So the fellows over at MGTOWforums were pondering just why it is that there are so few women engineers. There were a number of theories advanced to explain this gender imbalance – women are “crap at math,” “their [sic] just too stupid,”“you can’t build a bridge with ‘feelings.’” (Snap!)
But it was shade47 who offered the most convincing theory. It all has to do with incentives:
Im an engineer myself and in my opinion women could be good engineers if they wanted to be but its a hard sell since they can make money by lieing on their backs and shitting out bastards. …
i dont think women above a five in looks would have the patients [sic] to deal with the hardship of actually studying when she knows that shell end up getting knocked up or married and stop working in approximately 5 years after graduation.
Ladies, focus on your womb turds and leave engineering to the geniuses who don’t know the difference between “patience” and “patients.”
Kk I’ll use “show me your teeth” for you :3
wow rly… i didn’t get it xD
Still nothing xD
Hmm… well, “best describes” is probably I’m Yours by Jason Miraz… But that wouldn’t work for an entrance… Hmm…. >:D Either “Run to the Hills,” or “Number of the Beast” by Iron Maiden? I like both (perhaps not entirely representative, but thrilling!)
Wow, rly, what do I have to do today to get that warning? xD
“Show me your teeth” by Lady Gaga – Molly “The Hammerin’ Hippo” Ren
“Number of the Beast” by Iron Maiden – Kirby “The Pink Destroyer” Warp
so what about for NWO and Marc? 😀
Ami wrote, “Marie Curie didn’t exist… stop reading the tabloids Molly. xD”
At least it would make more *sense* than this weird “Marie Curie was a woman… who was a genius… men are geniuses… therefore men are superior!” argument. I’m pretty sure that doesn’t invalidate Curie’s femaleness.
“Show me your teeth” by Lady Gaga – Molly “The Hammerin’ Hippo” Ren
*does happy hippo dance for my new wrestling name*
What’s really funny is that I do wrestle my friends sometimes. Maybe this should be my new name? 😉
>:D For NWO:
I’m being really kind to Marc, but I don’t know many songs about obvious parody/disingeniousness. I wish I could think of another… ah well. Your welcome, Marc.
Kirby: It’s not in this thread, it’s here that it starts
For what it’s worth, (as I’ve been watching the meltdown starting [back with his saying, “it all started with Pecunium’s propaganda campaign about me being dishonest] and ebbing, and now exploding), it seems to me he has a point he wants to prove to himself about what feminists believe, and no one here has been willing to rise to the bait, so he’s tried to sweeten the pot by going hog-wild with something out of a ’70s era SF dystopia (I recall reading one, written by a man) where women figure out how to to parthogenesis, and let my die out by not having any male children. The narrator (a male, in the army, or the AF, I forget) is the last man left and when he dies they stuff him and keep him in a glass case, as a museum exhibit of what men were.
But Marc’s references are bad, his logic is flawed and worse, he’s asking us to agree to we don’t. That, I think is the part that’s driving him nuts. We are supposed to hate men, and here he was, giving us the perfect opportunity to admit it, and we won’t.
So me must all be lying.
I see the hatred and misandry still abounds here as well as all the other feminist sites. All history must be rewritten as women oppression. Wasn’t that what one of your leaders wrote that you all denounce?
Tell me, aren’t men stronger phsically than women because they have a muscle structure that is more advanced. Of course if you cite a few women who are stronger than the average man you have to cite the thousands of men who are stronger than those women. If men have a more advanced portion of the brain that allows them a greater ability in certain area’s why deny that?
Why is everything that man has ever accomplished considered oppression of women?
Awesome.. okay! (also I did a search for NWOslave on youtube out of boredom trying to find his song xD is that you playing Black Ops NWO? 😀 hmmm favourited “The Obama Deception” “9/11 New World Order plan” a video about the Illuminati… a video about an atheist/religious debate… “Russian Girls”… “Evolution vs Creationism” hrmmmmm xD )
“Sweating Bullets” by Megadeth – “The Truthseeker” NWOslave
“The Good Book” by Tim Minchin – Marc “The M-bassador of PAIN”
Why is everything that man has ever accomplished considered oppression of women?
