$MONEY$ idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reactionary bullshit

Women don’t have the “patients” for engineering

It takes MEN to build a bridge


So the fellows over at MGTOWforums were pondering just why it is that there are so few women engineers. There were a number of theories advanced  to explain this gender imbalance  –  women are “crap at math,”  “their  [sic] just too stupid,”“you can’t build a bridge with ‘feelings.’” (Snap!)

But it was shade47 who offered the most convincing theory. It all has to do with incentives:

Im an engineer myself and in my opinion women could be good engineers if they wanted to be but its a hard sell since they can make money by lieing on their backs and shitting out bastards. …

i dont think women above a five in looks would have the patients [sic] to deal with the hardship of actually studying when she knows that shell end up getting knocked up or married and stop working in approximately 5 years after graduation.

Ladies, focus on your womb turds and leave engineering to the geniuses who don’t know the difference between “patience” and “patients.”

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13 years ago

I know four rocket scientists (well enough to count them as friends, not just passing acquaintences). Two are female, two are male. The Females work for private industry, (one for Boeing, one for JPL, though she’s on gov’t related projects). One of the males hasn’t been a working rocket scientist fr years, and the other works for the Gov’t.

The women, have much more diverse interests, and manage to keep on top of their fields. The one guy is a jerk (I don’t think this is related to his being a rocket scientist, I think he’s got some Narcissist Personality problems), and the other is pretty much a family man.

So yeah, those wimminz, they just can’t hack it.

And Louise Yallow… she didn’t do anything to earn her Nobel Prize in Medicine, it wasn’t patience that made it possible for her and (and her male partner) to discover how Type II diabetes works. They just got lucky.

She also had kids, which doesn’t seem to have slowed her down much.


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Maybe like-minded MRAs should start an alliance w/ the more extreme child-free ppl…

I’ve always thought that the extreme MRAs/MGTOW would be pretty good allies w/ the extreme rad fems./lesbian separatists.. they could divide the world up into men and women, build a GIANT WALL down the middle and they’d both be happy! (and we’d move to the Ami colony on Mars, now renamed Ami-World) 😀

13 years ago

/slides out of lurking

I’m a woman and I somehow managed to earn a degree in aerospace engineering. With honors. Must be a fluke. It was probably my girl cooties on the research I had flying that mission that caused the Columbia disaster.

That female computational physics PhD I had dinner with last Saturday and the two female biochemistry PhDs I got drunk with on the 4th are probably affirmative action admissions, too.

Snark aside, you can make endless lists of current or historical examples, and all an MRA will do is sulk and move the goalposts.

13 years ago

But Mars is for men, Ami. We can just send all the MGTOW to Mars, and the radfem separatists to… shit, Venus isn’t habitable. They can have the moon. Women like the moon, right?

13 years ago

summer_snow: But…. Mars Needs Women

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

You know, there’s not really that many of either, that you’d need an entire planet.

…does anyone know any currently uninhabited islands?

13 years ago

Bikini Atoll?

13 years ago

Those Amazon women liked the moon, if I remember correctly.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Pecunium – I used to live in the Marshall Islands and actually that’s a major… “sore spot” would be putting it mildly. More like “berserk button.”

I get the joke, but at the same time, the idea of moving a bunch of Westerners onto Bikini because Westerners destroyed it is kind of horrible. There’s a lot of people who belong there who would like to go back.

Maybe the less useful parts of Greenland.

13 years ago

yeah… I hit send and knew it wasn’t the best answer. It was just in and out of my head. It would take less to fix up than it would cost to send them to the moon. They could do the work.

Sort of community service,

13 years ago

This is how I imagine Amy.

The many sorrows for her oppressed sisters turned her hair white.

There’s a female gender symbol with a skull in it’s center hanging at her belt — it’s the symbol of the radical feminist militia she belongs to.

She holds a flamethrower in her hands to purge the world from the MRM (one of the best kept secrets: Thomas Ball’s death wasn’t a suicide…).

Scrolls with excerpts from the Holy Book (the SCUM Manifesto) decorate her armor.

13 years ago

I’ve always thought that the extreme MRAs/MGTOW would be pretty good allies w/ the extreme rad fems.

