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Man Boobz Summer Video Fest 3: Sell your car

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends  will end later this week. The Man Boobz Summer Video Fest continues with “SELL YOUR CAR OR ELSE!” Apparently this is how women are.

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13 years ago

no more mr nice guy,

That might be right. Maybe the personality women exhibit is not clinical but cultural.

13 years ago


“Maybe the personality women exhibit is not clinical but cultural.”

Which women? All women? Some specific women you know?

13 years ago

summer, more like a lot of the women I know

13 years ago

It would be best if you specified that when you comment, or it sounds like you’re making sweeping generalizations and saying that all women are nasty.
I’m sorry that you know a lot of jerks.

13 years ago

Summer, Im making a generalization, for sure, about maybe 40% of the female population I know? which turns to be a huge lot of women

“all women are nasty” – didnt say that

“I’m sorry that you know a lot of jerks.” – mm yeah, I tend to overlook it. Im sure you know some too

13 years ago

Not 40% of the women I know.

13 years ago

“Not 40% of the women I know.” – good for you

13 years ago

YOHAMI, the thing is, when you say things like “the personality women exhibit,” people will assume that you’re trying to generalize your experiences with some women to fit all women.
It would cause less misunderstandings if you said something like “the personality that almost half of the women I know exhibit” instead.

13 years ago

I understand the misunderstanding, and Im very aware of everything NAWALT

but see, even if I make it about 40% someone is going to get offended. my opinion is not about “all and every single women” but about the comic: I find it accurate, I can relate to that story

13 years ago

It’s entirely possible to say that you can relate to the comic because a lot of the women you know are like that. Just remember that it’s not universally accurate, but instead a particular scenario that corresponds to your experience. A lot of people will have had different experiences.
People don’t get offended by people sharing their personal experiences, unless someone is trying to use those personal experiences to prove a generalization.

13 years ago

“Just remember that it’s not universally accurate”

generalizations cant never be universally accurate, you know, thats why they are “general” not “absolute”, in other words, generalizations are fine

“People don’t get offended by people sharing their personal experiences”

I see a lot of people offended by that comic…

13 years ago

I see a lot of people baffled by it here. I am baffled as well, I do not know anyone dumb enough to think going from two cars to one car is a good idea when both cars are being used regularly.

13 years ago

Sure, generalizations are fine, as long as you use modifiers such as “in my experience,” “many,” “the ones I know,” and “some.” If you leave those modifiers out, you are not noting a general trend, but stating something as a fact.

There is a difference between “I know a lot of men who hate pickles” and “Men hate pickles.”

13 years ago

summer, track my comments, Im talking about a “lot of women I know”

13 years ago

“Supposedly there are equal narcissists in both genders, but I often see more narcissist women than men. Maybe its because I dont get involved with men in the same way or not paying attention. But, whatever the case, just reporting from my side of the globe:”

Yep, definitely talking about the women you know.

“Maybe the personality women exhibit is not clinical but cultural.”

Talking about all women.

If you forgot to add some words to that statement, you can add another comment to clarify. If you let it stand like that, it’s a sentence talking about “women,” not “the women [you] know.”

13 years ago

Well, a lot of men I know think they are entitled to women’s time and energy. I was in a meeting the other day where the two straight white guys in the room pontificated about poetry at great length and left no room for the other people (largely women) with a diverse range of experience a chance to speak. I have observed this in many meetings. I have been in relationships with men who felt that they were entitled to my time and energy but were incredibly put out when I wanted similar time spent with me. That is, he wanted me to come along to EVERY basketball game he played (three a week) and I was a bitch if I didn’t…but he always tried to avoid going out with me and my friends on the rare occasion I wanted to.

You know what I concluded? That some men are entitled jerks. There is perhaps a cultural impetus for this. Maybe. I have also observed some women being entitled jerks – particularly when it comes to expecting a particular kind of service at a restaurant without acknowledging that the place they are eating is cheap or that there’s a language and cultural barrier between them and the people serving them. Or that the people serving them are, well, people and can have bad days.

Meh. Some people suck. I try not to extrapolate trends because that just gets in the way of being fresh-faced when dealing with a new person. I think it’s important to give people the benefit of the doubt. I like to think of it as being a good person and and not a judgmental jerk-face.

13 years ago

summer, I already clarified Im not making an universal statement, but for your pleasure only:

“Maybe the personality [THESE] women exhibit is not clinical but cultural.”

be happy. It doesnt change the fact that the comic is on point regarding these women, though.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I´ve seen a lot of women like that, so the comic is accurate.

What do you mean by “accurate”?

esp since you’ve just clarified that you are speaking ONLY of women that you know. xD

it is accurate only for women you know? :]

13 years ago

Lyn, I know a bunch of guys like you describe too.

Though, I dont think people here would be “baffled” if there was a cartoon portraying a dude in such a negative light.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

No? o_O

How do you believe the (general) reaction would be here? :]

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Lyn hey Lyn! 😀 I haven’t seen you around lately xD you should join us in the forum! 😀

13 years ago


“What do you mean by “accurate”?”

Just imagine the cartoon was about a guy being a jerk and mistreating the woman, and you happened to have witnessed similar scenes in real life. So, that.

13 years ago

Thanks for the clarification, YOHAMI.

Sure, a comic about a horrible woman is going to sound familiar to people who know horrible women. Nobody’s arguing that you find the comic applicable to your life.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So you mean.. accurate for a specific situation you’ve seen? 🙂

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

“it’s accurate to the abusive relationships I’ve seen men in w/ women” or “it’s accurate to how my female friends treat their boyfriends”?

something like that? :3

not “it’s accurate in how women treat men”