So the fellows over at MGTOWforums were pondering just why it is that there are so few women engineers. There were a number of theories advanced to explain this gender imbalance – women are “crap at math,” “their [sic] just too stupid,”“you can’t build a bridge with ‘feelings.’” (Snap!)
But it was shade47 who offered the most convincing theory. It all has to do with incentives:
Im an engineer myself and in my opinion women could be good engineers if they wanted to be but its a hard sell since they can make money by lieing on their backs and shitting out bastards. …
i dont think women above a five in looks would have the patients [sic] to deal with the hardship of actually studying when she knows that shell end up getting knocked up or married and stop working in approximately 5 years after graduation.
Ladies, focus on your womb turds and leave engineering to the geniuses who don’t know the difference between “patience” and “patients.”
Kirby: his Plan to Phase Out Teh Mens is so *detailed* tho. I’m leaning towards the view someone expressed above about it being a fetish. Or a kinda fun plot for a 70s sci-fi movie.
“It was subtle, a true testament to the boundaries that a woman will break. It began with a struggle for power. Before we knew it, women held top positions in the government, in law enforcement, in the courts, and in the military. Then began the gender decline. For some reason, more women were being born than men, as if women were secretly getting rid of fetuses once she knew they were a boy. By then, it was too late…
Now we unhappy few struggle for existence, living amongst the rocks and the scorpions, fighting only for survival. The fembots routinely scour the landscape, searching for traces of dna lacking an x chromosome. We are outcasts to our own species, hunted down til none of us remain. We are… The Last Men on Earth.”
“I hate to disappoint you, but Marie Curie got two Nobel Prizes: one in chemistry, and one in physics.”
Marie Curie had a large and well developed inferior parietal lobule; the portion of the brain used for math, science, spacial manipulation, invention and abstract thought. This portion of the brain is always larger in men of genius. This portion of the brain is also subtatially larger in the average man compared to the average woman. The very thing that made Marie Curie better in those fields is also the thing that makes men better than women in those fields.Everyone, I would like to present a helpful guideline.
“Manboobz? Not misandry
The Pervocracy? Not misandry.
NSWATM? Not misandry”
Of course these sites are blatant misandry. I responded to girlscientist with the reason why Marie Cirie was a genius. This is a simple fact of biology, the responses will be excuses, strawmen, ect. Instead of saying yea men are good at these things and hey great everyone is really benefitting from all these nifty gizmo’s, everyone will scream about some oppression. Thats misandry.
No matter where in history we go somehow men were oppressing women. If anyone dares say men in the past worked as loggers, lumberjacks, miners, ect. in hard labor jobs women will say because men didn’t give them a choice in the matter. Those men didn’t have a choice either, it was a responsibility, they had families to support. They weren’t hopping into a nissan ultima, firing up the AC and off to the saloon. Thats the movies, real life wasn’t like that. The women had a responsibility for caring for the home. No one was oppressed. When women say they oppressed in the past thats misandry.
Here are your rights
The right to life/autonomy.
The freedom to practice your faith.
The right to own property.
Thats it.
I know women weren’t allowed to own property at one time, well at one time neither were men. Only the elite at one point no matter where you go were the only ones allowed to own property and the average man/woman couldn’t. Long before any of you were born when women couldn’t own property men were held accountable for a their wives crimes. You’ll say women were oppressed yet I doubt the man punished for his wifes crimes would agree neither would the wife whose husband was punished. The oppression of not holding property came with a benefit as well.
Everyone screams about education. Education is not a right. The public education system is an infringement on your rights. Your property, (wealth) is taken by the State.
The Pervocracy, NSWATM are both misandry. They are sites where feminists are overseeing what they believe men should get, how they act, what they shouldn’t get. Any dissenting voice is silenced by banning.
Last week I made the point of all the women in the audience as well as the hosts of the show laughing at a man being drugged and mutilated. I gave the reason as the rampant misandry that infects society. No one here could possibly say there could ever be a show in the MSM of men hosts and the audience laughing at a woman being drugged and having her vagina cut away and tossed in the garbage disposal. The reason has to be misandry is an acceptable form of entertainment and the desire for the hatred of men must exist in society. I could never make a living selling dirt sandwiches, but a can make a living sell hatred of men, (boys are stupid throw rocks at them).
Here once again you could own up to this fact and say yea, women are foul for acting this way. Go to any site or youtube that shows the video and read the comments by women either laughing or boasting.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but as long as the insatiable desire to hate menis ingrained into society all you’ll get is hatred in return. The ideology known as feminism is the sole culprit of societal wide misandry. Every law, every social problem between men and women must be laid squarely at the foot of feminism and all who have cheered or remained silent; silence is consent.
