$MONEY$ idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reactionary bullshit

Women don’t have the “patients” for engineering

It takes MEN to build a bridge


So the fellows over at MGTOWforums were pondering just why it is that there are so few women engineers. There were a number of theories advanced  to explain this gender imbalance  –  women are “crap at math,”  “their  [sic] just too stupid,”“you can’t build a bridge with ‘feelings.’” (Snap!)

But it was shade47 who offered the most convincing theory. It all has to do with incentives:

Im an engineer myself and in my opinion women could be good engineers if they wanted to be but its a hard sell since they can make money by lieing on their backs and shitting out bastards. …

i dont think women above a five in looks would have the patients [sic] to deal with the hardship of actually studying when she knows that shell end up getting knocked up or married and stop working in approximately 5 years after graduation.

Ladies, focus on your womb turds and leave engineering to the geniuses who don’t know the difference between “patience” and “patients.”

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13 years ago

Oh by the way, Randall Munroe at xkcd tells it like it is (although he probably has a Mangina) :

13 years ago

Everyone, I would like to present a helpful guideline.

Manboobz? Not misandry.

The Pervocracy? Not misandry.

NSWATM? Not misandry.


13 years ago

@Marc: I hate to disappoint you, but Marie Curie got two Nobel Prizes: one in chemistry, and one in physics.

Actually she got one and a half Nobel Prizes.

The physics Nobel Prize was first meant for her husband but the Swedes wanted to be nice to poor radiating & terminally ill Marie (who wasn’t smart enough to recognize that the Radium makes her ill) and also wrote her name on the prize so she could die happily.

13 years ago

Wait… So Marc thinks men are naturally disposed to be sex offenders and criminals, and is in favor of exterminating men vis a vis abortion? The fuck? I think I need to read this thread…


13 years ago

Hey Ozy — an MRA type asked me yesterday “If feminists are all about equality, how come they don’t advocate for men’s issues?”

I pointed him to NSWATM, and he said “They’re just appropriating men’s rights issues.”

So you’re a THIEF as well as a crypto-sexist (still waiting on that definition, Marc).

13 years ago

“who wasn’t smart enough to recognize that the Radium makes her ill”

Except that back in the day, everyone thought radioactive shit was *good* for you. Including many male doctors/quacks, who put various radioactive elements in health tonics.

Kirby- I think he’s trying to bait any of us into saying something just awful, so he can go “SEE YOU HATE MEN!”

13 years ago


That’s the problem I have with feminism (excluding the radical variant like Solanas):

They always cry “Misandry!” or “Misogyny!”

But it could very well be the case that one sex just sucks and the world would be better off without it if we could handle the thing with reproduction.

I don’t believe that men need to be taught that rape is wrong. Of course they know it and they do it anyway. And if law and order breaks down (the law is just the concentrated, purified egoistical instinct of fathers, husbands and brothers to keep their “women clean”), they do it en masse as some sort of way to kill time… like the Russians in Berlin 1945 (nothing against Russians, the problem is only that they are men, too)

So if you think that women can do everything else as well as men you just have f*cking proven that the world would be better off without men.

13 years ago

Kirby- I think he’s trying to bait any of us into saying something just awful, so he can go “SEE YOU HATE MEN!”

You look so totally through me, yes this is my evil plan. Har har…. *evil grin*

13 years ago

Marc, didn’t you once say that you were gay? If so, how do you reconcile your hatred for men with your being attracted to them?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Holly he’s a troll that’s just fucking w/ us xD

I think it’s been pretty obv for a while xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Kirby just pointed out the pic to me xD

That’s pretty awesome! xD I HAVE A BIG GIANT GUN 😀

And yet again, another person can’t spell my name xD I’m always amused when ppl automatically fall back into “Amy”…. I mean it makes sense, if you’re not used to spelling my name your brain might automatically just type amy… but it still makes me amused xD

13 years ago

Ami- I wondered the other day- how do you pronounce your name? Like Amy, or ah-mee?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So what’s going on w/ Marc today… he hates all science now? xD (was skimming)

and he doesn’t like men either? This is like the rape thing isn’t it? xD The thing where he proposes something ridic and adds in a whole bunch of assertions and factors and then we have to disprove the entire thing to his liking otherwise he must be right? xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Ay-meee 😀

But I know the spelling should be “Ah-mi” in Japanese…

I’ve never had nebody call me Ah-mi tho… but I’d be ok w/ it if they did :3

13 years ago


Alrighty, I’ve read your comments. You know nothing about science, or feminism. Your whole argument is false! How you think you can make such assertions with such conviction is totally amazing.

