hypocrisy man boobz forum misogyny MRA reddit

The Man Boobz Challenge meets The Men’s Rights Subreddit

It would be nice to be able to respond to this steaming pile of bullshit on Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, but I have been banned there for the crime of including the subreddit in my “boob roll.” (I’m not going to set up a sockpuppet account to comment.)

MR redditors are of course allowed to comment here, as are the moderators of that subreddit. Even though they are boobz.

Here’s the thread in the Man Boobz Forum in which Holly posted the Man Boobz challenge.


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13 years ago

do I dare click? yes

He’s a cock apologist…and he unfortunately has a long kool-aid line

this is my favorite one

13 years ago

what the fuck am I reading

the last quote sums my thoughts all up. What the fuck am I reading?

13 years ago

As far as I can tell, I’m a horrible misandrist just for linking to you. I also had a thread on NSWATM derailed over the fact that I was a Manboobz poster and therefore a misandrist.

You’re so evil, David, you’ve ruined me just by association.

13 years ago

I have to say, Manboobz is the single thing on the blogroll that has caused the most headaches. More than Shakesville and FF101 combined, which is amazing, because both Shakes and FF101 have actually said problematic things, whereas afaict David, um, hasn’t.

13 years ago

Also I don’t think they don’t know what a “trigger warning” is. Or, true to form (since they don’t actually care about male victims of violence except as a weapon against women), don’t care.

Also they’re not even trying to claim that they don’t hate women.

13 years ago

Ozy – This may be paranoia, but sometimes I get the distinct feeling (like today, when I had to moderate ashitstorm of trolls out of some very serious and emotional–and gender-inclusive!–posts on abuse) that some MRAs are making a deliberate effort to bully people out of association with Manboobz.

13 years ago

People who have a problem with Manboobz are highly suspicious. No one will ever give me shit for having David on my blogroll–the fact that they’ve got issues calling out violence with exact quotes says more about them than Manboobz.

13 years ago

I’m kind of impressed, David, because it’s the closest the Internet MRAs* have come to actual activism.

*possibly all MRAs, depending on whether you count father’s rights advocates as MRAs.

13 years ago

Hey Holly, did you know that you unfairly and hypocritically deleted some “reputable research that includes abuse of men” that some random MRAs pooped out in the comments on your blog?
You abuse-excusing, VAWA-loving, propaganda-writing, dissenter-squashing misandrist.

If you were a man, I’d spit on you.

Wait, that’s sexist.

*spits on self*

13 years ago

Man Boobz is a problem on the blogroll because it is something Shakeville, or Feministe, or Pam’ House Blend aren’t… aimed at them.

If they want to attack a feminist site they are in easy territory; it’s what they do. They can look at an argument and use the shibboleths of the movement… VAWA, Title IX, Child Support, and it all falls neatly into place.

When Dave puts up a post they don’t like they have to actually defend the positions that take, as opposed to attack the things they think are unfair in the wider world. That’s a real threat. It makes Dave more dangerous than any ten feminists.

It’s worse because there is an active commentariat here; people who think, and care, and go out into the wider world to discuss this sort of thing.

By way of example… Harlan’s post about elevators. It’s not up any more.

That’s why Man Boobz, and the Man Boobzers get so much vitriol from them.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

That David — he’s a rebel, and he’ll never be any good.

13 years ago

summer_snow – I know you’re being sarcastic, but my comment policy specifically states that I may delete comments at my sole discretion, tough noogies.

Also it was a thread where a lot of abuse survivors (including men!) were sharing their stories, and have some goddamn decency, dude.

13 years ago

@ Holly – Yes, I know your comments policy. I lurk. (I love your Cosmocking articles!) I was just deeply amused that MRAs consider their canned screeds “reputable research”.

13 years ago

That entire thread is an exercise in NOT GETTING IT. NOT GETTING IT AT ALL.

13 years ago

I love how they’ve made trigger warnings their own. It’s adorable.

13 years ago

Yeah… the, “I added misandry to the challenge because he left it out,”…. way to miss the point.

I don’t know what they were doing with the “trigger warning” other than trying to mock The Pervocracy.

13 years ago

Since I spend much of my time on r/mensrights, I am surprised you were banned for including us on your boob-roll. How does one get included on your boob-roll? Thanx in advance. 🙂

13 years ago

Ozymandias: “I’m kind of impressed, David, because it’s the closest the Internet MRAs* have come to actual activism.”

“…’Men’s Rights’ Groups Have Become Frighteningly Effective.” (Kathryn Joyce, Double X, November 5, 2009.”

13 years ago

The phrase “trigger warning” is used to manipulate people into demonstrating the socially acceptable amount of required outrage toward whatever subject is presented. It is an idiotic gesture.

13 years ago

@ magdelyn – wow, I’m so glad you’re here to tell me what trigger warnings are really all about! I thought they were to keep people who’ve been hurt from getting oh, you know, triggered by a particularly evocative post. It also seems as though you might not be paying quite enough attention to your own sources – as ozymandias said, she exempted “father’s rights” groups from her comment…which are what this article refers to as being effective.

This is so relevant to our discussion (taken from your own source) [critics of the] “men’s rights movements reflect the tactics of domestic abusers themselves, minimizing existing violence, calling it mutual, and discrediting victims.”

@ David – Gracious, those reddit MRAs sure get bent out of shape whenever they’re “censored” anywhere and call in gigantic downvote/comment mobs. But they seem awfully fond of censoring or banning anyone that disagrees with them. Pot, kettle?

13 years ago

The phrase “trigger warning” is used to warn people who can get flashbacks, cold sweats, etc., from reminders of the trauma they suffered- such as, for instance, rape– manage their PTSD .

*shrug* So? I don’t read Double X. I don’t have to agree with everything said by every single person who calls himself or herself a feminist, you know?

13 years ago

“When Dave puts up a post they don’t like they have to actually defend the positions that take, as opposed to attack the things they think are unfair in the wider world. That’s a real threat. It makes Dave more dangerous than any ten feminists.

It’s worse because there is an active commentariat here; people who think, and care, and go out into the wider world to discuss this sort of thing.”

Yes, as Mark Twain pointed out, laughter is a particularly powerful weapon.

And Pecunium, one of my favorite things about this blog is the way you slice and dice trolls. it’s a beautiful thing to watch. 🙂

13 years ago

Hippodameia, I consider it more of a deft skewering and then a thorough roasting.

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