So the fellows over at MGTOWforums were pondering just why it is that there are so few women engineers. There were a number of theories advanced to explain this gender imbalance – women are “crap at math,” “their [sic] just too stupid,”“you can’t build a bridge with ‘feelings.’” (Snap!)
But it was shade47 who offered the most convincing theory. It all has to do with incentives:
Im an engineer myself and in my opinion women could be good engineers if they wanted to be but its a hard sell since they can make money by lieing on their backs and shitting out bastards. …
i dont think women above a five in looks would have the patients [sic] to deal with the hardship of actually studying when she knows that shell end up getting knocked up or married and stop working in approximately 5 years after graduation.
Ladies, focus on your womb turds and leave engineering to the geniuses who don’t know the difference between “patience” and “patients.”
We are all football, all the time!
NWO’s in the corner… Kirby throws a left then a right, NWO dances out of the way… here’s a left jab, followed by a right, oh he got Kirby in the jaw! Kirby’s reeling, NWO with another jab, and the right hook.. Kirby counters with an uppercut…
And Molly gallops up from behind and snags the polo ball from right under Marc’s nose!
The personal experience of a woman in physics.
Discussion of that experience by another woman in science.
And another discussion of that experience.
I had a chuckle at Marc’s cooking=chemistry. But not a very hearty one. The women=domestic=inferior motif is really, really old. Originality, Marc. Come up with some.
I was wondering how on earth NOWslave knew about the size and organization of Marie Curie’s brain, and look!
Awesome. They’ve got the heads of a bunch of other people too!
Wow… Who knew my random generation program has become so popular?
Okay back to wrestling! 😀 (and ty havebookswilltravel! I try to channel Jim Ross as much as I can 😀 )
Kirby and Molly slide into the ring as NWO and Marc start kicking them as they slide in! The bell rings and the match is officially underway! There are 2 ladders on either side of the ring, and the belts are hanging from the rafters.
NWO and Marc pound of Kirby and Molly on the ground. NWO turns his attention to Kirby and him and Marc kick away at him, but Molly hauls herself up and hits NWO from behind, knocking him into Marc! NWO is angry and charges at Molly but Kirby trips him up and Molly Clotheslines him! Marc goes to kick Kirby on the ground but Molly takes him into the corner with punches! Kirby and NWO both up now and trade blows as Molly pounds away on Marc! Kirby whips NWO into the ropes and hits him with a huge boot to the face! Marc reverses Molly in the corner and returns her punches but Kirby notices this and grabs him from behind, spinning him around.. he gives him a few punches then a falling suplex! Marc is in pain! Kirby gets up and his clotheslined right away by a charging NWO! Molly attacks but NWO counters with an armdrag! Marc rolls out of the ring now to clear his head. NWO is stomping on Kirby on the ground. Molly recovers slightly and sees Marc heading towards the ladders and she rolls out after him… NWO still stomping on Kirby but Kirby grabs his foot and reverses into an ankle lock! NWO’s crying in pain! Kirby keeps twisting… NWO’s trying to get away but he can’t! This is a ladder match folks! NWO can’t tap out! Marc hears the screams and rolls into the ring to help his partner! He breaks up the submission hold but Molly follows him and he turns around right into a huge belly to belly suplex! Good Lawd Almighty WHAT AN IMPACT!
no such thing as too much farnarkling
Kirby picks up NWO and whips him into the corner. Kirby charges but NWO counters w/ a boot to the face! Kirby charges again but NWO blocks his punches and counters with punches of his own! Molly comes in and hits NWO from behind! Molly and Kirby double irish whips NWO into the ropes but he dodges the double elbows and counters w/ a double clothesline on both of them!!! Molly’s down! NWO picks up Kirby and takes him into the corner! NWO climbs the ropes and hammers down on Kirby! 1! 2! 3! the crowd counts the punches.. 4! 5! 6! 7… No! Kirby pushes NWO off the ropes! He slams into the mat and gets up reeling! Kirby climbs up to the top rope now! Kirby with the WARP STAR ON NWO!!!! Wow! Kirby gets up, staring down at NWO but Marc is up now too and Kirby turns around into some vicious chops by Marc! Marc chops him into the ropes and then whips him into a facebreaker! Molly’s getting up now, using the ropes but Marc knocks her into the turnbuckle! He rakes her eyes across the ropes and tosses her out of the ring! Marc follows and picks up Molly, slamming her head into the announcer’s table! NWO is stirring now, and rolls out of the ring, stumbling towards the ladders… Kirby is up too… NWO grabs one of the ladders and slides it into the ring… but Kirby hits a baseball slide, slamming the ladder into his face! NWO covers his face and he’s… still ok…. Kirby slides out, gives NWO a few punches.. and slams his face into the ladder again! NWO’s clutches his face.. and ok… now he’s bleeding! Wow.. that was a pretty bad blade job by NWO… it was pretty obvious he was supposed to bleed on the baseball slide… good job by Kirby and NWO to improvise a second impact though….
*sigh* and once again, Magpie kills the thread
No worries, the thread was long dead before you arrived. Also? Farnarkeling is awesome!
Wait, it’s over? Dammit, you go for one shoe-shopping-abortion-manicure and everyone has fun without you.