“I think of men like mosquitoes – every interaction is going to result in a bite or two, and I have to live with that on an everyday basis. So the more mosquitoes the more blood loss. Mammals have been known to drop dead from swarms of mosquitoes draining them of their life blood.”

at least she says what she thinks instead of all you hypocrites.

13 years ago

Radfems can’t have the moon, I’ve got dibs on that for the white separatists:

13 years ago

So Marc, what do people who post here actually think but refuse to say?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Marc – I, uh, really don’t think that.

And I don’t know how you presume to know what I think. Psychic powers?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Graham – I love Some Grey Bloke! It only confirms my stereotype that every British person has spent their entire life refining a perfectly dry sense of humor.

13 years ago

Women make up the majority of some very hard-science specialties at MIT:

(Including my cousin! My little 18-year-old cousin is a woman who just started at MIT studying electrical engineering!)

For undergraduates we have a female majority in:

– Linguistics and Philosophy
– Civil and Environmental Engineering
– Architecture
– Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
– Biology (these are the worst… if I imagine myself a crazy evil scientist, it’s always a biologist… like Ozwell Spencer, or even better a Japanese evil biologist. Like Dr. Hojo…… and with all these female graduates I have to imagine a female evil Japanese biologist… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!)
– Brain and Cognitive Sciences (uh, oh, these people like evo-psych, you don’t consider a science at all)
– Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (aka people who propagate the global warming scam)
– Economics
– Comparative Media Studies
– Biological Engineering (aka designing torture devices for poor animals)
– Chemistry (aka cooking)
– Chemical Engineering (aka designing cooking devices)
– Urban Studies and Planning (planning the housing bubble)

and where is the hard-science, there? Only see chemistry would be one.

13 years ago

Thank you. And that may be somewhat true – though you have to remember that The Benny Hill Show and Mr Bean are also British.

13 years ago

So Marc, what do people who post here actually think but refuse to say?

That we silently all agree that there’s no place for men anymore on this planet.

13 years ago

Oh, right. You’re wrong then.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

– Biological Engineering (aka designing torture devices for poor animals)
– Chemistry (aka cooking)
– Chemical Engineering (aka designing cooking devices)

What in the name of every being ever considered holy is wrong with you?

Chemistry, aka cooking? MOTHERFUCKING SERIOUSLY?

I forget–are you one of those trolls who claims to believe what he says, or one of those who admits he’s just fucking with us? Because if it’s the former, I think you just blew your cover.

13 years ago

Right… there is actually no need to imagine what Ami looks like, or to “imagine” what folks here are thinking, when they’ve been quite forthright about that. Generally* we present ourselves the way we want to be perceived. Basic respect = taking people at their word unless there’s a compelling reason not to.

* see what I did there? That means “in most cases.” FYI

13 years ago

“That we silently all agree that there’s no place for men anymore on this planet.”

Speak for yourself, Marc.

13 years ago

Sigh, having just left a job teaching at an engineering heavy university, I’ve lost count how many male students I encountered with the “women’s minds are different, so they can’t do math/physics/etc well,” which also often had the ugly correlary of “she’s only here and on scholarship because she’s a girl (never woman, always girl)” attitude. When a women was in class, it was always difficult as the attitudes could range from neckbeardish drooling (“Look, A Girl!”) to cruel and snobbish ostracization (often by the same person, in the same class).

Honestly, I had more than one student describe a belief that, as engineers, the only female colleagues they would have would be their “secretaries” (never office mangers, HR directors, PR directors, and never ever fellow engineers. Always secretaries). This cut across all races, more or less.

After a bit, I understood, I think. They all felt their jobs as engineers would be like one long episode of MadMen, except, y’know, building or designing or maintaining stuff.

13 years ago

Chemistry is not much different from cooking, that’s the reason many women feel familiar with it and feel comfortable studying it.

Look at Marie Curie, what else did she do but cooking?

My good grandma, Elfriede, if I see her cooking jam in her big cauldron… that’s how I imagine Marie Curie… only that she didn’t cook jam but radioactive pitch blende… so Marie Curie got a Nobel Prize for cooking… but since cooking = chemistry, that’s fine I would say.