear feminists laugh about it on television before you decide the political left is less nasty than the right.

I didn’t hear any feminist laughing about it. I mostly just heard them be fucking outraged. Some were a little problematic and victim-blame-y though, which I found disappointing.

I’m just tryin to say; don’t put words in my mouth. I was really outraged and disturbed when I saw that section of the view, and if it were up to me, I’d fire the lot of them.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

@ Shora

Nitpick: “The Talk”.

13 years ago

Was it The View or The Talk? Doesn’t matter. Both shows are brain-destroyingly stupid and horrible. I would still like proof that anyone on either show declared herself a feminist. If someone can bring me that proof, I will then denounce that/those feminist(s) for something disgusting.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Get YOUR penis cut off and shredded in a garbage disposal (for the crime of initiating a divorce) then hear feminists laugh about it on television before you decide the political left is less nasty than the right.

Yes, because the women of The Talk wield so much political power.

13 years ago

Oh, and BTW, comparing the loons on the Left to the loons on the Right is sheer disingenuous dumbfuckery. On the the Left, kooks (like Truthers, environmental extremists and anti-vaxxers) are immediately relegated to the fringes and denounced by the majority. On the Right the kooks ARE the movement. And you’d be hard-pressed to find a more loud-mouthed, hateful, ignorant, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, violent people on the planet. These are people who luxuriate in stupidity and the politics of resentment.