$MONEY$ idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reactionary bullshit

Women don’t have the “patients” for engineering

It takes MEN to build a bridge


So the fellows over at MGTOWforums were pondering just why it is that there are so few women engineers. There were a number of theories advanced  to explain this gender imbalance  –  women are “crap at math,”  “their  [sic] just too stupid,”“you can’t build a bridge with ‘feelings.’” (Snap!)

But it was shade47 who offered the most convincing theory. It all has to do with incentives:

Im an engineer myself and in my opinion women could be good engineers if they wanted to be but its a hard sell since they can make money by lieing on their backs and shitting out bastards. …

i dont think women above a five in looks would have the patients [sic] to deal with the hardship of actually studying when she knows that shell end up getting knocked up or married and stop working in approximately 5 years after graduation.

Ladies, focus on your womb turds and leave engineering to the geniuses who don’t know the difference between “patience” and “patients.”

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13 years ago

That’s right! Who would bother engineering a bridge when she could engineer a baby? All the female engineers are quitting their field to gather in secretive government think tanks to build perfect mechanical babies. It’s quite lucrative.

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago

I guess they’ve never heard of, Emily Warren Roebling, the lady who built the Brooklyn Bridge:

I am not surprised.


Why do I know that their response to that was “she was just doing what a wife should do and she never thought of anything herself?”

13 years ago

So, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen the MRA side of the women-are-expected-to-do-poorly-because-babies-housework argument. Feminists have been ranting for years that the expectation was on women to drop out of their careers to raise children!

Also, I should tell my BS-in-Nuclear-Engineering best friend that her work at the Quad-Cities nuke plant is useless because she *does* want kids eventually, and that something has been fooling her all along into thinking she’s patients and smart enough for this.

Nevermind that she does calculus in her head. Anecdata!

13 years ago

Sooo, I guess I don’t exist again.

Although I left engineering—for physics.

Also-shocker!- birth control

13 years ago

Yeah, those wimminz clearly don’t have the “patients” to study. It’s why there are absolutely no female doctors (no pun intended), biologists, or chemists…

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

My wife is a mechanical engineer.

Also, this guy is a structural engineer, and mentions that over half the people he employs are women.

The lead structural engineer on the tallest building I’ve designed was a woman.

These guys are idiots.

13 years ago

Vera, you think you don’t exist? My mother, before retirement, was an engineer and I’m the oldest of her three children. Of course, like many engineers, she never refers to her work or education in the past tense. She “is” an engineer, just as she “is now” retired.

Fuck. Are my sisters and I going to start fading out of existence now, like in Back to the Future?!

13 years ago


My sister is a computer hardware engineer who had the patients to earn a master’s from MIT. (She’s also a great writer, an accomplished musician, and a loving mother.) Is she above a five in looks? God, who the fuck cares?

Is shade47 above a five in looks? I certainly hope so. From now on, I only want to cross bridges engineered by highly attractive people!

Andrea Vaughn
13 years ago

Spelling is clearly for chicks so they can better lie on their backs and shit out babies. All you need for engineering is maths and stuff, which is why that guy is still way more awesome than any of you laydeez. (/sarcasm)

13 years ago

Babies come out the butt, right? An engineer would prolly know.

13 years ago

vacuumslayer, maybe he’s so good at engineering that he can build actual babies out of poop.

13 years ago

So that’s why they call them womb turds–they’re just confused!


I thought that was only something Tenacious D could do.

13 years ago

Henh… I just read a topical piece on this: Is it cold in here

With all the other trouble in the world, why should we care about this? It’s because those climate issues chase many women out of the hard sciences — and indeed, out of any male-dominated community. In March, the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, conducted an NSF-funded study on the retention (or lack thereof) of women in engineering. Nearly half of the women surveyed who left engineering said they did so because of negative working conditions, lack of advancement or low salary, and one in three left because they did not like the workplace climate, their boss or the culture. Only one in four left to spend more time with family — the usual excuse that gets trotted out when folks try to explain away the low numbers of women in such fields.

13 years ago

“vacuumslayer, maybe he’s so good at engineering that he can build actual babies out of poop.”

And here I was thinking females were made up of sugar and spice and everything nice.
Explains a lot.

“Also, I should tell my BS-in-Nuclear-Engineering best friend that her work at the Quad-Cities nuke plant is useless because she *does* want kids eventually, and that something has been fooling her all along into thinking she’s patients and smart enough for this.”

The BS you refer to is affirmative action.

13 years ago

they can make money by lieing on their backs and shitting out bastards

Hmmmm. Do you think that guy has a less than perfect understanding of biology and human anatomy?

Along with his severely deficient grasp of spelling.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

EWME – And here I was thinking females were made up of sugar and spice and everything nice.
Explains a lot.

Nope, we’re made up of the same stuff as you, and we’re just as capable of defending ourselves–in ways our attackers might not like! heavens!–when you give us shit.

The BS you refer to is affirmative action.
Affirmative action is a specific policy and it’s rarely enforced. The worst possibility is that she was equally qualified as a male applicant.

Affirmatively-actioned or not, she has to still be a competent nuclear engineer to have that job.

13 years ago

It’s always great when a STEM degree is held up as the only worthwhile human achievement. Oh, Internet. Never change.

And yes, I have met many female scientists, engineers, architects, computer programmers, etc., but sexist guys will never believe it. And sexist guys on the Internet tend to be heavily invested in the idea that their possession of basic computer skills makes them intellectually superior, so they’re going to be especially resistant to the idea that chicks can do computer/engineering stuff.

13 years ago

OK – so I just dove into the cesspool over there to read the entire thread. How can anyone really hope to be taken seriously when they go by the screen name “Asscrust”????

Do you suppose he’s related to the idiot on the video who was ranting about skidmarks?

13 years ago

Hmmmm. Do you think that guy has a less than perfect understanding of biology and human anatomy?

Not to mention economics.

13 years ago

Shaenon, I know, right? It’s like the underwear gnomes.

Shit out a baby, ???, profit!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Women make up the majority of some very hard-science specialties at MIT:

(Including my cousin! My little 18-year-old cousin is a woman who just started at MIT studying electrical engineering!)

However, if you believe that a women’s majority is an injustice towards men, but a women’s minority is proof of female inferiority, then I can’t help you.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, um, I hear they allow married women to work these days. My mother was a physicist who–get this–continued to work after having kids. I went to the [not sure I should say the name but let’s say “a major military contractor”] daycare facility while she worked on [major military contractor] projects! With her lady science brain!

…I refuse to rate my mother on the ten scale.

13 years ago

“The BS you refer to is affirmative action.”

Zing! My argument! It crumbles in the face of your base ridicule!

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