hypocrisy man boobz forum misogyny MRA reddit

The Man Boobz Challenge meets The Men’s Rights Subreddit

It would be nice to be able to respond to this steaming pile of bullshit on Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, but I have been banned there for the crime of including the subreddit in my “boob roll.” (I’m not going to set up a sockpuppet account to comment.)

MR redditors are of course allowed to comment here, as are the moderators of that subreddit. Even though they are boobz.

Here’s the thread in the Man Boobz Forum in which Holly posted the Man Boobz challenge.


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13 years ago

Awww, there are people who hate people like ME just for being here? If so, that funny as hell: MRAs do a lot of “work” and have little results, I just dick around here on the comments and suddenly I’m akin to an RPG boss. 😀

13 years ago

I know what the mammoth picture is supposed to represent at the top of this website. But, what is the girlio with the weird grin, red dress, riding a cock, with her legs straddling the phalic pole supposed to represent?

13 years ago

Just a typical American woman riding the cock carousel, of course!

13 years ago

Magdelyn, it’s the Bad Boy Cock Carousel. Some MRAs claim that all women ride the bad boy/alpha cock carousel (aka have a lot of sex with men who aren’t them and thus must be terrible) until they get old and ugly, at which point they con less attractive men into marrying them.
It’s a hilarious mental image, so David decided to draw it out.

13 years ago

The Alpha Cock Carousel, no less!

13 years ago

Is that an Alpha Cock? I don’t think so; Alpha Cocks would have several women riding them at the same time.
This one is just a smoker with a comb piercing. Definitely a Bad Boy.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I’m disappointed that they never go after me xD Esp since I’m VILE and CRUEL and other such things xD

mind you, I’m not on the blog roll xD And ppl who dislike me can’t generally get thru my writing xD

But I want to see them take me apart! 😀 I wanna know what man-hating things I’ve done!!


I mean I’ve alrdy gotten rape and death threats from vegetarians xD

13 years ago

The phrase “trigger warning” is used to manipulate people into demonstrating the socially acceptable amount of required outrage toward whatever subject is presented. It is an idiotic gesture

Nope, its for ptsd triggers so people don’t have panic attacks. Its a common courtesy in feminist circles. I can tell you from my own experience they aren’t pleasant, they sometimes feel like your having a heart attack.

13 years ago

“death threats from vegetarians”? really? I mean, I believe you, but i’m tryig to picture a murderous vegetarian in my head, and it’s not working. :3

13 years ago

But, what is the girlio with the weird grin, red dress, riding a cock, with her legs straddling the phalic pole supposed to represent?


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

It was v odd o_O I wrote a piece of satire (I was mocking a guy who wrote “why I’m anti-feminist” and changed it to “why I’m anti-vegetarian”) and vegetarians took it seriously (even tho I had lines like “some of my best friends are vegetables”)

and I was inundated by death threats and a few ppl hoping I got raped o_O

and yeah… ppl who said it was wrong to kill and eat animals were threatening to KILL me xD

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

i’m trying to picture a murderous vegetarian in my head, and it’s not working

Ami is so awesome she can even turn vegetarians into frothing maniacs.

13 years ago

Ah. I see. Mind you, I have seen anti-vegetarian screeds that read like that. ( Probably written by people like the original anit-feminist) 😉 And frothing maniacs are ten a penny. I’m still amused by the idea of vegetarian frothing maniacs though. I’m glad Ami is a goddess, and therefore immortal and safe from assasination-by-vegetable.

13 years ago

“-This person must not deny the existence of historical and CURRENT discrimination against women”

Go to hell.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Why this is hell, nor am I out of it.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

and therefore immortal and safe from assasination-by-vegetable.

And pointed sticks.

13 years ago

“and yeah… ppl who said it was wrong to kill and eat animals were threatening to KILL me xD”

Yes, but were they threatening to eat you too? It’s not hypocrisy unless there’s cannibalism involved!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

did EWME just get so angry he couldn’t even make a fat joke? o_O xD

13 years ago

to EWME, hell is fat people

13 years ago

A while ago I wrote a long-ish response to someone doing the “female-on-male domestic violence happens just as often!”, but I don’t want to post it in the Pervocracy thread because, as mentioned, that post isn’t about that and I don’t want to minimize the experiences of male abuse victims, but it is a handy resource when dealing with the people claiming that domestic violence is all a feminist conspiracy theory. To not fill up this thread with it, here’s a link:

13 years ago

I’m not sure why David upsets them so. He’s just planning on meeting us for coffee then raping us. You’d think they’d approve.

13 years ago

Ozy – This may be paranoia, but sometimes I get the distinct feeling (like today, when I had to moderate ashitstorm of trolls out of some very serious and emotional–and gender-inclusive!–posts on abuse) that some MRAs are making a deliberate effort to bully people out of association with Manboobz.(Holly)

Is it so surprising when someone picks a fight(David,Manboobz) with someone(MRA’s) that they actually fight back? Even people who are wrong dont like getting spit on.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Is it so surprising when someone picks a fight(David,Manboobz) with someone(MRA’s) that they actually fight back? Even people who are wrong dont like getting spit on.
Oh god, now you’re into spitting too? Oy gevalt, always with the spitting.

But to answer the implication: Hating women, and hating people who hate women? Still not morally equivalent.

13 years ago

Maintaining a blog is picking a fight now?

Also, would “picking a fight” be acceptable if we were discussing people who regularly referred to Black folks as “niggers,” or is mockery and derision not acceptable because, after all, the MRA’s “only” hate women?

13 years ago


Hate usually breeds more hate, as evidenced. Im just surprised that youre surprised by the behaviours.