douchebaggery drama MRA reddit threats

Breaking News: Men’s Rights mod on Reddit is kind of a dick

So, funny story.

Earlier today, some guy on the Men’s Rights subreddit made a not-so-vaguely threatening remark about me. I sent the mod a message about it, and, well, this was his response:

Yeah. Pretty sure that’s not exactly the way Reddit wants its mods to behave.


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13 years ago

Wow, so its not that threatening you with violence was bad its the fact that you complained about it. o_0 Yep victim blaming can’t say I’m surprised.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I’m actually surprised you complained… I figured this would be par for the course and they’d just mock you if you complained : How many threats do you get a day… -_-

13 years ago

Wow 😛 I learned about the men’s right reddit when they started trolling our feminist classic online discussion group. Telling us on one post that feminists are terrorists – oh the power!

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

I can’t say I disagree with his characterization of you as a ninny.

13 years ago

The impression I got was that both comments were being sarcastic. I really see nothing wrong in this case.

13 years ago

Oh-ho. Zing! Like nobody here ever tries to insult the blog owner. Next you’ll be insulting the commentariat here. Then we really won’t know what to do!

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
13 years ago

*sigh* Fail trolls are fail

13 years ago

I find that people who make threats from behind anonymous usernames are typically unable to cash the checks they right as brave internet posters.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Things Are Bad has a blog of the same name with the tagline “Things Are Bad will document anything and everything wrong with the world and provide answers to the question: Why do bad things happen?”

One of the reasons? FEMINISM!

13 years ago

This doesn’t surprise me, it’s pretty typical of abusers that they dismiss and excuse violence.

13 years ago

Ah, another sighting of the Common Lesser Internet Tough Guy.

13 years ago

Ooooooooh shit, son.

13 years ago

It really amuses me when one of these shitstains actually says what he’s feeling and expresses their inner fascist desire to physically assault someone for daring to say things they don’t like. And then the other shitstains start scurrying around flailing their hands shouting, “ZOMG, DON’T ADVOCATE VIOLENCE, IT MAKES US LOOK BAD!”. News flash, dumbasses. You all ready look bad. One of your fellow knuckle-draggers coming right out and saying what most of you probably think all ready isn’t some kind of amazing revelation none of us could have guessed at. We all ready know what you tell each other when you think only sympathetic eyes are watching, this is nothing more than an unintentional display of honesty on the part of one of your own.

13 years ago

Angsty 18-30 year old, middle class, white males. The overwhelming majority of so call MRA’s.

13 years ago

“I’d like to run in to this Futrelle guy, so I can kick his bitch ass.”

Had no idea you were so popular.
Keep up the good work!

13 years ago

@eww me
I’m sure he’s grateful not to be like by mras.. I’d be worried if he was liked by white power, woman hating mras.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

You can tell a man by the enemies he keeps.

13 years ago

“I’m sure he’s grateful not to be like by mras.. I’d be worried if he was liked by white power, woman hating mras.”

I’m sure he’s grateful not to be like by dem 2.
I’m just a shoere he’d be jump all over you grammar if you be on be OUR side but as it’s clear that yur un-edumacated person on HIS siiide he wonet say a durned thang bad to yas ’bout it. So don’t youem warry noone.

13 years ago

ewme, trust me on this, you don’t need to affect a speech pattern like that for anyone to realize you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It’s nice that you’d do that just to make it clearer, but it’s really not necessary.

13 years ago

It was a joke, morons.

I love all the leftwing slander by socialists in Europe and elsewhere jumping on the bandwagon.

Hey you Swedish people. Don’t you love that whole trumped up bullshit about Assange?

How about that Man Tax that men should pay for being men one of your political parties put forth as policy?

13 years ago

“You can tell a man by the enemies he keeps.”

Or his friends.

13 years ago

“It was a joke, morons.”

Suuuure it was. We believe you. I’m sure the thought of doing violence to people who disagree with you lot has never for a second entered your innocent heads, you poor put-upon widdle darlings. I’m sure it’s just one of those funny coincidences that so much of your “humor” seems to involve using force against people you don’t like.

13 years ago

I’m sure he’s grateful not to be like by dem 2.
I’m just a shoere he’d be jump all over you grammar if you be on be OUR side but as it’s clear that yur un-edumacated person on HIS siiide he wonet say a durned thang bad to yas ’bout it. So don’t youem warry noone

I won’t lie, I haz shitty grammer/spelling but that has nothing to do with the subject EWW ME… maybe I should start talking like ami….

Oh I like that you don’t deny bein’ liked by mras is a bad thang. By the way, imma gonna talk like this whenever I’m speakin’ to ya sir I reckon you don’t mind?

13 years ago

Or his friends.

Apparently I’m david’s friend now 0_o.

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