But of course, you’ve admitted long ago to being a troll and simply making up shit to get a rise out of people. Honestly, nothing you say is worth a grain of salt. Not even that Kosher salt either, I’m talking about the teeny-tiny little grains of table salt.

13 years ago


Not only must we disprove it, but if we can’t (to his satisfaction), it means we actually agree with him, and he can pop out and say “Geeze, I was only joking, but you guys really want to knock out every man on Earth! Feminists are evil!”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What about sea salt? Or road salt? :O

13 years ago

Marc, didn’t you once say that you were gay? If so, how do you reconcile your hatred for men with your being attracted to them?

What so different to understand that you are sexually attracted to people you hate?

Don’t have the MRAs this feeling all the time?

I think it’s been pretty obv for a while xD

Trolls, trolls, you see trolls everywhere:
Don’t you all call Ion, nwoslave, Mens Rights Activist Lieutenant and Eoghan all trolls?

Your definition of trolls = Everybody who disagrees with you.

So if you call me a troll, that’s something I can live with.


I could accept, maybe, that if some guy makes coerces his gf into having sex with him or some guy sleeps with his drunk date that this is cultural.

But the rapes… where the victims actually DIE? Like the crimes of Levi Bellfield? Feminists who seriously say that he was just on a power trip inspired by evil patriarchy are the trolls (in the conventional meaning) here, they can’t be serious. “We just missed to tell him that raping and killing teenage girls is wrong!”

Gimme a break!

People like him do this for a biological reason.

And it’s just the case, that women are much less likely to commit these kind of violent sex crimes. After a lengthy research I just came up with three names: Melissa Huckaby (convicted), Molly Jane Roe and Renee Marie King (suspects).

13 years ago

I was going to argue that since Marc didn’t deny that he is Scott Adams, he must be Scott Adams. After all, it would have been totally easy for him to say, Nope, that’s not me. Since he was afraid to, I have no choice but to interpret that as him totally agreeing with me.

Even in jest, though, it’s SUCH a stupid argument that it’s not really even fun to make. How does Marc stand it?

It’s much more fun to say … loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yup! xD This is why in the age of consent thread everybody called me a troll xD

13 years ago


“What so different to understand that you are sexually attracted to people you hate?”

Dude, why are you attacking feminism then? Shouldn’t you be trying to get on the rad-fem’s good side? It couldn’t possibly be you being insincere about your beliefs, could it?

Man, if only misrepresenting yourself was a bannable offense….

Francois Tremblay
13 years ago

A recent Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal cartoon on the upcoming sexy robot ladies:

13 years ago


“Don’t you all call Ion, nwoslave, Mens Rights Activist Lieutenant and Eoghan all trolls?”

Marc’s on fire today…

“You say 1+1 is 2. Then you say 0+2 is 2, and 7-5 is 2. You say everything is 2!”
“What about 7-3? We say its 4.”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

This is the only SMBC which will ever really matter on Manboobz:

13 years ago

Dude, why are you attacking feminism then? Shouldn’t you be trying to get on the rad-fem’s good side? It couldn’t possibly be you being insincere about your beliefs, could it?

No I haven’t decided yet. I firmly think the central dogma of mainstream-feminism, that rape is about power and a cultural thing and that “we just have to teach men not to rape” is wrong. It’s wrong, so damn wrong, it’s wrongness is unequivocal. Therefore moderate mainstream feminism is hypocritical and wrong. Therefore it’s not inconsistent to attack it.

Now I’m just thinking about if there are things that men could do better than women, some compensation for the problems that come with them, so to speak.

That’s what I’ve not decided, yet.

The result of this will be if I am either forced to acknowledge that the radical feminists (the really radical variant like Solanas) are right or if I will be convinced that feminism as a whole is wrong.

It’s much more fun to say … loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser

Yes, and YOU call me the troll here!?