Marc: That we silently all agree that there’s no place for men anymore on this planet.
And you wonder why I call you dishonest.
I do think, from this thread, that even if you aren’t an MRA, you are most definitely a misogynistic twat.
Mind you, nobody is more honest than me, and Oh, yes, I know these types of people. But I’m different, I would never do that… I stand by my words!
This is the same guy who answered a Yes/No question (about his beliefs) with: [X]Exactly as much as anything else I argue here for.
Stands behind his words as the day is long. Honest too, if you accept misrepresenting what people say, to their face as honest.
@Pecunium: I feel like Marc being dishonest is more accurate, but taking him seriously is much more fun for mocking purposes. 😉
“This portion of the brain is always larger in men of genius. This portion of the brain is also subtatially larger in the average man compared to the average woman. The very thing that made Marie Curie better in those fields is also the thing that makes men better than women in those fields.”
So… NWOslave is trying to argue Marie Curie was secretly a man? *head tilt*
“Marie Curie had a large and well developed inferior parietal lobule; the portion of the brain used for math, science, spacial manipulation, invention and abstract thought.”
From wikipedia:
“Inferior parietal lobule has been involved in the perception of emotions in facial stimuli,[4] and interpretation of sensory information. The Inferior parietal lobule is concerned with language, mathematical operations, and body image, particularly the supramarginal gyrus and the angular gyrus.”
“This is a simple fact of biology, the responses will be excuses, strawmen, ect.”
Or… you know… showing that you are misinformed.
“They weren’t hopping into a nissan ultima, firing up the AC and off to the saloon.”
Saloons and nissan ultima’s occupy two very distinct time periods…
“You’ll say women were oppressed yet I doubt the man punished for his wifes crimes would agree neither would the wife whose husband was punished. The oppression of not holding property came with a benefit as well.”
Essentially, “It doesn’t matter that men basically made all decisions for women, and women were second-class citizens. Their husbands were punished for their crimes, the way a dog-owner is punished for hir dog biting someone.” Yeah.. not exactly a benefit actually…
“Here once again you could own up to this fact and say yea, women are foul for acting this way.”
Yeah, we did actually. Only, what we really said was “these women are foul for acting this way.” Huge difference, and one of the many sources of your wild ideas about how men and women think and should be.
“The ideology known as feminism is the sole culprit of societal wide misandry. Every law, every social problem between men and women must be laid squarely at the foot of feminism and all who have cheered or remained silent; silence is consent.”
No no no no no. Misandry existed long before feminism ever did. Why do you think feminism started in the first place, exactly? And how exactly is feminism controlling all of law? If feminism really was for the suppression of man, don’t you think we would have done a better job?
Oi… You sir, have so much wrong… So. What would you like to talk about first?
In other words, any woman who is successful (and now he admits these women exist) is only successful because they had man-like traits that enabled them to be smart.
… Oi…
“Of course these sites are blatant misandry. I responded to girlscientist with the reason why Marie Cirie was a genius. This is a simple fact of biology, the responses will be excuses, strawmen, ect. Instead of saying yea men are good at these things and hey great everyone is really benefitting from all these nifty gizmo’s, everyone will scream about some oppression. Thats misandry. “
It isn’t misandry — it’s common sense. You did not respond with reason — you responded with self-serving nonsense and lies (as usual). Your statement about men being biologically better at math and science is at the very least unscientific. And the statement about Marie Curie’s parietal lobe is pulled straight out of your ass. Did you study her parietal lobe? Did you measure it? Did you run tests on it? No? Know of someone who has? No? Then stop twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to convince us that Marie Curie was really a man. Anyway, the only way you can definitively say that men are biologically better than women at math and sciences is IF YOU CONTROL FOR ALL OTHER FACTORS. I mean, seriously, NWO, why don’t you start using YOUR parietal lobe? That’s Science 101. When and ONLY when you make all other factors absolutely equal — when men and women do equal amounts of family care, when women are not pressured to scale down their careers and be less “selfish”, when harassment of and sexism against women in the scientific fields comes to a complete stop, when women no longer have to labor under a presumption that they are no good in these fields regardless of actual performance, when women enjoy equal opportunity for advancement, when women experience less social pressure to defer and assist instead of excelling — if at that point, women still don’t perform as well as men, then AND ONLY THEN can you say that there is probably a biological reason for the disparity. What you can’t do, however, is bend over backward inventing a “scientific” reason for perpetuating prejudices against women without any actually testing of your “theory”.