Has anyone figured out why on earth NWO and Marc were on the same team? I mean, granted, nobody wants either one on our team. But NWO hates all women, and Marc hates all men. You wouldn’t think they’d have much in common.
I’m just catching up here, but if Marie Curie had a man brain then why was she so good at cooking?
Answer me that Marc and NWOslave!
Actually, I’m getting really sick of Marc’s “kill all the men” trolling. I’m putting him on moderation until he moves on from that trolly bullshit.
But NWO hates all women, and Marc hates all men.
That actually sounds like having a lot in common.
Together, they have the entire world covered!
I want to make a note of the fact that violent crime rates do vary massively cross culturally and across time within the same culture. For example, if you look at data on reported and unreported rape rates in the US from 1970 to today, you will actually find pretty big drops in the amount of rape. Violent crime rates are responsive to legal and social changes. In addition, people with mental illness are not statistically more likely to commit violent crimes. Most violent criminals are perfectly capable of refraining from violent behavior if they did so choose. It is also worth pointing out that people with “personality disorders” (distinct from mental illness), such as sociopathy are susceptible to deterence-punishment and reward does have effects on their behaviors. If rape were some sort of involuntary biological tick, we would expect to see no variations, yet we see huge variations.
Are we seriously dropping the “chemistry and biology are stupid majors for wimminz” that quickly? Because I could rip into that all night.
I’m not even sure how chemistry is in there. Isn’t that supposed to be the hardest of the hard sciences? I guess, like so many things, it suddenly got way easier after women got good at it.
For example, if you look at data on reported and unreported rape rates in the US from 1970 to today, you will actually find pretty big drops in the amount of rape.
If we have a conviction rate of 9% what does that say? Pretty much nothing.
I’m not even sure how chemistry is in there. Isn’t that supposed to be the hardest of the hard sciences? I guess, like so many things, it suddenly got way easier after women got good at it.
I’m just catching up here, but if Marie Curie had a man brain then why was she so good at cooking?
Answer me that Marc and NWOslave!
I don’t support these theories from NWOslave, If I would acknowledge the existence of different brain types that would invalidate my theory.
I personally think that Marie Curie in the end did not much more than my grandma. She boiled something down, not jam but pitch blend. But that has nothing to do with her being a woman.
In history there are real geniuses like Gauss or Maxwell and people who where just hardworking and were lucky. Marie Curie belongs to the former.
so what about for NWO and Marc? 😀
My favorite song is “Lost Wisdom” by Burzum.
A friend of mine used to monitor Physics majors in the chemical lab. Most stressful job in his entire life. He constantly had to make sure that the clumsy nerds don’t blow themselves up. Sometimes practice trumps theory. 😉
To answer your question Dave, Marie Curie’s portion of her brain that enabled her to be a genius in those fields was well developed. This is not the rule but the exception. If it was the rule every man/woman would be a genius. The rule is that part of the brain is more developed in men.
Title IX is now beggining to rectify that difference between men and women as they’ve done in sports. In sports for every 1 woman added 4 mens sports were cut and those numbers for women playing sports is padded to keep the federal funding flowing. Wrestling in college was largely privately funded yet Title IX called that funding sexist and private funding is no longer allowed. Equal opportunity is replaced by equal outcome.
Title IX in STEM will do the same, estimates are for ever 1 woman added 10 men will be cut. Equal outcome wins the day once again. The University of California has gone one step further, all STEM classes have been cut while womens studies, gender studies, ect. have been expanded.
Men are more athletically inclined, to even the score men are discriminated against. The same goes for sciences. If equal opportunity was the reason for Title IX there would be no gender segregation for sports. Of course that would eliminate all women from sports. STEM will be the next victim in the drive for equal outcome.
Title IX in NASA
How can women being “given” preference over men in all realms of society by State mandate be considered equal opportunity? How can an infringement on mens right of property, (wealth), be used to openly discriminate against men be considered anything but exactly what it is? Usuping a mans right to property.
Ok, dear friends, I will probably be leaving soon for a long time… I’m now in contact with a woman that identifies herself Amazonia Xenia, a self-confessed serial groin-kicker making plans with her, coordination and about recruiting new members and so on.
I’m also trying to get this G36 working again (the burst mode is really nice… if it just would work, damit)… yeah, I managed to smuggle it out shortly before I was discharged from military service because of mental health reason.
There are of course still holes in my theory, we are attempting to fill.
If anybody of you is a molecular biologist or geneticist or something like that, could you please answer me this important question:
Why do women who have just one X chromosome instead of two suffer from Turner’s syndrome? It seems still much better to be male than to be a woman with Turner’s syndrome, but in males one X chromosome is missing, too.
Also we’re debating if straight women really exist or if they just all bisexual… so if you have something to say about this, that would be interesting, too.
Thanks in advance!
PS: Chemistry is still cooking! But if you can cook TNT and are willing to join don’t be afraid to contact me.
And yes I’m the real Marc, though my avatar changed! I guarantee for my authenticity!
In history there are real geniuses like Gauss or Maxwell and people who where just hardworking and were lucky. Marie Curie belongs to the former.
Oh my English is so bad, it’s really embarrassing, sorry. I meant the latter of course.
PS: Please answer my question if you know something about it!