B/c we hate you NWO, and we like having out leaders say stuff to upset you. xD I’ve just added a new line to another leader’s speech just to piss you off xD
Why is it always a big conspiracy against you NWO? xD Why do you believe that we are making up neural research and planting it just so you can read it and get upset and we can accuse you of misogyny? XD
Kirby, do you deny that women have a vagina and men don’t? Then how can you deny that women have different brain structures to men and therefore are superior to men in internet debating?” XD
“Tell me, aren’t men stronger phsically than women because they have a muscle structure that is more advanced.”
More advanced? No.
“On average, males are physically stronger than females. The difference is due to females, on average, having less total muscle mass than males, and also having lower muscle mass in comparison to total body weight. While individual muscle fibers have similar strength, males have more fibers due to their greater total muscle mass. The greater muscle mass of males is in turn due to a greater capacity for muscular hypertrophy as a result of men’s higher levels of testosterone. Males remain stronger than females, when adjusting for differences in total body weight. This is due to the higher male muscle-mass to body-weight ratio.”
“If men have a more advanced portion of the brain that allows them a greater ability in certain area’s why deny that?”
I’ve given you a viable reason why this difference, if it exists, can be do to something other than sexual genetics. How exactly do you propose that having a y-chromosome leads to having a larger inferior parietal lobule?
NWO, if that lobe of the brain is so important, why is it inferior?
More advanced?
NWO, I thought God made everything. No advancement happens.
As to why men, as a rule are stronger, they have a denser muscle mass, esp. in fast twitch fibers.
Nothing advanced about it, they just have more
Ever Heard of Dr. Yallow? She got a Nobel Prize in medicine, for figuring out that the immune system can react to insulin. All the men were saying that was impossible.
But it wasn’t, and she was right. Go figure. all those men,looking at the same problem (the cause of Type II diabetes) and they said she was talking nonsense.
Only she wasn’t.
You, on the other hand, are like those men. Denying the truth and defending nonsense.
(ami… I prefer a more deliberate entrance… Bob Seger’s Like a Rock will do)
Kirby Warp + Molly Ren vs. NWOslave + Marc (Tag Team Ladder Match) <— MBZ Tag Team Championship
"Sweating Bullets" hits and NWOslave struts out to a chorus of boos. He gives the finger to the crowd, bringing on more boos which seems to make him angrier! He shouts at a few fans in the front seats and then climbs into the ring.
"The Good Book" by Tim Michin plays now and Marc comes out to cheers and boos! The fans are still getting used to him as a heel I guess… he steps into the ring with his partner and they stare down the ramp as..
"Show me your Teeth" hits and out comes Molly "The Hammerin' Hippo" Ren to HUGE pops! The crowd loves her! She stands at the end of the ramp, wisely not going into the ring… NWO and Marc are her down…
The ring goes dark….
The countdown begins…
3… 2…. 1…
The pink fireworks go off!
"Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden blares out and Kirby appears on top of the Titantron! He raises his arms in his customary way and puffs out his cheeks as far explodes from above his head! The crowd roars! Kirby climbs down to join Molly. They look at each other and hten… rush the ring! HERE WE GO!!!!
Are we seriously dropping the “chemistry and biology are stupid majors for wimminz” that quickly? Because I could rip into that all night.
They’re out of the gate! Pecunium takes the early lead, with NWOslave right behind him and Molly Ren a hairsbreadth away… Kirbywarp and Marc bring up the rear….they round the first turn…
@Ami: Wait a minute, what sport is this again? XD
And he’s Katz over the line! What a great breakout pass by Pecunium! Katz flies in off the wing, here’s the shot! Oh what a save by NWO! Marc picks up the rebound and brings it up along the boar- WHAT a crushing check by number 16 Kirby Warp! He’ll be feeling that tomorrow folks!
Ami: that was wonderful. I can hear Jim Ross screaming in head “Good God its Kirby!”