“Long before any of you were born when women couldn’t own property men were held accountable for a their wives crimes. You’ll say women were oppressed yet I doubt the man punished for his wifes crimes would agree neither would the wife whose husband was punished. “
THIS IS A LIE. NWOaf, you find no respect simply because you are a liar, and you persist in your lies even when called out. Men were never held accountable for their wives’ crimes. Men were never punished for their wives’ crimes. Quite the contrary — men who killed their wives generally got off, while women who killed their husbands were punished for murder. And these laws still persist in some countries today. The first step towards you being taken seriously is FOR YOU TO STOP LYING.
“The public education system is an infringement on your rights. Your property, (wealth) is taken by the State.”
You only say that because you yourself are an ignorant, borderline illiterate, backward, uneducated oaf.
“Education is not a right.”
Correct — it’s not a right. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY is a right. You are perfectly within your rights to remain uneducated and ignorant, just as you are now. You don’t have the right to dictate that other people — girls in particular — be barred from formal education, because you’ve got that very convenient idea about parietal lobes.
Hey NWO is back! XD And he’s tag-teamed w/ Marc! 😀 We got a hella main event for tonight folks! It’s gonna be a real slobberknocker!
@Molly Ren
Thank you for proving my point. You could’ve said science does indeed bear out the fact of that prrticular part of the brain being more developed mean greater ability in all those skills and thats the reason men are better at those skills.
You could’ve said how wonderful it is having all those nifty gizmo’s men have invented because men have that part of their brain well developed.
However, your insatiable need for misandry won’t allow you to give men any credit for anything, somehow it’ll come down to womens oppression by men.
Ask youself. Why would anyone feel the need to demonize an entire gender for their accomplishments other than misandry?
Ask youself. Why would anyone feel the need to demonize an entire gender for their accomplishments other than misandry?
Yus… that.. is what has happened xD Good reading comprehension! xD
It’s true tho… if ppl were demonzing an entire gender for their accomplishments, that would be misandry (or misogyny) xD
Excellent point!
So.. who’s doing this? :3
NWO why didi you murder my cat and painted “I HATE YOU AMI” in blood on my wall if it wasn’t that you rly rly hated me? xD
So, a cute hippo-confused-head-tilt about you insinuating Marie Curie was a man… was… demonizing an entire gender for their accomplishments? And… an insatiable need for misandry?
“You could’ve said science does indeed bear out the fact of that prrticular part of the brain being more developed mean greater ability in all those skills and thats the reason men are better at those skills.”
She could, but she would be lying.
“You could’ve said how wonderful it is having all those nifty gizmo’s men have invented because men have that part of their brain well developed.”
She could, but she’d be playing into your game of us feeling greatful to all men because some men made neat gizmos, and would be missing the point.
*why did you murder my cat and paint
Let’s see how many posts until he stops “ignoring” me again xD and how many until he does yet another “I WILL NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN UNTIL YOU..” thing xD
So, a cute hippo-confused-head-tilt about you insinuating Marie Curie was a man… was… demonizing an entire gender for their accomplishments? And… an insatiable need for misandry?
Yes. xD
I think what actually happened is that the idea that a female could actually be a genius broke NWO’s brain. That would account for the “She’s just got a MALE BRAIN!” reasoning.
I mean, NWO, the fact that Marie Curie AND other male geniuses have larger lobes could also mean that *both* genders could have a shot at being geniuses, right? Else Marie Curie couldn’t EXIST.
Hey Marc, NWO, Molly and Kirby, what are your favourite songs? (what songs best represent you? :3 ) if you dun answer I’ll just choose one… but I prefer entrance themes that fit the wrestlers…
I wonder if I have a male brain? xD
Marie Curie didn’t exist… stop reading the tabloids Molly. xD
Or it could be a “many men are encouraged to do math and science stuff, while women are encouraged to do other stuff. This encourages the growth of that region of the brain during development, and large regions are correlated with success in the maths and sciences.”
Thus, for the time being, men have a larger region than women on average, and geniuses of both genders have large regions.
You still have about a light-year to travel before you connect “having a y chromosome” with “having a large Inferior parietal lobule.”
So it got bumped off xD Neways I asked NWO, Marc, Kirby and Molly for your favourite songs :3 Or one that best represents you! :3 (for entrance music)
I wonder if I could fill up the entire “recent comments” thing now that David’s made it so long xD
Y Chromosomes make us invincible Kirby! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA xD
@Ami… Uh, songs? For wrestling?
Does Lady Gaga’s “Show Me Your Teeth” count?
I really suck at music. XD
“many men are encouraged to do math and science stuff, while women are encouraged to do other stuff.”
Don’t mention gender pressures or roles Kirby…. NWO will never talk to you again! xD Like he doesn’t talk to me! xD