$MONEY$ evil women hypergamy misogyny oppressed men video

Man Boobz Summer Video Fest 3: Sell your car

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends  will end later this week. The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with “SELL YOUR CAR OR ELSE!” Apparently this is how women are.

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13 years ago


“How do you believe the (general) reaction would be here? :]”

Not sure, what would be your reaction?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

My reactions are usually not considered the norm xD

you mean to a video where a man was demanding a woman sell her car to buy him one? in the same context (i.e. on manboobz where David said “what the fuck? a woman thinks this is how men treat women?” )

It’d be exactly the same xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Though, I dont think people here would be “baffled” if there was a cartoon portraying a dude in such a negative light.

The thing is that you said that, xD

So then you DO know what ppl would say.

Now you say you don’t o_O

13 years ago

That depends, would the cartoon of “a guy being a jerk and mistreating the woman” be about a man who demands that his female partner quit her job and sell her car, giving him the money so he can buy a luxury car and have it all to himself?
And do a lot of the posters here know many men who do that?

13 years ago

“My reactions are usually not considered the norm xD”

Pfft, of course they are. You are the Prototype Feminist from which all Feminist Opinions are derived.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


That’s TRUE! 😀

I AM the prototype terminator! >:3

omg that reminds me XD back in my comic feminist blogging days,… there was a misogynist troll who was always like attacking us and stuff… and then one day he discovered the Joss Whedon is a Wife Rapist radfem essay (the one we all roundly condemened when it came out but he missed it xD ) and he was like THIS IS THE TRUE FEMINIST PROTOTYPE THEY HAVE BEEN HIDING FROM US!

and he accused us of all hiding her as if she was some sort of secret feminist weapon xDDD

I guess that’s what I am >:3

13 years ago


“a guy being a jerk and mistreating the woman” be about a man who demands that his female partner quit her job and sell her car, giving him the money so he can buy a luxury car and have it all to himself?”

Maybe these cases exist but… it sounds odd, so it would make for a bad joke. The comic is funny because it portraits the mechanics that I see in bad relationships with women: the women rebalancing the resources in the relationships so she gets all of it and the guy gets none, and using key phrases like “if you really loved me” and stuff like that.

The equivalent with gender reversed would be something like Lyn described. The guy being self centered to the point he gives a rat ass about the girlfriend is sacrificing to be with him, and taking her for granted, so, demanding AND ignoring her. The guy would probably just sell her car and then “surprise her” with his new mercedes. That would be a good joke.

13 years ago

I don’t suppose that essay was written by the ghost of Andrea Dworkin? Or Valerie Solanas?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago
13 years ago

“the mechanics that I see in bad relationships with women: the women rebalancing the resources in the relationships so she gets all of it and the guy gets none, and using key phrases like “if you really loved me” and stuff like that.”

Yes, things like emotional manipulation and unfair resource distribution happen in bad relationships. (That’s part of why they are, in fact, bad relationships.) But this is exaggerated to the point of absurdity – seriously, how many people out there demand that their partners quit their beloved jobs just because they’re inconvenient for carpooling? And insist on the partner selling hir car just so they can have a shiny toy they won’t share? And chant loserloserloserloser during arguments?

The reason some people are baffled by the cartoon is that it’s weird that some MRAs think women are like that.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Maybe these cases exist but… it sounds odd, so it would make for a bad joke.

Except to ppl who don’t’ find it odd and who know of many cases :]

After all, I didn’t think these things happened until you said they happened all the time in your social circle :3

13 years ago

i suppose with 6 billion people in the world, everything has to happen sometimes.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Honestly, if this is meant as an illustration of an abusive relationship, rather than “look at how women treat men” or “this is the selfishness of women” , then it’s a whole different ball game : It was framed in this post as a “this is how all women are” thing… but if it’s meant to be an illustration (I dunno, he only has the link to his blog in the youtube xD ) of abusive relationship dynamics… then it is different… :

It’s like… showing an abusive dynamic between men and women and saying “that’s just how men are” vs “this is an illustration of an abusive relationship to recognize if you are in one” 😐

And that is v different, so I will refrain from mocking it, until I get clarification :]

13 years ago

Hi Ami! I’ve been studying hard and writing up a storm – and stopped dropping off at Manboobz cos, like, wow I’ve been spending too much time here! I’ve seriously gotten so much work done in my away from Manboobz time (have had less fun though 😉 )

And, I think Yohami that we’ve been arguing that the logic of this vid is a bit fail. It seems to be insisting that women are not only self-centered but incredibly stupid too. Two used cars for an awesome one? Not going to work. Also, dancing and chanting loser as a way to end an argument. In the one you describe – the dude is just being a self-centered jerk in a way that makes some sense. Not really comparable.

13 years ago

inlcuding very unlikely GOOD things, of course

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Magpie my existence is proof of that xD

13 years ago

Or what summer said…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Lyn yeah that’s the thing that confused me o_O first off the demand is so wtf xD and secondly what’s w/ the end and the dancing xD

13 years ago

@Ami I was thinking that as I typed <3

13 years ago


“But this is exaggerated to the point of absurdity – seriously”

For sure, but isnt the cartoon supposed to be black humor? I laughed.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

it is? o_O

if you took my dad’s abuse of my mom and then showed him being weird and dancing at the end, I think I would cry if not just go WTF, not laugh o_O

13 years ago


“if you took my dad’s abuse of my mom and then showed him being weird and dancing at the end, I think I would cry if not just go WTF, not laugh o_O”

That wouldnt be funny, too serious and real.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So then this isn’t actually a representation of abusive relationships IRL? xD

13 years ago


“So then this isn’t actually a representation of abusive relationships IRL? xD”

The mechanics are real, the situation is absurd = joke

Aaron Armstrong
Aaron Armstrong
13 years ago

zombie rotten mcdonald: Aaron, you mean like THE BIG OLD GRAPHIC LINK just slightly down on the right sid of the page?

I don’t know how I missed that. #FAIL

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