hypocrisy man boobz forum misogyny MRA reddit

The Man Boobz Challenge meets The Men’s Rights Subreddit

It would be nice to be able to respond to this steaming pile of bullshit on Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, but I have been banned there for the crime of including the subreddit in my “boob roll.” (I’m not going to set up a sockpuppet account to comment.)

MR redditors are of course allowed to comment here, as are the moderators of that subreddit. Even though they are boobz.

Here’s the thread in the Man Boobz Forum in which Holly posted the Man Boobz challenge.


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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Hating hate is not hate.

I mean, semantically it can be, but emotionally and morally? Nope.

Anyway, it’s not like the MRAs were civil with feminists, and women in general, before we started pushing back. It’s just that they didn’t have such specific targets.

13 years ago

Holly, I guess we’re all haters for hating haters. But are they haters for hating hater-haters? And would we be haters for hating hater-hater-haters?

13 years ago

Really, Holly, maybe if you were more of a lay-dee, and you sweetened your tone, and were just *nice* to these boys, you wouldn’t have these problems. You can’t expect them to initiate civility. They’re just guys, after all.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

I know what the mammoth picture is supposed to represent at the top of this website. But, what is the girlio with the weird grin, red dress, riding a cock, with her legs straddling the phalic pole supposed to represent?

That would be me.

13 years ago

Right on, filetofswedishfish. Chivalry is dead, and the ensuing horde of anti-chivalry zombies is all Feminism’s fault.

13 years ago

Seriously! How can we expect chivalry/civility from men, when they’re programmed to only do that for True Laydeez, when we Feminists have made it unfashionable to be Twoo Laydeez?

Uck. I don’t know how Ami does this. I can only keep it up for about two seconds before I have to stop to lol my ass off.

13 years ago

Just a friendly reminder! The Bad Boy Cock Carousel is also on a t-shirt!

13 years ago

I mean, semantically it can be, but emotionally and morally? Nope.(Holly)

Yep, you are right. But being right doesnt seem to stop the hate. If anything, mocking and teasing just seems to increase it.

13 years ago

Yep, you are right. But being right doesnt seem to stop the hate. If anything, mocking and teasing just seems to increase it.

I can’t speak for others, but I am comfortable with that. It’s not my job to “decrease” the hate.

13 years ago

It’s not my job to “decrease” the hate.(Vacuumslayer)

But what if your actions help increase it?

13 years ago

I asked–in a roundabout way…in a comment that is still awaiting moderation– for people to imagine asking people to take a similar tack with virulently racist activists/bloggers. Would patience/tact be asked of them? Or is this asked of us because, after all, we are only women/feminists?

13 years ago

But what if your actions help increase it?

Other than becoming male, I don’t know how to remedy that.

13 years ago

Or something that makes more grammatical sense.

13 years ago

Vacuumslayer- Even if you were a man, the hate wouldn’t decrease. Because then you’d be a mangina.

Also, seriously, is this a *tone argument*? We’re supposed to be polite to the group that was calling all women bitches, Seawards, and any number of other really nasty gender-specific slurs as a matter of course, and generic reference well before Manboobz existed? Not my job. If I’m supposed to be ok with them saying I’m privileged when I’m not, responsible for rape/abuse/assault/harassment when I’m not, and any number of other nasty things? They can put up with me mocking their hateful position. Because being nice sure as hell isn’t going to change their minds.

13 years ago

Because then you’d be a mangina.

Are all MRA’s 13? Because…”mangina?” Srsly?

13 years ago

Do you know what else would decrease the hate? If people were to stop hating women. I have no control over people who hate women, and no magical sparkley ability to make people who hate women suddenly stop hating women. I can take some small amusement at the expense of people who would as soon as not see me raped, beaten, controlled, and/or abused.

13 years ago

Also, long before Manboobz was even a pair of tender boyish breast buds (thanks for the turn of phrase Holly) the MRA movement had a well deserved rep as the Abusers Lobby. These men make Stormfront look nice and reasonable!

13 years ago

“But being right doesnt seem to stop the hate. If anything, mocking and teasing just seems to increase it.”

I’d say that laughing at bigots works just fine.

13 years ago

imagine asking people to take a similar tack with virulently racist activists/bloggers. Would patience/tact be asked of them?

It might be asked. 😀 But I’ve noticed that anti-racist people tend toward the direct and aggressive… because they’ve learned that being nice and polite just doesn’t get through. And the Civil Rights movement achieved most of its successes by being disruptive and confrontational. You go with what works. Such tactics may increase resentment in the short run, but they also have the effect of making “invisible” people visible, and in the long run they tend to have positive results.

13 years ago

Vacuumslayer- It’s their phrase. And I think yes, they are.

Super Evil Chicken
Super Evil Chicken
13 years ago


That was a good demonstration of how no feminist site can pass the manboobz test either, even Manboobz. They all fail on misandry and abuse denial, at least.

13 years ago

Holly: But to answer the implication: Hating women, and hating mocking people who hate women? Still not morally equivalent.

is the way I see it. I don’t hate them. Loathe, perhaps, but not hate. I have people I hate. MRAs ain’t them.

titfortat: The alternative to mocking MRAs is what? To take them seriously? Not Gonna Happen. To ignore them? And give them the assent of silence? Not Gonna Happen. If/when they drop the misogyny, and actually look at the problems men are facing, that would be different. But when what they do is say scaring old people is good thing, and that rape vicitms had it coming, or that all women are just self-centered gold-diggers, or “sperm thieves”.

They have it coming.

They forth at the mouth. They make violent (even murderous) suggestions, and you want what…”Oh, we’re sorry, we didn’t know you were upset? What can we do to make it better.”

Fuck that noise. Being “polite” isn’t going to change their minds. It seems to encourage them; shows that women (or other men) agree with them. I don’t. And I won’t be silent about it, any more than I am silent about racism, or torture or any other sort of injustice that pisses me off.

They are entitled to vent. I’m not trying to prevent them from being prick and assholes.

I’m trying to stop them. There’s a difference. I know that’s going to piss them off.

I don’t care; because they are wrong. Even in the places where they have legitimate complaints, the ways they pursue in trying to rectify them are reprehensible. So I will continue to say those things need to be fixed, and mock the MRAs. Just because we are in agreement doesn’t make what they do acceptable. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend just for that.

Super Evil Chicken
Super Evil Chicken
13 years ago


Manboobz fails on misandry and abuse denial, also on holding misogyny to one standard and misandry to another (bigotry)

I bet David won’t allow me post about this!

Super Evil Chicken
Super Evil Chicken
13 years ago

Hi David are you afraid to let me post?

13 years ago


Here’s an irony. I didnt even know what MRA’s were until I stumbled on to Manboobz.